Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 5/5

This post: "The Necessity to Prevail" is part 5/5 of the series of posts: "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast". It addresses the global perspective and international affairs, based on the context created following the Ukraine conflict which is a reflection, extension, or a predictable unsurprising development of what going on worldwide, especially the prevalence of WWII aftermath and the relentless efforts of a bloc of nations (the West) under the leadership of the Zionist empire (the US) to enforce and uphold an obsessional global hegemony by any and every means necessary including instigating proxy wars and spreading mischiefs aiming for the ultimate goal of world domination, since as we've seen in previous posts and parts, Evil has risen. It plans to replace the Devine modern humans with Frankenstein forms of life at its core some time-transcending archaic genes, this very long-term scheme is called in this Blog/Site "The resurrection of extinct hominins", commonly called "Populations Replacement" or the Great Dilution.
This post will address the seriousness of what's going on in the world and the "Necessity to Prevail" because the enemy is far more vicious and dangerous than what the "Neanderthals in suits"  tend to try to convince the world of in terms of being the good guys, having humanitarian missions, and doing what is right, despite the progressive awakening of a limited part of the world's populations to what's really going on.

This series of posts: "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast" focuses on Ukraine because what's going on in the Russian western border has been brewing for decades, it is an extension of the Cold War and the struggle for world hegemony between the two leading poles, Russia seems to be outnumbered and surrounded because Evil gained control on the world, influences and manipulates the world's populations and leaders, creating the Western pole or diversified populations bloc, we're expecting for undecided elements to join the right side and align with Russia or the Eastern bloc.

The Necessity to Prevail Part 1/3

To present this post in the context of this Blog/Site, this post addresses mainly what's related to International affairs in the military and political spheres, anthropological and theological backgrounds were presented to comprehend this duality in the world from another angle other than the traditional international politics, economic systems, or even religion, this post must not be confounded with the resistance of the locals as we will see in the post "The Resistance" in the series "The Resurrection of Extinct Hominins [Spirit]", which presents the ongoing and often overpowered attempts by the locals to confront this Evil Take Over in terms of population replacements and corrupted governments in a national context, which is translated into nationalist movements and similar revolutionary trends.
The Ukraine crisis is crucial in International Affairs because of its strategic location between Western Europe and Russia, being the largest former Soviet State, it is the iceberg in the international affairs sea plugged by the chaos caused by a biased UN and the tyranny of the Zionist empire caused by its obsession with world hegemony, that will sink the Titanic of the Beast.

This post is about prevailing on Earth and fighting the Beast Take Over through diversified populations and alliances of nations united in their shared diversified nature caused by archaic genes inheritance at the core of their demographics which is translated into what is known as Zionism, they are bonding in their shared hatred for Russia and Asian nations for their refusal to adhere to the globalization of the planet and accept the plague of diversity, the infestation of archaic genes of Humanity gene pool and embracing the West rotten values driven by the success of a Cultural Marxism campaign initiated by  "Neanderthals in modern appearances" thinkers. 
They are aiming at world domination and to crush any resistance that Humans will show, this is what's happening in Ukraine between Russia, its unresolved allies, and the West coalition of Zionism-infested governments.

A reminder of a Glossary of often-used terms.
  • Neanderthals in suits: is a reference to the presence of Zionist agents (Jewish background or other Semitic races) in key positions in Western governments, knowing Semitic races inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals, it is a way to present ZOGs.
  • Partially Evolved Populations: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations and Semitic races, as defined in this Blog/Site, are partially evolved populations.
  • Diversified Populations: When "Partially Evolved Populations" cross-breed with modern humans constituting the demographics of a country or a bloc of nations we talk about Diversified Populations. How to use in a sentence: "The West has Diversified populations". 
  • Miscegenation: The interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial groups.
  • Archaic introgression: Describes the incorporation of alleles from one entity (species) into the gene pool of a second, divergent entity (species).
  • Human (Capital h): I use this term to refer to modern humans in the current context because, after the racial dilution, most of the demographics of the planet look like modern humans while they are not.
  • God: Because we are not in a purely theological post, I use this common word to refer to the "Supreme being" or the "Great Designer", it has nothing to do with such or such religious belief. 
  • Homo Erectus: A way to depict the ancestry of African populations, while it is not scientifically accurate or politically correct, it is used to describe the partially evolved state of the African populations, this page addresses the topic.
Ukraine is crucial for its strategic location as a portal between the West and the East, it is not a double-sided conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but a multi-sided war between Russia and its recently formed allies, and NATO or the global West, this is the Cold War revival and it is concretizing into a proxy war on the European continent, with a polarity more reaching than the classical Cold war era, here we passed from the traditional conflicts based on geopolitical or economic systems criteria to an ideological conflict between the West and the East or as it is depicted in this Blog/Site, Humanity vs "diversified populations", this will take us all the way to the anthropological roots of the formation of the world geographic diaspora at an earlier stage resulting from historical settlements due to populations movements in ancient times and the eventuality of invasion, conquest, or colonization of different areas of the world creating the world geographic borders as we know them post WWII.
The recent globalization of the planet will create a relative dilution of the local populations awaiting the anticipated Great dilution resulting from the ongoing great populations' replacement, this dilution will bring up the theological aspect to shed light on the concretization of the great battle between Good and Evil or the divine bloodline and the serpent seed. It is a final battle because evil has finally risen out of the adequate condition created by Semitic races, Evil thinkers who are Semitic races because they inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes and therefore were prone to Evil corruption and to be used as a vassal for Satan to infiltrate and manipulate humans ranges. This infiltration of Human ranges will be successful mostly using two traits characterizing archaic hominins that have been transferred to modern-day populations through archaic gene inheritance, those traits are the brute nature and the wickedness trait, respectively related to African and Semitic races populations, it is no secrets that Africans exhibit more of physical strength and aggressivity than intelligence, while Semitic races are overall smarter than Africans but less intelligent than modern humans, their intelligence is more of wickedness than human intelligence. This will help us comprehend the palpitation ongoing in international affairs since Humans are dealing with a Western world invaded by archaic genes and as a consequence the said primitive traits are prevailing and we can sense them in international politics, that's why we talk about: "A PRIMAL ANCESTRY-BASED INTERNATIONAL ORDER." It is mostly about the Brute and Wickedness traits embedded respectively, if we want to be more concise, in NATO's Brute-like military interventions which tend to be wicked while dealing with a substantial enemy, and Zionism's wicked maneuvers in international affairs which get violent or barbaric while dealing with unarmed civilians as the IDF doing in Gaza, both traits are present in the Western military and diplomatic spheres, both represent Evil dealing with human populations.

This will ultimately end up executing Satan's vow to replace modern humans and the progressive eclipsing of Adam's descendants as the dominant kind and replace them with deviant forms of life, totally altering the natural order resulting from the divinely guided evolution leading to the perfect design, this is the abomination caused by Satan succeeding in defying God and dethroning Adams descendants as the legitimate Devine kind destined and chosen to inherit Earth, if the West wins that means Satan vanquished us Humans in honoring our Divine task to prevail on Earth, and we don't deserve to stay on it. 

This post will be divided into three parts: 


1/ A Primal Ancestry-Based International Order
The modern days global order
As presented in the previous posts, it is désormais a bipolar world, not in terms of political, geographic, military, or economic alliances, not as an extension of the Axis and Allies blocs but as a continuation or revival of the Cold War. In WWII, countries fought and slaughtered each other for the sake of the bitterness Jews felt because of their historical subordinate situation worldwide, Neanderthal genes left over improved by occasional modern humans crossbreeding create a distinctiveness that modern humans didn't miss to express their opinion about Semitic races (nothing to do with religion), going all the way to Hitler sensing a future danger if they took over Human societies, this is what happened recently.

As mentioned above, "the recent state of world affairs proves the concretization of the bipolar world, not from a political or military perspective, not even as an extension to the allies and axis blocs, but as a revival of the Cold War polarity" Because it is Meant to Be; "Populations all the way up north and east" spared from archaic genes infestation as a pole, and what is known as the "West" which has its populations' genes stained and diluted by Archaic genes invasion (partially evolved populations), resembling a petroleum spillage in the ocean killing fishes, Taking Over maritime lives, and forming what is referred to in this Blog/Site as "diversified populations" as an opposing pole, this vague of Archaic genes infestation is unstoppable and aiming for world domination. 

