Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 1/5


Before the series of posts about human beings, modern demographics from a genealogical context and an Anthropological retrospective to trace the roots of modern populations' gene pool and the evolution of this biodiversity present on the planet, all the way back from the distant Hominins stages to today's demographics, modern populations' interactions, cross-breeding (modern days archaic introgression), movements, displacements, and replacement.
...Before the series of "Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over", which is about the invisible or must say the well-orchestrated silent invasion of people coming from countries with a certain gene pool to countries, until recently were inhabited by a "majority of modern humans". It has been proved in the following posts that it resembles an "Archaic genes inherited at a significant percentage" invasion of milieus with "a gene pool, a priori, quasi-majority modern humans' genes ", if put in a genealogical and Anthropological context. Besides the genealogical and microscopic levels, it is like an invasion of Archaic hominins (considering the crucial nature of inheriting Archaic genes at a significant percentage and ignoring all the change that happened during an obsolete time factor, compared to a paleoanthropological context-related time-span) of modern humans milieus.

That was followed by the series: "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: BBM", its main focus is the anthropological background of these populations' movements and the forced miscegenation going on worldwide, which is far from being spontaneous populations movements but, in obscure reality, camouflaged by all other superficial reasons, the ongoing interactions between human kinds [taking in consideration an obsolete time factor of recorded history compared to the extremely large time span that caused life to exist on earth] it is a projection of "the ancient hominins struggle for survival" that we witness today, of course, adapted to today's circumstances and to the changes, genes flow, adaptations that happened between different human kinds in their different evolutionary stages to create this biodiversity in the Human races.
While Anthropologists totally agree that many Hominins never went totally extinct but been absorbed through their genes in modern humans' genome, even some populations still present signs of archaic genes traits and that was a lot more pronounced before the globalization of the planet, the discovery of the new world and the hysteria of diversity and miscegenation that followed WWII, because "Never Again", but it is politically incorrect to invoke such matters, "we are all Homo s. Sapiens", despite this statement being totally absurd.
Before the said series of posts, this blog/site was addressing international affairs and mostly the formation of poles and blocs in world's politics, with some notes about the theological aspect in international affairs, mostly the classical struggle between Good and Evil or Divine vs Satanic, as the holy books insisted on the existence of the said struggle and it is ongoing since the genesis of life on Earth.

This post will interrupt the ongoing posts in the series: "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: BBM", which unfortunately is stalling, but just to make it better, since being in a milieu with mixed populations and they're proving me right each day passing by.

Anyways, this post will be another part of the posts: "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast", with the distinction of including a summary of different topics that have been posted on this blog/site, passages from previous posts will be included to make a certain coherence in the overall idea of this multi topics englobing post, it will present the idea of the bipolar world from an angle vaguer than the traditional international affairs and politics, notes from other topics related to Anthropology and spirituality will be included, because we can't disassociate the physical world from the spiritual one, necessarily knowing the critical demographic shift the world has known following the miscegenation and diversity mania, and how human values and decency are absent in today western societies because an Archaic spirit caused by an overall change in the genealogy of the world populations took hold of societies, politics, law, order, and even international affairs.

While the two cited parts invoked the history of international relations and the perpetual shift in the balance of power between many poles or blocs leading to the formation of major 2 poles or the bipolar world as we know it today, this part will go back into the roots of the formation of life on Earth, beyond nationalism, international affairs, borders, and politics, the origin of life on earth respect a certain pattern or natural order, "first life-forms generated were very simple and through a gradual process became increasingly complex", the overall idea is that there is a natural path that allowed life to exist on earth and not on other planets, it is sacred and must not be transgressed for it is the essence of the balance that keeps life existing on earth and the Universe upholding its gravitational forces in perpetual equilibrium.

This post will be divided into 5 small parts:

Anthropological aspect, Demographic perspective, Theological aspect, Translation into International affairs, and The Necessity to Prevail.

It is to be noted that the future parts in other series of posts have in general the same subject as the parts of this post, with the exception that the parts of this posts will be relatively short, a summary made to put the global perspective and international affairs in an anthropological related context.
Theological, Anthropological aspects, and Demographic perspective are or will be well detailed in other posts in the related series, the projection on International affairs will be in a considerable part extraits from previous posts with an added focus on Ukraine, the Necessity to prevail won't be detailed in this post, but will be addressed later on in latest posts of the petroleum spillage series.

