Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 8)

Part 7, presented how this demographic invasion is justified by all kinds of humanitarian reasons, the hidden nature and reality of such population replacement, how its pushed through different disguisements, including the extreme way of instigating wars to create waves of refugees and asylum seekers influx, easily justifiable by Humanitarian reasons.
What's going on in the global perspective is far from spontaneous movements of populations for economic, military or political reasons, it's a scheme that has been planned a long time ago, and it is put into execution, needless to say, that there is an Evil spirit orchestrating all of this populations replacement, which as we will see in Part 9, is as old as the planet earth, or at least the existence of the first hominins.

This part 8 will treat the consequences and negative effects caused by this demographic invasion, mostly the projected radical change in European demographic fabric, and the immediate consequences such as creating a state of anarchy and lawlessness in the host milieu, translated into ghetto and No-Go zones, which will cause the overall destruction of national values and the progressive destruction of the locals' culture replaced by degeneration brought in by multiculturalism. As well as the US demographic composition which is predicted to switch from a white majority into a colored Take-Over in a matter of few decades.
The all is pushed by a radical change the world witnessed in recent decades, mostly a demographic shift, "the creation" of a new racial group descending of unholy genes mixing, the 'laws' made by the name of civil rights and lawless state submerging the planet for better assimilation or must say a Take Over of the mutants race.
I will try to present examples of progressive on-going demographic replacement, the overall change in the culture and ethics of a given country or continent, with all the consequences from lowering the average IQ to change of the fabric and customs of the society, caused by the massive influx of immigrants, whom somehow happened to be descendants of hominins that are simply not modern humans, and how the world population will end up as dumbed down as the American population if no serious efforts are made to fight back this evil plot of demographic invasion, aiming at the ultimate goal to Take Over the planet: Because, once their distant ancestors were almost wiped out of Earth.

Part 9 focus will be on the importance of putting what's going on today in the context of time-related anthropological roots, necessarily, how insignificant our short recorded history in Earth compared to the relative indefinite dimension of the Universe in terms of time and space, the limited comprehension of recorded events of cosmological dimensions as they happened, speculation on matters Humans start wandering around in the latest 500 years or so, while it existed for billions of years, which will make it all Scientific Proved Speculations, reminder that Science with all its branches is a Human-made field, made to comprehend matters greater than the Human brain perception, in constant evolution and not free from contradictions, and most importantly it is limited to the narrowed context that as Humans, we are having constraints imposed on us by the earth atmosphere, so all scientific findings are "made on earth" while the Universe is unlimited in space and time.

In Part 10, I will present the political implications of this Take Over on the international scene, Zionism dominate the world and the US defines what is right or wrong, without considering opposing opinions, neither international laws, this overall absurd state of mind will be so dominant that the international community will be "tamed" in a way that it considers it the norm to not try to confront the Beast Take Over, which as it is presented in part 9, nothing else than a spirit dating back to Humanity darkest hours, to the struggle for survival between modern humans and other archaic forms of life, which caused the theoretical extinction of the latter, but not their genes, put in the perspective of an insignificant time factor, at the UN, for example, we are assisting at an assembly of different hominins in suits and ties, (they all don't even speak the same language), debating peace treaties, and redistribution of resources.

Note: The Homo-Erectus is a theoretically extinct hominin that existed in Africa, called erectus to depict the passage to the bipedal motion. I'm using it to illustrate the partially evolved states of Africans, while it doesn't mean literally being the said hominin, they are not modern humans neither, an advanced stage of the Homo erectus or an Archaic form of the Homo sapiens. 
The same reasoning may be used in depicting Semitic races as Neanderthals, while this hominin is theoretically extinct as well, its genes survived and are at the core of the said races, that are neither Negroid or Caucasoid. There are different types of Semitic races depending on, at what period of the evolutionary process of modern humans, the Neanderthals crossbreed with them, in regle general the farther they went away from Africa, the lighter and more advanced the crossbreed is, which explains why middle eastern and some Asian Semitic races are darker and have more primitive traits than if we go farther north.

This Dead Fishes in Floating Petroleum saga started based on the scenario of Negros inability to integrate and assimilate in white milieus, simply because of an evolutionary deficit, making their nature incompatible with the local's, as a fish out of the water struggles, the result is crimes, lowering of locals standards and the development of ghetto areas and eventually the extreme situation of No-Go zones.
"Fish out of the Water: Consequences of the Evolutionary Gap"
presents the scenario of Negros isolated or moderate immigration to white milieus, where they used to suffer from segregation and limited assimilation, which is compared to a fish out of the water flip-flopping and gasping for air, because it's not in its natural milieu.
Naturally, we will observe a tendency of these fishes relocating to another milieu to try to adapt and adjust to make this "hostile" environment it's natural habitat, an intervention from a serpent specie (Jews) will intermediate in this "forced evolution", its called civil right movement in the states, it is well-rooted in Europe, originated by prominent thinker pushing for what is called multiculturalism, the result is different policies and laws are made to push for and facilitate this forced assimilation of elements that are far away from their natural milieus. 

Zionism will make this demographic invasion the bedrock and the basis for its Take Over of western societies, the evil scheme that started a long time ago, will ultimately cause Zionist agents to occupy key positions in Europe and American political organs, allowing them to pass laws and policies which will cause foreigners to have more rights than the locals. 

The video below gives an apercu on the root of this Takes Over and how it is a more sophisticated and planned demographic invasion than spontaneous population movements and displacements.

These Fish Can Live on Land And Breathe Air, But Authorities Are Not Impressed
This is not to "illustrate" this post, just to demonstrate how unpredictable mother nature can be since the fish scenario is a dramatization of the presentation of species immigrating from their natural milieu to a new environment, it may present the arrival of the very first Africans in Europe or America at a certain caricaturistic extent. 