Russia and some Eastern European and Asian countries' racial purity is a threat to its [the West] existence because based on theological scriptures as we've seen in previous posts it is a battle between two bloodlines, Humans' racial purity, and the "serpent seed", we have been ordered to fight this Evil form of life since modern humans developed a conscience, the happening of prophecies, and the distinction between Good and Evil, we've been ordered to enlighten and guide "partially evolved populations" (serpent seed = they didn't reach the Divine evolutionary stage) into the right path, they were under control all right, but it seems that Evil has risen, it got more powerful and succeeded in luring a major part of the planet populations and countries to its ranges, it is Taking Over and out of control, conventional means won't eradicate and prevent this Evil Take Over. Of course, Human life is sacred, God charged us with inheriting and prevailing on Earth but those people have been Taken Over by Evil, their minds are rotten, they are suffering from mental decay and they are unable to see it, their vision is blurred because a new spirituality reign on the world's global masses, not "Human divine vision" but the "Beast vision", they are extremely corrupted, they're still trying to kill modern humans finishing what they started at WWII, they won't have such hatred for a diversified nation which accepted the West corrupted values and Evil ways, we are living a modern days' Sodom and Gomorrah.

Globalization caused the replacement of physical borders by Primal ancestry bonding
This polarity in the world is anthropology-based and theology predicted since the emergence of modern humans as the intelligent design that is destined to inherit and prevail on Earth, other less evolved kinds existed as marginal populations and countries. With an overwhelming Homo S. Sapiens domination extending up until the recent globalization of the planet and the genetic breakthrough they've known via the ongoing miscegenation and population replacement, this factor (genetic admixture) will make geographic borders that were once anthropological ancestry (race) based null, instead, the whole planet is diluted and physical borders have little meaning due to the globalization of the world, instead, we transited into a new world order, and the distinction between nations and borders defined territories is for formalities purposes.

People are bonding with their kind and populations that are hosting same genes even in minimal yet significant levels, when we say genes we only make the distinction between modern humans or Homo S. Sapiens and other population which inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes, either it's African or Semitic (Neanderthals or Denisovans) genes, the reason behind this extreme simplification, is that, it doesn't matter what kind of Archaic genes you inherited and consequently caused you to display primitive features in different degrees, either in terms of being African, Jew, Middle Eastern, native American, Asian, or Indian, as long as you are not normal or modern human, that's why BLM is not an American issue, it is a worldwide hysteria, and that's why in contrast, when police dropped a bomb on a Philadelphia house in 1985, the world didn't care because Europeans were in Europe, Africans in Africa, Asians in Asia, and Ukraine still was part of the Soviet Union, in other words, the globalization of the planet didn't happen at the levels we witness today, the same happened when the US nuked Japanese cities, a WMD used on civilian populations caused hundreds of thousands of causalities, there was no widespread protest and "I'm Nagasaki" or "I'm Hiroshima" stickers displayed; perhaps this is due to the poor coverage and broadcast the MSM or local news have at that era because of the overall absence of the digitalization and worldwide spread of the information we are having today, still, if we consider the absence of considerable worldwide condemnation (except by Japanese government), not some kind of worldwide echoing  even through locally based and isolated protests to condemn the use of WMD, same as people opposed Vietnam war for example, none of this happened, perhaps the Human mind didn't mature enough at those time to be preoccupied by event not in their immediate concern or surrounding, same as we witness today in terms of the collective consciousness emanating from a left controlled masses, there was strong nationalism going on worldwide because the globalization of the world and populations displacement and replacement didn't happen yet.  

People didn't care about those ancient events because the globalization of the planet didn't happen yet, now there are Africans in every corner of the world, same for Semitic races (Asians, Mestizos (populations with Native American ancestry), and population commonly caused Jews (another term for being partially evolved Semitic kind) along with populations that mixed with Africans and other partially evolved kinds, the indoctrination, influence, and brainwashing going via the "Neanderthals in suits" controlled media; This is exactly why the Zionists instigated conflict in Ukraine is echoing and the international community is bonding against Russia same as they chanted "I can't breathe" and BLM, same Archaic ancestry is spread worldwide because of the globalization and populations displacement and replacement going on, it is partially evolved populations bonding worldwide, this time it's not about African ancestry [BLM] but about Neanderthals genes inheritance, they acquired modern humans features in America and Europe and indoctrinated the locals to serve their interests, you may argue that there is no imminent threat for "Neanderthals in suits" (the US, Israel, and the Zionism infested West), it is the paranoia of the existential threat, the hatred for modern humans' racial purity, the scare of the extinction of Neanderthals and Denisovans, which was revived by the genocide of native Americans and the tentative to cleanse Europe of Semitic races and partially evolved populations, and most importantly, as we've talked in previous posts about the bonding that happened between partially evolved population and Evil, it is the traditional fight between Good and Evil, and Satan hatred for God for making modern humans better than him (retard ass partially evolved populations in their primitive states in their isolated areas before they mixed with modern humans).
The United States responded tensely to a series of actions (campaigns against the atomic bombings) that included protests from the Japanese government; and the reference to the atomic bombings in the Imperial Rescript on the Termination of the War; as well as the 70-year sterility theory in the bombed areas, which spread in late August. When the information related to the atomic bombings was broadcast from Japan for overseas audiences, newspapers in the United States covered most of it, but added contradictory explanations for nearly all the points made. Furthermore, on September 19, the GHQ issued a press code to strictly censor Japanese media coverage of the atomic bombings.
When there is replacement and dilution of the populations, Nationalism ceases to exist, instead, we have new emerging ideologies, such as BLM and Antifa for example, which are respectively preaching for the rights of Africans, Semitic, or diversified populations in general and opposing any Nationalist movement depicting it as racist, bigotry, and quickly crushed under a corrupted heavily biased judicial system, that's why borders have little signification, there are African and Semitic races worldwide and they define the 'national identity', a left derived identity.

The US refused to address Japan's message about the matter, probably at that era populations had more to worry about than the Japanese, probably social media and the internet didn't exist to mobilize the world in any way it wanted and there was no Zionism controlled MSM to mobilize the global masses as it happening today.

Evil spirit has risen, and it controls the world's global masses.
Must say Evil wickedness is beyond the most extreme expectations, God warned us about following Evil murky path for it will try to guide us astray by normalizing perversion and always finding a sense in doing wrong because of evil wickedness and ruse, that it is indeed amongst humans in different forms, either in actual physical concretization taking control of other human beings since the humans soul is highly-corruptible which will facilitate the 2 main Evil weapons: Drugs and Sex, altering the human brain natural function was one of Evil most
prioritary and potent weapons because it lowers the human mind to an inferior state by making it dependent on certain chemicals to function properly, overtime it deteriorate the brain normal functions, which makes it easy to control and manipulate by Evil's minions which are mostly partially evolved population who hates modern Humans' perfect design and their optimal brain functions, that's why psychoactive drugs are representation of evil's way with humans.
Another human's weakness in sex which is as crucial as drugs and used to infiltrate human ranges, either to lead them astray using the weakness of humans confronted to animals instincts because of the prevalence of this instincts in partially evolved populations' nature, either it's Negros or Semitic races, or to dilute the modern human genome and hijack it for a better representation of partially evolved population and ultimately replace them by outbreeding them, this explains the obsession of partially evolved people about interacting with Humans' basic instincts, for the animal part prevails over the human nature in their overall partially evolved state because of an evolutionary deficit which makes them still in a brute phase more than of a gentile state despite the smoothed appearances, the brute state is associated with being prone to corruption and to be used by Evil since the gentile or fully evolved state made the Divine connection, and that's why the weed and interracial sex revolution succeeded in the 70's and caused the inclusion of partially evolved populations because Evil weakened the human mind by sex and drugs.

This will be the cutting edge, but just the beginning of Evil infiltration into humans' range through drugs and sex, the trend will be spread worldwide with the same scheme, primitive populations playing the oppressed victim card, using Human empathy to infiltrate their ranges and manipulating them into total control through sex and drugs, this will make Evil rise through partially evolved population present in all levels of humans' society and ultimately making its ways to institutions and key positions, but this is not the end of Evil take over, there is resistance by some people which kept humans consciousness by staying away from Evil interactions, and by the way control and manipulations, Evil aiming for total control over the Humans and to mess up the human race, as it vowed when God made modern humans as the optimal design destined to inherit Earth.
Now that Evil is concretized in populations not only in a partially evolved stage and it has access to human technologies and progress, it will have to use a way to reach even more Humans, those away of Evil harm because of proximity or strong beliefs, that's how the transmission of information will be as a way of Evil interacting with people who managed to keep away from its direct influence and harm.

