Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: Because biodiversity matters (BBM)

The series of posts called: "Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over" will be 'interrupted' by this series of posts under the title: "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: Because biodiversity matters." I was planning to make it one post, but it seems that it's better to divide it into small chapters/parts, the posts in the series "Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over" were also long with a unique title, which won't give an apercu on the post contents unless you read the intro and recapitulation, also I noted some incoherence, repetitions, and omissions which I will try to correct when I have a chance to edit this blog/site content.

This new 'special' series of posts treat the same subject, but it's like a pause between part 8, which presented the concretization of the Take Over in the forms of the demographic shift in matters of population movements and replacements and overall change in nations customs, values and policies to accommodate this new form of life invasion and part 9 which will be about the concept of time and how it is obsolete by humanity standards if put in cosmological perspective. Part 10 will be the reflection of previous parts on international affairs, and the consequences on shaping international relations with a distinction between subordinate and tyrants nations.
This series of posts will be considered distinct to a certain limited extent, it will not be as a continuation or transition between the previous and next parts. 

While it will be a standalone topic to a certain extent, it still goes in the same direction of the ongoing Take Over by a historically marginalized forms of life, the focus will be on disassociating it from random, isolated, geographically distant events and put it on the global context of the rise of a spirit of revenge that knows no time or geographic boundaries, what's more dangerous and crucial, is that it is a spirit for revenge and destruction not for reconciliation and coexistence, for it's essence is the total opposite of the divine spirit which 'created' life as we know it on earth, from the bipedal motion to this era of the web and space shuttles, it plays on our very humanity by using the victim card, which went from few individuals to groups, to racial and religious groups and even expanded into the international interactions, to gain our empathy, trust, infiltrate our ranges, melt in the structure, before backstabbing and ultimately taking over Life as we know it, replacing human value and decency by anarchy, lawlessness in societies and tyranny in the international scene.

A remark about how this spirit can be good in deceiving and hiding its true essence will be given to a certain extent by the exceptional rise of Trump in American politics, and since we are living in Pandemic times, a brief remark about the similarities between Covid-19 and the infestation of lower genes humanity is suffering from known under the disguisements of diversity or miscegenation, which is a silent Take Over of Human life by 'aliens genes' in term of the genetic cesspool that humanity has come to.
Most of the parts will be "an aperçu" or a brief idea on the subject it's treating, the internet is rich with more detailed resources and analysis, the overall idea is to link the dots between different events geographically and historically separated even in the context of hundreds of thousands of years, and reach a conclusion which will shed the light on the extraordinary events we are living in recent days.

Please Note:
To avoid any confusion or misinterpretation, a distinction must be made between terms in their abstract meaning, while it seems that to a certain extent they may be considered similar, they depict the fluctuations of life, soul, or spirit around the body in different contexts or stages, from the simple medical resuscitation or reanimation which happen when a CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is executed to resuscitate life in an unconsciousness person, none responsive but not clinically dead,   to the more mythical aspect of resurrection or reincarnation passing by the more controversial procedure of restoration of life. 

Resurrection is rising from being declared dead, it is more related to souls and spiritual spheres, reincarnation is more about spiritual manifestation in another body or entity, while restoration of life is about a more advanced stage of CPR, which is also mythical and represents reviving a subject that being declared clinically dead. 
The subject of these posts is more about "reincarnation" than "resurrection" despite the titles stating otherwise. The term resurrection is used more in a global demographic context than the usual singular act of rising from the dead, to depict the state of the demographics of some kinds of people passing from total annihilation to a demographic boom in modern 'more alive' appearances, the term resurrection is used more in a metaphorical sense than to depict the actual state of rising from the dead, it may be tolerated in an abstract extent considered from an anthropological perspective because we are talking about hominins, races, and populations in their drastic shift from a quasi extinction to a demographic boom which may be compared to a revival or resurrection of their kind as a whole.
Reincarnation may be more suitable to depict these posts, considering that those people's spirit resurfaced in new appearances resulting from diluting the leftover of their genes in modern humans gene pool, the archaic spirit and core are there to stay smoothened by modern days miscegenation and camouflaging the traits of the brute. The noun [Spirit] is mentioned in the title to give a glimpse of the essence of these posts.

Using terms such as Resurrection or Reincarnation may be considered excessive but it is necessary to imply the dramatic transformation of the overall nature of the populations that the planet has known recently and the explosion demographic of new kinds of people, those people were a very minority decades ago, those people inherited the genes of "theoretically" extinct hominins in a significant level to give them special archaic traits and characteristics even tough camouflaged by modern humans features, that's why we talk about resurrection because of the dramatic decline, near extinction of their population either in prehistoric times (Neanderthals and Denisovan extinction) or upon contact with modern humans (the discovery of America and genocide perpetrated by Europeans), or reincarnation because of the new improved appearances they resurfaced into, an anthropological retrospective is always presented to make a sense of this resurrection of quasi extinct hominins or reincarnation of population that suffered genocide and quasi extinction at the hands of modern humans.

