Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 3/5 quater

 The theological aspect Part 4/4

This is a passage borrowed from a future part: "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: BBM. SPIRITUAL CONTEXT", because it fits well in this "Theological aspect" post since we are talking about the contradiction between Theology and Anthropology:
Sahih International: And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.
The verses from the Quran cited above followed by a translation may be interpreted as: 
God certainly preferred and honored the children of Adam over much of what He has Created[Creation may be interpreted as other (none human) beings]. 

Why would God make such a comparison between Human beings and animals or other creatures (beings)? The Quran often makes insinuations that God distinguished Human beings from animals and other forms of life on Earth by the development of the brain, it is well known that the critical factor in the Evolution of Human life is the brain and skull size, this implies that God made modern humans as an optimal form of life and distinguished the children of Adam of other creations, which are [other creationsnot forcibly animals or other none human creations, but most certainly other Human beings descendants of partially evolved evolutionary lineages, the cited verse stated the children of Adam, not specifying Human beings in general vs other creatures, but children of Adam vs probably other Human beings having other anthropological ancestors

"...and carried them on the land and sea" this is a clear indication that the Hominins that left Africa and adventured in new unexplored territories and continents and as a consequence evolved, are predisposed and chosen by God to evolve into what is the Homo S. Sapiens or modern humans.

God, by preferring the children of Adam, that's how modern Human beings are honored and chosen to carry on the prophecy and inherit Earth, as we've seen in other posts on this Blog/Site.

Some often used terms and expressions in this post:
  • "Adequate Conditionssometimes Circumstances: in this post refer to different occurrences, if combined together at a certain era will create the milieu suitable for Evil rise or probably Take Over.
  • Partially Evolved Populations: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations and Semitic races, as defined in this Blog/Site, are partially evolved populations.
  • Miscegenation:  Is the interbreeding of people who are considered members of different races.
  • "Neanderthals in suits": is a reference to the presence of Zionism agents (Jewish background or other Semitic races) in key positions in Western governments, knowing Semitic races inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals, it is a way to present ZOGs.
Evil is unleashed through unholy genes mixing: Miscegenation
The overall purpose is to propose that the planet initially (Pre-Columbian era) can be divided into 2 major parts represented by 2 sprits: Modern humans or as far as human evolution went, and other partially evolved populations reincarnation of extinct hominins genes, they survived by hijacking modern humans' genome for their survivals and even ‘evolution’. The reason such distinction is crucial is because the Great Designer of life on Earth won't infuse the Devine soul and our very Humanity until we reach the optimal evolutionary stage, which explains the enlightenment period in Europe, while other parts of the world inhabited by other kinds stayed in a primitive-like stage until discovered by modern humans.
A monster or a Frankenstein form of life will arise out of the miscegenation that happened in the new world, while cross-breeding was happening throughout history, the intensity and cruelty of the encounter between modern humans and isolated populations in the Americas and in Africa will disturb the natural order of genes flow, miscegenation is an unholy genes' mixing because it is a shortcut of the natural path the human evolution is supposed to pass by, in the New World it was critical in unleashing Evil on the world since as we've seen above Evil have a tendency to use partially evolved populations.

Miscegenation is abomination
Below, are a passage from one of Evropa Soberana’s essays in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour:
Racial interbreeding disturbed this primary equilibrium. Mixes are indeed contemplated by Nature: the Armenid race comes from one of them. But this mix subsequently evolved, mutated and underwent natural selection by the environment obeying the tough laws of Darwinism, until it stabilised in a new racial type many millennia later. Disordered mixes, typical of globalist civilisation, have nothing to do with this natural laissez-faire envisaged by the natural order. Modern race mixing is an attack on human biodiversity and an aggression against dozens of millennia of evolution. In the times when life was pure and Nature followed her path unaltered, each race was walking its own path, straight ahead to become a different species. This was before the rise of materialistic civilisation, which perverted the natural order, consuming its hatred towards Nature and mankind, and materialising its resentment towards biological nobility by preaching equality and promoting chaotic crossbreeding. To mix with another variety is an abomination and an affront against all this work of perfection of natural and sexual selection of dozens of thousands of years.
Humans evolved over time in a straight path until the optimal evolutionary stage led to a prophecy, other forms of life were inferior to make the 'divine' connection and stagnated in lower forms of life until the globalization following the discovery of the new world. A new form of life will pop up as Frankenstein, not as the intelligent design is meant to be the optimal form of Human life, it is [Frankenstein] arrogant, deviant, and pretends to be better than the image God predisposed for Human life to be on earth, it's the result of extensive cross-breeding, often resulting from conquest/rape, slavery, lust, temptation, and perversion, this form of life will be what is predicted as the Antichrist (anti-modern humans, God's image on Earth) or the equivalency of prophecy in modern days as it happened in ancient time when modern humans were prevailing, now a new form of life prevails, the Antichrist era. 