Evolution of transmission of the information
Information exchange was always a way to communicate between Humans, as a natural consequence of Evil infiltration of all spheres of Human progress, it will use this aspects for its goals, that's how Jews spread lies during WWII to manipulate Humans against each other and it naturally evolved from mail, newspapers, telegraph, telephone, radio frequencies, TV transmission, to more modern types, either wired or wireless, all the way to optical fiber, the internet and satellites which make the transmission of the information reaching colossal levels and passing from simplex to full-duplex transmission interacting with the human mind in real time, of course Evil won't miss this opportunity to interact with Human's soul, already embedded in humans bodies with all the abilities it allows it for interaction, it started as verbal communication as the "word", transiting into rap music to use drums and rhythms for a better penetration of the subconsciousness, au fur et à mesure Evil embedded in partially evolved populations has access to key positions, we start having Evil manipulating humans through politics, media, and the overall exchange of information, mostly the MSM, the internet, and any other ways of broadcast, be it analog or digital, this is crucial and highly destructive, for Evil won't miss this opportunity to infiltrate Humans' thoughts, engage them for a better brainwashing and manipulation as the information is worldwide exchanged today, Evil lurks and thrives in the  exchange of information in all its forms, as Satan is depicted as whispering to Humans to tempt them, such is the effect of information technology, perhaps it will use AI, it is a very successful way into interacting with the global masses manipulating and controlling them.

RT is highly questionable in 
the Western world.

While Good entities have access to the arena of information exchange as well, they are overpowered, highly less-represented, and lack global reaching because of the easily corrupted nature of the Human mind, which prefers entertainment and indulges in distractions which is known as more appealing to the human nature, necessarily feeble souls, that have been already weakened by what it been consuming during the latest decades, either in terms of forms of entertainment or other forms of media broadcast, the internet will be the cutting edge for its wide availability and global reach.

The Internet's role in facilizing this Take Over: 
This new world order, not the conspiracy theories debated NWO, but this new way of stratification between populations or nations, which makes physical borders optional and just a formality, since populations are bonding depending on their distant ancestry and archaic genes inheritance, along with this new polarity in the world as it is presented in previous posts, which is anthropology-based and theology predicted makes the non-debatable conclusion that there are only two sides or two entities that dispute the ownership of our souls, and compete on how much souls it can recruit to join its ranges.

They created the "Adequate Conditions" for Evil to rise since it [Evil] hates the Divinity of modern humans same as the "partially evolved populations" or Semitic races hate the "evolutionary stage of modern humans", that's how the bonding between Evil and "partially evolved populations" happened, and that's why what's going on recently is crucial for humanity as a race and mostly as the chosen kind to inherit Earth, it is uncomplicated to see that we have a struggle or a conflict between "modern humans" and "partially evolved populations improved by modern humans genes", the push for diversity is not for humanitarian reasons but for acquiring those modern genes, that's how we ended up with the recent polarity in Ukraine: Russia and Asian nations surrounded by wild dogs presented by the Western world with their perverted ways and values.
(video available on Facebook)

This is an overview of the different ways the stratification between the world countries was made, it is important to note the evolution of the criteria used to make the distinction between nations or blocs of countries depending on different data related to their political inclination, degree of wealth, or development. It is to be noted that the 3 presented stratifications all pour in the same direction of an anthropologically rooted ancestry, the degree of evolution defines the degree of development which consequently defines the wealthy or poor status.
This is a theoretical presentation of the relatively outdated stratification of world countries using old criteria, while it is still used for geopolitical determination of countries' status in the geoeconomics' of the world, what primes in this post is to note the passage to a stratification anthropology-based and theology predicted, we passed from politics, economic systems, degree of development and wealth, and even religious blocs, to an ideological stratification, anthropology-based and theology predicted.

Traditional stratifications 

Politics-based stratification of world countries is made depending on different factors, the outcome of WWII will create the first.
One of the first typologies came into use after World War II and classified nations as falling into the First World, Second World, and Third World. The First World was generally the Western capitalist democracies of North America and of Europe and certain other nations (e.g., Australia, New Zealand, and Japan). The Second World was the communist nations belonging to the Soviet Union, while the Third World was all the remaining nations, almost all of them from Central and South America, Africa, and Asia.
A degree of development-based stratification will be more representative for people who are not interested in politics,
A replacement typology placed nations into developed, developing, and undeveloped categories, respectively.
A degree of wealth-based stratification,
Today a popular typology simply ranks nations into groups called wealthy (or high-income) nations, middle-income nations, and poor (or low-income) nations
Anthropology-based world stratifications.

The stratification above proves that, generally speaking, the same overall countries belong to the same categories when considering all different approaches, whether it's politics, the degree of development, or the degree of wealth, this is because the degree of development dictates the standards of wealth and both are related to the anthropological nature of the populations that settled in a given geographic location a long time ago sharing an anthropological/racial background which define the "geographic location-based political criterion" in distinguishing between nations. It is well known that the degree of development of a country or a region in the world is closely related to the kinds of population that settled down, most importantly to their degree of evolution, that's why European and Asian countries are more developed and therefore wealthier than Central and South America, Africa, and parts of Asia, the Gulf states degree of wealth is a paradox, a natural resources rooted wealth that happened because the locals have better management of the resources than Africans, other poor Asian countries, or central, south African countries, their degree of wealth is not a representation of their overall development but of their good management of resources and better use of the advancement and progress industrialized nations achieved. 

We can relate the stratifications presented above (politics, development, or wealth) to the anthropological background of the groups of nations under the same category.

Anthropologically speaking, the countries and populations of the planet can be divided into 3 categories depending on their degree of evolution and/or mixture or dilution of their genes, anthropology is not an exact science that's why this presentation is relative and fluctuates depending on population movements and admixture, it is basically depending of the prevalence of modern humans genes in their overall demographics and the degree of the primitivism of the natal local populations which is [primitivism] related to the percentage of inheritance of archaic genes, this is 'not a politically correct' stratification meant to present an alternative to the stratification based on politics, development, and the degree of wealth.

Countries with an overwhelming partially evolved populations
...with some modern humans' admixtures caused by early settlements, classically called third world countries per the stratification of the Cold War era, we remark that overall the same countries belong to the categories of undeveloped or poor nations, considering the other two models of stratification. Those countries share the common criterion of being third-world countries, undeveloped or poor nations, all of them from Central and South America, Africa, and Asia, those countries' populations are characterized by being partially evolved or mixed populations, mostly African and Semitic races are overwhelming their demographics which explain their degree of development and the consequent level of wealth.

Countries that were overwhelmingly modern human populations
...before they got mixed and diluted by partially evolved populations, either because of their immigration policies and mostly because of the effort going on to dilute the planet by "Neanderthals in suits', those countries were known as the allies, and commonly known as the West, NATO and allies militarily speaking. Considering the previously presented stratification, those countries are what was known as the first world in the Cold War stratification and developed or wealthy nations in the degree of development or Wealth standards stratification respectively. Those countries are North America, Europe, and certain other nations, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Those countries are highly industrialized because their populations were mostly modern humans before mixing with third-world countries.
Politically speaking, considering the polarity the world has known recently, necessarily after the recent Ukraine war, those people's demographics are what is known as "diversified population" and they are ultimately leaning toward being included in the previous category, at least from the context of an "overall tendency" due to the ongoing populations' replacement and the degradation of their overall degree of development and wealth, mostly caused by what is known as DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) which is another way to describe the invasion of archaic genes to modern humans institutions. Ideologically speaking, those people are known as the Western or "Zionism infested" pole, which is a logical depiction of the tendency of their overall demographics, in terms of being diversified and leaning toward an archaic genes invasion of their overall populations' genome, which means an imminent decline.

Finally, countries that do not fit into the two previous categories  ...and are characterized by being overwhelmingly modern human kinds, and populations that kept a certain degree of racial purity, thrived under different extreme constraints without being dependent on the West, this bloc is what is known as the Eastern bloc or the Russian bloc, it is known as the "second world" based on the Cold War era stratification, note that the second world definition is volatile post the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Axis/Allies blocs did not expand exclusively to the West/Russian bloc, since post the globalization of the world and populations movement and replacements. We witnessed a radical change in the mentality and the spirituality reigning in different parts of the world, populations movement, displacement and ongoing replacement radically changed the demographics fabric of the Western world and some former Soviet states.

The anthropological criterion, as well as the degree of the moral corruption of the populations, will create an ideological-based world stratification that will omit the previously known criteria and base the appurtenances to such or such bloc on the degree of Evil influence on the populations as well as political and military organs, which is caused by the diversification of the West demographics and the ongoing try to diversify the planet by trying to submit Russia and other Asian nations into the West perverted ways, which [perverted ways] are the new overwhelming criterion used to distinguish between the newly formed blocs of Humans or Russian bloc and the West or diversified populations.

Modern days politics: Major blocs with ongoing fluctuations

The status of subordination, domination/control define alliances in the world.

