Saturday, December 30, 2017

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 1)

My recent post was "Fish out of the Water: Consequences of the Evolutionary Gap". that was an article I found online, explaining the situation of the African race in white milieus and the impossibility of the integration or assimilation of people of African descent simply because of genetic limitations caused by a partial evolution. In this post, we may compare the influx of immigrants and refugees worldwide to a Petroleum spillage submerging the natural habitat of fishes causing their suffocation, and ultimately extinction, replaced by hybrid creatures that can survive such conditions, the new resulting milieu is known as diversity or the melting pot under some circumstances.

Miscegenation is Abomination: still advocated worldwide
Either it's in America or Europe, the overall situation of Africans is misrepresented by the media, broadcasting an image of a homogenous society pushed by Zionists advocating diversity as a way into modernity, while it's the global dumbing down and diluting of Europeans for a better control. Some examples of succeful assimilation may be presented, its the very exception not the norm, FBI crime statistics, the vague of african crimes in Sweden, South Africa, or even the anarchy surrounding the arrival of Africans in Europe, fleeing economic conditions in a continent dying because its population think about survivng on whites social security systems more than building their own, all the cited examples prove the failed assimilation of Africans in the host milieu, the result is socio-economic segregation we see in western societies, causing crimes, anarchy, and overall a state of lawlessness, necessarly in colored milieus, the all is cheered up by Zionism  in their evil global scheme to take over white societies and transform it into a worthless stock of brainwashed corpses thinking about serving strangers before their own interests, making all crimes and misbehaviors justifiable under a pack of law jargons such as political correcteness, and all kinds of measures of positive discrimination nature, which,  of course, are racist to the locals, but it's tolerable because its enforced at the opposite way,  created for this special purposes of forcing the coexistence between those evolutionary distant human kinds that was never supposed to happen at a large demographic scale, causing the creation of a hybrid specie of human kind that represents an abomination in Earth and a corpse that is an incarnation of Satan or the Beast rise in the planet.

"It's a ZOG conspiracy. They don’t even want kids to learn the term because encouraging miscegenation is the most insidious sin of all that ZOG is guilty of. And to God it's abomination.
It's Satan attempt to do away with God's chosen people. It's Holocaust in reverse."

                                                                                                                      Vector, Robin Cook
The roots of the petroleum spill:
...Things are not always what they seem, the massive vague of refugees to Europe, policies in America advocating diversity, and African immigrants abandoning their homeland to "invade" white societies are not events caused by natural circumstances, politic or economic constraints, it's a modern day's Mass Exodus same as Jews were kicked from country after country or the transatlantic Slaves trade.
What's happening recently, has been planned long time ago and pushed by wicked politics and purposely instigated wars, the Kalergi Plan and Frankfurt School Cultural Marxism are just examples of how deep whats going on today is tracing its roots back in history and it's finally concretizing. 
 This is an abstract about what's the Kalergi plan is about:

"Kalergi explains that the citizens of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the people of the Old Continent, but a new mixed breed, the products of thorough and widespread miscegenation. He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other non-White races, to create a multiracial population, with not clear sense of tradition or identity and therefore easily controlled by the ruling elite."

This is an idea about what the Frankfort School of Cultural Marxism is about:

"A Coalition of Victims

Adorno and Horkheimer returned to Germany when WWII ended. Herbert Marcuse, another member of the school, stayed in America. In 1955, he published Eros and Civilization.

In the book, Marcuse argued that Western culture was inherently repressive because it gave up happiness for social progress.

The book called for “polymorphous perversity,” a concept crafted by Freud. It posed the idea of sexual pleasure outside the traditional norms. Eros and Civilization would become very influential in shaping the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

Marcuse would be the one to answer Horkheimer’s question from the 1930s: Who would replace the working class as the new vanguards of the Marxist revolution?

Marcuse believed that it would be a victim coalition of minorities—blacks, women, and homosexuals."

Full article available here:
                                                      Click for PDF version
The tentative to Prevail
Naturally, we should witness a clash between the efforts of those malefic forces and the local population that, under normal circumstances, will aim to self-preservation and fight back the invaders, under normal circumstance I said, but those Evil forces are wicked and sneak like a serpent through their policies and efforts disguised under all kinds of humanitarian forms using the locals own empathy against them, when the locals uncover their plan, its probably too late or they got brainwashed and infiltrated by colored elements making their judgement blurred and the view of their situation conditioned by what's broadcasted through the Zionism controlled media.

