Monday, July 11, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 3/5

After doing a review of the ensemble of this blog/Site posts, Il s'est avéré que, as cited below, there is some kind of repetitions, I won't say incoherence perhaps some omissions, but there are similar topics addressed in different posts, one thing is sure, there are repetitions in terms of the topics addressed not the development unless it is small paragraphs or citations that are crucial to post to present or confirm a point.

Below are the interruptions as they happened on this Bog/Site:
The series of posts called: "Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: The Take Over" will be 'interrupted' by this series of posts under the title: "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: Because biodiversity matters." I was planning to make it one post, but it seems that it's better to divide it into small chapters/parts, the posts in the series "Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over" were also long with a unique title, which won't give an apercu on the post contents unless you read the intro and recapitulation, also I noted some incoherence, repetitions, and omissions which I will try to correct when I have a chance to edit this blog/site content...

...7 parts, this series of posts will be divided into:


This post will interrupt the ongoing posts in the series: "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: BBM", which unfortunately is stalling, but just to make it better, since being in a milieu with mixed populations and they're proving me right each day passing by...

...This post will be divided into 5 small parts:

Anthropological aspect, Demographic perspective, Theological aspect, Translation into International affairs, and The Necessity to Prevail.

There were interruptions in the flow of some posts in the series posted previously, as cited above, "Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over" was interrupted at "Part 8" to start the series: "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: Because biodiversity matters (BBM)", which were also interrupted to start the series of posts: "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast."

What may be considered repetitive is the same topic addressed in the 2 series: (The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: Because biodiversity matters (BBM) and The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast.), both series are divided into parts that seemingly address the same subjects: Anthropology, Demographics, Spirituality or Theology, International relations, the Necessity to prevail or the Resistance.
They're the same topics addressed from different angles, as cited in the intro of the series "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast", those posts are supposed to be short compared to the developments in the series "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: Because biodiversity matters (BBM)", their purpose is to present the Theological origin of the actual state of the international affairs, we have to pass through Anthropology and Demographics to explain why there is a bipolar world and how Theology and "Anthropology/Demographics" are related because genes and ancestry define what is Devine and what is Evil, this is not to demonize some human beings but some people are more prone to Evil corruptions than others.

Due to the extensiveness of the subject of this post, it will be divided into four (4) parts:

1/4: Background on the contradiction between Science and Theology
2/4: The "Serpent Seed" doctrine: from Theology to Anthropology
3/4: The theological nature of Satan or Evil: applied to the world's demographics and politics
4/4: Evil is unleashed through unholy genes mixing: Miscegenation

The theological aspect Part 1/4

What's going on in the world's politics and the debate about the formation of poles or blocs of nations is beyond geographics, nationalities, or religion; as in this Theological part, it's a lot deeper and crucial than modern days politics or international affairs, the bipolar world has its roots deep in humanity's naissance as intelligent beings with a conscience, not only in recorded history but in anthropology and distant prehistoric ancestry. Geographic borders, politics, religions, or all the classical known justifications of wars and conflicts are just a facade, perhaps people already realized that, it's more about anthropology, evolution, genes, and the struggle between Good and Evil which will not concretize into a full-blown conflict between the 2 sides competing for the ownership of our souls until all the fake reasons and facades are eclipsed to reveal the real nature of what's going on in the world, a final fight between Good and Evil or Men vs Beasts, all the religious, geographic, and political justifications are null, Evil revealed itself and now has a concretization, the Zionist Beast need no more presentation. 

Notes about this post:
  • Make no mistake, this Theological aspect must not be confused with the Spiritual context, which is formed depending on human populations' location, ancestry, and distant origin, while Theology has no human control over it as it will be addressed later on in this post.
  • Extraits from previous parts will be posted because the subject has been addressed previously, these posts are made to present the Ukraine war from an anthropological background reflected on the world demographics in the sense that the "US, Israel, and the West" manipulation of the world is beyond description: Archaic genes (Semitic, African, and all kinds in between as defined in this Site/Blog)are taking over the world's politics, controlling nations and populations.
  • Satan is used interchangeably with Evil or Devil, the term Lucifer is not used (it is rarely used in earthly-related matters), there are many denominations of the main entity: When I use Satan, I concretize it in a physical appearance, not the mythical one but the human beans it succeded to tempt and corrupt. Evil or Devil are used as more of an entity, concept, or spiritual control.
  • ZOGs: The Zionists occupied governments.
  • Referring to the Supreme Being beyond the comprehension of the human mind and in control of the Universe and Earth, I use the Great Creator in a metaphorical way, since this post includes passages about Adam, Eve, and Satan. While in this Site/Blog Guided evolution/intelligent design are used as the bedrock of the formation of life and human existence on earth, if we get an infinite estimation of how far the guided evolution can go we may tend to the concept of a Great designer, which I often use, definitely not a creation in the abstract sense of the term.
  • The soul is our humanity that makes us feel emotions The spirit is our deeper connection with the Lord when we believe in God and receive. I use Spirituality in the exclusive sense of people who are not modern humans, as a consequence made no divine connection and as a result have a spiritual connection to earthly or lower existence than the divine one. 
  • Partially evolved people: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations, and Semitic races as defined in this Blog/Site are partially evolved people.

