Friday, December 16, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 4/5 Ter

Translation into International Affairs Part 3/4

The topic of "International affairs" in this Part is addressing modern days politics and how "Zionism prevails in the world's affairs" and many nations are just blindly following in its footsteps. Zionism at its core the demographics of the West with their Archaic genes inheritance prevalence. 

This prevalence of immigrants in demographics is what is called in this Blog/Site: Diversified population or simply the West demographics, either African or Semitic populations with a prevalence of inherited Archaic genes in significant percentages, often camouflaged by fake modern humans appearances along with the ongoing occupation of key positions by corrupted Zionist elements (modern human-looking Semitic races) will present [prevalence] the clarifications needed to understand that today's international affairs are rooted in our distant ancestry, genealogy, and even our distant Hominin roots, this is what is called the Globalization of the planet, there are no more boundaries which prevented cross-breeding with isolated populations (significant inheritance of Archaic genes) as in ancient times (pre-Columbian era and earlier), the latest surviving cluster of Archaic genes have been unleashed in the world post the discovery of the Americas and the transatlantic slaves trade, we are back to our ancient, stone ages state of hominins encounters and mingling (diversity), along with struggling and competing for resources and territories as well (immigration policies). 

A reminder of a Glossary of often-used terms.
  • Neanderthals in suits: is a reference to the presence of Zionism agents (Jewish background or other Semitic races) in key positions in Western governments, knowing Semitic races inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals, it is a way to present ZOGs.
  • Partially Evolved Populations: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations and Semitic races, as defined in this Blog/Site, are partially evolved populations.
  • Diversified Populations: When "Partially Evolved Populations" cross-breed with modern humans constituting the demographics of a country or a bloc of nations we talk about Diversified Populations. How to use in a sentence: "The West has Diversified populations". 
  • Miscegenation: The interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial groups.
  • Archaic introgression: Describes the incorporation of alleles from one entity (species) into the gene pool of a second, divergent entity (species).
  • Human: I use this term to refer to modern humans in the current context because after the racial dilution most of the demographics of the planet look modern humans while they are not.

3/Jewism, Genes, Zionism, Nazism, and NaZionism

Retrospective on the history of Zionism
Semitic races existed more or less around modern humans since the dispersion of different hominins and the inheritance of Archaic genes was aléatoire, before the discovery of the Americas causing the opening of Pandora's box in terms of the cluster of Archaic genes that were in the New World as well as in Africa and unleashed into the modern humans gene pool, without considering Asian ancestry and Denisovans' genes inheritance. 
Semitic races that existed in Europe and the Middle East are more developed (evolved) because existed around modern humans since the settlement happened in the continent, more or less hated by modern humans they managed to settle down all around Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, as soon as genealogy, Darwinism, and eugenics start forming in the Human mind, they [Semitic races] started elaborating counterattack measures, being expulsed from countless nations for being different, now modern humans are presenting theories and hypotheses that explain and make sense of the intuitive feeling Humans have about Semitic races and why they're different, there is no more room for wickedness and manipulation to deceive modern humans and coexist unnoticed as it was going on before the human mind start exploring genetics and the theory of evolution went mainstream, necessarily after the straightforward approach of Nazi Germany concerning their kind.
The two world wars happened, modern humans slaughtered each other in terms of tens of millions because of the wickedness of Semitic races, yet the scare of Hitler and his direct call for the annihilation of Semitic races and other minorities will be the cutting edge in unleashing a monster for revenge, there is no way to coexist with modern humans, be a minority and survive, things must change. 
Thinkers existed and ideologies were in the making before the start of WWI, because modern humans preach racial purity, Eugenics derived from Darwinism, and other approaches, Semitic races will develop a totally opposite approach which aims at weakening their [modern humans] dominance derived from their evolutionary stage by diluting their genes, that's how we end up with ideologies such as  "Cultural Marxism", the push for diversity and open borders which ultimately will lead to the racial dilution of the locals and a consequent "population replacement" caused by a massive influx of "partially evolved populations" inheriting a significant percentage of archaic genes: modern humans are not dominant anymore, Semitic races are safe, Never again! 
In the 1930s, being a Jew was considered a second-class citizen - in the worst-case scenario. In 2022, having Jewish blood can literally help you save your life.
Being oppressed throughout history and considered second-class citizens, the discovery of the Americas will be their opportunity to build a world and a civilization competing with the world that has been oppressing them all those years, a world where they will be the dominant kind and get their revenge of modern humans for their oppressed history. Must take into consideration the existence of modern humans as a rival kind, as cited before, a scheme has been orchestrated to weaken those dominant Homo S. Sapiens, diversifying the world's populations, normalizing being woke, the victim card, self-entitlement, promoting all kinds of deviation to destroy their moral values and weaken their family bonds, this is how we end up with the US as a niche for Semitic races or "partially evolved populations" from all around the world, it is the new world where there is no Nazi Germany no other dominant European populations, a world where being Jew or semitic race in general is some kind of God chosen people (the US exceptionalism), the guiding ideology is what is known as Zionism, which is an umbrella term that groups all the trends promoting a world dominated by "partially evolved populations" progressively replacing modern humans,  they became a lot more numerous and powerful recently while infiltrating every institution and political organ in the Western World, racial dilution is going on and modern humans mind is getting rotten over time which makes them not even realizing what's going on, Neanderthals succeeded, modern humans are an endangered specie.

They created the "Adequate Conditions" for Evil to rise, since it [Evil] hates the Divinity of modern humans same as the "partially evolved populations" or Semitic races hate the "evolutionary stage of modern humans", that's how the bonding between Evil and "partially evolved populations" happened, and that's why what's going on recently is crucial for humanity as a race and mostly as the chosen kind to inherit Earth, it is uncomplicated to see that we have a struggle or a conflict between "modern humans" and "partially evolved populations improved by modern humans genes", the push for diversity is not for humanitarian reasons but for acquiring those modern genes, that's how we ended up with the recent polarity in Ukraine: Russia and Asian nations surrounded by wild dogs presented by the Western world with their perverted values. 
In Ukraine, at the western Russian border, they [Zionism] will use an outdated ideology [Nazism] to justify their actions as Neo-Nazism while it's NaZionism (Zionism become so powerful, they play the dominant kind just because they can, justifying it by an outdated ideology).