Must note the relation of subordination and domination/control that exists between the West and the third-world countries, which fluctuate and diverge depending on different factors related to the ongoing polarity and the eventuality of the emergence of an opposing pole that third-world countries can align with to serve their political, military, or economic interests.
We can easily note that as far as the stratification between world countries go, the two major poles are always based on two icons or superpowers: the US, and the Soviet Union or Russia, while Western Europe has traditionally allied with the US since post-WWII and the creation of NATO, the Russian pole members are highly volatile, this is mostly because of the factors presented above of subordination, domination, and control of third world countries and undecided elements to the US and the global West in general, the UN being an impartial organ, along with the "Neanderthals in suits" control of the MSM, distorting the facts and presenting the West and the US as the good guys since they nuked Japan 'for peace', carpet-bombed Dresden, and created the UN to make all their terrorist actions legitimate, this makes the formation of polarity in the world highly influenced by geopolitical, military, and economic factors.

           They converted sh!t out of them.
This state of random subordination and control will create the fluctuations we talked about in previous posts of undecided elements between the two poles (Russia and the US), countries' leaders are often driven by their interests and their population's interests which will dictate their foreign policy and their alignment with the Russian or the US bloc.

Must take into consideration the ratio subordination/dependency due to the economic constraints posed by great powers such as the US on non-aligned or neutral nations to force them into coercion and use them as vassals or proxy bases to spread their dominance in distant areas of the world. This kind of blackmailing is rooted in the US's status as a superpower and its control of international institutions and other nations' potential trade partners, which makes disobeying the US in terms of foreign policy highly costly for third-world countries, must not omit the overall nature of third-world countries and their high dependency on the West or developed countries in general.
To sum it up, as far as the stratification between the world countries goes, leading to the formation of blocs and alliances, it is primordial to notice that there was always some kind of bipolarities, either in WWII or the recent tensions in the world, it is a bipolarity because the neutral or none aligned countries are not of great importance in impacting international affairs and global politics, there was the Allies and the Axis, and third world countries, now we have the global West which includes NATO and non-member allies, and Russia, its recently formed alliance and the undecided potential allies.

The fluctuations of undecided elements
That's why we see fluctuations between the two poles depending on the potential interests joining such or such pole may present for third world or other unaligned countries, the emergence of new military and economic powers such as China and Russia may coerce third world countries who have no interest in joining the US bloc or were mistreated or abusively submitted by the US, into naturally developing the instinct of joining the Eastern bloc, as a revolt against the US domination and/or because they have or see no future interest in staying in or joining the US bloc. That's why the creation of the BRICS as an intergovernmental organization has seen its rapid expansion in terms of members and evolving into a geopolitical bloc gradually adding members to create a serious weight in terms of international affairs, of course, this is not a military alliance but the bloc create a precedent of an alliance which does not include Western powers.
The involvement of Russia in Syria with the potent effects of the Russian army in defeating terrorists and most importantly exposing the Zionist regimes maneuvers and lies in their relentless efforts to destabilize another Middle Eastern country and dethrone Al Assad by using CIA and MOSAD-funded terrorists and what they call rebels or moderate rebels, and pretend that they are trying to create a Caliphate, just because "AL Assad must go". Russian army exposed their lies and 
it is a precedent, since they already went unbothered in other regional countries, now a new world order is emerging, and naturally, third-world countries that were in total obedience and submission to the Zionist empire or the global west will now discover that there is 'There's a new sheriff in town' (borrowed from that Indian in the UN). 
Above, we talked about the relation subordination, domination/control between the US or the collective West and third-world countries, the emergence of Russia as a superpower with a respected say in international affairs will finally free those subordinated countries from their paranoia about disobeying the global West, finally, they feel that the world's tyrants will not go after them if they expressed their opinion without being in total subordination to the global West, this will free their will into, instead of counting on the West for aid and safety, they can 'revolt' now, and per their undeveloped nature they start trying to burn the steps and have extreme pretensions and aspirations, that's how we witnessed a sudden change in their attitudes on the international scene because they discovered that the collective West are not the masters of the planet. That's how they start meddling in international affairs, pretending that they are worried about world peace, while their primal preoccupation is the aid they receive and now they are trying to establish peace in the world because their economic interests are hurt by the ongoing war in Ukraine, notwithstanding the roots of the conflict in the Western Russian borders and how the collective West is waging a proxy and hybrid war aiming at the progressive weakening of Russia with the ultimate goal is the Slavic race in general since it's racial purity poses a threat to diversified population security.

Natural selection must prevail: international aid is not an alternative to create own resources
They always start as a passive, docile form of life until they get numerous and powerful enough to backstab and bait the hand feeding them, hopefully, Russia will learn from the West mistakes. This form of life, necessarily the primitive kinds that didn't build a known human civilization or contributed in any positive way to humanity's progress locomotive, all they do is consume, and use modern human resources while not creating any, this form of life may seem docile and domesticable at first since wickedness is one of its traits, as soon as it has its grip on the locals resources and institutions, it unleashes the Beast mode in terms of backstabbing and arrogance along with totally absurd self-entitlement attitude going all the way to appropriate the land that fed and hosted them when they were barefoot and starving.

Africans, after they milked the West's resources, took control of their institutions, perverted their morals, and destroyed their infrastructure, now they have Russia as the next host body for the parasite form of life they are.
Wheat is just the beginning of the destructive spiral.

Anthropology-based and theology-predicted world order
Theological reminder
There is a bipolar world because there are only two sides (Good and Evil): the principle of duality rules the universe, it's that simple.
A pole is a sphere of influence, it attracts allies and undecided elements, there are oscillations around the spheres of influence or poles, those different elements [Nations] hesitate into deciding which pole to join because there are ongoing efforts and battle for the ownership of the seven Billion plus of souls present on the planet between the two sides of good and Evil.
From Anthropology to Global Politics
"On the global scene, we notice that this 'Archaic introgression' disguised as diversity will expand worldwide promoted and pushed by elements hosting or descendent of elements hosting a "significant percentage of Archaic genes", as a consequence, primitive kinds are scattered all around the world to create this diversity which ultimately will lead to a "Great Dilution" and make this 'resurrection' or reemergence possible: in terms of the predominance of people inheriting significant percentage of Archaic genes in the overall Demographics.

Theological point of view
There are many references to Satan, Evil, the Beast, or the Whore of Babylon in holy scriptures, as always, the interpretations are many, we try to make the most logical sense of ancient texts, taking into consideration that there is a paradox between a supreme being with infinite knowledge and ancient populations with limited development of the Humans mind even though the brain reached an optimal level, and a narrowed perception of whatever that supreme entity is trying to communicate to Humans or warns them about. That's why we must pay attention to some passages in holy scriptures and make some sense instead of expecting the existence of mythical creatures as a representation of Evil or Satan, If we consider miscegenation from a Theological point of view, the interpretation of the "serpent seed doctrine" as seen in previous posts and mostly the role of genes mixing in unleashing Evil on Earth, we will understand the role and danger of this ongoing populations movement, replacement, and invasion of archaic genes, embedded in partially evolved people genome, to modern humans gene pool or milieu,  indeed everything is rooted in a microscopic level since the Big Bang, and naturally our existence, and nobody is paying attention to the crucial nature of genealogy since "Neanderthals in suits" controlled MSM and the internet told the masses that we are all the same blood and that race is a "social construct".

Application on global politics
The West is like an organ infested by cancer and it's uncurable that's how diversity and archaic genes infestation happened. The West doesn't want to stop this ongoing plague of destroying the Human race with the diversity craze and their pampering for partially evolved populations because they didn't evolve and thus they can't create their own resources, this totally destroys the natural order that regulates life as it happened on Earth, life on Earth evolved through beings adapting to constraints and creating resources, not to live on empathy and charity of others. The West didn't want to repent from its Satanic ways, embracing deviant lifestyles and making unproductive populations above the law, destroying every order ever created to regulate life on Earth and the universe.
The West is going down, taken over by archaic genes embedded in lower forms of life under the name of diversity and inclusion, those people do not want the respect the natural laws of life on Earth, the West is so weak and what was once modern humans are vegetable forms of life Taken over by archaic genes through colored populations, they give a good representation of what is Humanity mental decay looks like, they are passive forms of life getting easily entertained and manipulated by Evil's most powerful weapons: drugs and sex, plus as we've seen above, the indoctrination and brainwashing going on through the MSM and the internet.

The West does not want to repent and Take Over their nations, save their race, and prevail. Hitler tried to warn them about the danger and the destructive nature of Jews or Neanderthals' genes improved by the modern human genome used by Satan to compete with and eclipse Humans as the reigning and dominant kind on Earth. The West is under total control of Evil aiming to destroy the Human race, they took over the whole planet but populations inhabiting the coldest place on earth, that's the missing piece of the puzzle for total control of the planet, they caused the killing of 26 M of Russians during the WWII and millions of Germans, they still trying to kill Russians or Slavs in general through proxy wars in Eastern Europe, they are trying to progressively destroy Russia, dividing the Russian territory, weakening Russia, they are surrounding it as wild dogs surrounding a weaken up or wounded prey.