Background on the contradiction between Science and Theology:

This theological part will be based in part on holy scriptures and texts, common knowledge and beliefs, science and anthropology findings, and personal opinions, the objective is to relate Theological materials to historical facts, anthropological and demographic data, and to reflect it on the state of the International affairs as this Site/Blog struggles to demonstrate that poles and blocs are related to our distant ancestry, the degree of our evolution, and the nature of our genealogy, necessarily after the diversification the West has known and the cluster of Archaic genes of African and Semitic origins (Neanderthal and Denisovan genes inheritance) that being in isolation until recently are [genes] unleashed through the miscegenation going on in the US and the West in general, of course, Anthropology and the corruption of the soul are not an exact science, that why there is marginal fluctuation around forming poles and undecided elements.

An anthropological background will be drawn, to present the distant roots of the actual state of international affairs far from political, geographic, and religious reasons, in reality, it is related to our distant ancestry and Anthropology because, while the Divine spirit will choose fully evolved modern humans to spread the Divine word and inherit Earth, the Evil side will use partially evolved people as vassals, because being partially evolved makes them lacking in humanity and still have the brute traits caused by inheriting significant percentage of Archaic genes, despite displaying signs of humanity in order to assimilate and access modern human resources, their core is Archaic, those characteristics will make them prone to corruption and to be used by the Evil side or the Beast, this Theological aspect post will relate Anthropology, Genetics, the world's Demographics to present the struggle going on in the world between 2 sides of Good and Evil or the bipolar world, the two sides are conditioned by the the degree of inheritance of Archaic genes, and if being diversified populations (the US and the West) or being modern humans (Russia and Asian nations) overwhelmed by the On going Takeover by Archaic genes in modern appearances, diversity, and corruption of the global masses.
The ultimate goal is to prove that, what is known as Satan or Devil will concretize in partially evolved humans (used as vassals) before rising in recent days via the ongoing diversity and miscegenation to more competing and developed forms, in politics, military, and key decisive positions using distraction, temptation, and lust to get improved by modern humans (Divine genes), and that's how Satan will get its revenge of God for making Adam better than him (since we are in a Theological aspect post). 

Theology vs Spirituality.
Before abording (French definition) this post, a brief definition/distinction I must make about Theology and Spirituality, it may differ from the classical definitions of the terms, in the literal sense or in any other context, this is part of the ongoing efforts made in this Blog/Post to present classical known concepts from a whole different perspective, challenge the Jadis classical definitions, considering them under a new angle(s), the final objective is to make a synthesis out of different Historical events, Anthropological and Demographic data, Theological and ancient scriptures, which is [synthesis] a genesis of a new way of interpreting international affairs and population interactions beyond the brainwashing the world is subject to under the leadership of the Zionist Beast and ZOGs worldwide, which is convincing the world that what is Wrong is Right and vis versa, just because it controls that Satanic brainwashing machine which is the Neanderthals' genes infested MSM.

