Tuesday, July 14, 2015

..State of mind; Cultural war.

Abstract from Facebook; When Americans expose their barbaric savage nature.

It really gets hard when white trash, degenerate Europeans aka thick stupid people use Chinese to improve their image, they been using them all the time, I was just suspecting, it seems that this shit got no soul. They are super dedicated and don't mind hating on themselves to improve white trash (American people) image, they act like wild animals, they can go on screaming loud like possessed for hours, which is really mind torturing.

Unbelievable, they still trying to steal my stuff. must say Chinese fight kung fu style, its about their shit food, and kung fu...lol Tried to steal my phone, failed, now trying to get everybody else to try to steal whatever, so the phone tentative will vanish, how stupid they are it is obvious, crazy constipated race, they stole 50$ from my pocket months ago, since I have to sleep in common areas, and this morning about 40$ just vanished from my pants pocket that I kept in an open area, they were aiming at my wallet, it contains few hundreds, thank God I sleep with my wallet on me, and my laptop as a pillow, they even tried to "set up" a theft of my laptop, somewhere in a remote location,  since because of "my circumstances", I have to be in some kind of "situations". Not even talking about stolen mail, wow will they ever stop.