Formation and evolution of the Zionist ideology
Conjuring fear of Nazism and anti-Semitism, Jews recoil from the thought that Judaism might be a race, but medical geneticist Harry Ostrer insists the 'biological basis of Jewishness' cannot be ignored.
In his book, “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People”, Harry Ostrer, a medical geneticist and professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, claims that Jews are different, and the differences are not just skin-deep. Jews exhibit, he writes, a distinctive genetic signature. Considering that the Nazis tried to exterminate Jews based on their supposed racial distinctiveness, such a conclusion might be a cause for concern. But Ostrer sees it as central to Jewish identity.
Jew as a religion: Semitic as a race.
In this Genetical envergure, the focus will be on "Neanderthal genes inheritance in a significant percentage" (Semitic races) because Ashkenazi Jews are the most evolved version of Semitic races due to their earlier genetical dilution in modern humans milieus which will cause the awareness of Hitler of their malign existence around modern humans, and because of their relative mental development they will succeed in confronting modern humans in a wicked way through the development of ideologies confronting and trying to suppress the dominance of modern humans as the superior kind on earth, Neanderthals were the closest Hominin to Homo S. Sapiens, this explains their stealth methods and success in Taking Over modern humans institutions, resources, and territories through their successful push for open borders and immigration policies of the West and the US.
If we consider the concept of duality, as it rules our existence on Earth and the Universe, in the world's populations and demographics they may be considered [Ashkenazi Jews] as the modern humans of the "Partially Evolved Populations" since, as far as the stratification between Human kinds from an anthropological approach goes, we make the overall distinction between modern humans and diversified populations, Ashkenazi Jews are the most evolved kind of Semitic races because, in part, they existed around modern humans earlier and longer than any other part of Semitic races, and in territories with affluent and powerful Semitic populations, because of their relative success in influencing and even converting the locals to Judaism and the extensive cross-breeding with modern humans including the extreme ways of the abduction of Slavic girls to smoothen up their Brute traits.

While talking about the Neanderthals as the leading hominins when it comes to Semitic races' archaic distant ancestry, must not neglect other hominins that survived through their genes (significant inheritance in "partially evolved populations") mostly Denisovans (some parts of Asia and a part of Middle Eastern and North African populations) to a certain extent, and African ancestries, both play a critical role in facilitating this Semitic races' Take Over of the world, mainly through the demographic weights and diluting the local populations. 
It is crucial to consider being Jew, or Semitic races in general, out of the context of religion, either the Islamic or the Jewish faiths, we are used to considering religious stratification as a cutting edge in establishing a world panorama in "International Affairs", necessarily by "Neanderthals in suits" because they need to keep the Christian world busy fighting an ideology or a religion other than that of the Zionist ideology based on the Jewish religion. The modern human mind must mature to understand that it is not about religion but about race. 

Genes-based Jewism 'evolved' into Zionism
In "International Affairs", we often talk about the West as a predominantly "Christianity-based bloc" and the "Islamic world" while rodent Jews are infesting both worlds, we never talk about the "Jewish world" other than Israel as a Jewish State, Jewish populations are scattered worldwide, it may appear that they are some kind of a defenseless oppressed minority because this is a very narrowed and superficial representation of the Jewish populations, wrong, the Zionist beast at its core the Jewish religion is controlling every institution in the "Western world" and even the "Islamic world", if we consider the overall nature of the Jewish and Muslim populations from a racial standpoint, they are both some kinds of Semitic races at their overall predominant traits before mixing with other kinds, of course, embracing such or such religious belief is not race-related but it happened that the territories (the middle east and north Africa) dominated by the Islamic religion are inhabited by populations of Semitic nature while the territories under Christianity influence are inhabited by modern humans (Europe and Russia, the US is a Judeo-Christian nation), Muslims at their origins may have being modern Humans before mixing with African populations through slaves trade and local Semitic races scattered all around the Middle East and North Africa, the same thing happened in Europe with the exception that Semitic races in Europe mixed with modern humans with no to little African admixture, at least until recently, that's how we ended up with Ashkenazi Jews with their predominantly modern humans traits and mental development which will lead to the naissance of thinkers at the roots of the ideologies used to dilute modern humans populations and control the world, ultimately leading to a Zionism dominated world. 

Zionism is a more 'evolved' form of Jewism, we use the term "evolved" because we are considering Jews from a
genetical standpoint, as a race, and most importantly as some kind of "partially evolved populations" referred to them as "Semitic races" in this Blog/Site, they 'evolved' because of the modern humans' genes infusion that happened in Europe, it is some kind of modern days archaic introgression as it presented in other posts of this Blog/Site but it is not the subject of this post.

While modern humans were debating Darwinism and Eugenics and planning to depopulate Europe of the "partially evolved populations" and push for modern humans' racial purity, Semitic thinkers came up with a totally opposite ideology aiming at promoting the demographic growth of "partially evolved populations" while tricking modern humans into lowering their birth rates, the term Zionism is often describing this ideology, it uses as a demographic base all the populations that are not modern humans (partially evolved populations) along with indoctrinating modern humans, rotting their minds, and perverting their ways causing a progressive perpetual decline of them as a race leading to a their replacement as the dominant kind on earth, either by encouraging them into adopting alternative lifestyles to cause their racial suicide or literally brainwashing them into self-hate and passing the interests of strangers (partially evolved populations) before their own, and when modern humans will start paying attention to the rise of this ideology and its nefast effects, the wickedness of Zionism is in display, instigating proxy wars, creating a state of mind in the world that question everything else but the Zionist wickedness that is dumbing down the masses and replacing modern humans by diluted forms of life. 

We passed from faith-based to anthropology-based ideologies
Converting to Jewism
When the food is so good
It is to be noted that Zionism is so successful in its demarches that it is an evolving ideology that feeds on the demographics of the "partially evolved populations" and uses their need for a better life in industrialized nations to use them as raw genetic material for diluting modern humans genes. We must consider the expansion that the human mind has known recently, the development and prevailing of ideologies instead of religions, while religions connected us to the Divine being to teach us what was inaccessible to the Human mind in times of prophecies, now it reached [the Human mind] a degree of development that will have to focus on more 'evolved' matters than the Diving teaching or connection because it [Divine teaching] already served its purposes by teaching earlier populations and consequently modern days' populations the rules of conduct and morals, the mystery of the universe, most importantly the distinction we must make between right and wrong, the eternal conflict between Good and Evil, and the perpetual struggle that modern humans have with the forces of Evil which will concretize in the "partially evolved populations" led by the Zionist Doctrine
Note that the Zionist ideology acquires its demographic base necessary to its success from all racial and religious backgrounds, so the traditional distinction between the Islamic world, Christian nations, and Jewish populations is null, at least as long as it's not serving a political or military goal for the Zionist BeastJewish populations and religion along with whatever justification or victim card are used as an excuse to build the legitimacy of the Zionist ideology and gain the empathy of the international community, Zionism is a lot more 'evolved' and dangerous than the religious aspect, that's why presenting the religious pretext to justify wars is very outdated. 
Talking about Zionism as the doctrine of "partially evolved populations" and how there is an eternal conflict between Muslims and Jews despite the fact that both are a large concentration of Semitic populations, this is when the notion of Zionism being a more 'evolved' form of Jewism makes sense, the religious aspects are not considered anymore, if Muslims do not embrace the Zionist doctrine they are disposable despite being Semitic races as well, this explains what's going on in the Middle East, the Zionist ideology 'evolved' into a Beast, and this goes also for the traditional Jewish populations and groups that denounce the Zionists as the "Synagogue of Satan", which must be taken with precaution due to what is known as "controlled opposition". 

