Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 8)

Part 7, presented how this demographic invasion is justified by all kinds of humanitarian reasons, the hidden nature and reality of such population replacement, how its pushed through different disguisements, including the extreme way of instigating wars to create waves of refugees and asylum seekers influx, easily justifiable by Humanitarian reasons.
What's going on in the global perspective is far from spontaneous movements of populations for economic, military or political reasons, it's a scheme that has been planned a long time ago, and it is put into execution, needless to say, that there is an Evil spirit orchestrating all of this populations replacement, which as we will see in Part 9, is as old as the planet earth, or at least the existence of the first hominins.

This part 8 will treat the consequences and negative effects caused by this demographic invasion, mostly the projected radical change in European demographic fabric, and the immediate consequences such as creating a state of anarchy and lawlessness in the host milieu, translated into ghetto and No-Go zones, which will cause the overall destruction of national values and the progressive destruction of the locals' culture replaced by degeneration brought in by multiculturalism. As well as the US demographic composition which is predicted to switch from a white majority into a colored Take-Over in a matter of few decades.
The all is pushed by a radical change the world witnessed in recent decades, mostly a demographic shift, "the creation" of a new racial group descending of unholy genes mixing, the 'laws' made by the name of civil rights and lawless state submerging the planet for better assimilation or must say a Take Over of the mutants race.
I will try to present examples of progressive on-going demographic replacement, the overall change in the culture and ethics of a given country or continent, with all the consequences from lowering the average IQ to change of the fabric and customs of the society, caused by the massive influx of immigrants, whom somehow happened to be descendants of hominins that are simply not modern humans, and how the world population will end up as dumbed down as the American population if no serious efforts are made to fight back this evil plot of demographic invasion, aiming at the ultimate goal to Take Over the planet: Because, once their distant ancestors were almost wiped out of Earth.

Part 9 focus will be on the importance of putting what's going on today in the context of time-related anthropological roots, necessarily, how insignificant our short recorded history in Earth compared to the relative indefinite dimension of the Universe in terms of time and space, the limited comprehension of recorded events of cosmological dimensions as they happened, speculation on matters Humans start wandering around in the latest 500 years or so, while it existed for billions of years, which will make it all Scientific Proved Speculations, reminder that Science with all its branches is a Human-made field, made to comprehend matters greater than the Human brain perception, in constant evolution and not free from contradictions, and most importantly it is limited to the narrowed context that as Humans, we are having constraints imposed on us by the earth atmosphere, so all scientific findings are "made on earth" while the Universe is unlimited in space and time.

In Part 10, I will present the political implications of this Take Over on the international scene, Zionism dominate the world and the US defines what is right or wrong, without considering opposing opinions, neither international laws, this overall absurd state of mind will be so dominant that the international community will be "tamed" in a way that it considers it the norm to not try to confront the Beast Take Over, which as it is presented in part 9, nothing else than a spirit dating back to Humanity darkest hours, to the struggle for survival between modern humans and other archaic forms of life, which caused the theoretical extinction of the latter, but not their genes, put in the perspective of an insignificant time factor, at the UN, for example, we are assisting at an assembly of different hominins in suits and ties, (they all don't even speak the same language), debating peace treaties, and redistribution of resources.

Note: The Homo-Erectus is a theoretically extinct hominin that existed in Africa, called erectus to depict the passage to the bipedal motion. I'm using it to illustrate the partially evolved states of Africans, while it doesn't mean literally being the said hominin, they are not modern humans neither, an advanced stage of the Homo erectus or an Archaic form of the Homo sapiens. 
The same reasoning may be used in depicting Semitic races as Neanderthals, while this hominin is theoretically extinct as well, its genes survived and are at the core of the said races, that are neither Negroid or Caucasoid. There are different types of Semitic races depending on, at what period of the evolutionary process of modern humans, the Neanderthals crossbreed with them, in regle general the farther they went away from Africa, the lighter and more advanced the crossbreed is, which explains why middle eastern and some Asian Semitic races are darker and have more primitive traits than if we go farther north.

This Dead Fishes in Floating Petroleum saga started based on the scenario of Negros inability to integrate and assimilate in white milieus, simply because of an evolutionary deficit, making their nature incompatible with the local's, as a fish out of the water struggles, the result is crimes, lowering of locals standards and the development of ghetto areas and eventually the extreme situation of No-Go zones.
"Fish out of the Water: Consequences of the Evolutionary Gap"
presents the scenario of Negros isolated or moderate immigration to white milieus, where they used to suffer from segregation and limited assimilation, which is compared to a fish out of the water flip-flopping and gasping for air, because it's not in its natural milieu.
Naturally, we will observe a tendency of these fishes relocating to another milieu to try to adapt and adjust to make this "hostile" environment it's natural habitat, an intervention from a serpent specie (Jews) will intermediate in this "forced evolution", its called civil right movement in the states, it is well-rooted in Europe, originated by prominent thinker pushing for what is called multiculturalism, the result is different policies and laws are made to push for and facilitate this forced assimilation of elements that are far away from their natural milieus. 

Zionism will make this demographic invasion the bedrock and the basis for its Take Over of western societies, the evil scheme that started a long time ago, will ultimately cause Zionist agents to occupy key positions in Europe and American political organs, allowing them to pass laws and policies which will cause foreigners to have more rights than the locals. 

The video below gives an apercu on the root of this Takes Over and how it is a more sophisticated and planned demographic invasion than spontaneous population movements and displacements.

These Fish Can Live on Land And Breathe Air, But Authorities Are Not Impressed
This is not to "illustrate" this post, just to demonstrate how unpredictable mother nature can be since the fish scenario is a dramatization of the presentation of species immigrating from their natural milieu to a new environment, it may present the arrival of the very first Africans in Europe or America at a certain caricaturistic extent. 

Petroleum spillage: Meaning of the dramatization 
But what we are witnessing recently is Immigrants pouring in in millions, breeding left and right, learned to breathe out of the water, made the new habitat adapting to their nature, laws and policies being made to make the locals' way of life-changing to accommodate this inter-species, demographic invasion, this is no more fishes adventure out of the water, or learned how to breathe on land, this is petroleum spillage in the ocean: GIF invasion
The natural milieus are reversed and the locals are the fishes now, while the immigrants pouring in are like floating petroleum causing suffocating or Dead fishes, the scenario was reversed as the host milieu are the fishes and petroleum spillage is the immigration or the Take Over by Negros and other colored.
In the case of white America as the host milieu, they are like fishes that are about to perish, fighting and struggling for air and their survival, since they're submerged in petroleum spillage, which is simply the demographic weight of Negros, colored and immigrants getting even heavier by Zionist policies (united under a Left-wing), and it is doomed to perish, suffocated in this petroleum Take Over, that is simply diversity.