This new form of life resulting from this extensive cross-breeding is a major change in the demographic fabric of the world, besides the spread of Archaic genes left and right improved by the modern humans' genome which resembles as we've seen above and in other posts a massive 'resurrection' (Demographic boom) of 'extinct hominins' because of the explosion demographic of the populations that were in a primitive-like state (inherited significant percentage of Archaic genes) and isolated, along with what is called recently "Population Replacement", which as we've seen in previous part is a well planned and orchestrated scheme, because of "Adequate Conditions" assembled recently for the rise of the Beast, Evil spirit, or the Antichrist, those terms are used interchangeably as a depiction of Evil side as the opposite to the Devine side or Good, which is, besides being an entity or spirit, is mostly incarnated in Demographics and the shift the planet populations will know recently and mostly the overpopulation of new emerging kinds, while modern humans are declining or depopulating (Great Replacement, new non-Divine forms of life: the Antichrist era).
Miscegenation will cause the emergence of new kinds of populations that are neither modern human, African, or Semitic races, as an extreme depiction it is called "Frankenstein form of life" in this Blog/Site, it will have a spirit and represent an entity of its own.
 An extremely brief presentation of the existence of this Evil entity from an Anthropological perspective s'impose, followed by a more detailed Theological Point of View, because as we've seen before, people are predisposed and prone to Evil corruption since they are partially evolved, and we are in a Theological context post.

Friday, July 29, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 3/5 ter

The previous part debated the "Serpent Seed doctrine", its interpretation in different contexts as well as the veracity of the theory of the Creation as the genesis of Human life on Earth, below is a remark that may present a convincing argument about the contradiction between Science and Theology.

The "serpent seed" doctrine talks about seed, a bloodline, and descendants of two separate bloodlines: all those elements have nothing to do with Creation, if God actually, literally created humans, there won't be talk about seedgenesbloodline or miscegenation, and races, it is a Creation that means there is a unique bloodline and Seed, talking about other genes is nothing but talking about different evolutionary stages, trying to make it look legit by invoking "serpent seed" (SyFy right here) is just doesn't sound right, it is definitely an Evolution and a try to warn modern humans about inferior genes or partially evolved populations mixing with modern humans.

Some often used terms and expressions in this post:
  • "Adequate Conditions" sometimes Circumstances: in this post refer to different occurrences, if combined together at a certain era will create the milieu suitable for Evil rise or probably Take Over.
  • Partially Evolved Populations: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations and Semitic races as defined in this Blog/Site are partially evolved populations.

The theological aspect Part 3/4

Holy scriptures warned us about Satan tempting and corrupting humans and that we have to resist and avoid following such path, that does not mean that Satan or Evil will be subordinate or restricted in its manipulation of modern humans, even though we have been warned that there will be a final battle between Good and Evil or Humans vs Satan or Evil army, we still convinced that modern humans will prevail in Earth forever.
This event resulted in the creation of two races of people: the wicked descendants of the Serpent who were destined for damnation, and the righteous descendants of Adam who were destined to have eternal life. The doctrine frames human history as a conflict between these two races in which the descendants of Adam will eventually triumph over the descendants of the Serpent.
There won't be such warnings if Evil is not destined to thrive and rise on Earth, that's why we are applying the "serpent seed doctrine" = "the inheritance of Archaic genes" in modern populations on today's demographics, because there will be a fight against Evil which needs a concretization, that will be through miscegenation, it is a confrontation not a dominating side exterminating the other, the Evil side is not as depicted under other circumstances (movies or popular folklores), some kind of mythical creatures or some weird looking populations, but it is human looking populations at their core archaic genes or serpent seed for theologians, and the spirit of the Beast is uniting and guiding them, the Beast as the final days depictation of Evil, it will be resembling and competing modern humans strength and organization, that goes all the way into politics, institutions, media, military, whole nations, groups of nations and even blocs, this will be addressed in this post as the "Rise of Evil through Zionism", as well as in the next parts treating the "Bipolar world and international affairs".