Spirituality is a reflection of the evolutionary stage since it is conditioned by the development of the brain and defines the nature of the subject's reflections on earthly things and surroundings along with the different interpretations he makes, which leads to the formation of pagan forms of beliefs and such ancient convictions, it is often conditioned by the type of ancient spirit the subject is connected to, it is closely related to the evolutionary stage that's why we find primitive kinds holding weird beliefs totally inconceivable by modern minds. Bonding between different kinds of primitive people is another proof that spirituality is deeply rooted in ancient spirits uniting people depending on their evolutionary stage, archaic ancestry, and geographic locations.
We can make a distinction between people who are 'descending' of modern humans, hosting Divine spirit because made the divine connection, that's Theology: connection of modern human's to the Spirit of the Great Designer, otherwise, Spirituality is hosting an earthly or non-divine Spirit, mostly are Human beings and people who are 'descending' of distant, theoretically extinct hominins but not their genes, hosting a "Spirit" which transcended (see definition in previous posts) throughout time from the existence of Archaic beings, never made the Divine connection (except when they go to the local church or mosque because its the custom to live in human society and to access resources), as a consequence are almost Humans.
This Frankenstein form of life, may give the impression that it evolved, gives the impression of being modern humans, but at its core the genes of extinct hominins that have been passed to today's generation from the stone ages, never made the Divine connection and as consequence acquired modern humans conscience, while it adapted to modern humans teaching, either being forced on it, or to survive in a world dominated by modern humans until the last few decades, its Soul or Spirit, since the soul is apriori Divine, and it is conditioned by reaching the optimal stage in the evolutionary process of homo S. Sapiens, its spirit is that of the brute that existed during hominins struggle for survival, along with modern humans, competed with Homo S. Sapiens for resources, before it loses the battle and went extinct, not before cross-breeding more or less with the master race, transferring its genes to today's demographics, and even survived in isolated parts of the world, same as in Africa, Australia, India, China, and the Americas. Needless to mention that its spirit is partially brute (a Beast) since it doesn't fully evolve to be human.

A special focus on the Semitic races worldwide because, while Africans are the known classical distinction between modern humans and "Black people" few pay attention to the existence of the Neanderthal and Denisovan beasts (in the sense of Archaic genes inheritance and exhibition of Archaic traits) around humans, dormant beasts until very recently. 
Until recently Semitic races were classified as second-class citizens, (Jews in Europe, Semitic races: Native Americans, and Asians, in the Middle East and North Africa it's a predominance of Semitic races, we can't say they are second-class citizens because the whole populations are overwhelmingly Semitic races and Negroes: Berberes and Africans mixes). We notice that it's as if they 'evolved' in recent decades, now they pretend to be modern humans while they host the Spirit of an Archaic Beast, this is what Theology and ancient books warned us about, the rise of the Beast, Satan will compete with God's ultimate creation: modern humans, and prevail on earth pretending to be legitimate modern humans while it is a fraud, a Frankenstein form of life.

Conciliating Science and Theology
Talking about Theology in a post or a Blog/Site treating anthropology and evolution topics in the overwhelming majority of posts does not add up. We can't talk about the Theological aspect which traditionally is based on the theory of creation without bringing up the opposing concept of Evolution, while we must separate the church and the state, a certain compromise may be found, talking about Theology, the concept of Good and Evil will take us to the concept of Devil or Satan, which will bring up the holy books account of Adam, Eve, ...Satan, and the overall concept of Creation or intelligent design.
As it will be developed below, the compromise this Blog/Site will try to find between Science (anthropology) and Theology is in the sense that ancient holy books and scriptures must not be taken literally, it is well known that holy books have known many different interpretations depending on the populations and the eras at which the translations/interpretations are made, one thing is sure, those texts are written at totally different times compared to those modern days, extreme precaution must be taken while interpreting them because those texts, first of all, addressed totally different populations at a period of time when there wasn't the degree of progress the human mind made in science and different fields to understand its surrounding, the holy texts, apparently from a higher being responded to populations questions and wonderings about the formation of life, the skies, the universe, and their surroundings, also presented rules of conduct and moral codes.

Those ancient texts, while they are holy, meaning they present some knowledge to the populations that is superior and beyond their perception, considering their nature of being superior to the earthly knowledge of the populations, it is possible that they are (ignoring the rules of conduct and moral codes) an ensemble of metaphors and insinuations of future events, for example, talking about the creation, Adam, Eve, and Satan, it's hard for the populations at that era to comprehend the concept of the birth of the universe, evolution, procreation, right and wrong, good and evil, and Satan, which is (Satan) presumably an insinuation of the partially evolved people that coexisted with Adam and Eve (modern humans), and their tendency (partially evolved people) to be used by Evil or the opposing, destructive force that exists in parallel to the Devine spirit (represented by modern humans), as per the principle of duality, the Universe keeps his equilibrium by balance shifting between 2 opposing sides or forces.

Science and Theology at the intersection: 
A cosmology held by a religious group may be scientific, however. For example, if a theory says that the world was created in 4004 B.C., but the evidence indicates that the earth is several billions of years old, then the theory is a scientific one if it is thereby taken to be refuted by the evidence. But if, for example, the ad hoc hypothesis is made that God created the world in 4004 B.C. complete with fossils to make the earth look much older than it really is (to test our faith, perhaps, or to fulfill some mysterious divine plan), then the religious theory is metaphysical. Nothing could refute it; it is airtight.