Recently,  thanks to the global sharing of the information through the internet, some people start realizing what's really going on and why this forced coexistence is happening, most importantly, its effects and how they are collapsing into second-class citizens in their own homeland. Groups will be created to fight back the silent invaders as well as the policies makers who allowed this Take Over to happen, new groups will be recently formed as an extension, expansion or variation of the natural principle of nationalism, tracing their roots to the movement who first was advocating, fighting for racial purity in Europe and tried to prevent all this chaos happening today, of course, the Movement of Nazism.
We've seen a moderate uprise in groups at that directions recently fighting an almost lost battle since either they get severely outnumbered by counter-protestors or opposing movements or they are suffering from the effect of positive discrimination, so they are considered as thugs, criminal or simply its racist.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Fish out of the Water: Consequences of the Evolutionary Gap

These stories given to us all
Are filled with sacrifice and robes of lust
Dissonant choirs and downcast eyes
Selfhood of a condescending ape
Behold the crown of a heavenly spy
Forged in blood of those who defy
Kiss the ring, praise and sing
He loves you dwelling in fear and sin
                                                                                                          Weak Fantasy
I found this article years ago, I lost the original site and author where it was posted, I found it again, on this site, all credit to original author.
It presents an interesting analysis of the situation of the African race in the world and the consequence of the evolutionary gap in creating a situation of impossible integration of Negros in the host milieu, the result is, instead of humans making progress, they end up stagnating or even regressing to adapt to the lower form of life that is pushed on humanity by all kind of evil forces, of the Zionist beast, disguised as policies of humanitarian nature.
The article is posted as it is, except some illustration I made, titles I made to separate paragraphs, lyrics and this video of Nightwish, which present the subject from a different angle.
original article posted here:

"True wisdom is not manifested in trying to see resemblances in things that differ. But in discerning the real difference among those things that resemble one another"

 A deep sense of entitlement:  Global petting going on in the world.
When did the responsibility for the evolution of African people (and other recently discovered primitive races) become the responsibility of the first world, and the’ Whites' in particular?

   They blame the whites for under-development, but how much development did they manage before the colonists arrived?
   The development of the western infrastructure has taken place over thousands of years. They now expect this same infrastructure to be created and financed for them by the west ... immediately!
   Anyone who knows of the disparity that existed when the first settlers landed in Africa, or other primitive areas, will realize that this disadvantage is not the result of colonization, or anything else, other than evolution. Their lack of progress or inventiveness since the dawn of mankind is proof enough of that.

   Everything they have has been handed to them on a plate by the white colonists, even the aircraft which they now fly around in... to demand even more. We owe them nothing!

   This stunted (by European standards) evolutionary path is now blamed on 'Whites', and a concerted attempt is being made to instill a guilt complex on the 'Whites', under the pretext that they would be on a par ... if it were not for colonization and slavery.

   When in truth, while left undisturbed by white colonists for millions of years, their rate of progress or change was insignificant.
The wheel was unknown to them, they had no written language and processes which they stumbled across, such as ore extraction, were never refined or improved etc.

   In contrast, the Western World progressed in leaps and bounds.
     Their shelter construction techniques are even borrowed from the nest building methods of the local birds.
   They just do not have enquiring or inventive characteristics.    Nor do they have an industrious or charitable bone in their bodies.

Friday, June 30, 2017

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 2

Formation of the Evil-Zionist pole: Corruption of the Planet
This overall demographic structure at the root of the Zionist regime and imperialist movement is so diversified, which makes it hard to get rid of, it’s not limited to Israel, it’s a whole state of mind of people indoctrinated into serving Zionist interests and hosting evil unholy seeds, as I presented it "Zionism is the doctrine of the historically oppressed people" and Israel is just an extension of the niche that immigrants built in America.

“The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus, it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”         
                       ― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

We have seen what the Jews have done to Soviet Russia. We have made the acquaintance of the Jewish Paradise on earth. Millions of German soldiers have been able to see this country where the international Jews have destroyed people and property. The President of the U.S.A. ought finally to understand – I say this only because of his limited intellect – that we know that the aim of this struggle is to destroy one State after another.
                                                                                                    --Hitler Declaration of War

Either its Jews, Africans or Native Americans will unite under the denomination umbrella of Zionism, with the common point of hatred toward the racial group who oppressed them and dominated them as a race, Europeans, the result is the rise of Zionism as an Evil spirit of revenge, their ultimate target Europeans, started by American population being dumbed down and put in a state of hibernation, then it's Europe in progress, it works so good that whites start hating on themselves, and Zionism thrives and prospers into a lifestyle and get indoctrinated into people’s mind body and soul, and often the subject corpse is doomed as corrupted hosting evil spirit.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast Part 1

“If the world is to be saved? It must first be destroyed” --Mark Gilroy

As it is intended to be by the Great Creator.
We will see how Zionism will be the Evil pole opposed to Gods word and Humanity.

The planet since the naissance of humankind may be divided into 2 shifting sides of Good and Evil, progress and primitivism, decency and perversion, modernity and backwardness and the eternal fight between these 2 extreme ends present the fight between Good and Evil that started by the naissance of Humankind.

