Saturday, January 2, 2021

The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: BBM. DEMOGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVE Part 1/2

Because of the importance of this Post "THE DEMOGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVE", it will be divided into 2 Parts: 

An Annexe about: "Miscegenation as a modern days' projection of  Archaic Introgression" will be posted right after this post, the base of this Annexe will be the page "Erectus Walks Amongst Us" which does not mean that there are actually prehistoric hominins wearing clothes walking around people, the overall idea is that there are prehistoric genes and Archaic introgression that has been transmitted to modern populations through extensive, prehistoric, multi-generational cross-breeding.
It will be followed by a presentations of: "The Plague of Archaic genes in modern populations: Diversity." which will have as a subject to prove that miscegenation is modern days projection of Archaic introgression, to a limited  'evolved' extent, as a consequence, when we pass from this part: "GENEALOGICAL RETROSPECTIVE" to  "PRACTICAL APPLICATION ON DEMOGRAPHICS"It will be evident that modern days' diversified populations have at its core an Archaic-ancestry/improved-by-modern-humans'-genes, which will lead to what's going on today in the planet's demographics: "THE GREAT DILUTION": the emergence of a new form of modern humans, a Frankenstein form of life at it's core the Archaic genes of extinct Hominins preserved, as mammoth's DNA is preserved in Siberia, and it is possible to Use recovered DNA to "genetically resurrect" the extinct specie, with Hominins, genes never have to be frozen because there were Archaic introgression and when you think that a "significant" percentage of inherited Archaic genes is not enough to cause a resurrection, think again, we share about 99% of our DNA with  primates, small but tantalizing differences in the genomes make us look and act different. 
This is why the "GREAT DILUTION" going-on in today's demographics is some kind of a "Resurrection of Extinct Hominins".

The Spiritual Context of the Archaic introgression will be treated at 2 levels:
 In terms of individuals  or small groups, when populations and kinds were isolated in their restricted geographic areas because of proximity or under-development of transit and communication systems, as the first level, and in terms of different kinds with different ancestry-related Archaic introgression bonding in  groups, organizations, nations, blocs, allies, all the way up to entities controlling large demographic bases, as the second level, as we witnessed with the globalization of the planet and the emergence of the Zionist pole, which has at it Core "resurrecting extinct hominins" taking over the planet, replacing local populations through made-up crisis and proxy wars, causing refugees, asylum seekers, caravans, migrant crisis, and pushing modern humans to the side, it is well presented by the hegemony of the US, Israel, and following western nations on the international scene, notwithstanding the emergence of a holy opposing pole at it's core Russia which is at the far north proximity of the planet, away from this miscegenation as a modern days projection of Archaic introgression, at least until now, it seems Archaic genes invasion are at the Belarus border, the GREAT DILUTION is on-going and the Take Over is concretizing.

Always in this spiritual context of the Archaic introgression: Groups such Antifa BLM, and similar left tendencies for instance have at its core all kinds of Archaic introgression propelled genes in modern appearances, represent a spirit of Archaic hominins in modern appearance competing for resources and territories with the opposing Right groups, and mostly fighting the spirit that dominates them since Neanderthals, Right and far-Right groups, sometimes contain fake elements, because been infiltrated, often overpowered because of the on-going GREAT DILUTION and the happening of the Take Over.


There is evidence of hybridization between modern humans and other species of the genus Homo. In 2010, the Neanderthal genome project showed that 1–4% of DNA from all people living today, apart from most Sub-Saharan Africans, is of Neanderthal heritage.
The overall idea of this post is that there are 3 main hominins who are genetically related to the modern days' population: 
Homo s. Sapiens, Neanderthals, and Home Erectus/archaic Homo Sapien. This is not the strict presentation from an Anthropological perspective, this post is not an archeology or Anthropology study, but it aims to make a practical application of science to make some sense of the diversity of today's population from an evolutionary point of view.
There are many evolutionary lineages and branches, most of them went extinct or produced a variety that does not concern our point of interest in the world's populations, Denisovans for instance, went extinct, left genetic traces in Australian Aborigines, and some Asian people, this hominin have no importance in this post, because it's genetic traces are present in populations that are isolated or do not affect modern day's world populations.
Homo s. Sapien DNA represents the predominant genes in modern humans, Neanderthal even though went extinct left considerable genetic traces in all of today's modern population except sub-Saharan Africans, the mention of Homo Erectus must be taken with caution because, while it sounds politically incorrect, it is more to point out to an advanced stage of the Homo Erectus and an Archaic phase of Homo Sapien, and more to the specific primitive nature of the African people, lacking any trace of Neanderthals and are not modern humans. 
Based on the extremely simplified Anthropological presentation above, the world's population genealogy will be more or less a mix of the 3 cited hominins' genes. Homo s. Sapiens are today's modern humans, the more you have African genes the more you tend to be primitive, the more the inherited Neanderthals' genes percentage is significant the more you are considered Semitic races, and because modern humans mixed with Neanderthals, the lesser Neanderthals genes you inherit, the more you tend to be modern humans.