The West lost the war to Evil control, they can't heal themselves of Evil infection, it is widespread, and we can't even amputate damaged organs such as during segregation eras of solid enforcement of nationalist laws, the West must be destroyed because it is too late to save it, infestation of archaic genes in uncurable, we can amputate regions with high archaic genes infestation which is a major part of the West territories and start over.

This bipolarity West/ East or Humanity vs diversified populations has been around since the genesis of mankind, you only have to pay attention to details.

A theology predicted bipolarity
There were always the two major poles and the neutral or undecided elements fluctuating between the two poles depending on different factors.
This bipolarity is not random, it could be three major poles or so, politicians talk about the multipolar world, the third or other blocs are often with no major impact on international affairs and they will ultimately end up joining one of the two major poles, the US or Russia.
This bipolarity is embedded in the natural law of life on earth, it is the duality that characterizes Earth and the Universe. Theologically speaking, it is about the serpent seed and the two bloodlines in a more evolved, modern stage. Human bloodline and the "serpent seed" or "partially evolved populations" as we've seen in previous posts, Humans as an incarnation of Homo S. Sapiens and partially evolved populations as an extension to Homo Erectus, Neanderthals, and Denisovans, this may sound absurd and politically incorrect, but we are citing hominins to present the distant ancestry and how genes transcended through time to shape the spirituality of some modern days populations, must take into consideration that time factor is insignificant, we are not talking about the approximative 5000 years of recorded history, but the evolution of Homo S.Sapiens as a conscient being and even as early as the happening of the bipedal motion in Africa because man-made time is obsolete.

This is necessary to present what follows, and the hypothesis that there are two spirits or entities disputing the ownership of every soul on the planet, Humans hosting the Divine spirit and Diversified populations hosting ancient, extinct hominin spirits, used by an Evil entity to dispute modern humans reign on earth, since apparently, Satan was unhappy with God making Adam and modern humans inheriting Earth, theologically speaking of course.
Diversified population puise (French) their spirituality from two ancient forms of life: Homo erectus, as the brute that inhabited Africa and never evolved into modern humans, Neanderthals and Denisovans as the Hominins that existed out of Africa, having less brute appearance than the Homo erectus, still wicked as a chimpanzee to exist in a world dominated by modern humans, on the other side we have modern humans, optimal brain, developed a Human conscience, with limited to absent animal instincts, unfortunately, they fell for the ruse and wickedness of Neanderthals in uniform (Zionist agents) which as Evil as they are they will easily switch being wicked to being woke, and they start brainwashing modern humans into self-destruction by plating on their very humanity to trigger their empathy, and used against them, making them developing a feeling of guilt for the situation of "partially evolved populations", and normalizing the feeling of self entitlement of strangers in modern humans land.
When we talk about the Brute features, it is about animal instincts, when we talk about the wickedness of a chimpanzee it is another trait of animal instinct, that's why the world we live in resembles a jungle with primal ancestries prevailing, in improved appearances of course, and the law of the animals' kingdom dictates the international order in the sense that we can easily sense that the global West vision is blurred, for "not a Divine Human spirit" is guiding them, but the Beast spirit, Evil, Satan, or whatever you would name the opposing side or the "Inferior Rival" which is trying to eclipse and replace modern humans as the dominant kind. 

Rare GIF of the brute and 
wickedness traits in one frame
The elements [Nations] that constitute a pole may be of different backgrounds defying the anthropological or racial reasoning presented, we must take into consideration the previous parts, the "serpent seed" doctrine and the globalization of the world demographics with all the miscegenation going on along with the ongoing corruption of the soul and indoctrination, it all goes back to the Anthropological core, as we presented before, as far as the stratification in Human kinds goes, it is encompassed [Anthropological core] into two ends: "modern humans" and "diversified populations", necessarily if we consider it from a demographic context in an international affairs perspective (diversity and miscegenation characterizing the Western world).
...Other elements [Nations] that do not respond to the classical [Anthropological core] criteria are the elements oscillating between the two sides (Good and Evil) or poles (international affairs), vulnerable to corruption, which will be motivated by different reasons, economic, military, or political constraints, sanctions or embargo, for example, are used by the west to blackmail undecided nations.

Modern-day politics: Anthropology and theology define the new polarity.
What's going on recently is like a final day battle between one side of modern humans that are not corrupted by Evil rising influence and the other side inherited archaic genes in a significant percentage to be expressed in primitive traits at an earlier stage of their existence but managed to have a better presentation because of the ongoing open borders and miscegenation, a Frankenstein forms of life aka diversity. (The stand movie illustration).
All primitive kinds that existed in isolation or as a marginal form of life enduring modern humans' domination and submission will rise because of the diversity pushed on the locals and global populations' movements and replacement, this will be the core of the new world polarity, another phase of Hominins struggling for resources and territories, now it seems that archaic kinds will not lose and get theoretically extinct but survived trough their leftover genes, it seems that's the other way around this time, same as life started on Earth, from the very simple unicellular form of life to the biodiversity that created life, but make no mistake, microbes can also start as a unicellular form and evolve into parasites, that's how we passed from Archaic hominins genes significant inheritance in modern populations to the diversity we witness today, it is the genesis of the formation of a new form of life, definitely not the one God intended for it to inherit and prevail on Earth. 

It is so evident that it's a bipolar world, we use the term multipolar because there are elements that are fluctuating around the two major poles, undecided about which side to join. We can take it all the way to the "Serpent Seed doctrine" and the two bloodlines but we are not theologians, so we talk about "Diversified Populations" and Humanity, which is more of an anthropological and theological outcome, without being related in any way to any religion since all faiths have been infiltrated by Evil through partially evolved populations trading embracing a religion for resources, than a result of politics, military blocs, or economic systems.
The planet finally reached the point of the Great Polarity between "Divine Human beings" and the "Great adversary", Evil is finally concretizing into political and military blocs, as he vowed, he corrupted vulnerable souls into joining its ranges, the West's diversified populations and immoral ways make no room for doubt about the nature of this bipolar world, those are the "adequate conditions" for Evil to rise and concretize in the political and military spheres.

Primal ancestries concretizing in modern days politics.
As posted above, the stratification of countries into groups depending on their degree of development is closely related to the degree of evolution of the majority of the population that settled down in a given area in conjunction with the favorable or constraining climate conditions which allowed or conditioned the success in building a Human civilization, before the globalization of the planet there was a certain distinction between first, second, and third world countries, fourth world countries present no interest to this post, each group of countries has its specific overwhelming kind of populations and racial groups, which created a certain homogeneity and consequently drew geographic borders, and most importantly a spirituality or state of mind reigning on the said countries or geographic areas depending on their evolutionary stages and how much Human mind maturity they have acquired. 
There were Europeans, Asians, Africans, and the Americas inhabitants, groups of countries have been developing depending on their degree of evolution, along with that, their morals and spirituality that are coinciding with their evolutionary stage and if the primal nature is Taking Over the Human conscience or vis-versa. After the globalization of the planet, population movements, displacements, and replacements, besides the ongoing miscegenation, the spread of archaic genes, and the consequent genetical dilution of the world populations, we witness an overall change and radical shift in the morals and spirituality reigning on the global masses, modern Humans spirit and mind have been eclipsed, it is not reigning on the West populations and political organs anymore, a shift in their morals and spirituality is caused by the ongoing miscegenation and population replacements which is caused the progressive Take Over of key positions by Semitic and African races in charge of controlling the flux of the information and what is broadcasted to Humans screens, as cited above it is a great way and a portal to Humans minds used by evil embedded in partially evolved corpses, which managed to appear as human beings.
The racial dilution going on is not innocent diversity, it is archaic genes invasion of the modern humans' gene pool, with dangerous and vicious primitive features embedded in modern humans' appearances, this is extremely dangerous and was never supposed to happen, at least in this large demographics changing scale, but it's happening to prevent the emergence of a new Hitler or a new ideology targeting Semitic races, Never Again. Neanderthals in suits learned their lesson.
This is why the West leaders' vision is blurred, they don't see what's going on with human perception, their vision is blurred because of the overall shift in world mentality and spirituality reigning in the world and mostly the Western world, animals instincts derived, below is a presentation of the common points NATO and generally Western leaders share with wild animals or the jungle law reigning on the world since the demographic dilution, Humans genes have been altered and the introduction of archaic genes in Humanity gene pool is the new "woke" Homo S. Sapiens.