The theological nature of Satan or Evil: applied to the world's demographics and politics

Modern humans have been the dominant kind since the dawn of human life on earth, because of their predispositions genetic, being the optimal evolutionary stage they outcompeted, outnumbered other kinds, and prevailed on Earth until very recently when Globalization happened. They outnumbered other kinds because they created resources, technology, and advances in science and medicine to create a healthy environment for the Human race to procreate, prosper, and multiply.
Until post-WWII, modern humans were the dominant kind on Earth without any rivals, Nazi Germany and Hitler's opinion about Jews, Semitic races, and other minorities along with the rise of ideas and thinkers presenting theories such as Darwinism and Eugenics, the development of the concept of the existence of different races beyond the theory of creation, the old testament, and the curse of Cain.
In an instinct of survival, being largely outnumbered, overpowered, and depending on modern humans' control of territories, resources, institutions, and scientific progress, partially evolved populations (African and Semitic races) will have to come up with a plan to confront the dominance of modern humans, necessarily after Hitler, Christopher Columbus, and other European conquistadors considered primitive kinds as marginal populations, going all the way into elaborating plans for exterminating them in America or the ethnic cleansing in Europe. 

When the Evil spirit meets the physical concretization
As posted in part 1, those people [Partially evolved populations] have bonded with each other around an Earthly or non-Devine spirit because being partially evolved and coexisted with each other since their kind settled down, it could go back to hundreds of thousands of years for "out of Africa" populations (Neanderthal, Denisovan, and probably yet to be discovered Hominins) or even millions of years for "African populations", they still have the Archaic genes they inherited and connected to whatever Earthly spirit specific to their kind. 

Fictional Creature
They are united in the common hatred they share for modern humans for dominating them as a race as seen in part 1, and so is Satan because Adam (modern humans) is chosen by God to reign on and inherit EarthThis will create a fusion or a bonding between the Spiritual and the physical, giving Evil an actual physical concretization and actual genes.
Modern human beings heavily populated Earth with overwhelming control over resources, power, and total credit for whatever progress humanity achieved, they are doing what is Right and on the path that God designed for humanity to inherit, thrive, and prevail on Earth.
Satan, being a wicked spirit, will build its army out of deception and wickedness, that's how schemes are made to genetically dilute the world's populations and spread serpent seed left and right because modern humans' genome is oppressing Satan because it is Divine, and oppressing partially evolved populations as well because dominate them as races and forced them out of their Evil ways and whatever spiritual connection they have with any Earthly or Evil spirit, (they compromise for resources). 
It will happen in a relatively long term considering earthly time measures to execute the Evil plan to spread "serpent seed" (archaic genes), dilute Human populations and create a new race of stained human genome replacing the "Great design: modern humans", commonly called Diversity, as a result, it is not God's spirit that reign on Earth, but Satan or Evil spirit brought in by the spread of Archaic genes (serpent seed).
Somehow this scheme must be put in place, there is no actual physical concretization of Evil or Satan, but there are people who are prone and predisposed to be used by Evil, of course, it's partially evolved populations in all their evolutionary stages, from the brute state in Africa to the Ashkenazi Jews passing by native Australians and some kinds of Asians. We notice a disparity in Asians' predisposition to corruption, for instance, nations and people who are in proximity to Africa and the Middle East are less evolved (prone to corruption) than nations or populations far away and quasi-isolated from the Middle East and Africa, that's why Japan, the Koreas, and farther part of China are more evolved than Indians and other Asian countries, it is always the golden rule, the farther you are from Africa, the more evolved you are. is often conditioned by the type of ancient spirit the subject is connected to, it is closely related to the evolutionary stage that's why we find primitive kinds holding weird beliefs totally inconceivable by modern minds. Bonding between different kinds of primitive people is another proof that spirituality is deeply rooted in ancient spirits uniting people depending on their evolutionary stage, archaic ancestry, and geographic locations.
Those partially evolved populations will be the vassal Satan will use to dethrone modern humans as the supreme beings that God inherited Earth, of course, Africans in their brute state are worthless to elaborate such a plan, Here Jews, other Semitic races, along with kinds who mixed earlier with modern humans and mostly Ashkenazi Jews will be the brain to elaborate such scheme, being around modern humans for millennia, they acquired modern humans knowledge as well as their appearances, which may be considered as if they "sneaked" and infiltrated modern humans ranges, then started cross-breeding for a better meltdown in their demographics, of course, religious scholars will never consider it as a form of "serpent seed" that snuck and invaded modern humans' genome. God made modern humans as the ultimate evolutionary stage, once they are mixed with inferior genes they are 'stained', no more perfect design. 
A certain tolerance may be allowed in terms of limited genes exchange, as long as it is under control but when it is in terms of large-scale-global miscegenation altering the genealogy of the demographics of the planet, it is Evil genes Take Over, a spirit of perversion, deviation, and anarchy will be replacing the Devine one.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 3/5 bis