God created the earth and everything on it, taking six days. Evolutionists believe that the earth is much older than the Bible describes and that plants, animals, and humans are a result of a natural progression called evolution. There were no common ancestors (Adam and Eve) from whom we came; it was a natural selection process, stemming from inorganic compounds and nature. For many people in the scientific world, it is hard to take a final stance on this issue since there is evidence of evolution, but that is where faith in God and what God has done comes into effect. According to a great medieval philosopher, Moses Maimonides, “conflicts between science and the Bible arise from either a lack of scientific knowledge or a defective understanding of the Bible”.

Sounds good!
The Paper called "Eve or Evolution", while I didn't read it in full, it tries to conciliate holy scriptures and Anthropology to present the hypothesis that God made many attempts before creating modern humans or Homo Sapien Sapiens, it relates the holy texts about 7 days creations of the Universe and life on earth to the big bang theory and the birth of the Universe and Light, the evolution of Hominids, Hominins and other forms of life, it relates the 7 Biblical days on Cosmic M or B or years, considering a Biblical day as a "great phase" of the formation of the Universe, Galaxies or life on earth.
So far it is plausible, as cited ailleurs in this post, it is crucial to take Holy scripture in a metaphorical sense, insinuation, and projections or prediction of future events.

Those are some passages from the cited work in Italic, followed by remarks or reflection:
The Genesis account of the six “days” of Creation and the scientifically-determined pre- and post-geological and “evolution” timelines are one and the same. What the biblical book of Genesis says happened on each of the six “days” of Creation and on the seventh “day” of “rest” precisely fuses with that which scientists have determined to have occurred during the universe’s 13.7-billion-years of existence and Earth’s 4.7-billion-year development as is currently measured by Earth time.
This is an interesting work, the Author made great efforts to conciliate Science with Theology, it presents the hypothesis (presenting Scientific evidence and relating it to holy scriptures, with a zest of the author's own interpretation) that God created humans in different phases, including Archaic Humans that were destroyed to let modern Humans presented as created in God's image inherit Earth.
Inherent in the Creation versus the Theory of Evolution War, is the scientific belief in the millennia-long “evolution” of humankind, versus the Christian belief in the creation of the Biblical Adam and Eve circa 7,700 B.C. My research shows how, over the course of millions of years, God created then re-designed humankind in successive stages, which accounts for the non-linear progression of humanoids. Applying Mitochondria DNA and archaeological evidence integrated with Judeo-Christian and Muslim Scriptures, I show that after God created Homo sapiens, He created the Biblical Adam and Eve circa 9,700 years ago, and that Adam and Eve were the prototypes for present-day man, referred to in my paper as Homo Sapiens sapiens -- very wise man. Moreover, archaeological evidence suggests that Eve and Adam were created during the Mesolithic Period and co-existed with Homo sapiens and that Homo sapiens were subsequently eliminated. Thus, all humans today are descended from Eve.
With all respect to the efforts made to conclude the debates about Adam and Eve's existence, by making conjunction between holy scriptures, Archeology and Anthropology. Talking about Homo Sapiens being eliminated is inaccurate from both the scientific and religious perspectives:
In an Anthropological context, many hominins coexisted with Homo S. Sapiens, Neanderthals, and Denisovans to not cite que known Hominins, they didn't just vanish, or eliminated as the author claim, but outcompeted for resources and territories nearing extinction, cross-bred with modern humans and have been absorbed in Homo S. Sapiens genome.
From a theological perspective, there are theories that defend the fact that civilizations existed before the Biblical Adam and Eve, commonly known as the Pre-Adamite theories:

In 1591, Giordano Bruno argued that, because no one could imagine that the Jews and the Ethiopians had the same ancestry, God must have either created separate Adams or that Africans were the descendants of pre-Adamic races.