It is to be noted that intrusion of concepts, events, and theoretically unrelated topics will occur in this post, since as it is presented in previous posts, the time factor is obsolete if we put recorded history in the time frame of the happening of life on earth, even more in a cosmic retrospective, for example, BLM and Antifa will be mentioned while talking about natural selection, talking about Hominins, archaic introgression in the context of migration, populations replacements...etc. 
The use of the terms Archaic genes or Archaic people must be considered with extreme precaution, it will sound definitely out of context in any other site, text, or article, in this Blog/site it is used often to describe people who inherited significant percentage of Archaic genes, but have been improved by modern humans genes throughout diversity, which presents them as modern humans in appearances with an Archaic core.
The term Neanderthals will be used often: It is used in the context of posts in this Blog/Site: people who inherited significant percentages of Archaic genes (Neanderthals, Denisovans, or Homo Erectus: African ancestry) and either cross-bred with modern humans and present more evolved features, or at their primitive states, either through geographic isolation or other reasons.

Anthropological aspect

The planet since the dawn of humankind as the dominant specie on Earth, as far as recorded history goes and even in speculative assumptions and conclusions, may be divided into 2 shifting sides, progress and primitivism, decency and perversion, modernity and backwardness and the eternal fluctuations between these 2 extreme ends present the fight between Good and Evil, that was going on since the earliest hominins start splitting apart from Hominids, the formation of human conscience and the Devine connection which will guide human beings to the right path, and the opposing Evil side which will try to take control of kinds that didn't make the Devine connection neither been enlightened by modern humans. Since the dawn of the existence of humanity as distinct from other forms of life, there was a struggle, probably invisible between the Devine and Evil sides.

The fact that natural laws hold the universe together and allow for the appearance of human life, and that the theoretical odds of such laws occurring by chance are infinitesimally small, leads to the idea that the universe and the Earth were designed for humanity. That idea encourages millions of believers to jump to the conclusion that there is a Universal Designer - in other words, God.

Natural laws caused the existence of life on earth
There is a constant struggle for survival between the different forms of life, whether it is human, animal, or other forms, happening in all the different evolutionary stages, it is even the essence, the catalyseur of the formation, existence, and thriving of life on earth. Without this perpetual confrontation between different kinds [and sides], human life won't form, evolve, and thrive, as per the great principle of natural selection and survival of the fittest, there is a constant struggle and confrontation between different kinds, this struggle and confrontation is even at the core of formation and evolution of forms of life.
As cited ailleurs, an equilibrium must be respected to grant the stability of the universe and cosmic laws to be upheld, this equilibrium is made possible because of the said principles of natural selection, once these principles are transgressed, we pass from a struggle to exist to a worry about coexistence, the laws that made life evolve and humanity thrive are transgressed.

This is what has been happening since the dawn of life on earth, from the overall jungle law in the Dinosaurs era to the struggle for resources between different hominins causing the extinction of the weakest, homo S. Sapiens stood at the throne of living beings on earth. Throughout history, there was conflicts between kinds, a constant instinct of survival will push people to confront, wage wars on different kinds because of survival instincts, a struggle for resources and territories, or all other reasons are rooted in our essence of evolved human beings to fight other different forms of life, wars were going on, the rule of the survival of the fittest was enforced, modern humans prevail in the world, other kinds existed as marginal forms of life until the discovery of the new world.

Natural selection and the survival of the fittest are crucial
Evolution happened because Hominins adventured and faced natural and other constraints which caused an overall progressive change and adaptation, what we are witnessing today of populations displacements and replacement, mostly people coming from a more pronounced Archaic traits population pouring into modern humans' countries, is totally against the laws of nature that caused life to happen on earth, those people are exploring new territories not to create resources, survive, advance, and develop their kinds but to live on modern humans resources, social security systems, and development, this is not causing any positive change for both the locals and the invading 'Hominis' (Put in the context of this post, Anthropology, introgression and miscegenation) but causing the locals to downgrade their standards to accommodate the lower forms of life amongst them, they have to adjust to, because there are policies passed by early thinkers who inherited significant percentage of Archaic genes as well, but they are different because they coexisted with modern humans in Europe long enough to dilute their features, develop mental abilities digne of modern humans, while they are hosting the spirit of an Archaic beast.
This is totally against the laws of nature and the principle by which the universe keeps its equilibrium and the long-term effects are imminent doom of Humanity because miscegenation is not an alternative to evolution as we will see in other posts on this site.

The order of the natural laws should never be transgressed
The survival of the fittest is what caused evolution and life to happen as we've witnessed it, life exists on Earth because natural selection happened, that's how humanity survived, thrived, and prospered, changing those ways is messing up the natural equilibrium that made life possible.