 The theological aspect Part 2/4

This is part 2 in the "Theological aspect" posts, it will be based on the presentation of the "serpent seed doctrine" in its original theological version. Talking about seed commonly known as a reference to genes is interesting in the context of this Site/Blog, of course, there are detractors who try to debunk the said doctrine as a metaphor (of course it is, the whole Creation story is) and the seed are the word of God vs Satan or Evil word, ultimately making the distinction between Good and Evil which is typical theologians discourse, finalizing by a routine reminder of the necessity to obey God as our first Devine teaching, which is typical in preaching to sound as a saint and legitimatize whatever idea or concept you are trying to passe to the masses, detractors continue on as the overall doctrine has nothing to do with genes and procreation... typical political correctness advocates in theology.
Based on the theological nature of Satan or Evil as incarnated in the partially evolved populations (more prone to corruption), the serpent seed doctrine will be metaphorically applied to the world's demographics and politics, of course, this is not deciding what kind of metaphor we will make out of holy scriptures but the logical outcome is that it must be [doctrine] beyond ancient populations, a mythical garden, and a mythical couple referring to the evolution of the human race to Homo S. Sapiens. 

  • It will be no more or rare occasional mentions about the theological aspect in the international affairs parts.
  • I use the word: God as the Supreme Being or the Great designer in this post because it is used often in holy texts and scriptures. 
  • PC advocates: Political correctness advocates.
Please Note: I'm not a theologian and don't have any academic or any sort of methodically acquired knowledge in the field, besides having a solid educational background which makes me qualified to do such tasks, I do an interpretation, a work of synthesis, and development of different, documents, articles, books, texts, occasional videos, all from the internet. (keywording rocks!)

Below are some examples of the substantial contradictions that exist between science and theology, the focus in the abstracts below is on the notion of time and how it is misinterpreted between science and theology, not in terms of "plus ou moins" hundreds or even thousands of years but in terms of millions and even billions of years.

But despite the Bible’s undeniable influence, mysteries continue to linger over its origins. Even after nearly 2,000 years of its existence, and centuries of investigation by biblical scholars, we still don’t know with certainty who wrote its various texts, when they were written or under what circumstances.

According to standard scientific theory, the sun, earth, other planets and asteroids (from which we get meteorites) formed at roughly the same time, about 4.6  billion years ago, accreting under the force of gravity from a nebula.

According to the standard big bang model of cosmology, time began together with the universe in a singularity approximately 14 billion years ago.

Among the Masoretic creation estimates or calculations for the date of creation only Archbishop Ussher's specific chronology dating the creation to 4004 BC became the most accepted and popular, mainly because this specific date was attached to the King James Bible.

The construction of the pyramids is not specifically mentioned in the Bible. What we believe about their purpose does not impinge on any biblical doctrine. People are free to have different interpretations in regard to how these impressive structures were built and for what purposes, just as what occurs in the secular world when scientists have disagreements over their various models.

Concerning the age of the Earth, the Bible’s genealogical records combined with the Genesis 1 account of creation are used to estimate an age for the Earth and universe of about 6000 years, with a bit of
uncertainty on the completeness of the genealogical records, allowing for a few thousand years more.