We passed from a traditional religious criterion making the distinction between blocs of nations based on their geographic location or religion to a more 'evolved' concept of
Zionism at its core a large demographic base of "partially evolved populations" from all backgrounds and religions along with indoctrinated and brainwashed modern humans represented by the US and the West in general, and Humanity represented by countries that kept a certain racial purity and rejected Zionism perverted ways and morals.

In a historical retrospective, we can easily understand why Hitler had plans for Jews in Europe, without talking about Darwinism and Eugenics, Jews existed as a rodent form of life and they still through their 'evolved' form of existence that is Zionism, Jewish religion never was as successful as Islam or Christianity, their approach will be different, it is wickedness and deception instead of crusades, diluting the locals and opening borders to immigrants instead of invasion and conquest; well, the surviving populations who inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes (Semitic races) at the base of the Zionist ideology is very limited compared to modern human populations, at least this is the case until the discovery of the Americas and the genetical breakthrough "partially evolved populations" or Semitic races will know in terms of the cluster of "archaic genes" brought into modern humans gene pool to create the new demographic base at the root of their ongoing "populations replacement" and eclipsing modern humans as the dominant kind. 

Nazism and Diversified populations
Nazis ideology at its initial stage targeted Jews (Semitic races in Europe), the reason for this significantly narrowed approach (Jews as a religious group) compared to the world diversity we see today is because of the context in which it is applied (Europe), the main Semitic races coexisting with Europeans are known as Jews, and because of the historical era, before and around 1945 the world didn't know the globalization we are knowing today, nevertheless, it is not about Jews as a religious group but about Semitic races (populations that are not modern humans neither Africans), Hitler resonated in the context of Europe during WWII and earlier, nowadays after the globalization of the world, the traditional Nazi ideology is outdated because there are Semitic races from all backgrounds, all around the world united under the umbrella ideology of Zionism, if Hitler had to rise at these modern days, the Nazi ideology would be different, while the principle of "Racial AntiSemitism" will be at its core, it will get a lot more vague and confusing because of the racial dilution going on, the consistent cross-breeding and extensive miscegenation will make it hard and blurred to identify Semitic races from modern humans, in fact, today's Nazi ideology will be based on Anti-Zionism as its core principle, as we've seen above, Jewism 'evolved' into Zionism.
The notion that Jews were a distinct race has its roots in the racial theories propounded by British philosopher, H. S. Chamberlain, which depicted history as a struggle between Aryan and Semitic races. Prior to this, Jews who converted to Christianity were accepted as part of Christian society.
Note about the video above:
The Human races stratification presented by Nazi Germany resonated in a relative context of Europe during the WWII era, it is based on anthropology and the Evolution theory that was mainstream à l'époque, the overall approach making a distinction between human kinds depending on their skull shape which is revealing of their evolutionary stage. The anthropological roots of the European populations is Homo S. Sapiens, the racial distinction we are having between the nations is caused by the "more or less dispersion" and admixture with "Semitic races" in the continent, that's why Northern Europeans have more racial purity than South or Western Europe. The overall idea presented in the video about the evolutionary stage being positively correlated to the degree of development and prosperity is plausible, that's why Europe is more advanced than Africa and the Americas, and that's why Japanese and Koreans are more advanced than the Middle East and South Asia considering the overall global panorama of course.
Talking about Slavs is pointless from an anthropological standpoint, Homo S. Sapiens settled and dispersed in Europe, populations differ depending on their degree of admixture with Semitic races (populations who inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals' genes) and the climatic constraints they had to confront to build their civilization. Evaluating the overall evolution of Homo S. Sapiens by the degree of progress they made relative to the constraints confronted, Eastern Europe and mostly far North, Russia and previously the Soviet Union for example, built an impressive civilization at sub-zero temperatures, the coldest space in Earth, the Soviet Union was the leading icon opposing the newly built civilization in America that used all kinds of Human beings to prosper, including brilliant scientists from Germany and other nations, if we consider the degree of evolution of a nation or of a geographic area related to how much progress they achieved in conjuncture with the constraints they have to confront, Russia is a pioneer in the Human race development. Talking about yellow men referring to the Asian populations,  the farther you go from Africa and the Middle East the more evolved you are, that's why Japanese and Korean have some of the highest IQs in the world.
In the above video, there is a passage refuting the existence of different races and that "God made all populations of the planet in his image", it is true that there are references in the holy books about how God made humans in his image, metaphorically speaking of course because you can't humanize the supreme entity behind the existence of the Universe and the formation of life on Earth. The meaning of "God made humans in its [entity] image" is the optimal evolutionary stage that Homo S. Sapiens reached and the consequent progress modern humans made, it is Divine in the sense that it is the way God intended it for life to be on Earth, the Divine connection happened with modern humans and caused all the progress Humanity made because of an advanced evolutionary stage and a consequent optimal Human mind and thus modern humans deserved to inherit Earth. This is not to dehumanize other populations but talking about all the populations of the planet being in Gods image is incoherent because some primitive and "partially evolved populations" present signs of great evolutionary deficit reflecting on their ways, behavior, and degree of development, pretending that they are in God's image, meaning that this is God's representation in the planet that is destined to inherit and prevail in Earth which is just wrong.  
God made modern humans in its image in the sense that they reached an evolutionary stage that will permit them to prevail and be the Divine representation on Earth because there were holy connections throughout prophecies, he charged modern Humans with the task of enlightening "partially evolved populations" and guiding them to the right path.
"Partially evolved population", while not in God's image (partially evolved stage) that does not mean that God made them as a waste of space, it has been known that modern humans were in charge of "spreading the word of God" which will give "partially evolved populations" a way into joining the right path and avoiding Evil corruption, ceci dit, must not forget the principle of Duality in the Universe and on Earth, that the law of natural selection and the struggle for survival of the fittest caused the existence of life and evolution to happen on Earth.
The principle of Duality means that there is an opposing force or side that negates God's will on Earth, which is traditionally known as Evil, as we've seen in other parts, "partially evolved populations" are more prone to Evil corruption because of their evolutionary stage, being fully evolved is a condition to make the Divine connection since it is the representation [being fully evolve] that God intended for Human beings on Earth, this is the meaning of being in God's image.   
The conjunction between the principle of Duality (the eternal existence of opposing sides of Good and Evil), the natural selection, and modern days struggle for resources that still going on will cause the tendency that "partially evolved population" will get corrupted and be used by Evil as an opposing force to confront modern humans, keeping the law of duality on Earth going on and forming the opposing side to the Divine representation on Earth incarnated in Homo S. Sapiens. 
We must warn and guide partially evolved populations about the existence and the power Evil has to corrupt mortals, it is a shifting balance and Evil may triumph in Taking Over. This is what's going on recently with "partially evolved populations" prevailing in political organs, institutions, national and international affairs.

