Thursday, November 26, 2015

Zionism: Evil rise on the planet.

There is a certain entity that thrived in the United States and its getting stronger, it seems by laws and policies passed by the (Zionist Occupied Government) ZOG, the double standard judicial system and all racial crap that make "them" holy citizens and almost above the law, the root of this entity is slaves descendants, native Americans descendants, Chinese and Indians immigrants and Jews with all their degrees of Jewism, along with Muslims hosting Zionist spirit.

This overall demographic structure is at the root of the Zionist regime and imperialist movement which makes it hard to get rid of, its not limited to Israel Its a whole state of mind of people hosting Zionist spirit and evil unholy seeds, as I always presented it "Zionism is the doctrine of the historically oppressed people" and Israel is just an extension of the niche that immigrants built in America.

2 faces, same entity, both got irritated, confused and acting pathetic, recently the world is opening its eyes to the truth, beyond and FB groups exposing the Zionist regime and Israel lies and manipulation, Le Puniisher in a modest try, with his limited knowledge, tries to put the events in a historical perspective and link the dots between different event, often presenting Zionism as "the doctrine of historically oppressed people" as intuitive conclusion without presenting solid argument or proof to back his theory, it goes to the history of the world and how there was always be 2 sides fighting for the soul of humanity, Good and Evil, as simple as it seems its the overall situation in the world.

Monday, October 12, 2015

ISIS, the Beast representation, is it the real threat to the world security?

ISIS formation, rise as a regional power, and thriving by American "logistical support" by forming coalitions to bomb the desert, and drop weapons and munition for them, is part of a bigger scheme to make Israel look like the modern world, Gaza genocide, apartheid, murder and abusive detention...etc, all will be whitewashed by ISIS sins, clever, I must say.

ISIS, an American fabrication
Okay, you know what, you got this card well played of making up an imaginary threat to the planet and presenting it as the enraged beast that the whole world must fight and damn you succeeding in manipulating the whole Internationale community to get mobilized to confront this threat to the world peace, hahaha how funny is it, I don't know if its funny or the fact the world leaders are so stupid, naive Je dirais meme dumbed down same as American citizens, what's their arsenal? Ak 47, lance rockets, some tanks and whatever left over from the Iraqi or Syrian army, oooh, the seized some nuclear material, how scary, ok maybe this is a threat to the world peace and they got better organizational skills, recruitment tactics and they succeed to lure fighters from all over the world. Wow! impressing, yeah too many, little to no trained fighter lacking the minimum a soldier from a developed country is provided, and oooh! they insist on this, they make videos with high quality even they called professionally made on CNN, and since when it matters, you think only thick stupid people can make videos, or you assuming that they are living under a rock, or maybe you got issues with videos since I resurrected M. Atta and he started mocking your dumb ass and culture about 911, hahaha how stupid you are along with the Internationale community. 

A dumbed down International community
Now, lets get this strait, fuck Muslims corrupted soul sold out, if they can get a grocery store in NYC they will drop that AK47 without thinking twice, even they will sell their ass for a Halal food cart, trust me I know this kind of People I spent enough time in NYC, I know all Human kinds with all their issues and mentalities, I may be wrong about the strength of ISIS, since I'm not a military expert but I know a little about the History of the area, and how America destroyed the whole middle east except coward allies arabe leaders, America know and manipulate the area like their pockets, and you cant just suddenly start glorifying ISIS, and presenting it like a military strength surfacing out of nowhere, with no signs no symptoms of the formation of such entity, Muslims are cowards, sold out, there may be some brave ones but their mentality is backwarded, and they dont follow up with modern times needs, AK47, bazoukas and home made bombs, not even talking about suicide bombers who kill themselves and injure 12 calling it a success, the funny part is when thick stupid people start their drone strikes, thats ridiculous disproportions in armement, in modern time wars, grounds confrontation is just to finalize a strategic victory, and its their main strike force, no air-force, no nukes, no chemicals, nothing, Syrians who got access to chemicals using them against their own people, how pathetic, no wonder why they been roaming around Israel since 1967 in vain, defeat after defeat, and they negotiate their own massacre approved by the U.N. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Marriage equality: Tracing a line between freedom and invasion of old traditional values.

A committed evangelical Christian who has been married twice, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has taken her stand against gay marriage.

I will try to read between Angela Merkel lines... Her statements (S) will be followed by my reflections (R).

(S) “For me, personally, marriage is a man and a woman living together. That is my concept, but I support civil partnerships,” she said. “I support us not discriminating against them when it comes to taxes, and to remove any other discrimination wherever we may find it.”

(R) "...I support US not discriminating against THEM" the US and THEM thing sounds a little controversial in the sense of making a light racial stratification statement or maybe more a spontaneous personnel affirmation than a political one, or the difference is made in the sense to make difference between gay marriage and "traditional" marriage as Putin and Russia call it.