We are witnessing a demographic boom and populations replacement by some human kinds that were presumed extinct or almost wiped out, now they are the "new modern humans" on the planet. It is a Genealogical Resurrection (extinct hominins genes) or Demographic Reincarnation (isolated primitive kinds are the dominant kind in improved genealogy: The Take Over)

7 parts, this series of posts will be divided into:


Previously in this blog posts, there was a presentation of the tendency of the formation of blocks and poles in the international scene, from Allies and Axis to the cold war between the US and Soviet Russia, to cite just recent history.
This is not the subject of this post since it will be addressed again in part 10, but it's important to point out the bipolar nature of the world, necessarily in recent history, despite the fluctuation in shifts of the balance of power between many regions, military or political alliances. Recently the US hegemony on the international scene is a marking trait of modern history, the formation of poles in recent decades, won't be about nationality, religion, geographic perspective, or military alliance, it will be complicated, because of the emergence of the Zionist entity in the international scene, which has a demographic base from all nationalities, religions, and creeds, with no counterbalancing entity or block to counter it, at least until the Syrian crisis.

Anthropological background
The traditional definition of races
In this post, the term "Semitic races" will be used frequently, while the term's abstract meaning is automatically translated to groups of people speaking Semitic languages, or Semites people, up to the notion being used recently, "anti-Semitism", which represent the hostility or prejudice against Jewish people. 
In this post, I will be using the term frequently to present a certain group of people that aren't Caucasoid, neither Negroid. While Caucasians may be divided into categories by PC advocates disguised as scientists, the subject of this post is to demonstrate the existence of 2 sides of human beings, ignoring all anthropological stratification existing in between. 

While talking about the human races from an anthropological perspective, we distinguish between The main human races: Caucasoid, Mongoloids (including Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and American Indians, etc.), and Negroid. Khoisanoids or Capoids (Bushmen and Hottentots) and Pacific races (Australian aborigines, Polynesians, Melanesians, and Indonesians) may also be distinguished, but the core of today's demographic composition and the groups presenting any interest to this post in terms of populations movements or cross-breeding that shaped the world demographics are the first three. 
The Caucasoid race is known to refer to Europeans or White aka modern human, the optimal stage in the evolutionary process, the Negroid race refers to Africans or Blacks, which judging by many characteristics of their kind, either in Africa or in the modern world, are not modern humans, and no, it's not because of harsh climatic conditions and constant exposure to sunlight that they acquired their distinguished tan and hair texture, we don't even need to go into the skull, brain size comparison and the degree of the overall development they reached to state that they are not, Just some extremely tanned modern humans with really bad hair texture, let's just say that they didn't' fully evolve, as we will see in this post and in other posts in this site, they are an advanced stage of the Homo-Erectus and an Archaic form of the Homo Sapien, the Mongoloid group is said to represent Asian and Native American groups. Since we ignore the Capois and Pacific groups for conformity reasons, mostly because of their insignificant contribution to the global demographics' genes pool. 

This traditional definition of the human races that is limited to Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid, will omit a large racial group which is of considerable importance to the planet demographics composition, while some may classify them as Caucasoids since they are not Black neither Mongoloid, it is often for conformity reasons, I'm talking about the groups existing in parallel to modern humans in Europe and Asia, they are not modern humans by the pure definition of the Homo s. Sapien. 
While Caucasian may embodies many stratifications, some people just don't fit in the class of modern humans and are classified as so just for proximity and conformity necessities, also because of acquaintance and extensive crossbreed which caused that their overall traits vanished overtime throughout history and as a consequence, they are classified as modern humans. Our concern is that a large population existed in proximity to modern humans in Europe and western Asia, and are not modern humans, neither Black nor Mongoloid, this group of people we will be calling "Semitic races" for the sake of conformity. For conformity reasons, because the term is debatable.

Semitic or Semites, debatable terms

The context in which I will be using "Semitic races" will be larger than how it was defined referring to a limited group of people sharing a common language or culture:
1. relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
2. relating to the peoples who speak Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic.
I will be using it mainly to designate a group of people who aren't Caucasian neither Negroids, the criteria which I will be taking in consideration to define this group of people is Genetic anthropology in terms of considering people with a significant percentage of Neanderthals genes.

So, when I will be talking about "Semitic races", it is not to express the commonly used definition about a shared religious, geographic, cultural, or linguistic background, race and genetics will be the main focus, it will refer to people with significant Neanderthal genes, which are as the included map shows, Native Americans, Asian, middle eastern, and people called of Jewish ancestry, brief, all racial groups that are not Caucasoid or Negroid (this stratification will exclude the recent extensive cross-breeding that happened upon the discovery of the new world between Black, White, and other kinds, that "form of life" will be addressed later on in this post). Jewish ancestry because Jewism long being focused on the religious aspect and disassociated from the race or ethnicity, while it is more race-related than religion-based.

Geneticists have long been aware that certain diseases, from breast cancer to Tay-Sachs, disproportionately affect Jews. Ostrer, who is also director of genetic and genomic testing at Montefiore Medical Center, goes further, maintaining that Jews are a homogeneous group with all the scientific trappings of what we used to call a “race.”

While anti-Semitism typically refers to the hatred toward Jews, Semitic or Semites, per the commonly used definition as we've seen above, is a larger group, from different religious and cultural backgrounds, and as I will use it in this post it will refer to every Human being that is neither Negroid/Africans(Black) nor Caucasian/European(white).

"...the now mostly extinct notion of "Semites." Invented in the nineteenth century and essential to the making of modern conceptions of religion and race, the strange unity of Jew and Arab under one term, "Semite" (the opposing term was "Aryan"), and the circumstances that brought about its disappearance..."
                                                                                       Semites: Race, Religion, and Literature