Friday, July 6, 2018

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 6)

 In part 5, I presented the overall state of mind of the American population presenting signs of mental decay, as I call it ZOG successful experiment in dumbing down and controlling the masses, we may even go further to design it as an "avant-goût" of the NWO theory so debated in alternative media.

The reason American population ended up as a caricature of Humanity is the root of the demographic base of America (Blacks, Jews and native Americans, along with Asian adds up, white still majority, but are mostly in a state of hibernation, a passive form of life too dumbed down to react). Along with the mass exodus of Jews post WWII to their 'promised land", they have the land, the easily manipulated demographic base, the rest is just putting theories advanced earlier to practice, the result is a totally dumbed down nation, with rare try to break free from ZOG grip, we may call it 'NWO testing land'.

In this Part 6 I will try to project what happened in America in term of Racial dilution and the dumbing down of the masses on the global perspective, I will start by going deep in anthropology to the root of this conflict between human kinds and how its rooted deep in the History of hominids composing the demographic texture of the planet, not only races and human kinds, since, "bien entendue" this diversity present in the demographic composition of the planet cannot be of one unique humankind, and this racial diversity is the long-term projection of the survival of genes and hominids, despite the theoretical supposition of anthropologists that modern Humans occupy the planet, other hominids survived more or less and practically have a concretisation in today's world human kinds composition.

I will present what I called "second out of Africa", in contrast of the "out of Africa" event that caused the evolution of the Homo Erectus into Homo sapiens and Homo s. sapiens by confronting harsh natural and existential constraints, while the African race as we know it today will stagnate in Africa as a lower hominid, or the homo Erectus in a relative more advanced stage, the "second out of Africa" will be simply the mass exportation of the African race to territories occupied by modern humans, either its Europe or the new world, this second out of Africa event, will be the chance of the African race to "Evolve" not in the course of 1 or 2 million years as it was the case for modern humans but within centuries, by cross-breeding with modern humans, and using whatever progress modern human have reached, of course using wigs and skin bleaching is an alternative to Darwin evolution theory and origins of the species, it makes them realize the evolutionary process of millions of years from the beauty shop store.

In part 7, I will try to present examples of progressive on-going demographic replacement and overall change in culture and ethics of a given country or continent with all the consequence from lowering the overall IQ to change of the fabric and custom of a given society, caused by massive influx of immigrants, who somehow happened to be descendants of hominids that are simply not modern humans, and how the world population will end up as dumbed down as the American population if no serious efforts are put to fight back this evil plot of demographic invasion to Take Over the planet.

In Part 8, I will present the political implications of this Take Over on the international affairs, Zionism dominate the world and the US define what is right or wrong, without taking account of opposing opinions neither of international laws, this overall absurd state of mind will be so dominant that the international community will be like tamed in a way that it finds it the norm to not try to confront the Beast Take Over.

History of Human kinds: Natural selection, the Strongest hominin survive

This is a video that presents the story of a hominid largely debated recently, said to be extinct, but not its genes, which are present more or less in Europeans, native American or Asian population, but not in African race, as presented in part 4, it's the Neanderthals, the hominids that coexisted with Homo sapiens for a period of time before going theoretically extinct, but practically cross-breeding and passing its genes even until today's population of modern Humans.

The struggle and fight for resources continue until today, except its politicized
This video presents how was the "Out of Africa" event and how Black people today, originally from Africa look like if they didn't evolve in about millions of years, which is a plausible explanation of the overall primitive state of Africa.

P.S.The initial video posted was removed from YouTube, I found a copy in another channel, which explain why the section talking about the comments related to the original video are not posted on this current video. Still some opinions are interesting, in both video, like a comment in this video comparing the people in this video who existed in dark humanity ages to his "Hood"

Around 5'30: "...2 species competing for the same resources", its about whats happening today, except it's modern days and there are institutions that act like animals rights activists, and act in a way to force the coexistence between evolutionary distant hominids that will slaughter each other to pieces in the darkest times of humanity's History, but some events happened, Evil has been unleashed on earth, Satan corrupts people and its wicked, it infiltrates political institutions to cheat modern humans into sacrificing their own brothers and sister's welfare to serve total strangers. It's not the strongest survive anymore, but the wicked take it all.