Anthropological roots of the recent demographic shift
Evolution is the ensemble of anatomical, mental, and behavioral changes that happened among the same group of hominins in a straight lineage and eventually will spread into branches, it is a complex process, it occurs on a long period of time, in a matter of millions of years in terms of lineages, branches take a relatively shorter period of time to form, anthropologically speaking. 
While archaic introgression happened it is often on a larger span of time, of limited effects on altering the genetic traits of the receiving hominin because it often happens in narrowed very isolated cases due to the limited scale of interactions between the different hominins. It is totally insignificant compared to the recent genetics-related physiological changes we witness in populations or racial groups derived by cross-breeding with other kinds, this cross-breeding is an interference of "unnatural factors" that alter the natural path leading to "evolution". "Evolution" happens because of environmental constraints forcing a natural selection that causes survival of the fittest and adaptation of the survivors to hostile milieus, it goes in a straight intelligently designed path to 'create' the fully evolved beings called modern humans, the intervention of "unnatural factors" such as Horizontal or Vertical genes transfer from other racial groups, the incarnation of other hominins in an advanced stage such as Semitic races or Africans. "Vertical genes transfer" is simply interracial crossbreed, "Horizontal genes transfer" is used in a metaphorical sense, because while it is known to happen between simple organisms, proved to be happening within humans to a certain limited extinct, it is mentioned in a figurative sense to describe the craziness and mania that the abomination of interracial sex reached, mostly biologic fluids exchanges between different races that is not forcibly leading to the fertilization of the ovule and as a consequence the traditional vertical genes transfer.
Taking in consideration this crucial, major event that is the discovery of the Americas, the demographic composition of the planet before the discovery of the new world, the extensive cross-breeding that happened in the Americas and later on submerged the planet, we notice that before that Event the demographic composition of the planet was centered around Europeans as modern humans reached the optimal evolutionary stage at the root of the revolution industrial and all the progress humanity will ever reach, it's like Europe is the core of human civilization, while other kinds in other continents existed as  'archaic' forms of life (relatively speaking), either its Africans in Africa, native Americans in the Americas, aboriginal Australians, Indians in India, or Asians in Asia, we won't say that they aren't fully evolved humans because its politically incorrect, but it is evident that they were a lot more primitive and backwarded compared to Europeans, definitely in different degrees of development depending on the region and proximity to Europe. A special mention must be made of a certain group that existed in parallel to Europeans, of course, it's the "Semitic races" as presented in Part 1, their marginal and racial situation may be explained by the existence and multi-generational transmission of Neanderthals genes in parallel to modern humans, in Europe, geographical proximities, and other continents.
That was the demographic fabric of the planet before the last few decades, specifically before WWs. After WWII we will witness major populations movements, besides the major settlement of African slaves in America and the Spaniards mixing with native Americans' remains, a major migratory movement happened from Europe, mostly of Jewish origin and other "Semitic races" will be followed by the influx of immigrants from all backgrounds and continents including Asians and Indians to the US, in parallel, we witness the same thing in Europe at a slower pace but will reach it's peak in volume and speed during latest refugees crisis happening because of proxy wars instigated by the Zionist entity to grant the safety of its succursale (Israel) by diluting the whole planet, which is a modern days' biblical exodus, mirroring the Jews expulsion from nations throughout the history, now it's payback, we see the Semitic races forcing their way into Nations.

Zionism will make this demographic invasion the bedrock and the basis for its Take Over of western societies, the evil scheme that started a long time ago, will ultimately cause Zionist agents to occupy key positions in Europe and American political organs, allowing them to pass laws and policies which will cause foreigners to have more rights than the locals. 

The Discovery of the Americas was a decisive Event:
Upon the discovery of the new world, the demographic composition of the planet was limited to racial groups that 'evolved' in their respective geographic areas. 
Ignoring Asians and Australians, Africans evolved in Africa, Europeans in Europe, and native Americans in the Americas. Those groups were mostly isolated from each other, except for the occasional, rare encounters and cross-breeding or interactions (ignoring Arabic's slaves' trade, because it is unimportant to the global perspective compared to the transatlantic slaves' trade, despite the fact that mixing with slaves was one of the causes of the collapse of the Ottoman empire, the west is following on the same steps).
The Evil side (as presented in part 1, 'archaic' human beings are prone to Evil corruption because of their partially evolved state) unleashed into direct contact with modern humans, either its slaves in plantations or native Americans, it's the ultimate judgment and the greatest test humanity will ever know.
 Will modern Humans prevail, submit and keep this lower form of life under control, lead it from darkness to the right divine path or will the lower form of life thrive, using humanity resources and all the progress we made, use it against us, take over and prevail leading us into Darkness?