Note de l'author: 

We posted a video above and below we are posting quotes from Jewish or Zionist sources; we are for freedom of speech, we consider people's opinions as long as they present a fair assessment of events and facts, the way they perceive Nazi Germany may be different than the way we present the failed attempt to save humanity. That what's happened, Hitler tried to dispose of Jews or Semitic races in general in Europe or at least in Germany, people of Jewish descent or Zionist agents present him as an authoritarian dictator, we present him as a Savior, he tried to save Humanity from the rise of Zionism. 

Humanity is like little kids, they don't know what's good for them, when you get a little harsh or severe to teach them a lesson in life or try to prevent or save them from imminent harm that may affect them in the future if they don't get disciplined, they start complaining about your methods and severity, they start crying abuse and the victim card until they grow up without learning their lesson, bow down to Zionism and realize that Hitler was Right.

Nazi ideology at its advanced stage concluded that it is not about Jews as a religious group but about anthropology and race, in fact, considering the religious perspective, it had been mostly a traditional historical clash between Jews, Christians, and Muslims, since that was the main criterion distinguishing between populations, along with languages and geographic locations, the religious factor was predominant and justified crusades, conquests, and domination, will be dominant in people's state of mind until the development of fields relative to Human biology, genetics, eugenics and similar other branches derived from the revolutionary theory of Evolution, the human mind is enlightened beyond the traditional religious beliefs, going into another direction from spirituality and theology to science
The Nazis defined Jews by race, not religion. They claimed that Jews belonged to a separate race. They also claimed that Jews were inferior to all other races. The Nazi definition of Jews included people who did not practice Judaism. 
The religious aspect is minuscule, being Jews is about being different from an anthropological standpoint and they happened to embrace the Jewish religion while being different, as we call it in this Blog/Site: being "partially evolved" or, inherited a "significant percentage of Archaic genes". 
In this Blog/Site, we don't compare populations to animals, as it is often depicted in other publications critical of partially evolved populations' actions and the damages they cause to Humans because they act like one in terms of behavior or lack of human reasoning. Animals are deprived of the ability to plot in the background with the intention to cause harm to Humans, animals can be domesticated and can provide great benefits to Humans. 
What we are witnessing about "partially evolved populations" is that they are "more evolved than animals" but with an evolutionary deficit compared to Homo S. sapiens and extremely wicked, like the wickedness of monkeys, if we observe the overall behavior of animals, we see that monkeys are some kinds of wicked creatures with a perversion tendency, no other animal is compared to monkys when it comes to mimicking modern humans or acting as a primitive form of Humans, this is scientifically justified as we evolved from apes and we share 99% of our DNA with the primate,  some traits are just more or less evolved and they persist in Human behavior, we lose those animal instincts as far as we are evolving that's why "partially evolved populations" (Semitic and African races) can't be compared to animals, yet they are not fully evolved Humans, this explains their wickedness and harmful nature to Humans, harmful because they are a lot more evolved than primates with Human traits but with a wicked core, which will be used by Evil in the form in ideologies and doctrines, since it tends to associate with Archaic forms of life because Homo S. Sapiens made the Divine connection, we all evolved from the great ape after all. 

Religious differences aside, Theology taught us to fight Evil in all forms.
The natural law that caused life to exist and evolve on Earth is the law of natural selection which means the survival of the fittest or simply the strong survive, it is the bedrock of the existence of life since hominins competed for survival and consequently evolved until today's ongoing ideological torments caused by the aftermath of WWII and the awakening of Semitic races to the reality that some people question their wicked existence around modern humans. We talked about how God charged modern Humans with the task to inherit and prevail on Earth and to enlighten "partially evolved populations" about Right and Wrong, on the other hand, we presented the principle of duality and the ongoing conflict between Good and Evil in Earth along with the history of struggle for survival on Earth which is imperative to cause life to continue. 
What we are witnessing recently is that modern humans have been reduced to a vegetable form of life and have been tricked and brainwashed by "partially evolved populations" mostly "Neanderthals in suits" (Zionist agents) that there must be some empathy for "partially evolved populations" because we are Humans and it is our task to prevail in Earth and care for the less fortunate creatures, we have forgotten the principle that caused life to happen and continue on Earth, which is the natural selection and survival of the fittest as the divine rule that regulates life on Earth and the Universe because there is a duality and two opposing forces keep the universe in equilibre by their eternal struggle, the opposing force is just Evil which God charged us with the task to combat and vanquish, Evil is wicked as a chimpanzee, it does not come in a red suit or as a horned creature but as fellow Human beans or "partially evolved population", distracting, seducing and tempting, deviating from the right path, as the Zionist Cultural Marxism is destroying Humanity morals for a better control and ultimately Take Over.  
It is this empathy that destroys the Human race, Empathy suppresses the natural order at the root of the existence of life on Earth, and the planet is transformed into a globalized institutionalized charity because Neanderthals in suits exploit that Human wickedness known as empathy, Hitler had no empathy because he was not corrupted and was aware of the danger Jews and partially evolved population present to the human race in terms of lowering the standards to even up the levels in society, aka diversity and equality, the influence of "Neanderthals in suits" was very limited at that era. 
God through holy scripture warned us about Satan, Evil, Devil, or whatever you want to name the malign entity opposing the Divine will, he warned us about Satan amongst humans, corrupting and manipulating Humans, he didn't warn us of Satan or Evil as a creature, those depictions are just pure metaphor, we are warned about Satan corrupting fellow human beings, concretizing in a physical form and opposing God in its wisdom on Earth by inheriting modern Humans Earth and the necessity that they prevail, empathy, sex, drugs, lies, manipulations are all weapons used by Evil to manipulate Humans, confront and suppress their reign on earth.