When genetically limited people are in charge of resources, laws, and decisions making same as we've seen recently of uncontrolled populations movements, lawlessness in the distribution of resources and the development of a dependency system instead of people trying to create their own resources, they just pour in western countries to consume resources made available for them by an ongoing scheme to dilute the planet starting with the western world, because modern humans purity and supremacy are lethal to their kind, this dependency will disturb the natural order that caused life to happen on earth, which is surviving, creating resources, thriving, evolving, and building civilizations, otherwise going extinct or surviving a quasi primitive life in isolated areas, definitely not surviving on modern humans resources, if the principle of survival of the fittest or natural selection is transgressed we will witness the development and thriving of passive, a Parasite forms of life, which has nothing of human. because being human's essence is to create resources, reproduce (the only common point they have with humans), and thrive, it is more similar to an animal form of life going after basic instincts and benefitting from the global petting program created worldwide by globalists and corrupted elements in modern humans appearances and Archaic core infesting the western world, if Taken Over the planet it is certain doom.

Archaic ancestry is destructive: It is pushed on Modern humans
It is the natural path of life on earth that more evolved people prevail, otherwise, it's chaos same as we've seen recently during BLM and Antifa global upraise or the "left take over of western societies":

The demographic shift in the US and the overall western world populations toward a colored majority or at least mentality for now, is caused by what is commonly called diversity or miscegenation, pushed for by actors in key positions pursuing a dark agenda aiming to dilute the whole planet's populations and make modern humans a minority instead of being the optimal form of life that is destined to inherit and rule Earth, which is [miscegenation] simply a modern days projection of the Archaic introgression that happened when modern humans cross-bred with Neanderthals, Denisovans, and other unproved ghost introgressions, this will cause a radical change in the ways of human life, values, and laws that used to regulate human beings existence, this is because it is predestined for more evolved forms of life to prevail, inherit and control the resources, otherwise, it is chaos and a projected long-term doom.

"Welfare system, are necessarily abused because some dark forces want to dilute the locals is against the natural evolutionary path, shelters, projects, and all the advantages those people are given as soon as they pour in a foreign country are proof these people still didn't evolve, the effects of Archaic ancestry is that those people cannot be self-sufficient in their native land and even when modern infrastructures are built for them. Humans evolved when they confronted natural constraints and extracted resources, that's how natural selection works, those people the only constraint they are confronting is the physical border and processing they have to go through and the line at the welfare office, for colored locals, they failed to create resources in their homeland, they are pouring into industrialized nations to live on their social security systems, nothing to see here, just the natural selection went extinct."

It is a struggle between human kinds, the closet hominin to modern humans are Neanderthals, which explain Semitic races and Zionism's relative success in confronting modern humans. and most importantly the hidden nature of the struggle, often it seems that it is mostly between black and white while Semitic races were all along around modern humans since the extinction of Neanderthals wasn't complete, they learned humans ways, how to manipulate, corrupt, deceive, and backstab, and most importantly they're genes been absorbed by modern humans, causing modern humans features, with an Archaic core.

“The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus, it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”
― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Hitler's Quote, talking about the mass of numbers and their dead weight, and "it denies personal worth", this is a clear prediction of Zionism's getting a solid supportive base using the demographic weight, it stands on a massive base of colored background improved by Jews policies and forced inclusion, corrupted and indoctrinated locals along with the infiltrated Zionist agents in key positions.

The constant struggle for resources on earth: there is no Utopian world

"Restricting analysis of fossils to specimens satisfying these criteria, patterns of dental development of gracile australopithecines and Homo habilis remain classified with African apes. Those of Homo erectus and Neanderthals are classified with humans." (Holly Smith, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol 94, 1994, pp. 307-325. )

Anthropologically speaking Homo erectus and Neanderthal are classified as Humans, just the same as the Homo Sapien sapiens or modern humans.