(S) "I don’t want discrimination and [I want] equality, but I make a difference at some point," Merkel stated.
“No discrimination,” Merkel answered. But, “marriage is a man and a woman living together,” she concluded.

(R) "...I don't want discrimination, I want equality, but I make difference" hmm, hard to make difference without accused of discrimination, it is a vague statement, fine line between making difference between people and discriminating, unless you are on a higher level judging individuals without making a group more righteous than other where you overview the difference in a parallel level.
"...No discrimination, but marriage is a man and woman living together" ...this seems more a spontaneous personal reflection than a political statement aiming to be not discriminating against, people who want to "get married" too, so if they are not a man and woman, they will be denied that right? Hmmm its delicate as a subject, we should ask Putin.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

..State of mind; Cultural war.

Abstract from Facebook; When Americans expose their barbaric savage nature.

It really gets hard when white trash, degenerate Europeans aka thick stupid people use Chinese to improve their image, they been using them all the time, I was just suspecting, it seems that this shit got no soul. They are super dedicated and don't mind hating on themselves to improve white trash (American people) image, they act like wild animals, they can go on screaming loud like possessed for hours, which is really mind torturing.

Unbelievable, they still trying to steal my stuff. must say Chinese fight kung fu style, its about their shit food, and kung Tried to steal my phone, failed, now trying to get everybody else to try to steal whatever, so the phone tentative will vanish, how stupid they are it is obvious, crazy constipated race, they stole 50$ from my pocket months ago, since I have to sleep in common areas, and this morning about 40$ just vanished from my pants pocket that I kept in an open area, they were aiming at my wallet, it contains few hundreds, thank God I sleep with my wallet on me, and my laptop as a pillow, they even tried to "set up" a theft of my laptop, somewhere in a remote location,  since because of "my circumstances", I have to be in some kind of "situations". Not even talking about stolen mail, wow will they ever stop. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

New Cover Pic

As cited before this blog/site is an extension to my facebook account, also I may post updates of my facebook page and development on this site as long as the circumstances allow, meaning the nature of posts on blogger, may seem of nature of Facebook status update than regular posts.

People, are paranoid, and I can barely walk, they represent American spirit, I've been interacting with all kinds in more than a decade and it seems that, they all animated by one entity which strangely resembles American action in the international scene or encore plus it represents, the spirit of an animal which got a low hierarchical status in the jungle.

Monday, April 13, 2015

German Mentality

 Original article source: 

Wow, never realized that German mentality is so “avertie”, free from America corruption, knowing what’s really going on in the world, without being blurred by America propaganda. If we consider that Germany recovered from a devastating ww2, united the east with the west, and rise up to the most industrialized nation in Europe, and one of the leaders in the world; those are signs of the Human mind strength and ability to face great challenges. I guess staying long years among Homo Americanus, makes you assume that those are Humanity standards, and that’s the right way to think, like, think what the ZOG wants you to think.

I know western Europe: France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Belgium, Holland…etc all western Europe nations present the same signs of mental enlightenment, and their opinions are blocked most of the time by a corrupted leadership, on the opposite side, Eastern Europe, mostly, former Soviet empire states present great signs of mental inclination toward a more pro-American attitude, often blinded by the American propaganda and influence, they think of America as the liberator, who freed them from oppressing Soviet empire, and now defending them from aggressive Russia, while the reality is that V. Putin is the political Abraham Lincoln who is trying to free them from American control, ownership, and dependence on the Zionist state, to feel secure next to a Russia standing in their way into global world domination.

About this Blog/Site

This Blog/Site is an extension or may be a relocation of my Facebook account Lee Puniisher, I've been, like, Micro blogging on Facebook platform, the limited functionality along with micro platform of a phone, and the limitations caused, make a transition into blogger the right thing to do, of course as long as the circumstances allow me to be on my laptop, thick stupid people reacting to my Facebook account like a WMD, I doubt I will get to sit on my laptop, tranquilo, they know, after all, Lee Puniisher or whatever extension is a mind, and destroying my mind, or at least destabilizing it is a process that starts long time ago, at this exact moment, I hear funny sounds behind walls, I didn't figure it out, since I got my headphones on, but its complaining or just disturbing.

I had other blog  accounts which are mostly on racial issues, colors in American and  the invisible tensions behind the United We Stand and the bureaucratic procedures, positive discrimination and all the way of the American government into reparation for native Americans and Slaves descendent, mostly pushed by a Zionist regime targeting the racial diluting of the white class for a better control, which is perfectly working, Americans are stereotyped as fat and stupid worldwide, or as I like to call them, thick stupid people.