One of the comments compared how Homo Sapiens wiped out Neanderthals to how Europeans exterminated native Americans, of course, its not a 100% extermination, since a none significant number of native Americans survived, more importantly, their genes survived and being transferred to black and white Americans, giving birth to a new race, Latino, Hispanic or simply Mestizos or mixed people, which is almost same as what happened with Neanderthal genes, that survived and its more or less present in Europe and Asia, representing the Jewish and Asian population.

Another comment makes a correlation between the lack of progress in Africa and the absence of Neanderthal genes in the continent, which is pure none sense.

Other comments mostly of Negras represent the overall feeling the Black race have on the Evolution theory, calling white to be Neanderthals, or at least have the extinct hominid genes, which is plain stupidity and prove of the Lower IQ of Homo Erectus incarnation or the African race.

Homo Erectus incarnated in Africans pushes for the correlation Jews/Neanderthals
Researches revealed a larger percentage of Neanderthal genes in people of Asian or Jewish ancestry, which may explain the low number of Jewish population, as some last surviving Neanderthals and now whats going on today in the world, is the revenge of modern Humans, not the strongest survive, but the wicked or as I call it "the Take Over". 
Hitler's efforts in cleansing Europe is some kind of natural selection he tried to enforce by ridding the planet of the Neanderthal remains, as they will mutate to the Evil Zionist Beast as we know it today. The video below present the possibility of the survival of the Neanderthals in a humoristic way, but nothing is funny about the existence of dark souls in today's world.

Satan Incarnated through unholy procreation through races mixing:

There is the "Out of Africa" event as depicted in the above video, after which the evolution process took around 1 to 2 million years to reach the optimal stage of our evolutionary process of modern Humans or Homo S. Sapiens, that's the normal process, the course of nature for a natural evolution and to sit on the throne of God's 'creations' on earth as the most intelligent creatures that went through hardship and disasters, confronted harsh climates and natural constraints, to give birth to this magnificent creature that is the modern human.

What anthropologists are not talking about is "second out of Africa"

...The 1st out of Africa event is when the Homo-Erectus or the archaic homo-Sapien left the root continent exploring new continents and worlds, and how it evolved to the “homo-sapiens” then progressively to modern humans we know today, progressing from their state of homo-Erectus or African race in its primitive stage to the iron mastering era until a revolution industrial, while the African race stagnated in Africa in its quasi-archaic homo-Sapien stage.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 5)

Part 3 and 4 presented the anthropological roots of today's world demographic composition, despite the overall tendency to assume that little effects it has on human beings behavior and most importantly international affairs, moreover, extensive multi-generational cross breeding along with disparity in life styles between continents and nations makes it hard to focus on the real danger hidden behind peaceful appearance, for example behind the suits and ties of American and Israelis diplomats, often habile politicians, there is the soul of a barbaric savage monster, that been transmitted through generations to end up on the throne of tyranny, at the opposite, you may find more humanity in a modest person overseas surviving extreme conditions.
 It is crucial to understand the dangerous and evil nature of the form of life existing in the states:

"Full to partial manifestations of the Beast, resulting in different incidents taking place, are mentioned several times in the Holy Bible. In the very first part of the Book of Genesis, for example, the Beast ends up seducing some of God’s angels into engaging in sexual activity with Earth females, the ‘daughters of man’, who then give birth to a race of Giants that become evil, wicked tyrants over the course of time."

Miscegenation is an abomination, necessarily practiced on a larger scale, it creates a specie of tyrants that think they are better than other human beings and their lives is more valuable, more dangerous, they think they are doing divine duty in the world, and therefore nonpunishable. 

Parts 3 and 4 presented the roots of the essence of the American empire: Negros, Jews, native Americans, and an Asian adds up. of course, we are talking about the Zionist empire in recent decades, and how those groups control the masses, and white Europeans either got diluted, indoctrinated to serve Zionism interest, or are a passive existence in the union, following the lead imposed on them.
This part will present an apercu on the consequence of such Take Over by those archaic hominins in modern looks on dumbing down the masses, the mind control, and self-hate along with an overall state of mental decay characterizing the American society and population. 