Adam and Eve were not created until the 7th Day, approximately 9,700 years ago during the early Mesolithic. In addition, Adam was created, then placed in a botanical garden specifically “to dress it and to keep it”, and the Garden only (Genesis 2:15)

The "Serpent Seed" doctrine: from Theology to Anthropology

This post's take on the said doctrine will be a "contextual remise en cause", arguing that the overall metaphorical interpretations of ancient holy texts may be countless, are vague depending on how we interpret them and how we want to consider the metaphor, because it is agreed on to be A metaphor manny decipherings are presented which makes it an approximation and mostly depending on what origin, background faith, or motivation the scholar or the theologian have.
Contextual remise en cause
This "contextual remise en cause" is about, (all metaphors aside), what's the nature, demographic envergure, geographic areas, and historical eras of the populations that are targeted or used by the teachings of the holy scriptures. The nature of the populations in the sense that it is exclusively the 'super beings' created by God: Adam and Eve? in an absolute Creation scenario, or modern humans as Homo S, Sapiens, and Adam and Eve are just a metaphor of the evolution to modern humans, the demographic envergure, geographic areas, and historical eras are mostly distinguishing between a narrowed context of the Divine teaching targeting exclusively ancient populations and humanity in its absolute expansion in time and space: distant future populations all around the globe.

Absolute Creation context
Taking the said doctrine in the absolute context of the Creation and the supposedly existence of Adam and Eve, in a garden, a snake, or Satan disguised as a snake seduced (beguiled as theologians like to say) Eve into eating a mythical forbidden fruit, which is interpreted as having sex (literally) with a serpent or Satan in any other form, Eve is impregnated and gave birth to Cain and the genesis of the cursed bloodline.
"And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." (Gen 3:13)
Later on below, we will see the two tendencies in interpreting the cited scenario, for now, we focus on this context: Adam and Eve (initially Eve, then Adam) sinned (disobeyed God), ate a mythical fruit from a forbidden mythical tree in a garden, God punished them and through their sin all of their descendants (modern humans) by making them mortals, women experiencing extreme pain during labor, realized that they are naked (acquired human conscience), and the most important aspect is that they distinguished between good and Evil which is crucial for the future of the human race; narrowing our context to the said couple, how can the supreme being teach a lesson to be exclusively related to them (Adam and Eve), the whole story of knowledge of Right and Wrong, obeying God, acquiring modern humans conscience is addressed to the humanity as a whole, Adam and Eve (without even considering them a metaphor of the evolution of Homo S. Sapiens) are used as a model of male and female probably earliest Homo S. Sapiens populations to give a lesson to humanity or whatever populations are present to warn and teach them and future populations about doing right, avoiding wrong, obeying God, and ignoring Satan, because he will ruin humans' lives, and bloodline, this makes the context of the story of the forbidden fruit exclusively concerning the existence of Adam and Eve in a garden and an actual snake or any other similar creature depicting Satan null.

Global absolute context
The holy texts and scriptures in their essence, besides the tales and stories they tell fascinated early populations, are crucial in developing the human mind, teaching the moral codes indispensable to the existence of a healthy society, otherwise, they are our unique source of records of the early populations encounters of Devine or other nature, before Darwinism, the Creation theory was told over and over again, including a talking snake and a mythical forbidden fruit, that was routine and quasi unquestionable tales until the 19th centuries, holy texts are written in old times, with an ambiguous origin, they combine the Divine and the human, it is up to us to decipher what's reasonable and what's fantasy, nobody knows why the theory of the creation had to be like that and include a talking snake, but early population mentality was different, the wisdom is to see the Divine teaching probably altered by human interference and believe that it too immense to be limited to a small scenarios of a garden, a talking snake and a couple, other than it is a way or a metaphor (excluding Human maligne interference) to warn us about our short existence on Earth, and what to predict or expect as modern humans or Homo S. Sapiens.

Holy texts and scriptures (besides Humans interference which is more like tales and stories) have the task to address ancient populations as well as warn future populations and project it (serpent seed) on the miscegenation (seed or genes + cursed bloodline => miscegenation) going on today, it is just the logical approach because the Great Designer won't be addressing a couple (Adam and Eve) in a mythical garden or even very limited ancient populations
exclusively, we are destined to multiply, that's the essence of life on Earth, life is always going on and expanding on Earth, and the danger of miscegenation, Archaic genes resurrection, and diversity are a lot more critical and lethal than the curse of Cain or whatever miscegenation was going in ancient times, there is no literal serpent seed, but there are archaic or inferior genes that Satan uses by corrupting partially evolved population to cross-breed with modern humans.
Our earthly time measuring is insignificant by cosmic or Devine standards, it is just the right thing to do to warn future populations about the danger of miscegenation and following in Satan's footsteps, while it may seem in terms of few or even hundreds of thousands of years, it is as a blink of an eye by cosmic time measuring standards, in God's or the Great Designer perspective.