The most reputed Pre-Adamite argument is that the Pyramids of Egypt existed before the Biblical Adam and Eve, as well as many civilizations that may have existed and perished, if we resonate in terms of the so debatable date of the existence of the Biblical Adam and Eve it doesn't add up that some civilizations existed and thrived few thousand years from the approximative date of the creation of Adam and Eve, or even before the said creation depending on which time span is considered.
Another fact that obviates the Theory of Evolution, or the ability for plants and animals to self-change, is that humans of European descent have been living in Africa and other sun-drenched regions for centuries now and have not “evolved” the short, curly hair, the dark-colored eyes, the melanin, the thicker skin and the mostly hairless bodies of the indigenous peoples – those traits that God bequeathed upon them to enable them to thrive in that environment.
The author talks about people of European descent being in the African climate for centuries, expecting them to 'evolve' or devolve [as the right process], centuries is an insignificant time span for the evolutionary process known for taking hundreds to millions of years in terms of Hominids and Archaic Humans, it gets relatively shorter with Hominins (in terms of tens of thousands of years) because of Hominins interactions, the genetic exchange will lead to the optimal form of life: the Homo Sapien Sapiens. Africa was closed to the world until recent recorded history and the development of adequate transportation means. 
The fact that the author is totally uncomprehending or totally omitting to take into consideration the time factor related to the evolutionary process is ununderstandable...
The “dust” of which the human body is composed, is carbon mainly (which along with water is present in all chief molecules of the human body) but also hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium and sodium. The first experiment in the creation of the animal “man” began approximately 7 million years ago between the Pliocene and Pleistocene Epochs (near the end of Earth’s Fifth Age), and ended with the creation of early-modern man near the end of the Pleistocene Epoch, or the Sixth Age, the 6th Biblical day.
Talking about humans made out of dust is an insinuation of the life evolving from the simple unicellular form of life to more complex forms leading the Homo Sapiens Sapiens and other more evolved forms of life, while it is not intelligent design, there is guided evolution because the chances of life happening, existing, evolving, and thriving on earth, randomly by a simple coup de chance are minuscule to null, a spontaneous random evolution is far from happening on its own, it seems that there is guided evolution but definitely not the laboratory the author is talking about.
There is a lot of talk about Alien interventions in terms of altering or shaping the evolutionary process or having some kind of influence on some kinds of people, it seems that it is still subject to speculations, ambiguousness, and controversy, as the Human knowledge, despite the progress made, is still so limited and uncertain same as the author above making great efforts to relate holy scriptures to the evolution theory and anthropology.
This dynamic duo, Adam and Eve, were perpetual youths; both were apparently cloned, nurtured in a virtual reality laboratory then, placed in the botanic Garden after they had developed to the adolescent stage; they were adolescents by present-day standards.
This is a plain Syfy scenario, while what is Syfy or "unconceivable by the Human mind" is probably routine in outer space, the author made a great effort to conciliate theology with anthropology, but it is just impossible to add up. Holy scriptures are insinuations, metaphorical presentations of passing and future events in a way plausible to the human mind of that period. Humans were wondering how reproduction happen, so there was the explanation, humans were wondering about nature, skies, the universe, and human origin, the theory of Adam and Eve was the simplest presentation of the existence of Humans on Earth, along with the story of the creation of the Universe as simple as it can possibly be made because you can't explain to that era populations how helium hydride ion formed after helium atoms and protons combined. (I don't know either because it's not parmis mes centres d'interests, it's just a way to say how the human mind evolved to understand such matters)

Science and Anthropology contradict Theology

No, it is not true. Scientists can trace our maternal and paternal lines back to a woman and man who lived a long time ago, but they are not the Biblical Adam and Eve. People refer to these two individuals as “mtEve” and “Y-Adam,” for reasons we’ll explain below.
Fossil evidence shows us that these two individuals were part of a whole population of our ancestors-- they were definitely not alone on Earth. And instead of living 6000 years ago as some would have us believe, our DNA suggests that these two lived more than 100,000 years ago.

Given this information, there is no reason to believe they ever met or even lived in the same region of Earth. In fact, they exist only because of simple statistics.

The Crucial Nature of inheriting Archaic genes

Without going into details relating theology to anthropology or reflecting holy scriptures on the theory of evolution and the origin of the species as the work cited above done (Eve or Evolution), this is a simple presentation of how genetics are important in distinguishing between Good and Evil.
From Adam, Eve, and...Satan to Adam, Eve, and Archaic genes or primitive humans (the Pre-Adamite theory for theologians), as posted before, the Biblical Adam and Eve coexisted with other humankinds, hominins, or partially evolved people. Could the Biblical Satan and eating the forbidden fruit be mixing with other, less evolved Hominins (Adam being the optimal evolutionary stage of Homo S, Sapien), because partially evolved people are more prone to be used by Evil (Satan) since Adam is chosen by God and destined to inherit Earth as well as his descendants (modern humans), this is not to demonize partially evolved people (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes), but they will have their chance to join the right path, it is the way life has happened on Earth, duality create action and life, stagnation is death and void, as the Devine Spirit exists, Evil exists in parallel, and it needs a representation in the earthly beings.