Overall insight:
It seems that forces of darkness are more powerful than ever and concretize the Take Over I've been talking about, its a slow and sure process, playing on humans very humanity and empathy, its like the 60's civil rights movement on steroids, and it's taking a global perspective now, organizations like BLM, Antifa, NAACP, are few example of the slow process going on, globally we can talk about Soros and the global scheme of diluting Europe population along with European leaders such as Angela Merkel's suicidal tendencies of policies relatives of refugees and persons displaced by war caused by Zionists efforts into making Europe another America.

This is the Take-Over, when humans are no longer in charge and prevailing, instead, the Zionist beast (Homo Erectus and Neanderthal in modern appearances) takes over and leads humanity into darkness.

The Zionist Empire: Defying the order of nature and History:
...Just see how fast the events unfolded since the 70′s, America surfaces as a superpower, racial tensions disappear like by magic, the stupid masses are hooked on weed, interracial and homo sex... Drugs and sex: Devil old tricks to take over the soul, it alters the human reasoning and makes the person vulnerable to temptation and it worked really well, minorities and Negros went from segregation to today's domination, white collapsing like a snowball, and its getting worst and in faster pace over time, Mestizo telling Gringo to go back to Europe, Negros erring like wild animal out of control, acting like if they are above the law. Negros' spirit, coming from the darkness of Africa, they practice Voodoo, connecting to animals spirit, has been unleashed into the masses soul since the 70′s, and its the incarnation of Evil in more presentable appearances, boosted by Zionism policies for a better infiltration.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 4)

  In Part 3, I presented the roots of what I called petroleum spill tracing its origins to a less evolved form of life: Negros, Jews and other marginal kinds, incarnations of Homo Erectus and Neanderthals, both improved by modern genes to create the diversity we see in humankind today.
The evil nature of those groups is simply explained by the fact that they are hosting Evil spirit, at the opposite of modern human who made the divine connection, the result is the ultimate battle we see recently between Good and Evil or Humanity vs. Zionism.
Part 3 focus was on Negros, MLK and civil right movement, this part will treat the specific nature of Jews as a race, which is not as innocent as it seems and how they plotted a long time ago to control modern humans. In Part 5 we will have an apercu on the consequences of the existence of this kind along with Negros and colored masses on the American population mentality. Part 6, will present that the same scheme of Take Over by archaic hominids in modern appearance (petroleum spill) is happening in the global perspective. 

Further posts will project this anthropological Take Over on international relations and the reality of the existence of a Bipolar world.

Anthropological roots of today's conflicts:
"Restricting analysis of fossils to specimens satisfying these criteria, patterns of dental development of gracile australopithecines and Homo habilis remain classified with African apes. Those of Homo erectus and Neanderthals are classified with humans." (Holly Smith, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol 94, 1994, pp. 307-325. ) 

Anthropologically speaking Homo erectus and Neanderthal are classified as Humans, just the same as the Homo sapien sapiens or modern humans.

Before the East African ‘big bang’ gave rise to modern humans some 80,000 to 60,000 years ago, there had been at least four groups of archaic humans:
a) Skhul-Qafzeh hominins
b) Neanderthals
c) Hobbits
d) Denisovans (Homo altaiensis?)

These archaic humans have left significant genetic admixture in all modern human populations. The admixture is about 1 to 4% in Eurasians (from Neanderthals), 8% in Melanesians (from Neanderthals and Denisovans), and 13% in sub-Saharan Africans (from Skhul-Qafzeh-like hominins).

You read the press reports about the DNA of Neanderthals, and you quickly grasped how the new findings suggest that this branch of humanoids is much more distantly related to modern Homo sapiens than you may have believed--they are not even direct human ancestors. Now you must apply these findings, and examine their implications for the world around you. Specifically, you must weigh their effect on certain theories in circulation, among them, that Neanderthals still walk--or lumber--among us, and indeed that they have maintained their cohesion through the ages and still constitute a group apart.
And, most importantly, that this group of living, lumbering Neanderthals is the Jews.

At least two theorists working separately have concluded precisely this: The Jews are surviving Neanderthals. What matters is the existence of such a premise, because it validates the question it seeks to answer: What explains the Jews? That Jews require a meta-explanation is the problematic premise, one that even Philo-Semites have sometimes fallen for.

