Sunday, January 2, 2022

Miscegenation as a modern days' projection of Archaic Introgression (Part 2)

The Plague of Archaic genes inheritance in modern populations

This page/post is included in this series of posts as an annex because a transition must be made between the "GENEALOGICAL RETROSPECTIVE" and the "PRACTICAL APPLICATION ON DEMOGRAPHICS" Parts in terms of emphasizing the aspect of modern days' miscegenation as a long term's projection of archaic introgression, to a limited extent of course, the presence of ghost Archaic ancestry in African populations will be on the spotlight as well as the Neanderthals and Denisovans archaic ancestry which is more diluted because of the earlier encounters and extensive interactions with modern humans.

The GENEALOGICAL RETROSPECTIVE part was more about interactions between human kinds in terms of genes flow throughout distant history and how proximities and settlements define the genetic fabric of a given population, this post/page will be addressing genes flow in ancient and modern times, the correlation between and the projection of archaic introgression on today's demographics in terms of the focus on the hypothesis/affirmation that today's miscegenation is no different, relatively speaking, than the archaic introgression that happened at the Paleolithic period, because some of today's populations incarnate the leftover genes of theoretically extinct hominins that [Genes] transcended through "ancient to modern" times to end up either isolated or using more advanced human beings as vessels to make a shortcut for evolution (which defies the laws of natural selection that caused evolution and life to happen and thrive on earth), this makes miscegenation as a modern days' light version of archaic introgression.
This will lead us to the conclusion this series of posts is about "the resurrection of extinct hominins" because people who inherited archaic genes hijacked modern humans' genome to present a more 'evolved' form of life aka diversity.

The page "Erectus Walks amongst Us" presented a brief remark about the Archaic introgression in African populations, the "Out of Africa event" vs. the "Out of Asia Hypothesis", argued scientific racism basic claim about biodiversity in Africa and "lack of diversity" in today's populations, which presumably suppress the concept of "race" and force the made-up notion of "social construct" on the planet.
The difference between archaic ancestry in Africa and Neanderthal genes inheritance in modern humans, the overall idea being that "Erectus Walks Amongst Us" is a metaphorical expression to point out the primitive to not say Archaic nature of African populations.

This page/post's focus will be on the "archaic introgression" projection or "transcendence" (as it is used in this post see definition below) into today's demographics in terms of the miscegenation going on today. Miscegenation is cross-breeding or vertical genes transfer between groups of different racial origins, which is [racial difference] a transcending projection of Archaic introgression on today's populations, and that makes it a modern-days' introgression even archaic to a certain extinct if the concept of race is based on genetics difference between human groups, as every sane person must tend to assume.

Please Note:
The Archaic introgression in this post, it is the projection of the Archaic traits we are talking about as it 'transcended' into modern days isolated populations, and it doesn't have to be in the sense "Archaic genes introgression into modern humans genome", per the classical Anthropological definition of Archaic introgression as it happened with Neanderthals and Denisovans, it [Archaic introgression in this post/blog] refers to genes flow between modern humans and primitive people, because of the size of the surviving populations who inherited significant percentage of Archaic genes translated into traits, and as a consequence, they won't go extinct because they survived through their genes in modern human causing the existence of Semitic races in their different appearances depending on the percentage of Archaic genes inherited and the degree of isolation of populations. Today's Archaic genes flow context is different, they largely overpopulated in their isolated areas or diluted their features in Europe, gained enough power and influence on the locals to create the proper atmosphere for the "GREAT DILUTION" of modern humans' genome by encouraging miscegenation, which is a long term echo of ancient introgression, by pushing for population displacements and replacements, and what was Archaic introgression in stone ages, its happening today, probably in the opposite way under the smoothened denomination of miscegenation or diversity.