The fact that natural laws hold the universe together and allow for the appearance of human life, and that the theoretical odds of such laws occurring by chance are infinitesimally small, leads to the idea that the universe and the Earth were designed for humanity. That idea encourages millions of believers to jump to the conclusion that there is a Universal Designer - in other words, God.

The Universe will always remain in balance. For every action, there is an equal an opposite reaction. We already live in a world of duality. 

Guided evolution.
God created the universe and principles of energy and matter, which then guided subsequent evolution.
The balance of universe=>Guided evolution.
Infusion of human/divine soul, the Cutting edge in defining Humans soul from the Beast spirit.

While most US scientists think humans are simply smarter apes, at least 4 in 10 believe a creator "guided" evolution so that Homo sapiens are ruled by a soul or consciousness, a new survey shows. Scientists almost unanimously accept Darwinian evolution over millions of years as the source of human origins. But 40% of biologists, mathematicians, physicians, and astronomers include God in the process.

Creation is a bedtime story, more of a symbolic presentation of what will happen around 70's in America and the forbidden fruit which is interracial sex, than a real Creation, there is controlled evolution, the brain and divine soul difference is God's wisdom, into making difference between Good and Evil.
As the law of the universe: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction":  there are 2 opposing sides: Evil side hosting Evil spirit got the Homo Erectus and other archaic hominins as its core with no divine connection, while modern humans host the Divine soul.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Why Trump was Elected - North Korea issue: Proving the Wild Dogs spirit reigning in the States

Previously by Franco TaMere

Trump got elected, Big Deal! All I'm worried about is how to replace Obama's pic by the one of his face.
Some may argue, that you can't keep up the conflicts between the 2 sides from an anthropological perspective. That's rights, anthropology defined the 2 sides between Good and Evil centuries ago, the corruption of the soul is not an exact science, cross breeding, Zionism indoctrination, and Evil control been happening in this modern times at an extensive level. It's just a way to represent the root of what humanity has come to, mostly the discovery of the new world, enslavement of African, genocide of native Americans and the so-called holocaust, now those 3 groups will be united under the U.S forming the Zionist empire, and go on on a rampage worldwide, white Americans lost their identity long time ago, and they are being indoctrinated and manipulated to serve Zionist agenda, without even realizing it.

The Aftermath of WWII: Never Again!
About the formation of blocs and alliance in this modern times following the aftermath of WWII, The U.S is like raped japan's sovereignty after the 2 nuclear bombing, the result is today's Japan as a baby surviving an abortion called Hiroshima and Nagasaki. South Korea is under the U.S protectorate and it's like another Israel in Asia aiming to spread Zionist domination in the region.

Thursday, April 20, 2017


Trump Election: necessity to save the Zionist Empire

Trump, Obama, Clinton or Bush, its multiple facades for the same Beast. The Beast that felt the imminent danger coming from the new emerging bloc. The Beast that is terrified that all its lies are exposed including ISIS, used to whitewash its crimes.

Exactly, by eradicating ISIS, Zionist regimes losing a major card, and they will have to go back to their old arguments to destabilize, invade by the name of establishing freedom and democracy, like, searching for imaginary WMD for example, ISIS which still vague in roots and definition got ambiguous ambitions, one thing is sure, it serves to eradicate American and Israelis image as modern time war criminals, and it seems that they are taking on the sins of more than a million of casualties caused in the demarches of establishing freedom and democracy in the middle east, not even talking about Israelis genocide in Palestine. Here, Putin seems to be trying to do what the pentagon and their clowns coalitions failed to do by flying over, bombing the grounds in the desert, and dropping weapons and ammunitions on their way back. 

America won't have excuse for presence next to the Assad regime its main target. Il faut cesser, selon lui, d’instrumentaliser certains groupes terroristes en vue de renverser des régimes politiques considérés comme indésirables. On ne pourra pas chasser les terroristes de Syrie sans coopérer avec Damas, a-t-il ajouté. Syrie: Poutine veut éradiquer l'Etat islamique et exhorte les américains à renoncer à leurs ambitions géopolitiques en jouant un double jeu:

NATO and ISIS, 2 facades for the same coin

...Dealing with Devil, They lured you to a war that you have nothing to do with either from geopolitical, perspective or national security threat, if ISIS threatening to strike Russia it’s a part of boosting the bait, the whole ISIS thing is consequence of Iraqi invasion and Americans placing its boots on the ground by using stupid mercenaries to overthrow Al Assad, a well-known Russian protégé, Now, they pretend all the above is wrong, and try to ally with Russia, the enemy that its [the Evil Empire] trying to destroy.