Nazism with an anthropological and theological approach
Animals' instincts are harmless around modern humans because we are, as the Homo S. Sapiens, the most advanced evolutionary stage, we submitted nature and creatures, animals can be domesticated, tamed, or submitted by responding to their basic needs and instincts, which are food, shelter, and mating. Without trying to make a comparison since we all descended from the great ape and evolved into different stages, some "partially evolved populations" are harmless if we respond to their basic needs, food, shelter, and the appropriate conditions for mating, add to that intellectual and/or physical activity because we are talking about human beings, things would be pretty much under control. 
It gets dangerous and destructive when an ideology is involved in using those populations, they are raw genetical material, they are used to dilute modern humans as well as lower their standards since when you mix up two different populations of different evolutionary stages, they settle in a medium evolutionary level lowering modern humans and advancing partially evolved populations.
That's what the Zionist ideology is doing, bear in mind that Ashkenazi Jews are an advanced form of Semitic races with animal instincts and wickedness as well sure, but developed mental abilities, they will use "partially evolved populations" to create a new demographic fabric in the world where modern humans are not the majority anymore, worst, they are declining and getting replaced by Frankenstein forms of life. 

"Partially evolved populations" probably won't cause that much harm if they weren't used by a wicked ideology, a manipulative doctrine that puts in their mind the idea of racial equality, and when animals' instincts (partially evolved state: the prevalence of animals instincts over the Human side) are used by an ideology, they become dangerous, that's why "Neanderthals in suits" pushed for civil rights movement in the US, diversity, miscegenation, and all the trends that aim to genetically dilute modern humans and the "Populations Replacement" going on. Colored people or "partially evolved population", influenced by Zionist thinkers and their push for the narrative of the "one human race" do not want to accept the fact that there is a racial hierarchy on Earth, that's God's will and wisdom on Earth and they must accept their subordinate situation, modern humans will prevail as always and we can coexist, they are so pretentious and arrogant (an Evil or Satan trait, since there is a bonding), they want to outcompete modern humans and Take Over Earth. Semitic races in their advanced stage implemented in their mind the idea that "we are all the same blood", they just look different, made policies to push them forward despite their mental limitations, affirmative action, and all kinds of positive discrimination going on worldwide, and they end up convinced that there is "one human race" on Earth, because of the policies leveling up the field and creating fake equality by dumbing down modern humans.

Hitler wanted to create a Utopian world, where racial purity will prevail and "partially evolved populations" will be kept under control or segregated, racial mixing won't be allowed and the Aryan race will flourish and prosper forever, little did he know that a Utopian world as he intended it to be can't be realized on Earth because of the principle of duality governing our existence, the opposing side won't accept existing in a subordination situation, the struggle between the two sides is the essence of the balances of the Universe and the continuity of life on Earth, proof, modern humans thought they exterminated Neanderthals and Denisovans and that Earth will be under their control forever, they were wrong, out of Neanderthals genetical traces in isolated populations and scattered all around the world in different percentages we witness the "resurrection of extinct hominins" and the emergence of an all new and different genetic fabric in the planet, definitely not that of Homo S. Sapiens that God intended to inherit Earth.

Throughout history, nations felt that Jews are different and it is not religious-belief-deep, ulteriorly, science will prove that they are "partially evolved populations", besides being different, they also happened to be Jewish, that's why the religious criterion is intuitively used because it demarks a difference, this difference is about the evolutionary stage, not the religious appurtenance. 
Throughout history, there have been events of massive expulsion of Jews worldwide, that's why Zionist agents are obsessed with immigration and open borders, it is the scare of being rejected.
Anti-Semitic persecutions have been a recurrent phenomenon in the modern world beginning with the Czarist persecutions in 1881, and continuing into the post-World War II era in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. As a result, liberal immigration has been a Jewish interest because survival often dictated that Jews seek refuge in other lands.
Semitic races: Stealth enemy
Hitler initially didn't like Jews because of their faith or looks but because of the ill they bring to society by plotting in the background, causing mischief, and ruining the German nation and Europe, they are like a rodent form of life all around Europe, in the States, and around the world. That's what's Hitler main motivation was initially, not purely racial or religious, but it happened that this racial (the religious criterion is mostly an expression of their racial difference) criterion is conditioning the nature of Jews and how they behave around modern humans, it's like their behavior is rooted from their "partially evolved state" and that's just their essence,  it seems that this wickedness is a marking trait of Jewish and Semitic populations in general, it is embedded in their nature since the extinction of the Neanderthals wasn't complete and they had to survive in a world dominated by modern humans in a subordination situation, it is a survival instinct they mastered throughout history since they existed as a marginal form of life, at least until recently when the tyranny of the Zionism occupied Western governments is routine in international affairs, approved by the UN, and the surfacing of Antifa, BLM and similar groups, openly expressing that the era of the dominance of modern humans is over (the Take Over).
Hitler and the Nazis claimed that the “Jewish race” was especially dangerous. It supposedly exploited and harmed other races. Thus, the Nazis referred to Jews as a “parasitic race.” In particular, they believed that Jews were parasites that were destroying the Aryan race.
This goes for the international scene as well, Jews (Semitic races) are well known throughout history for plotting in the background and manipulating nations against nations for they had no homeland no army other than the governments they occupy or control for their own benefit, that's how Russia and Germany slaughtered each other in terms of tens of millions for the sake of the international Jewry to stand on the debris and form Israel as a Jewish state. This is t  major proof of the amplitude of Jews' control and influence on international affairs, it is like there was a WW for the sake of Jews to accomplish global control of international affairs and establish their state.
There was no Jewish nation before Israel, US is de facto a Judeo-Christian Jews owned nation, that's why we can spot the signs of Semitic races' presence in the US foreign policy, divide to rule, instigating proxy wars, selling weapons with no consideration of their potential use, arming rogue regimes, making coups d'etat happen... All those actions are specific to Semitic races' ways around modern humans.
The German defeat was hard to swallow for many Germans, and for Hitler, too. In nationalist and right-wing conservative circles, the ‘stab-in-the-back legend’ became popular. According to this myth, Germany did not lose the war on the battlefield, but through betrayal at the home front. The Jews, Social Democrats, and Communists were held responsible.
Preaching Racial Purity 
The Nazi ideology will make use of scientific trends in Europe, mostly Darwinism to present Jews, Semitic races in general, and other partially evolved populations, along with the deviations that may affect Humans, as an obstacle to the human race moving forward and therefore it was necessary to sacrifice those groups for the welfare of the Human race as a whole.
Hitler targeted other racial groups and minorities, notably Africans and homosexuals (now it's LGBTQIA+, must say the human race is 'evolving' in the West), they are another partially evolved form of life, they bring societies down because of their limited mental abilities, lower the standards and stand as an obstacle to humanity's progress, homosexuals are against the natural law of life, proof that Hitler was right, homosexuals rights and gender mania are crucial elements for the success of the Zionists moral war on modern humans.
Homosexuals were some of the first people, alongside political prisoners, to be sent to the concentration camps in 1933. In the camps, they were subject to ridicule and hard work. They were also forced to wear pink triangles to define them as homosexuals.
As early as August 1920, Hitler compared the Jews to germs. He stated that diseases cannot be controlled unless you destroy their causes. The influence of the Jews would never disappear without removing its cause, the Jew, from our midst, he said. These radical ideas paved the way for the mass murder of Jews in the 1940s. 