A long and extraordinary history of speculation concerns the ultimate identity of the Jews. In its course, learned fellows have repeatedly announced they have stumbled on a Big Secret, a hidden truth that explains Jewish survival, character, behavior, and even the historical antipathy toward Jews by others. That Big Secret has often been that Jews are not what they seem to be.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 3)

This fishes saga started with "Fish out of the Water: Consequences of the Evolutionary Gap": the situation of the African race in the world and the consequence of the evolutionary gap in creating a situation of an 'impossible successful integration of Negros in white milieus', the result is, instead of humans making progress, they end up stagnating or even regressing to adapt to the lower form of life that is pushed on humanity by all kind of evil forces, of the Zionist beast, disguised as policies of humanitarian nature. 

On the other side of the coin, we will see how this forced coexistence of negros on the host milieu will be like a petroleum spill, causing the toxication, drowning and eventually extinction of the locals, which are the "Dying fishes in floating petroleum" or as I call it the "Take Over" in this alternative scenario.

I divide it into 5 parts, I may add a 6th part or make the 6th one an independent post.

In part 1, I presented an overview of the damages caused in the American society brought by what's called diversity, which is another name for cultural Marxism, and how it traces its roots deep in history, the result, is a dumbed down white American population and a Judeo-Christian nation passing the interests of colored before their own, and how the tentative to prevail is desperate.

In part 2, I talked about Trump's election, how it's the latest hope to save white America, how it's failing because of the fierce resistance it's confronted with, and the iron grip Zionism has on the government and institutions, as well as the overall consequences of what I called "petroleum spill" (immigration and reproduction of immigrants) on lowering the local population IQ as well as worldwide.

In part 3, I will try to trace the roots of whats happening in America in History and anthropology, extending this overview to the global perspective and the History of Negros and Jews, as well as their specific nature as humankind, and how the world ends up in this situation under the Evil control of Zionism and demographic invasion which may be compared to a global petroleum spill.

In part 4, I will go back to the reality of America and how white America fighting the "Take Over" is overwhelmed by the siege it's under, either its politicians and decision makers or the demographic weight, the result is the development of a mentality for survival that, however, goes extreme or as I describe them, paranoia and confusion same as a fish out of the water flip-flopping, gasping for air or dying in petroleum spillage trying to hold on any argument for survival.

Finally in part 5, I will try to project and reflect what I called petroleum spill in America on the global perspective and how there is a silent invasion south to north, may be comparable to a petroleum spill or modern days plague disguised as refugees and mass immigration justified by all kinds of humanitarian reasons, while its demographic invasion. 

Some captioned pics are from this site:

The reality of Black and White America: dying fishes in Petroleum spill 
This post/parts is based in its original form on the recapitulation of writings and development related to a site that I used to visit a while ago, it's an anti-Zionist website with decent content and distribution.
I succeeded to have an idea about the mentality reigning in some parts of the American population, which has its positive as well as negative sides.

I've been around that site for a little while not a regular visitor, since I don’t need to go as deep as it is done there, in the analysis of the issues drowning Americans as individuals, a nation and a union where different racial groups coexist more or less peacefully, some issues are affecting people's present, rooted from their history and defining their future, different topics and posts may be all pouring in the same direction presenting an idea of a greater scheme that is made of different events or actions that seem of inocent or of independant natures.
I consider that site as a good reference about Zionism, with occasional Negros and Mestizos destructive effects exposed as well, it goes beyond the suppositions of Jews malign actions in the world and in the states to present concrete examples and cases of Zionism interference in national internal affairs.

Racial retrospective 
The situation of the African race seems to be of great disparity with what humanity has achieved on this planet, some may question the divine wisdom and justice between human kinds,

Injustice, because its humanity fault that their leaders are corrupted, their parents are genetically inferior, their distant ancestors didn't bother to confront challenging environments to evolve, which explain why their parents are genetically inferior taking us to the creator's purpose on earth. 
In a caricaturesque approach, It seems that they are a victim of a large divine scheme, since they were subordinate and inferior since forever, they only thrived in America, after the civil rights movement and the Zionism rise to power taking control of the American government, making both genetically inferior groups, Negros and Jews (talking about the roots) taking control of the planet through the Zionist Empire, the US.
Is it Hominids final conflicts? Homo Erectus represented by Negros and Neanderthal represented by Jews, VS modern humans, of course, crossbreeding make it hard to make a clear distinction, but the unholy seeds and corrupted soul is there to stay uniting them, wonder why they advocate diversity, spreading serpent seeds left and right. 