Hominins gone extinct, populations get exterminated, genocides happened, the physical aspect may be crushed, but not the spiritual essence. Out of microscopic forms we evolved to what we are as modern humans inheriting Earth, and so Hominins or Archaic humans, out of genetic traces, crossbreed, hijacking modern humans body, their spirit will resurface, gain strength and numbers, and confront the divine spirit (modern humans) for dominating it as a kind since the Upper Paleolithic Period, for their essence is the beast, the entity the divine teaching warned us about, and it existed as long as there was life on Earth and the universal struggle between good and Evil, or men and the Beast.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist
...In old movies, some kinds with primitive traits (people's knowledge at that time was limited, there was no eugenics or a distinction between human kinds other than African and none African) are portrayed next to modern humans, are known to be wicked (wise more commonly speaking), having sneaky ways and infiltrating all around, often portrayed by a long hooked nose and bulky body structure, known to be Jews or not just marginal groups of people who are different than the locals, there was none or rare Africans existing around modern humans at that time, there was no Darwinism, the most common criterion was skin color or difference between Humans and Blacks. Anthropology and this site will prove that they are Neanderthal genes remains in different appearances, they are known to be a minority and highly manipulative of the locals. 
The cited features of a hooked nose, bulky or thick body structure with a thick skull or not, along with the predisposition of getting fat are the smoothened state of the brute Neanderthals leftover in isolated areas or as marginal groups beside modern humans. As evolution is passing from the brute to the smoothened features as domestic dogs evolved from wolves, modern humans from a more brute homo S. Sapiens, Neanderthals left over will be a more 'evolved' version of the brute Archaic hominin, it's the marginal, different people that existed around modern humans since forever, their features depend on the degree of isolation and/or the extensive cross breed with modern humans and how earlier it happened, either in the Americas, Asia, Europe, or the middle east, all kinds of Archaic ancestry is present depending on the geographic location, which Archaic genes inherited (Neanderthals, Denisovans, or African ancestry) and the extent or how early the exposure to modern humans genes happened. That's why we find people with clear Semitic races traits all the way to Ashkenazi Jews with modern humans features. Nobody can assess that Archaic hominins went totally extinct, because cross-breeding was happening earlier than recorded history and the remain of Archaic Hominins didn't vanish but were absorbed or improved by modern humans genes.

Their survival depends on their plots and cross-breeding with the locals, even though throughout history, they have been prosecuted, oppressed, and expelled, they managed to exist more or less around modern humans in Europe and the middle east, with light or dark features depending on who they mixed with, either in their raw primitive state in the middle east, eastern Asia, or the recently discovered populations in the Americas, those people presented the signs of intense Archaic genes inheritance, and they used to exhibit pronounced primitive traits in the centuries following the discovery of the Americas, mixing with African or the locals for lighter features as long as we go north or west, their genes been absorbed more or less by modern humans, they will infest the gene pool of Europe, America, and the world, of course, I'm talking of Semitic races in their earlier appearances before miscegenation cause their feature to disappear gradually.

Evil, the "Beast spirit" will be in a subordination situation on the planet, and mostly contained (segregation, strict immigration policies, a demographic composition with borders well defined depending on the racial group: Africans in Africa, Asians in Asia, Native Americans in the Americas, and modern humans in Europe, Jews and other Semitic races or people who inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals and Denisovan genes to cite only the Hominins proven to have caused an Archaic introgression in modern humans genome, were scattered all around Europe and the middle east, but as history has shown, they were isolated and contained, until Hitler era which will be the cutting edge).

Divine Soul vs. the Beast Spirit:
If you sum it up, it's like some kind of conflict between modern humans or Homo S. Sapiens, and other kinds descendants from lower hominids, its same Archaic ancestry thrived in different levels of mixing with modern humans, Zionism policies without the support of the demographic weight of colored people to dilute and dumb down the population are vain, colored people know they are granted more rights and treated like God chosen people, and all that positive discrimination and affirmative action crap because Jews and Zionism using them to weaken up the local populations or the host milieu and this goes worldwide, the latest example is the vague of refugees, which is simply another major card of Zionism to create a quasi civil war in Europe, " the Locals vs Muslims", so there will be no more anti-Semitic attacks and the focus will be on anti-Islamization and Right Wings won't even think Antisemitism.

Recent population displacement or replacement along with the diversity and dilution going reflect the Neanderthals' resurrection [spirit] and Take Over of the planet, mirroring what happened during their theoretical extinction which was in fact a dilution or absorption by modern humans, the same has happened in the Americas at a lesser level. This is why it is about the resurrection of extinct hominins and the extinction of modern humans. The whole world is taken by White looking Semitic races dumping more and more Archaic genes on the locals' gene pool, the Great Dilution is going on.
This is the essence of miscegenation or diversity, a shortcut of evolution that should never have happened, 
If you pay attention to the pic above, you see Meghan's mom's ancestry stopped at a phase far behind Harry, while his ancestry evolved 2 more stages (metaphorically speaking to simplify) Meghan's father is white, that is how she passed the 2 missed evolutionary stage, and the baby, as well as all the on ging miscegenation's offspring are a hybrid form of life, a shortcut of evolution made up to replace modern humans.
Innocent mixed baby you say, Harry is already speaking about changing the world to suit these forms of life and millions like him are in key positions, doing the same thing, replacing human beings with Frankenstein forms of life.

You must understand that the Beast is an umbrella denomination for the rise of Evil in the world, its like a spirit with no specific racial or national appurtenance, controlling all the hierarchical structures from the homeless harmless looking person to the elites, decision-makers at the White House, E.U, and NATO, the common point, they both host the evil spirit, that, bien entendue, its first rule is to never be uncovered.