It is predestined that we will multiply, making Adam and Eve mortal because they were immortal is pure metaphor. If the context of the forbidden fruit is just using Adam and Eve to set a frame for the Devine teaching for humanity and distant future populations, then the serpent seed or unholy genes are a reality in the future and in today's demographics,
definitely not a snake, neither Satan disguised in a similar creature, but of course, a kind of people hosting unholy genes, won't say serpent seed but Archaic or none Devine genes, because they didn't evolve to acquire human conscience, distinguish between right and wrong and be Divine to inherit Earth.

Monday, July 11, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 3/5

After doing a review of the ensemble of this blog/Site posts, Il s'est avéré que, as cited below, there is some kind of repetitions, I won't say incoherence perhaps some omissions, but there are similar topics addressed in different posts, one thing is sure, there are repetitions in terms of the topics addressed not the development unless it is small paragraphs or citations that are crucial to post to present or confirm a point.

Below are the interruptions as they happened on this Bog/Site:
The series of posts called: "Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: The Take Over" will be 'interrupted' by this series of posts under the title: "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: Because biodiversity matters." I was planning to make it one post, but it seems that it's better to divide it into small chapters/parts, the posts in the series "Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over" were also long with a unique title, which won't give an apercu on the post contents unless you read the intro and recapitulation, also I noted some incoherence, repetitions, and omissions which I will try to correct when I have a chance to edit this blog/site content...

...7 parts, this series of posts will be divided into:


This post will interrupt the ongoing posts in the series: "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: BBM", which unfortunately is stalling, but just to make it better, since being in a milieu with mixed populations and they're proving me right each day passing by...

...This post will be divided into 5 small parts:

Anthropological aspect, Demographic perspective, Theological aspect, Translation into International affairs, and The Necessity to Prevail.

There were interruptions in the flow of some posts in the series posted previously, as cited above, "Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over" was interrupted at "Part 8" to start the series: "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: Because biodiversity matters (BBM)", which were also interrupted to start the series of posts: "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast."

What may be considered repetitive is the same topic addressed in the 2 series: (The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: Because biodiversity matters (BBM) and The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast.), both series are divided into parts that seemingly address the same subjects: Anthropology, Demographics, Spirituality or Theology, International relations, the Necessity to prevail or the Resistance.
They're the same topics addressed from different angles, as cited in the intro of the series "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast", those posts are supposed to be short compared to the developments in the series "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: Because biodiversity matters (BBM)", their purpose is to present the Theological origin of the actual state of the international affairs, we have to pass through Anthropology and Demographics to explain why there is a bipolar world and how Theology and "Anthropology/Demographics" are related because genes and ancestry define what is Devine and what is Evil, this is not to demonize some human beings but some people are more prone to Evil corruptions than others.

Due to the extensiveness of the subject of this post, it will be divided into four (4) parts:

1/4: Background on the contradiction between Science and Theology
2/4: The "Serpent Seed" doctrine: from Theology to Anthropology
3/4: The theological nature of Satan or Evil: applied to the world's demographics and politics
4/4: Evil is unleashed through unholy genes mixing: Miscegenation

The theological aspect Part 1/4

What's going on in the world's politics and the debate about the formation of poles or blocs of nations is beyond geographics, nationalities, or religion; as in this Theological part, it's a lot deeper and crucial than modern days politics or international affairs, the bipolar world has its roots deep in humanity's naissance as intelligent beings with a conscience, not only in recorded history but in anthropology and distant prehistoric ancestry. Geographic borders, politics, religions, or all the classical known justifications of wars and conflicts are just a facade, perhaps people already realized that, it's more about anthropology, evolution, genes, and the struggle between Good and Evil which will not concretize into a full-blown conflict between the 2 sides competing for the ownership of our souls until all the fake reasons and facades are eclipsed to reveal the real nature of what's going on in the world, a final fight between Good and Evil or Men vs Beasts, all the religious, geographic, and political justifications are null, Evil revealed itself and now has a concretization, the Zionist Beast need no more presentation. 