Back to the creator's purpose on earth, all religions are d'accord that, grossomodo, its about right and wrong, good and bad, Evil and Saint, if we consider that the creator is the good side, naturally, because you wake up every day to a rising sun followed by a moon taking over, and a natural order, having a human body with optimal mental and physical abilities, which are, -I won't say the image of the Creator- but hosting the holly spirit representing virtue and good, naturally a vessel will be needed to host the opposite side, the spirit of the Beast, which will be the bad side or the Evil side, the denomination Beast is used for conformity purposes, its not an animal, more like a spirit with great abilities. 

During the Evolutionary process God (the supreme being) will infuse the holy soul or the divine spirit into Homo S. Sapien, after reaching an advanced stage of the evolutionary process, which explain the movement of enlightenment that happened in Europe, the revolution industrial and how modern Humans prevailing in many domains, except politics and military, which unfortunately are under the Beast control via America and Zionist empire prevailing on the international scene. 
Other Hominids won't get the holy blessing of infusing of divine soul claiming their Humanity, that's the case of the Homo Erectus and the Neanderthal, instead they will host the Beast spirit, Evil or simply the opposite side of good which is leading Humanity into Darkness under the lead of the United States of America. 
They got their breakthrough the transatlantic slave trade, which will be the opportunity to unleash Evil in the planet, along with the Jews taking advantage of Hitler actions by trying to racially cleanse Europe, playing the victim post WW2 same as Negros. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 2)

Below are abstracts from a Book I've read first days in America: Vector by Robin Cook 

"Yeah, hey, you'd better wake up" It's happening, this country is on the brink of being taken over by Niggers, Spics, Slanty-eyes and Queers. It's going to be up to people like you and me if our God-fearing, self-reliant culture is to survive where people work for a living and Queers stay in the closet. I tell you, not only are these other races seeping in here like water through a sponge, but they are reproducing like flies. This one hell of a problem, we just can’t sit around on our asses anymore. If we do, we only have ourselves to blame."

"The Zionist occupied Government doesn't want you to know about it. They keep it out of the schools, out of the newspapers, and off the TV; all of which they control. The reason is that they want to neutralize us by diluting us genetically."

"It's a ZOG conspiracy. They don’t even want kids to learn the term because encouraging miscegenation is the most insidious sin of all that ZOG is guilty of. And to God it's abomination.

It's Satan attempt to do away with God's chosen people. It's Holocaust in reverse."

"This is a rootless culture" people are supposed to be free, but they are not. They are all scrambling for status and identity. We Slavs, may have had some trouble down through history, but at least we know who we are."

Trump Election: Draining the swamp or using Booms and skimmers?

Trump Can't Reverse the Decline of White Christian America
Two-thirds of those who voted for the president felt his election was the "last chance to stop America's decline." But his victory won't arrest the cultural and demographic trends they opposed.

Down the home stretch of the 2016 presidential campaign, one of Donald Trump’s most consistent talking points was a claim that America’s changing demographics and culture had brought the country to a precipice. He repeatedly cast himself as the last chance for Republicans and conservative white Christians to step back from the cliff, to preserve their power and way of life. In an interview on Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) in early September, Trump put the choice starkly for the channel’s conservative Christian viewers: “If we don’t win this election, you’ll never see another Republican and you’ll have a whole different church structure.” Asked to elaborate, Trump continued, “I think this will be the last election that the Republicans have a chance of winning because you’re going to have people flowing across the border, you’re going to have illegal immigrants coming in and they’re going to be legalized and they’re going to be able to vote, and once that all happens you can forget it.”

The 2016 election, in fact, was peculiar because of just how little concrete policy issues mattered. The election, more than in any in recent memory, came down to two vividly contrasting views of America. Donald Trump’s campaign painted a bleak portrait of America’s present, set against a bright, if monochromatic, vision of 1950s America restored. Hillary Clinton’ campaign, by contrast, sought to replace the first African American president with the first female president and embraced the multicultural future of 2050, the year the Census Bureau originally projected the United States would become a majority nonwhite nation.