Wild dogs' spirit in international affairs
What follows is not a depiction of the world armies and diplomacies as some kinds of animals, even though nations are used to using some type of animal in their Coat of arms, many animals are used from real to mythic ones, and it may represent an animal which is abundant in the country or for another signification, Canada for example, they have a unicorn in their Coat of arms, it is ironic and presents their rootless nation, Russia, for instance, have a depiction of a horsed angel vanquishing Evil.
This depiction in this post is about a trait we witness in wildlife in Africa and elsewhere, this trait is the difference between the hunting instincts of wild dogs, and lions and tigers, we can easily notice that wild dogs hunt or attack in groups never lone hunters, the only way to see a lone wild dog attacking a prey is only when it's weak, wounded, or as a scavenger, they try to outnumber the prey and weaken it as much as possible before actually attacking it, while lions and tigers are natural lone hunters and can attack a prey doesn't matter its size or strength, this may simply be explained by the difference in strength and the overall ability to hunt between wild dogs and bigger felines, but there are smaller felines that are lone hunters, and wild dogs attack in a group even if the prey is smaller, same as NATO.

If you overview NATO and the global West in general interactions in international affairs necessarily post-WWII or even during  WWII, they made victory using manipulation, deception, and spreading mischief between nations [wicked diplomacy], and they ended up the WWII by dropping atomic bombs on civilian populations in Japan [brute diplomacy] for so-called "peace reasons", they went unpunished because Zionism controls the world nations and institutions, then they started signing treaties of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Post WWII, all their actions may have been designed of a cowardly nature, because of the rampage they went on against countries with very weak militaries, of course, it's always framed in humanitarian missions, to free and liberate people from their tyrant leaders and establish freedom and democracy.

It is definitely jungle law that rules this world.
Despite having credit for being the most powerful army in the world in terms of budget (excluding Russia when talking about might), they always act like a low-status animal in the jungle, they attack defenseless, poor countries, and if an opponent is susceptible to present the slightest serious resistance they start their manipulation of the international community to corrupt regional countries into fighting their fight in terms of proxy wars, it's been happening all along the last decades, from corrupting weaker nations into having a puppet leader, establishing military bases all around, everybody knows that there is always blackmailing, you cooperate with Satan, or else...They act as if they own the world, as Trump talking about finishing the Ukraine war in 24 hours…

And there is Russia, they never dared to push further of the line of the Cold War, sanctions, or manipulating neighborhood-corrupted nations, that's how we ended up with the Ukraine war and the global West like wild dogs outnumbering and roaming around the bear, without daring to attack but to try to weaken Russia as much as possible progressively, from extremely extensive sanctions, sanctions of trade partners, assets seizure, the boycott of athletes, intimidations of Russian nationals, and of course fighting Russian until the last Ukrainian because they hate the Slavic race and they think that they are God chosen people since Russia is not Afghanistan or Iraq, their exceptionalism must come to an end. Now in this collective West proxy war waged against Russia, all the elements are present to designate it as a Russia/NATO war but they just still pretend that isn't the case, I guess a direct confrontation with Russia shakes the hair on their wild dogs ears.

From the global West or NATO military actions we can extract those characteristics:

1/ They attack weaker nations
2/ They attack by group or gang attack, never dare if the enemy may present a decent resistance.
3/ They try to weaken the enemy before the confrontation and try to outnumber as much as possible.

These 3 characteristics you find them in wildlife, where lower-status animals' survival depends on those cowardice qualities, wild dogs for instance, on the opposite of lions or tigers' attitude in the jungle is very similar to the global West and NATO actions in the international scene, they attack weaker prey, attack in groups, always outnumber and try to weaken the prey, at the opposite of lions or tigers. 
The international community's anti-Russian stance (they never mind civilians killed and destruction of the Middle East along with Ukrainians killed because expressing Russian nationalism but that's another story) and hysterical sanctions are like wild dogs attacking a cornered lion before undecided elements and an eventual awakening to the evil controlling the planet's international affairs will push more nations into siding with holy Russia.
This wildlife comparison to today's international affairs is a simplistic reflection on what's going in in the world in terms of balance of power and military confrontations, in fact, this is not a coincidence but a repercussion and a consequence of the inheritance of archaic genes in a significant percentage amongst the ancestors of populations that invaded modern humans genes pool and control the global West political and military organs, this wild dog comparison may be explained by diplomatic, political or military strategies and logistics, but one thing is sure:
The Zionism infested global West presents signs of extreme wickedness when confronted to a great power and exhibit extreme barbarism and cruelty when confronted to a weaker nation. 
We will see how these traits of "wickedness" and "brute", respectively derived from Semitic and African races define the West politics and NATO military strategies because of the prevalence of inherited archaic genes in the West populations.

It's always the same bipolar world and the struggle we are living in these days of two entities fighting for the ownership of our souls.
Besides the classical distinction between 2 sides or the bipolar world, in this post, we'll consider the anthropological context and go back to the distant roots of the populations of the West vs the East:  We witness an invasion of Archaic genes and dilution of the Western world populations which causes mental decay and rotten values, of course, it is camouflaged by the extreme extravagance and arrogance of Western societies, remark that they all sing the same symphony demonizing Russia, they are all brainwashed to serve a spirit of anarchy and perversion instead of following the Devine path, they demonize Russia because their "Neanderthals in suits" (Jews) inspired News told them so, same as they told them and the whole world that George Floyd is a saint while he is a career criminal.

The West and NATO: Brute and Wicked instincts: Primal ancestries prevail
The West populations and leaders are the results of the last decades of extensive miscegenation which created a genetical dilution along with an overall shift in the local morals and convictions due to the ongoing intense indoctrination caused by a total control of "Neanderthals in suits" of MSM and the internet, it seems that there is a connection between the West populations worldwide which is hard to explain but by the rise of a spirit resulting from the spread of archaic genes worldwide which create a bonding between all the populations sharing certain criteria or ancestries, all animated by one entity which strangely resembles a 'beast' which have a low hierarchical status in the jungle, to be more specific and break free from the wild dogs' example into Human beings or what resembles Human beings in this world, we talk about Wicked or Brute traits as they are transmitted to today's populations through Archaic genes inheritance in a significant level.

Primal ancestry rooted international affairs.
To make a sense of this context of putting international affairs and military strategies in the context of wildlife confrontation, which seems a little odd, we won't go into technical details and how Humans throughout history compared their actions to animals, in terms of strength, agility, speed, courage, or wickedness and cruelty, if we consider one side as having a lower order in the jungle that means that there is a superior order which is a lion or tiger for example embedded in the other side, this makes it having animals' instincts as well, but we are in the sphere of Homo S. Sapiens and, improved Neanderthals, improved Denisovans, and Homo Erectus, metaphorically speaking of course, or maybe not. 

We take the jungle as an absolute arena, regardless of the status of animals as none Human forms of life and we focus on the interactions, the instincts, and the pulses that guide each kind or group of kinds of animals since instincts and pulses are abstracts and can be disassociated of the animal nature and projected on Humans and other populations interaction in the case of wars or military confrontations. 
The Brute and Wicked traits
in animals world
In this abstract context where animals' traits and pulses are reflected in international affairs and military confrontations,  the West will have the hierarchical status of wild dogs per animal instincts projected on military strategies, while Russia and allies will have the status of lions or tigers per their overall military actions, notwithstanding that the state of war is a crucial and serious business and all the means must be used to win, doesn't matter how the enemy will describe it, that's why we witness Russian bravery in Syria, the difference between Russian and Zionist interventions in war zones.
In terms of wicked traits, nobody in the history of humanity instigated so many proxy wars and caused people to kill each other for their own wicked interests, that's what Jews have been doing since BC, mischief, manipulation of nations against nations, and instigating wars so they stand on the debris, typical Satan's "Art of war", all the way to WWII. Now, they're making Russians and Ukrainians kill each other, surrounding Russia waiting for them to weaken to attack, as the wild dogs that they are.

Distant roots of the Wicked and Brute traits

The core of modern-days demographics will cause the corrupted nature of populations inheriting a significant percentage of archaic genes, whether it's Africans, Native Americans, Asian, or Middle Eastern populations, if you are dealing with a colored person from any background or ancestry, you are not dealing with the improved genetics presented in the person you are dealing with but with their ancient distant archaic ancestry, either it is African tribes in Africa, in Asian isolated communities, in native populations in the Americas, in isolated Jewish communities, in Indians before they mix with the British... Must look at the Anthropological background, that's the spirit or entity you are dealing with and it certainly still has its archaic traits, either the brute traits in the case of Africans or the wickedness attitude in the case of the other kinds, sometimes a mix of different traits in one kind is present and it tends to balances depending on their occasional eras of strength or weakness.