This is ridiculous, who wants a war on its land, nobody, all the wars being fought on the old continent, Zionist regime instigating conflicts and proxy wars, while they have the geographic immunity, that's absurd how the world is brainwashed into considering Americans and Israelis as God chosen people, while other human beings lives are worthless, by Americans double standards of course. 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Why Trump was Elected - A CULTURAL CARD

Previously by Franco TaMere aka Lee Puniisher:
My days in America are counted, soon flying overseas away from this God damn perversion and anarchy land, away from stupid Indians wearing clothes trying to scalp you, keeping talking about hair because they used to scalp people, of monkeys blaming me for their fake freedom, of Chinese blaming me for their inferiority complex to Koreans and that they wear American kids clothes, and have a baby penis that's why they buy big cars, finally from pigs, who think I give shit about electing Trump, expect my support for doing what’s right in the internal affairs, after all, colored disrespected me because they have a Black in White proportions issue. Of course, America is gone oral since Osama bin Laden was killed even a U.N resolution won't make me pull off Americas mouth, aren't you pigs offered me a choice between many Chinese to marry one, because I was planning to marry a Russia woman, now you can tell Putin to convince me to pull off China's mouth, or maybe the little Zionist beasts in NYC of Chinese descent.

Trump campaign: an abnormal political process motivated by Evil Roots
I still don't know how I was posting pro-Trump posts, I felt for the devil trick, of convincing the world that he doesn't exist, switching sides between states and colors, between Democrats and Republicans, Black and White. He's like representing an entity that prevails in America and makes sure the Union is standing, from a weakness situation to an ever-rising Russia, it will try to gain strong nations trust, while continuing to bully the weak ones.

Trump Campaign: a reaction to Franco TaMere existence as Lee Puniisher entity

Punishment in progress, #MakeAmericaGreatAgain: enough of Franco TaMere and lee Puniisher mocking our culture, mating habits, employment, and education. Trump represents the incarnation of the Beast, an entity that surfaced in the American politics to save the union, in fact electing Trump is a matter of homeland security before its Democrats or Republicans. It (Trump) knows what's the real deal is and why a fake movement must be put upfront to save America, not American jobs, or from U.S founded and funded ISIS, in fact its disturbingly shocking how America fakes it’s fighting something that it created to overthrow Al Assad, even Trump sounds stupid and totally ignorant in claiming fighting ISIS in his agenda, I guess an excuse for the Beast to unite with its imminent predator (Russia).

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Bipolar World: With Marginal Fluctuations.Part 2

Evil prevails when good men fail to act
The recent events in Syria; the Russian intervention to fix America's mess in the region reflect a little bit my old cover pic and the expression: "Evil prevail, when good men fail to act", is finally explaining itself, since America was spreading terror and chaos in the region by the name of establishing freedom and democracy. Now, good men are taking over, so Evil will no longer prevail, at least as long as people figure out that "the greatest trick Devil ever pulled is convincing the world he didn't exist".
 Again, it's a bipolar world, if it's not America, a substantial intervention must be Russian, other countries and pseudo-regional powers are just particles revolving around the 2 poles of Good and Evil, or Humanity vs Zionism as in this post:

The increasingly globalized nature of Islamist extremism poses a medium-term threat through “plug-and-play social networks for future attack planning - linking diverse foreign fighters from different communities across the globe,” the experts warned. As of a global enlightenment of people across the globe about the actual situation of the planet under the rule, anarchy, and tyranny of the Zionist regime represented by America, Israel and its allies. While power shift can't be totally accomplished toward Russia to end up the monopole of America in manipulating and controlling the planet, due to their wicked diplomacy and skills in deceiving nations into their false propaganda and presenting facts about events as it suits their agenda. It being said in native Americans prophecies that humanity cutting edge and the enlightenment that will save humanity will most definitely submerge from Russia. Syria, Iraq turned into ‘international finishing school for extremists’ – UN report

Saturday, March 11, 2017

A Bipolar World: With Marginal Fluctuations.Part 1

From nations to Blocs: WWII context still prevailing
The international scene most importantly from the geographic perspective is more resilient to change than it was before WWI, political constraints and development of organs doing the world's cop makes it harder to achieve higher ambitions than it was at the time of great conquistadors as Napoleon or Christopher Columbus or Alexander.
Those organs such as the U.N enforce the geographic panorama forged post-WWII and act as the grantor of the sovereignty of nations. The impartiality of those organs is highly questionable, still a certain politic stability reign in the world. Often on the side, different approaches developed to serve agendas, not of nations but of poles, overthrowing leaders and governments instead of direct confrontation are the trends in modern history, along with arming militias to destabilize regimes we don't like, such as ISIS and different other cases. The major geographic map is rigid to any change, so we don't change borders, we change regimes, this is the case of the Zionist empire (the U.S) maneuvers in the world, mostly to protege a geographic mistake called "Israel".

 Desormais, those days we don't talk about conflicts between nations but between poles and blocs, is it an extension to the axis and allies pole? that's an interesting supposition.