Theological background
From a theological retrospective, assuming that the holy books offer a prediction of future events besides telling ancient populations about the miracle of the existence of life on Earth, it is said that Satan defied God in its Creations (Evolution is the bedrock of this site, we consider Creation in a metaphorical sense because it is widely used in holy books and scriptures since we are in a post about Theology), probably, as cited above, the creation theory presented to early humans because it is more plausible and compatible with those time's state of mind, it's up for modern humans to figure out that there was evolution, ancient holy texts probably predict future events as well, in a figurative storytelling way. 
The Biblical Satan stated that he was better than Adam, revolted against God for making Adam (modern humans) as his representation and to inherit Eart, pretending to be and deserve better, he vowed revenge and that he will keep tempting and corrupting God's people (modern humans) off the right path until the end of days, and mess up whatever Adam's descendants (modern humans) are making on earth, (there was no talk about parallel civilization, but we are witnessing the west getting more and more like Satan or Evil inspired morals and values as a signature for their civilizations), this is what presents the context for the cited final battle between God's people and Satan's army at the end times.
The Quran keeps showing pictures that depict the dialogue with Satan to make clear the grudge this creature holds against man. He asked God to grant him immortal status in this life, so that he could concentrate on his vendetta against man. In so doing, he wants to topple man from the lofty station God had put him in and rouse in him the struggle between good and evil. He spares no effort in tempting man to incline towards doing what would in the end spell disaster for his being, by dampening down man’s spirit and his position vis-à-vis God.
As cited in this post, holy scriptures are more of metaphors, insinuations, and warnings about ancient, current, and future events than depicting modern human beings created in a lab, placed in a garden, and a snake tempted the woman into eating a mythical fruit, it is getting even more mythical in the sense that a fruit constitutes a warning to humans about dealing with Evil, putting it into a retrospective of people's simple minds at that era, it makes sense to make simple insinuation such as eating a mysterious fruit and Satan disguised as a snake and tempted Eve... to make it compatible with people's mentality and daily life. Otherwise, it is totally logical that it has a more profound and metaphorical meaning than the simple act of disobeying God, as it will be cited below, it is our first lesson to distinguish between right and wrong, given the metaphorical circumstances and the nature of the Human race at that stage (extremely low populations: quasi-deserted planet, either for Creationists or for  Scientists), which means disobeying God in the matter of the woman having been tempted by a snake or Satan is a lot more grandiose than to be about the cited circumstances, it has to be metaphorically pointing to something far a lot more crucial to humanity, it has to be about some scenario a lot greater than Adam, Eve and a serpent, or Satan, because God's teaching is to the Human race, not about a couple that probably existed probably not.

Projecting the forbidden fruit on modern times
knowing that the holy scriptures could be warnings about future events along with trying to explain to ancient minds the miracle of the existence of human beings and the danger of miscegenation, even at earlier times, it gets a lot crucial in modern days, it seems that the Divine warning about how wrong and destructive miscegenation is was made since the first human beings existed, now we understand what it means being tempted by Satan or the snake and eating the forbidden fruit, it is about the serpent seed and miscegenation, God warned us about mixing with lower forms of life because we will alter the perfect design of modern humans by staining our genome by partially evolved genes, (theologically speaking, Satan didn't like Adam's optimal evolutionary stage, he vowed revenge, which explains colored people obsession about modern humans features, because [colored] being used by Satan).
Evil or Satan will sneak into our lives as a less evolved form of life as Negros and Semitic races (inheriting Neanderthal, Denisovan, or Archaic African genes in a significant percentage), the goal of Evil is to dethrone Adam from the status of superior beings on earth, using modern human genes to improve partially evolved people, it has control over them because of their partially evolved stage, alter modern humans' purity, 'create' hybrid forms of life competing and even eclipsing modern humans as the beings chosen by God to inherit Earth, this is what going on recently in world demographics, miscegenation, diversity, population displacement and replacement, the concept of the Antichrist, in fact, it not a person, but the overall shift the world has known in demographics, the emergence of Archaic genes in new appearances improved by modern humans genes, a new form of life prevail and reign on Earth, not modern humans which God destined to inherit Earth, the human race is not Devine any more.