We can easily spot the primitive traits inherited in those populations, for instance, native Americans' savage ways of scalping and how it is transcended into today's populations in terms of their savage ways despite the modern features, which explains Christopher Columbus tries to exterminate them because of their corrupted nature, if they're not violent because of physical or other reasons causing constraints, they are so wicked and sneaking on modern humans, a reminder that those are primitive kinds that were in the Americas worshipping all kinds of fool Earthly spirits and practicing humans sacrifice, they have just been submitted for resources, they didn't accept modern humans' ways, first chance they will strike back for Evil spirit is their guidance despite going to the church...
The same inheritance of archaic traits is visible in other kinds, that's how we have Jews' sneaky ways, Indians as well, are known for being ass kissers (a vulgar expression for a certain type of wickedness), same as Middle Eastern and North Africans, this wickedness trait is caused by their weakness, either as individuals for their limited and weak genetics or as a nation in terms of international affairs, Chinese wickedness is limited compared to Indians because of the biodiversity in China and some parts are more evolved than other, some of the Chinese nationals, necessarily in international affairs, are known for having a straightforward approach while dealing in international affairs, probably this is due to their great power as a nation or their history as an empire, in contrast, Chinese nationals in the Western world are known for being extremely sold out and ass kissers, even traitor to the CCP.

The Brute traits is more associated with African ancestry and mixed populations, Africans have a different spirituality and the way they see things is different, they are naturally violent, because of their body structure and testosterone levels, and the constraints they face in Africa, which we will contrast on Chinese and Indians for instance, mostly their different physical characteristics and mentality which reflects the basic difference between the Brute and Wickedness traits, This topic will be addressed in a separate post, but we make an overall distinction between Semitic races with their known overall weak body structure, we are talking from a historical perspective, they may have succeeded in gaining weight (they gain weight and get thick, they don't get muscular, retard genes) recently but their overall body structure is smaller and weaker than modern humans or African populations, there are well known some traits about some populations, same as wicked Jews, Smiling China man, or friendly north African or Middle Eastern, all those are deceiving facades used to compensate a weakness mostly in the body structure and also in social or racial status. Those populations inherited a significant percentage of archaic genes from Hominins that are a mistake in our evolutionary lineage (Neanderthals and Denisovans) existed and are existing as a marginal form of life in the Western world, Jews have been prosecuted and expelled from nation after nation, Chinese as a representation of Asian population existed in subordination in the western World mostly in earlier days of exploration, North Africans or Middle Eastern Semitic races were and are in a subordination to other populations with more pronounced modern traits and higher social or racial status. 

Wicked and Brute instincts at the core of international affairs
How those populations will compensate for their weaker body characteristics, and racial, social, or economic status? through deception and wickedness. That's why Jews are known for being backstabbers and deceivers, a picture is well known of a Jew shaking a hand and holding a knife behind his back as a guise of back-stabbing at the first chance, this goes for all Semitic races, because of their physical weakness as individuals, subordinate social or racial class in the host milieu and economic constraints to a limited extent when addressing Semitic races in North Africa and the Middle East, those people are known for being friendly to strangers for an ill-gotten gain, often they are wicked, liar, and manipulating that's how we got Evil Jews manners in use, and it's not about Jews from a religious standpoint, but about Semitic races in general, they have to compensate their weakness, they sweet talk, lie, deceive, manipulate until they get what they want and backstab at first chance, this aspect is limited for Chinese or Asian populations unless they settle down in the Western world, and they have to manipulate and gain the locals' trust. Recently, this aspect has been more or less disappearing because those populations 'evolved', got stronger, and developed resources, so they are showing up their real Evil face.
This goes for the international scene as well, Jews are well known for plotting in the background and manipulating nations for they had no nation or army (except Israel and IDF, where we witness the Brute trait in display in Gaza because they got a lot stronger, and Gaza is a weak prey for the wild dogs that they are), other than manipulating nations against nations for their own benefit, that's how Russia and Germany slaughtered each other in terms of millions for the sake of the international Jewry. 
There was no powerful Jewish nation before Israel, the US is de facto a Judeo-Christian, Jews owned nation, still, we can see the signs of Semitic races' attitude in the US and Israel's foreign policy, divide to rule, instigating proxy wars, selling weapons to both parts, arm rogue regimes, make coups d'état happen... All those actions are specific to Semitic races' ways around modern humans.

These partially evolved populations, their evolutionary difference and a primitive distant ancestry will explain their subordination throughout history and ancient tries to eradicate them, either the British invasion of India, Chinese subordination to Japanese, or the international stratification that was going on making some kind of populations disposable for the wellbeing of the whole nation, or even the world, this explains Hitler reaction to Jews existence, some elements are disposable and must be disposed of for the wellbeing of the planet, otherwise, it's the other way around, we will see this form of life, getting more powerful, more numerous, acquiring modern humans' knowledge and, make no mistake, it will eclipse modern humans as the dominant kind to take over Earth, it may not be through genocide because they don't have the means for that, but it will be silent, wicked ways used. That what's cultural Marxism is bout, wickedness on duty, that's how we got those partially evolved populations to build their castle in America, competing with God's modern humans' Europe, now we have Europe also taken Over, and Russia is under the radars to complete the Archaic genes take over of the planet.

Brute and Wicked traits in modern demographics: Diversity
Above we've seen how a part of the spirituality reigning on the world is animals' instinct derived, feral Negros actions resemble a form of life that has nothing of Humans, this is about populations that inherited a significant percentage of African genes, or the advanced Homo Erectus ancestry, which is a lower evolutionary stage in the lineage that led to the evolution of Homo S. Sapiens, it is well known that evolution progress in a scale from more brute to less or smoothened traits all the way to Homo S. Sapiens or Human conscience taking over animals or brute traits, the three major evolutionary stages are Homo Erectus, which is characterized by an overall primitive traits and strength, with limited mental abilities, Neanderthals/Denisovans characterized with bigger brain and consequently more intelligence but a smaller body structure, weaker physical traits not resembling modern humans (left Africa before maturing into Homo Sapiens) and finally Homo S. Sapiens which present the perfect design in terms of physical development and mental abilities, population inheriting a significant percentage of African genes tend to be violent with overall standard strength while mental abilities are less developed, this explains the waves of crime in the US and the Western World, notably Sweden and part of the US foreign policy in the world.

Considering other hominins, notably Neanderthals and Denisovans, whose archaic genes are inherited in a significant percentage amongst Semitic races (Native Americans, Asians, Indians, and what is called Jewish populations), their characteristics present bigger skull and consequent brains which present more evolved mental abilities than the African populations but no match to modern humans without getting a genes infusion, par contre, their body structure seems to be smaller and less developed than African and modern humans populations, to compensate this limitation they will use wickedness to survive in a world where the strong survive, that's why we find populations with this body structures extremely wicked and manipulative of Human populations, this is why Jews and Semitic races are known throughout history for being Evil plotter in the background, manipulating Humans against each other for they do not have the power to openly confront them.

The Brute trait in Semitic races
The US and the West demographic compositions are so volatile, genetically speaking, because miscegenation and diversity caused that the Brute and Wickedness traits are somehow interchangeable between different kinds and are both present in the same subject in different combinations and percentages, this is mostly because of the ongoing miscegenation and genes mixing which caused the random inheritance of the said traits amongst descendants of mixed couples, that's how we ended up with wicked Negros while they still have the brute feature, and Semitic races expressing the brute traits while they are still wicked, this is because the offspring of a mixed couple inherit both traits, so they use them as useful as they deem necessary.

The emergence of a New civilization: Diversity prevails
The Semitic beast has its niche in the States with succursals in Israel and other locations that have not acquired the geographic status as the fake state of Israel, wherever there is a separationist movement you find Zionist agents (Semitic core with different religious, national, and sectarian disguisements), from another angle, wherever the Semitic beast disguised as a Zionist regime wants a presence justified by establishing democracy and freedom, we find separatist movements. Often separatists are some kinds of "historically oppressed people", same as Jews, Africans, Native Americans, Berbers, Kurds, Tibetans, Nepalese, P
olisario  'Neanderthals, or any other minorities, somehow, those people consider the Zionist beast as their protector and leader, and they tend to idolize the States or any other Zionist regime. The common point between these groups and the demographic composition of the States or the global West is that they are descending of a racial group that is subordinated to the ruling power in the area, at least from the local point of view, after all, that's how we define minority groups, and the US and the global West demographics' core have been invaded by partially evolved populations during the latest decades which caused a demographic shift to a colored majority, in progress, or at least in terms of the control of institutions and the brainwashed and control of the masses and locals, this ultimately transformed the the US and the global West to a new form of demographics because of the diversity inducing dilution and consequently the morals and spirit of the Western world switched from a modern form of life to a colored spirituality with all the vice and moral decay going with the prevalence of that form of life, of course we omit the silent minority, which is oppressed by the Zionist controlled tyrannical government.
Must take into consideration that partially evolved populations are not modern humans, while modern humans (Homo Sapiens) matured in Africa before leaving the motherland, other kinds, mostly Semitic races (significant inheritance of archaic genes), either its Chinese, Indians, typical or Ashkenazi Jews (they are just another kind of Semitic race, religion is just commonly used to distinguish them of modern humans) and native Americans, they left Africa long before modern humans or Homo Sapiens and as a consequence they didn't fully evolve and matured into modern humans conscience, body structure, and mental abilities, which explains their retarded genes before they mix with modern humans, either it's Chinese, Indians, native Americans or Middle Eastern Semitic races, all present signs of flawed design at the opposite of modern humans' perfect design. 