 Today's demographics are vastly expanded and the globalization of the planet is characterizing this era, Zionism expanded and it's a dominating trend in the world's politics, military, and culture, the religious aspect is kept as folklore that reminds people of an ancient era and occasionally used to justify politics, military, or socio-economic actions.

Nazi ideology repercussion on today's international affairs: Zionism
Hitler's rise to power, his aspirations, and his actions will create a monster thirsty for revenge, and obsessed with continual existence and self-preservation as a race, this monster is simply Semitic races (populations who inherited a significant percentage of extinct hominins' genes), in part commonly called Jews, before the newly discovered population will create an unprecedented event in terms of the massive demographic weight they add to the world populations, extending the definition of Semitic races far beyond Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. 
Everything happening in the world is rooted in the Semitic races' obsession with self-preservation as a race, the bitterness, and the desire for revenge, along with a deep wicked sense of manipulation of international affairs to suit their agenda and plotting in the background mostly in the long-term and in the global context, for a world demographics different than the oppressing modern humans' domination. 
“Roosevelt was fully aware of the danger threatening the card castle of his economic system with collapse, and that he was therefore urgently in need of a diversion in foreign policy. He was strengthened in this resolve by the Jews surrounding him. Their Old Testament thirst for revenge saw in the U.S.A. an instrument for preparing a second "Purim" for the European nations, which were becoming increasingly anti-Semitic. The full diabolical meanness of Jewry rallied round this man, and he stretched out his hands.”
Hitler's Declaration of War

A long history of Zionism's involvement in international affairs 
The controversy about Jews' role in defeating Nazi Germany is widely debated, from a conspiracy theory to an actual affirmation of Jews' influence on US and British leaders Roosevelt and Churchill during WWII, it is more than plausible the confirmation of an active role of the international Jewry in creating the alliance against Nazi Germany, as cited above, Jews have no nation of their own before Israel, their involvement in international affairs or politics was by infiltrating nations' political organs and manipulating decision makers into pursuing their agenda and serving their interests, before they actually start occupying key positions in the Western world vital institutions allowing them a total control on the world politics, that's why Hitler described them as a rodent form of life. 
The video below tries to debunk Jews' involvement in WWII as a conspiracy theory, it is interesting in the sense that it presents facts and informations that just prove that it is not a conspiracy theory, the arguments presented are superficial and resonate on simple suppositions and counter-hypothesis, talking about the US abandoning its "America first" policy and joining the war in Europe as common sense, it is interesting that this video will affirm and prove that there was, in fact, Jews involvement in WWII, talking about NYC as the center of international Jewry and Roosevelt being highly influenced by Jews for example, those are arguments support Jews involvement in WWII not debunking the 'conspiracy theory'.

The overall idea of what's happening in the world is far beyond regional isolated incidents, conflicts, or even historically or geographically independent events. Since post-WWII, a line has been drawn, and beyond geographical boundaries, nations, or religions in the traditional sense of the terms, a distinction has been made between Humanity, and what was traditionally called Jews, globally speaking are: Semitic races if we consider them from an anthropological perspective as it is posted often on this Blog/Site, we've seen above that there is very little consideration for their religion but their racial profile is critical in defining their actions and manoeuvres around modern humans, in their 'evolved' form they will constitute the demographic base which is more exhaustive than the narrowed definition used during Nazi Germany, While the basic principle of "partially evolved populations" still the same, it must be considered the changes that happened in the world post the WWII, new racial groups and mixed populations are added to the world demographics because of the ongoing globalization, and most importantly the indoctrination and brainwashing going because of the Zionist ideology which causes the existence of large masses of race traitors amongst Human populations, commonly called trash populations.

Ukraine, due to its strategic location on the Western Russian border is in the spotlight because Zionists are worried about how far the American/Russian tensions will go and the eventual development of a Russian pole as a revival of the Soviet glory and the scare of a Soviet Union world dominance that had kept the Zionist empire on edge to not say having nightmares, the existential threat of the Neanderthals empire is no joke, they barely survived Nazi Germany, taking the risk of allowing the formation of a Russian stronghold in Eastern Europe is out of question, wild dogs will station right at the Russian Western border to make sure they deter any Russian threat at its source, the best defense is a good offense, instigating war at the Russian border is a routine maneuver for Zionism in its traditional ways around sovereign nations affairs.
The international scene is not the same as during the cold war necessarily after Zionism's failure in Syria and the embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan, the world hegemony is at stake, Russia is expanding its influence, making allies and even foiling the attempt to overthrow al Assad, it is a serious issue, it may expand beyond a classical cold war into an actual international mobilization against Zionism tyranny in the world, leading the international community into a new war on Zionism, meaning America, Israel, and their allies, which is, unfortunately, far from being implemented in the international community resolve.

They portray Russian nationals in Eastern Ukraine as a subordinate race, with their pseudo-Neo-Nazi fluctuations, while in reality, they are afraid of a total anti-Zionist feeling in the planet that will lead to Holocaust 2.0, no more Jews or anti-Semitism this time but the West with its "Diversified populations" is the target, that's the Demographic base that created the "Adequate Conditions" for Evil rise on the planet and probably leading us into a modern days' Dark Ages in terms of morals and decency decline an eventually an imminent doom. 
The tensions in Ukraine are aimed to weaken Russia because the wild dogs' mentality prevails in the Western world and NATO, moderate rebels are used in Syria to overthrow al Assad, Ukraine is used to instigate a proxy war to drain Russia's resources because that's what's the Zionist Beast is about. 