Right and Wrong: our first Devine lesson: the idea of eating the forbidden fruit is more of an insinuation of getting tempted by Evil in all forms, either its sex, drugs, allowing it around humans (diversity), or overall conduits and morals in daily life (the West rotten morals and values), it is no secret how destructive is mixing with primitive kinds despite PC and diversity advocates pushing for this Evil Global Dilution, using the motto: strength in diversity.
Knowing Satan vowed revenge, it is normal to assume it will take a certain form to get around humans, what other forms than tempting partially evolved people since it needs a Human concretization, it will take control over their souls, instead of connecting to the Devine spirit Satan is their Spiritual connection, uses them as a vassal to get around modern humans and executes its revenge of God for creating (metaphorically speaking) modern humans in a higher spot than it and making them inherit Earth. it [Satan] will be patient (talking in a theological context, the concept of Satan or Evil is eternal) until the opportune times (recent days) to reveal itself through miscegenation as an adversary or rival to God's image on earth, which is modern humans.

The crucial task of teaching (taming) people who host an Earthly "spirit"
We can make a distinction between people who are 'descending' of modern humans, hosting Divine spirit because made the divine connection, that's Theology: connection of modern human's to the Spirit of the Great Designer, otherwise, Spirituality is hosting an earthly or non-divine Spirit, mostly are Human beings and people who are 'descending' of distant, theoretically extinct hominins but not their genes, hosting a "Spirit".

If we consider being human is to follow the teaching modern humans received a long time ago via prophecies on how to live on earth in an optimal way, build civilizations, prosper and make progress in different fields, then modern humans are trying to "humanize" that kinds of people, it's working more or less, we are observing the impact of the existence of that kind of people hosting a "spirit" on the locals, often people with "spirit" go against the morals the Divine connection is taught us, they destroy values, bring anarchy and it seems they thrive in it (as is the nature of their core), they lie, deceive, cheat, steal, kill, all the vices the Divine connection (prophecy) warned us against.

We may take it to the global perspective and what's going on in modern days' exodus represented by mass immigration and refugees crisis all under fake humanitarian reasons, those people destroy what modern humans built since the revolution industrial, may we say that humanizing them is working? Nope, they are a human-looking primitive form of life hosting archaic hominins' "spirit", managed to look almost Human, they go to your church and mosque behaving as long as it has access to your resources, otherwise, it still fighting modern humans for resources, except now it has access to the resources, all the progress, and all what the revolution industrial and the enlightenment era created to advance humanity, it is not going extinct, at the opposite, it is Taking Over. Used Human's weaknesses: drugs, sex, and mischief, the things the Devine teaching warned us about that Satan may be using to destroy our humanity. 
May we say that if you are not a modern human, you are a representation of Evil or an incarnation of Satan? That's extreme as a statement, but to a certain extent, if we can't "humanize" them, then they are a primitive form of life since we all evolved from primitive states to different stages certainly, we may introduce the Divine teaching, it may be just like "taming the beast" will behave for resources but the archaic spirit will resurrect at first chance and backstab.

Anthropological background of Evil
The overall demographics of the planet from an anthropological perspective as presented many times in this Blog/Site may be divided into two major blocs: Bloc 1: Modern Humans as Homo S. Sapiens and Bloc 2: Other Human Kinds, incarnations of Archaic Hominins in advanced stages (inherited significant percentage of Archaic genes) as advanced Homo Erectus which are African populations, people who inherited significant percentage of Neanderthals, and Denisovans' genes to a certain extent, which I called Semitic races in this Site/Blog, either it's Native Americans, Asians, or any other kinds that are [not modern human neither African]. 

The difference between the 2 major blocs, ("modern humans" and "none modern humans"), the Great Designer intended it to be, a final conflict between Good and Evil will decide the fate of every living soul on Earth, depending on which side it decided or tempted to join, the Divine soul will be only infused into modern Humans who will have the mission of spreading the word of God and spirit through crusades and less violent means in an attempt to save souls, the Evil side will have to find its vassals and will spare no efforts in recruiting and corrupting souls from both blocs (sides: Good and Evil), since modern humans made the Devine connection, primitive kinds will be prone to corruption, because of their partial Human nature, and the prevalence of persisting brute traits. Of course, anthropology, theology, and the corruption of the soul are not exact science, that's why there are marginal fluctuations around forming poles and undecided elements.
[Quran 2:30] Recall that your Lord said to the angels, "I am placing a representative (a temporary god) on Earth." They said, "Will You place therein one who will spread evil therein and shed blood, while we sing Your praises, glorify You, and uphold Your absolute authority?" He said, "I know what you do not know."
Modern humans are God's chosen people, not a tribe or a bloodline.
Hominins, Archaic Humans, and Primitive kinds coexisted with each other for hundreds of thousands of years that's how their unique spirit formed, they didn't reach the optimal evolutionary stage to be "Human", have a conscience, make the divine connection and inherit the Devine spirit to build a human civilization and prevail on earth, that's why they are primitive, less developed, didn't evolve enough to qualify for the task to inherit and prevail on earth.
Ancient texts talk about God's chosen people, it is debated in ancient times and ironically still debated in modern days. People's mentality at that time was around the idea that every group of people have their own god, and they compete on which people's god is better, then it evolves to which people are better or chosen by God, which is pure none sense. God will inherit Earth to the most evolved form of life, the ultimate evolutionary stage which is modern humans or Homo S. Sapiens, simply because any other kind is not evolved enough to assume the task of building civilizations on Earth and guiding other primitive kinds to the right path.
It will be modern Humans' Divine mission to enlighten those people through crusades, religious teaching, dictating morals, the law of God, and general knowledge.