That's how we got this duality in the world projected on demographics and international affairs rooted all the way in the serpent seed doctrine and the struggle between Good and Evil. Partially evolved populations are just different, and all the genes mixing and miscegenation going on in the world won't change the fact that they are inferior, that's the essence of Zionism. 
Ukraine is just a facade of this form of life taking over the 4 corners of the world in its eternal quest for world domination, it could be many countries or regions of the world that present a strategic interest for the Beast, Israel is well-established, Taiwan recently, south and central America are knowing the Beast strategic presence, influence, and control, without even talking about NATO members and strategic allies. The scare of the extinction of the Neanderthals still haunts them.

Animals' instincts Taking Over the world: The great replacement concretizing.
Negros and Semitic races from all backgrounds, whether it's Ashkenazi Jews, Chinese, Indians, Mestizos, or Brown Asian, in all their degrees of mixture, multi-generational, extensive crossbreed, pushed by Zionist lawmakers and thinkers, will embolden these archaic racial traits in the US and the Western world's populations, transforming it into mostly archaic genes based demographics, because pure race modern humans almost ceased to exist, went quasi-eclipsed by imitations of human beings, indoctrinated into self-hate and serve partially evolved populations interests, or are totally submitted and silenced. This gives an overall global idea of the nature of the Western world populations actuellement (French) and sheds light on the reasons behind the ramping mental decay and perversion of morals in the US and the Western world in general.
Jay Z for instance, acquired modern appearances and attitude, but the archaic genes inheritance and the primitive core are there to stay.
In terms of partially evolved populations, we witness that it is obvious that they have been emboldened and empowered recently, necessarily after the globalization of the planet and the constant efforts of Zionist agents to broadcast and force-feed the masses the illusion of the "one human race" or we are the same blood, pushing more and more colored populations into a positive representation of their kind and marginalizing or even ridiculing modern humans into a caricature of what they were as the leading and dominant kind om Earth.
Colored populations (partially evolved populations in this Blog/Site) ended up submerged in the illusion that somehow they are equal to modern humans despite the clear evidence backed by science and anthropology that there is an evolutionary gap between the two groups. This conviction of being modern humans grows as long as policies are made for the integration and inclusion of colored populations, their minds didn't reach modern humans' maturity so their perception is blurred and flawed by their immature minds. We may find them at an earlier stage presenting signs of submission and docility that's the trait of wickedness on display, as soon as they feel empowered by policies made by their distant cousins/Zionist agents who succeeded in occupying key positions, and start taking over by numbers because of open borders policies and the push for diversity and global populations movements, they show their real face and the Brute trait start surfacing, because hosting Evil spirit, defying God's will in making modern Humans inherit Earth and charging them by the task to prevail, this Evil embedded in colored populations is known for its pretentiousness, manipulations, perversion, and arrogance, that's how we end up with colored populations pretending to be the equal of modern humans and even trying to replace and eclipse modern humans as the dominant kind. This will expand on the International scene.

Concerning the locals, a progressive extensive brainwashing happened throughout time, progressive, slow, and successful, Cultural Marxism is one of the movements that will shape the West and modern humans' minds into a submissive docile form of life passing the interests of strangers, partially evolved populations, before their own. They transited from proud modern humans obeying God into submitting and controlling partially evolved populations because it's their Divine duty to inherit and prevail on Earth, progressively they transit from racial pride into self-hate and losing any racial or national identity replaced by a vegetable form of life obeying and executing whatever Zionist agents are broadcasting into their mind.

The Wickedness and Brute traits applied to global demographics
The two Primal traits that are considered in this Primal ancestry-based post are the Brute trait and the Wicked attitude, this is how they reflect on today's populations,

While Negros can present signs of violent, aggressive or the traits of the Brute, Jews or Semitic races in general, are more prone to use wicked approaches while dealing with modern humans, that's how we end up with Negroes typical violent behavior, which also reflect the spirit of a low hierarchical level at the jungle-like world, this is due to Negros overall strength compared to Semitic races, must note that the cross-breeding caused that other kinds that are not typically Negros, but a crossbreed act the same savage way, same as Puerto Ricans and other mixes, this is because the offspring typically take traits from both parents.
On the other hand, we have Semitic races which are in general characterized by a weaker body structure compared to modern humans and Negros, whether it's Native Americans in their primitive stage, Indians in India, Chinese, or Middle Easterners, or the typical Semitic race called Jews, all have weak body structure but compensate by wickedness, deceptions, lies, manipulations, and 'fake smile', as a wicked chimpanzee playing tricks in the jungle to avoid being attacked, compared to the brute gorilla that takes what it wants the violent way.
That's how we have Jews, never fought a war, the only war they do is spread mischief and manipulation of nations against each other all the way to instigating proxy wars, that's how we got Indians and Chinses sneaking into the Western world, stealing their knowledge and keeping a low profile until they Take Over and get more powerful, that's how we got Middle Eastern ass kissers attitude is known worldwide, which made Israel going in an unpunished rampage and blood bath in Palestine, and that's how we got this vague of immigrants flooding the Western world, acting as oppressed populations while their wicked Semitic beasts will backstab at the first chance, the famous Jews always plotting in the background and manipulating nations economy for their well being.

If the above distinction between the Wickedness and Brute traits as the primal instincts applied to the world demographics and politics is put in the context of the global perspective in terms of international affairs, that's how we got the Zionist doctrine making a combination between those brute and wicked traits; that's how Zionist agents open the border for 'poor, innocent' wicked Semitic races in their primitive stage and that is how the brute Negroes dumb down and dilute the locals, the process is long and complex, started a long time ago by Zionist thinkers and now it is in it reaping the results phase. Due to different policies of integration and inclusion, we notice the radical change in those Semitic populations' natures, from weak oppressed minority populations we transited into this tyrannical form of life they mutated into using all the programs of inclusion and assistance that Zionism has been promoting since they decided that diluting the white race is not optional but a necessity to avoid an eventual extinction of their kind.

Note de conclusion
It is so evident, the common point between the West bloc nations is their diversified populations. The common point between Russia and its allies is their racial purity, Asian nations are the most racially pure nations. Of course, there is a margin of grey areas, but the overall idea is that there are 2 sides or two spirits that dispute the ownership of the 7 billion plus souls on the planet, a side or a spirit at its core extinct hominins, which resurrected (got more numerous, powerful, and in new improved appearances post the discovery of the Americas) and mostly because of the recent globalization of the planet and open borders policies adopted by Neanderthals in suits in western nations, they are just inviting their relative in to boost the total control of the western world and make sure the total dilution of the planet is complete, a New demographic base is Taking Over at its core Archaic genes, no more modern Humans predominance, the other side of Spirit, is Humans' spirit or populations that are not genetically diluted to a certain extent, mostly by African genes and Semitic kinds.

The Next part will be mostly about the existence of Zionism as a rodent form of life, or as an "Inferior Rival" that Hitler tried to get rid of in the form of Jews, and it is not for the religious aspect, as it is agreed on by many prominent people with knowledge in the matter, but for their genetical difference which causes them to behave in a different way and their archaic instincts lead them to act as a malefic entity which is not compatible with the modern humans form of life, they used to roam around humans unnoticed, been expelled from nations for their toxic nature, until the development of Eugenics and people start understanding that their difference is "not religion deep", their archaic traits is easily visible in today's international affairs in terms of Zionism actions in the world, they spread mischief, they sabotage and ruin Human nations that did not accept their deviant ways, they are destroying Russia from within without being openly in a state of war, that's how the collective West exhibit it's Wickednedd trait, they can't openly confront Russia, they are Weakening the Bear, they spread immorality and perversion in the world for their Guidance is Satan because they never evolved enough to make the Divine connection, and since they matured into Hominins that resembles modern humans, Satan had to get vassals and to deflect the attention of the right path and  real religions, that's how we got Jewish religion and the expression the "Synagogue of Satan", of course this is open to interpretation, to make no doubt about the nature of the fake religion, Monotheism is a part of the Jewism, Evil is wicked after all and it has to deceive people.

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