Nazi ideology applied to modern days Demographics

It is to be noted that because of the multi-generational miscegenation ongoing leading to a progressive dilution of the Archaic traits, the overall appearances are not a crucial criterion in defining the Human or the Semitic natures, it is a racial dilution ongoing, we witness Humans been Semitized (genetically speaking) and Semitic races acquired Human features.

When you wonder why
you cant resonate with Satan
Semitic races at their initial stage had dark (brute) features, until they mixed with Humans and their 'brute' traits smoothed up all the way to Ashkenazi Jews with modern humans features. Ashkenazi Jews are, in part, besides mixing with local European populations, the result of the abduction of Slavic girls and forcibly cross-bred with the most evolved form of humans, no need to evolve, a shortcut is used, this explains why Ashkenazi and other Semitic races are so vicious, they are not modern humans following the natural path of evolution, they are a made-up race, the same happened in America, crossbreeding post the discovery of the continent created the American populations, not so peaceful way to 'evolve' must say. 
Often we notice that the West's reasoning is different than modern humans, a lot of people find the way they see things absurd, this is because their vision is blurred, not fully evolved modern humans, while modern humans' reasoning is Devine, their [Semitic races] Earthly or Evil spiritual connection makes them have a Beast reasoning.

Defining a modern days Jew: Racial or Religious Criterion? 

As presented above, "The religious aspect is minuscule, being Jews is about being different from an anthropological standpoint and they happened to embrace the Jewish religion while being different", we are passing from, being Jew: Significative of a racial difference to: An ampler racial background identified as being Jewish or embracing (converting to) the religion, this has happened after WWII and the privilege emanating from being Jew, mostly in terms of security and protections granted by the prevalence of the victim card in national and even international affairs and the advantages that being Jewish after the defeat of Nazi Germany grants, mostly the guarantee of life and residence in the US.

While there is mass conversions which means that the racial criterion may not be a defining trait of a Jewish person anymore, they are predisposed [converted populations] by embracing the Jewish faith to defend Zionism's interests, people from many racial backgrounds and religions in a quasi instinct of survival, they almost intuitively embrace the Zionism doctrine because of its materialistic aspect appealing to the historically oppressed populations or people who inherited a "significant percentage of Archaic genes", Zionism resembles some kind of an emblem that means that colored populations are no less than modern humans, even they are given preferential treatment compared to modern humans, this is the reason the doctrine and the US is so admired and protected by colored populations, they won't find such protection or rights than in the US under the Zionist occupied government and institutions. 

People from different racial and religious backgrounds embrace Jewism simply for the advantage of being Jew or simply Jews sympathizer can present, since post-WWII, Jews and Zionism in general, took control of political organs and vital institutions, bear in mind that Satan lures vulnerable souls through the temptations of this materialistic world.

The focus was on the Jews during Nazi Germany because before the globalization of the planet they were the main minority group in Europe, other racial and minority groups were subject to Nazi Germany's attention as well. The Jews are crucial because of their vague racial aspect and mostly because Neanderthals' genes (Denisovans genes recently after the influx of Asian and Indian populations) are closer to Homo S. Sapiens than Africans, talking about populations who inherited a significant percentage of the extinct hominins' genes not actually the extinct hominins, this factor will be crucial in the success of Zionism in competing humanity and succeeding in realizing its scheme of global racial dilution and control of the Western world's institutions.
While Jews were a minority back then as a religious group and mostly as a race, the main criterion which is race or the inheritance of Neanderthals (Denisovans genes after the globalization of the planet, they are bonding together) genes have expanded far beyond European Jews or isolated populations and the cluster of archaic genes that had no access to the modern humans gene pool, causing the explosion demographic that the planet has known post the discovery of the Americas in terms of the new genetical signature of the planet, not that of modern humans or S. Sapiens as it was at the pre-Columbian era but the prevalence of Neanderthals and Denisovans genes inheritance in significant percentage is a marking trait of today's genetics of the global populations. This massive populations movement, displacement, and replacement we witness recently, notably the waves of refugees and massive immigration caravans are indications that those are not spontaneous movements of populations in a quest for a better life, it is like it's a highly organized movement orchestrated by dark force trying to totally dilute the planet's populations and make modern humans dominant no more, Never Again!
It is not about Jews anymore but about Evil Zionism, that's why we see such diversity in BLM, Antifa, and similar groups representatives of "partially evolved populations", besides indoctrinated and brainwashed Humans, they are mostly white-looking Semitic races from all backgrounds in Human appearances.

Hitler wanted to exterminate Jews, not essentially because of their religion or racial features but because of their Evil nature and the national and international plotting they are known for, spreading mischief, causing turmoil in the world demographics by all the populations' movements they are causing, they hate God making modern humans as the dominant kind and they want to change that, Satan also contested that Adam is made better than him, was destined to inherit Earth, and vowed revenge, they are aiming at world domination by diluting the whole planet and as a consequence making modern humans a minority for an imminent Frankenstein form of life Take Over, no more Divine reign on Earth.

Now, this made-up 'Human' race is playing the Nazi on the Russian border, in fact, it is NaZionism, they still didn't dilute the whole planet, they hate Russian racial purity and modern humans scare the crap out of them, the scare of the extinction of Neanderthals and the Holocaust still haunting them.

Zionist roots of Neo-Nazis
Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned how neo-Nazism has been rampant in Ukraine. "Unfortunately, this is happening in Ukraine," he said, noting that this situation will eventually affect Western countries' interests, media reported.

Besides Nationalist movements that try to prevent the ongoing population replacement and foreigners Take Over, reviving the Nazi ideology to serve that purpose, the so-called Neo-Nazis in Ukraine advance the said ideology as a justification for violence, atrocities, or simply used as political manœuvres to destabilize the region or as a ground for an armed or military presence.
...The core of the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine is the Semitic races and indoctrinated humans (corrupted), they use the outdated ideology to punish humans because at their core the theoretically extinct archaic genes that Hitler wanted to exterminate for the ill it causes around modern humans, now they survived and are more numerous, powerful, with a lot of resources, manipulated humans into providing them with all kinds of assistances (because of Neanderthals in suits: Zionist agents in key positions in western governments) and now they are available in improved appearances, so they play the Nazis at the Russian Western border... Just because they can. 