From the Great design to the "Serpent Seed", Genes decide our fate
Balance shifting between Good and Evil defines the situation and the fate of a given population, a given geographic location at a given period of time, the oscillation between the 2 sides is conditioned by the degree of inheritance of Archaic genes or being modern humans.
Modern humans with optimal brains connected to the divine spirit or Africans and other human kinds descendants of archaic hominins (significant inheritance of Archaic genes), because they didn't reach the optimal evolutionary stage to connect to the great designer, instead, they are connected to other Earthly spirits via Voodoo and other pagan forms of worship of bizarre spirits and the elements, until their intrusion into modern humans milieus where they abandon their traditional rituals to embrace the locals' customs and religion for assimilation reasons, while they are just like a tamed spirit, still have its Archaic core intact, will bite the hand feeding it at first chance, and even submit modern humans to its primitive ways, as we've seen going on worldwide of colored Take Over.

Modern humans acquired human conscience and maturity through hundreds of thousands of years of the evolutionary process, this Frankenstein's forms of life (Diversity) acquired modern humans' traits within a few generations through rape and submission (discovery of primitive kinds by modern humans) then lust and temptation (ongoing miscegenation ). That's why those people are soulless creatures, modern humans-looking with kids' intelligence and a primate reasoning, that's why the overall mentality of the masses in the US and the West is different, despite the extravagant appearances, we can see the glare of the Archaic beast in their eyes.

In the frame of this ongoing battle between Good and Evil, it is revealed recently that modern humans or God's chosen people are Not granted assured victory, because Evil is wicked, is succeeding in tempting people and corrupting the planet, it is often presented as an innocent form of life struggling for resources, it gets into modern humans ranges because coexisted amongst them in a passive dormant beast since forever, slowly but surely tempting humanity and gaining fields ahead in this final battle, modern humans values are corrupted and morals are rotten, it facilitates even more partially evolved people, corrupted souls the access to modern humans territories, modern humans are totally distracted by the Neanderthals controlled media, brainwashing them into accepting this influx of Archaic genes, the Beast incarnation into their ranges, because of Humanitarian reasons, not even paying attention at "The the greatest trick the devil ever pulled, which is convincing modern humans he didn't exist."
It is worth mentioning that modern humans are not immune to defeat, we've already seen that the planet is Taken Over by perversion and immorality, Beasts in modern humans' appearances, in case of total Take Over, it means that we deceived God, lost the battle to Evil and couldn't inherit and prevail on Earth, It's Our loss to Evil, God will just have to terminate life on earth as we know it.

Skinhead Negroes: God Help us!
Evil always existed as a counterbalance, as the Universe keeps its balance by the principle of duality.
The struggle between the 2 sides will define Humanity's faith, either Humans will prevail or the Evil side is Taking Over, this final battle is what we are living today in the form of Diversity and Globalization, sides are forming, Beasts inherited Neanderthal genes or indoctrinated to serve the Beast in suits promoting immorality and perversion luring millions into darkness, and Humans try to prevail, overpowered by the rise of Evil on Earth.

The overall idea is to stop the spread of those Archaic genes, which ultimately will cause a shift in the nature of the "spirit" reigning over the Human race, because of the great dilution going on and the tendency of a demographic shift overwhelmed by the consistency and the pertinence of the said genes. If putting it in the retrospective of the formation of the two sides (Good and Evil) spiritually, those genes are more prone to corruption because of their archaic nature and mostly because modern humans Evolved and made the Divine connection because they are the optimal form of life destined to inherit the throne on Gods creations on earth, not some Frankenstein form of life produce of lust, corruption, and degradation of human values.

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