Notes about this post:
  • Make no mistake, this Theological aspect must not be confused with the Spiritual context, which is formed depending on human populations' location, ancestry, and distant origin, while Theology has no human control over it as it will be addressed later on in this post.
  • Extraits from previous parts will be posted because the subject has been addressed previously, these posts are made to present the Ukraine war from an anthropological background reflected on the world demographics in the sense that the "US, Israel, and the West" manipulation of the world is beyond description: Archaic genes (Semitic, African, and all kinds in between as defined in this Site/Blog)are taking over the world's politics, controlling nations and populations.
  • Satan is used interchangeably with Evil or Devil, the term Lucifer is not used (it is rarely used in earthly-related matters), there are many denominations of the main entity: When I use Satan, I concretize it in a physical appearance, not the mythical one but the human beans it succeded to tempt and corrupt. Evil or Devil are used as more of an entity, concept, or spiritual control.
  • ZOGs: The Zionists occupied governments.
  • Referring to the Supreme Being beyond the comprehension of the human mind and in control of the Universe and Earth, I use the Great Creator in a metaphorical way, since this post includes passages about Adam, Eve, and Satan. While in this Site/Blog Guided evolution/intelligent design are used as the bedrock of the formation of life and human existence on earth, if we get an infinite estimation of how far the guided evolution can go we may tend to the concept of a Great designer, which I often use, definitely not a creation in the abstract sense of the term.
  • The soul is our humanity that makes us feel emotions The spirit is our deeper connection with the Lord when we believe in God and receive. I use Spirituality in the exclusive sense of people who are not modern humans, as a consequence made no divine connection and as a result have a spiritual connection to earthly or lower existence than the divine one. 
  • Partially evolved people: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations, and Semitic races as defined in this Blog/Site are partially evolved people.

Background on the contradiction between Science and Theology:

This theological part will be based in part on holy scriptures and texts, common knowledge and beliefs, science and anthropology findings, and personal opinions, the objective is to relate Theological materials to historical facts, anthropological and demographic data, and to reflect it on the state of the International affairs as this Site/Blog struggles to demonstrate that poles and blocs are related to our distant ancestry, the degree of our evolution, and the nature of our genealogy, necessarily after the diversification the West has known and the cluster of Archaic genes of African and Semitic origins (Neanderthal and Denisovan genes inheritance) that being in isolation until recently are [genes] unleashed through the miscegenation going on in the US and the West in general, of course, Anthropology and the corruption of the soul are not an exact science, that why there is marginal fluctuation around forming poles and undecided elements.

An anthropological background will be drawn, to present the distant roots of the actual state of international affairs far from political, geographic, and religious reasons, in reality, it is related to our distant ancestry and Anthropology because, while the Divine spirit will choose fully evolved modern humans to spread the Divine word and inherit Earth, the Evil side will use partially evolved people as vassals, because being partially evolved makes them lacking in humanity and still have the brute traits caused by inheriting significant percentage of Archaic genes, despite displaying signs of humanity in order to assimilate and access modern human resources, their core is Archaic, those characteristics will make them prone to corruption and to be used by the Evil side or the Beast, this Theological aspect post will relate Anthropology, Genetics, the world's Demographics to present the struggle going on in the world between 2 sides of Good and Evil or the bipolar world, the two sides are conditioned by the the degree of inheritance of Archaic genes, and if being diversified populations (the US and the West) or being modern humans (Russia and Asian nations) overwhelmed by the On going Takeover by Archaic genes in modern appearances, diversity, and corruption of the global masses.
The ultimate goal is to prove that, what is known as Satan or Devil will concretize in partially evolved humans (used as vassals) before rising in recent days via the ongoing diversity and miscegenation to more competing and developed forms, in politics, military, and key decisive positions using distraction, temptation, and lust to get improved by modern humans (Divine genes), and that's how Satan will get its revenge of God for making Adam better than him (since we are in a Theological aspect post). 

Theology vs Spirituality.
Before abording (French definition) this post, a brief definition/distinction I must make about Theology and Spirituality, it may differ from the classical definitions of the terms, in the literal sense or in any other context, this is part of the ongoing efforts made in this Blog/Post to present classical known concepts from a whole different perspective, challenge the Jadis classical definitions, considering them under a new angle(s), the final objective is to make a synthesis out of different Historical events, Anthropological and Demographic data, Theological and ancient scriptures, which is [synthesis] a genesis of a new way of interpreting international affairs and population interactions beyond the brainwashing the world is subject to under the leadership of the Zionist Beast and ZOGs worldwide, which is convincing the world that what is Wrong is Right and vis versa, just because it controls that Satanic brainwashing machine which is the Neanderthals' genes infested MSM.