All this Neo-Nazi mania is pathetic, Zionism as an entity is paranoid about the idea of the rise of a new Hitler on the planet, not as a person but as an ideology that confronts and exposes Zionism as it is: The rise of Evil in Earth through "partially evolved populations" and indoctrinated corrupted Human beings, this is an existential threat that will eradicate them and finish up what Hitler started, bien entendue, not like the Holocaust, this time it's not about the Jewish religion or other minority groups (the principle is the same: The demographic base of Zionism), but about embracing the Zionist doctrine of the worship of the material and superficial values that America and progressively the Western world is about, and this trend is leading the world into darkness. 

What's going on in the world is rooted in a long and well-elaborated scheme to make sure that there is no risk of the rise of a global anti-Semitic (Anti-Zionist) conscientiousness elaborated into a movement, alliance, or a modern days anti- Zionism crusade, that's why the global racial dilution is going on, a total racial confusion submerging the planet commonly called diversity. The scare of the extinction of Neanderthals and Hitler's plans for their kind as well as resembling ideologies in Italy or France for example, along with the tendencies that have been aborted before it concretized in the US created an instinct of survival and self-preservation as a race, modern Humans do not have that inferiority complex because they were the dominant kind on Earth since the dawn of the Human race, they do not predict that they may be dethroned on Earth, that's why they are not paying attention and easily distracted.
When you wear glasses so big: 
you can read and write very well!
Jose has a pen.
The ongoing global plotting and scheme orchestrated to weaken and dilute Humans racial purity is ongoing and successful because they [Semitic races] anticipate or probably it is a pre-emptive attack on modern humans that nobody is suspecting; spreading chaos and anarchy worldwide in the name of establishing freedom and democracy is a way of averting any perspective of a regional alliance maturing into an opposing force, using their inherited wickedness and global plotting skills, they make sure that in Europe, there will never be an anti-Semitic movement rebound again and people opening their eyes on all the tragedies and disasters Jews caused since they start getting their revenge on the German people and goyim worldwide.

The strength of their wicked actions is that they pass on undetected, at least for the brainwashed global masses, they cause disasters worldwide to serve, either their financial, political, military, or strategic goals. Chaos in the Middle East is just an example, ISIS is meant to deflect the attention of American and Israeli atrocities in Iraq and Palestine, as well as to cultivate an anti-Muslim and hatred feeling in Europe which will make Zionism, despite its barbaric core, cultivating an image of being the good guys doing what is right, the world cop, and prevailing, which will brainwash the international community into supporting the Zionist regime as the 'leader of the free world', this may be considered as a pre-emptive attack preventing any possibility of the emergence of a global anti-Semitic movement translated into an international mobilization against the Zionist regime and allies.
In fact, this Zionism ideology is so vague and immensely encompassing the world, has a solid demographic base and indoctrinated followers that it has no ideological limitations in terms of the representation it can take to serve its interests, that's how we end up with Zionist agent playing the Nazis, or NaZionism, this is like the movie "Inglourious Basterds"  where Jews went on a rampage punishing Nazis, now we have Zionist agents using the outdated ideology to punish Russian for their racial purity, nationalism, and loyalty to Russia, they hate everything that is modern human, a reminder that racial purity is an existential threat to the Zionist ideology at its core partially evolved populations and indoctrinated human trash populations.
Constant use of the swastika and the idea of “Na-Zionism,” a left-wing construct defining Zionism as a Judeo-Nazi fascist monster, are accepted themes in Arab propaganda. The Syrians and Egyptians adopted them after they were used in the Soviet press and were also influenced by Nazi émigrés who found refuge in Nasser’s Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and elsewhere. “Israel Uber Alles,” read a caption in an Egyptian newspaper.
Nazi Germany vs Neo-NaZionism
The German Nazi ideology is outdated to be applied as is on today's demographics or populations. Hitler, while talking about cleansing Europe of Jews, also was targeting other minorities and groups, the religious aspect wasn't the main criterion but the racial profile, it is widely debated that Jewish people are more of a racial group than religious followers, it is commonly admitted that Jews are not white (modern humans), they are not African either, they must fit in a certain racial stratification, in this blog/site we often talk about Semitic races as a vague enclosure to define people from various nationalities and religious backgrounds, it extends to all none African populations that do not respond to the classical criteria defining modern humans or Homo S. Sapiens.
Other factors will be included to make a distinction between people who serve Zionism's interests (diversified populations and corrupted humans, the West's values worshippers) and people who may be considered pure souls Human beings, this may pose some contradictions due to the colossal size of the planet populations and mostly because anthropology and the corruption of the soul are not exact sciences, we will be back at that topic at the "spirituality posts" in other series.

What we are witnessing in Ukraine is that this corrupted demographic composition attacking, oppressing, and killing modern humans who refused the West's perverted ways, and using the outdated ideology as a "controlled opposition" (in the sense that they are Using Nazism as a controlled ideology -typically it is lethal to their kind- to serve their goals, because Nazi Germany is no more but the outdated doctrine is still around, it is brought back with a new spin, under control, -metaphorically speaking- and used by Zionist agents) against the only people and nation standing between them and their dark agenda of world domination.

This explains why another Hitler or Hitler 2.0, won't rise up. Hitler as a person, as a politician or military leader, was addressing a limited issue of Jews' existence and manipulation of German politics and finance, Jews evolved into a more vague, complicated, and lethal ideology called Zionism, which is hard to define or limit to certain religious or racial groups, this causes that the modern days Hitler won't be a person but an opposing ideology or entity exposing Zionism's dirty tricks and uncovering the real evil nature of this plague infesting the planet. 

Anybody can fit in the role of modern days Hitler, from the North Korean leader to the Iranian president passing by all the leaders, governments, entities, or regimes that oppose the existence of Evil Zionism on the planet, Zionism retains its strength from its diversified demographic composition and its global reach and control of Western governments, an opposing bloc or ideology must be globally oriented as well, you can't defeat the rise of Evil through the "Adequate Condition" created without creating the appropriate opposing alliance in terms of a global reach as well, the Evil of Zionism is englobing the planet, defeating an ideology so appealing to the global masses will take the form of a revolutionary approach and a lot of sacrifices, we witnessed the emergence of "freedom fighters" in national levels who oppose this Zionist global racial dilution and the "Populations Replacement" agenda, for it to reach a global or international amplitude is still to be forged in populations and leaders minds.

That's why what's going on in Ukraine is crucial for the future of humanity, it is probably the last battle between Good and Evil because it’s not a war for faith, race, nationality, political, or financial creed, in fact, it's a war between Men and Zionism.

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