A glossary of the often used terms:
The interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial groups.
Archaic introgression: Describes the incorporation of alleles from one entity (species) into the gene pool of a second, divergent entity (species).
Hominins: Members of the lineage leading to modern humans:
Homo erectus, Neanderthals, Denisovans, Homo s. sapiens.
Pre-Columbian and Post-Columbian eras: before the arrival of Columbus in 1492 to the new world, and After the discovery of the Americas.
Genes Flow: The exchange of alleles between two or more populations.
(dogs example): One dog from a specific population is allowed to breed within a pure-breeding group, new alleles are brought into the mix. The gene pool is expanded, and new varieties are seen. Thus, the labradoodle has a Labrador mentality, but has Poodle hair.
Transcended (as it is used in this blog/site): projected from the paleolithic period to concretize into today's populations (ignoring the time factor).

"Several studies have provided evidence that extinct species can live on in the genomes of present-day species".
"Ancient introgression events can leave traces of extinct species in present‐day genomes, a phenomenon known as ghost introgression"
    ~~Jente Ottenburghs

Anthropological background
Evolution and genes flow are not an exact Science
 Modern humans first evolved in East Africa about 200 thousand years ago. By roughly 70 thousand years ago, they had replaced or marginalized all of the archaic human species. The final remaining archaic populations died out by about 28 thousand years ago. This period of human evolution is confusing because of the diversity of human species, their recurrent migrations, and interbreeding among different species or subspecies, including Homo sapiens. At present, there are no clear lines of demarcation between Homo heidelbergensis and archaic humans, nor between archaic humans and modern Homo sapiens.

When it comes to figuring out exactly how many distinct species of humans existed, it gets complicated pretty quickly, especially because researchers keep unearthing new fossils that end up being totally separate and previously unknown species.

We Homo sapiens didn't used to be alone. Long ago, there was a lot more human diversity; Homo sapiens lived alongside an estimated eight now-extinct species of human about 300,000 years ago, until as recently as 15,000 years ago
"We have one human species right now, and historically, that's really weird," said Nick Longrich, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. "Not that far back, we weren't that special, but now we're the only ones left."

This is some kind of the none sense scientists are preaching: "Long ago, there was a lot more human diversity, and now, we're the only one left" somehow they are just ignoring Archaic introgression and dilution or absorption of genes, that happened and well recorded. or they are just ignoring isolated populations and judging them as not human enough to be considered as inhabitants of the planet.

Miscegenation: a smoothened aspect of the "brute" Archaic introgression
Archaic introgression is more or less recorded and scientifically proven, there are cases of well-known and recorded genes' flow, and cases that are yet still to be proven, and probably cases that we do not know about but it is reflected in today's populations' genome.
Cases of modern-day's Miscegenation are well known and documented, the practice of genes mixing between 2 different racial groups has known ups and downs, from a taboo punished practice to the hysteria of miscegenation and diversity as a way into modernity.

Archaic ancestry in this post/page does not focalize on the insignificant inheritance of Neanderthals genes, because it does not alter the purity of modern humans' genome, since probably it was supposed to happen, in the sense that homo s. Sapiens' genome will be complete by some Neanderthals infusion without altering its status as the optimal evolutionary stage. It is crucial [inheritance of Neanderthals genes] when it is significant in terms of altering modern humans' features and the exhibition of Archaic traits, which represent what I called in this blog "Semitic races", it englobes all non-African populations that do not present typical modern human traits: Because they inherited significant percentage of Archaic genes.
We are talking about Neanderthals' genes infusion as an archaic introgression transmitted into today's populations, Denisovans' genes to a certain extent as well, because in case of recent days miscegenation, (despite the subject is a long term, more developed projection of a more pronounced archaic introgression), the subject acquires modern features without being truly fully evolved (modern human), as we've seen in previous posts about Jews with modern humans features.

While miscegenation may be considered as a modern day's projection of archaic introgression in terms of the evolutionary gap between human kinds, it is Not an alternative to evolution, same as Semitic races are not modern humans despite their features being diluted.

Retrospective overview on Archaic hominins and introgression
Before addressing archaic hominins and introgression, a brief overview on archaic forms of life s'impose, along with emphasizing the distinction between African and non-African populations.