Petroleum spillage: Meaning of the dramatization 
But what we are witnessing recently is Immigrants pouring in in millions, breeding left and right, learned to breathe out of the water, made the new habitat adapting to their nature, laws and policies being made to make the locals' way of life-changing to accommodate this inter-species, demographic invasion, this is no more fishes adventure out of the water, or learned how to breathe on land, this is petroleum spillage in the ocean: GIF invasion
The natural milieus are reversed and the locals are the fishes now, while the immigrants pouring in are like floating petroleum causing suffocating or Dead fishes, the scenario was reversed as the host milieu are the fishes and petroleum spillage is the immigration or the Take Over by Negros and other colored.
In the case of white America as the host milieu, they are like fishes that are about to perish, fighting and struggling for air and their survival, since they're submerged in petroleum spillage, which is simply the demographic weight of Negros, colored and immigrants getting even heavier by Zionist policies (united under a Left-wing), and it is doomed to perish, suffocated in this petroleum Take Over, that is simply diversity.

Europe is on the same path, immigrants and refugees taking over slowly, taking advantage of a corrupted political system serving Zionist agenda, while we can't generalize the No-Go zone to the whole continent, the demographic fabric of the European societies is changing, and it seems that they are as brainwashed as Americans to go with the flow of diversity as a way to modernity.

What I called a Petroleum spillage in America, represents the influx of immigrants and the demographic weight as projected to shift the racial composition of the states within few decades may be reflected on the global perspective illustrated by the fact that there is a silent populations movements and even replacement south to north, may be comparable to a petroleum spillage or modern days plague, disguised as refugees and mass immigration justified by all kinds of humanitarian reasons, while it's a demographic invasion, as a petroleum spillage in the ocean killing fishes that are simply the locals, overwhelmed and taken over by the weight of immigrants.
The scenario of petroleum spillage in the ocean was used to present the amplitude and seriousness of today's events in term of mass immigration, refugees exodus and the damages it causes on the local's milieus, compared to what a petroleum spillage will cause to the natural habitats of fish, later on, this post will talk more about mass immigration and silent invasion for conformity reasons. 

Désormais, this is the reality of America and Europe, at least those who don’t let go of their values and dignity and go with the flow by embracing the rotten multicultural lifestyles and mentality, the others are like dying fishes in floating petroleum, perishing slowly and surely. While the masses are mutating into a degenerate form of humanity. called liberals.

Distant Roots
It's sad what happened to Tainos people (the native inhabitants of Hispaniola: the island where Christopher Columbus first landed in his discovery of the new world: modern days Puerto Rico), that was systematic genocide, enslavement, and submission of the original inhabitants, in fact, the genocide of Native Americans is the largest in recorded history, which makes the so-called the Holocaust looks like premeditated murder of some individuals, because of their evil tricks and dishonest attitude.
Now, we have Sotomayor, which is Puerto Rican and Ruth Ginsburg, a Jew woman, and they are united to make the TakeOver or the revenge on modern Humans happen, they will go against any of Trump policy and make sure colored are prosperous and taking over the states.
This is not to praise Christopher Columbus or Hitler, but these people have dark soul, despite how much of concessions being granted to them, and they want revenge, Take Over and punish Europeans, if only they let things go and accept to live as second-class citizens because simply God wants it that way, simply because they didn't Evolve...

A spirit for revenge, not reconciliation
I don't have to describe plantations atrocities or the Holocaust, by posting what history recorded. This spirit of revenge doesn't want reconciliation it wants revenge, and it happened to be used by Evil power created by the union of all those historically oppressed people, it's called Zionism of course.
Either its Jews, Africans, or Native Americans, they will unite under the denomination umbrella of Zionism, with the common point of hatred toward the racial group who oppressed and dominated them as a race: Europeans.
The result is the rise of Zionism as an Evil spirit of revenge, their ultimate target Europeans, started by American population being dumbed down and put in a state of hibernation, then it's Europe in progress, it works so good that whites start hating on themselves, Zionism thrives and prospers into a lifestyle, get indoctrinated into people’s mind body and soul, and often the subject corpse is doomed as corrupted hosting evil spirit.
Zionism is an umbrella term that uses a large demographic base to enforce its dominance and mostly its weight on the local populations, this doctrine has its core in the right of Jewish people to their land, will know a global expansion to make it proclaiming every land in the western world and going-on in a systematic dilution of the locals, destruction of their culture, identity and ultimately taking over their land. 
The demographic base of Zionism encloses all kinds descending of "Historically oppressed people". From Negros to Chinese passing by native Americans, Jews and Asian-Indians, respectively suffered from slavery, exclusion act and Japanese racism, genocide, holocaust, and UK conquest. 
It is well known that Zionism took hold of American politics, as well as many western nations, same as there are Black people in American institutions charging cops charges leading to life or death sentences, America and major European countries are infested by Zionist agents doing the same thing from another angle by passing laws that will make it easy for demographic invasion and Take Over to happen. 

So, it's a confrontation between Caucasians and Colored?
It is not about the overall appearances of the population, but about its core and spirit, long time ago Zionism took over politics and Media, while 70's sexual revolution created a Frankenstein form of life, white looking while having Jews, blacks and natives genes, a monster thirsty for revenge, the rest of the white population got indoctrinated during the progressive cultural change and explosion of liberalism.
It is known that Zionism is a master in spreading mischief and divide to rule technique, we create chaos between black and white, nobody will pay attention to the silent take over, happening from all backgrounds, since it seems that its BLM movement, while it's true that Blacks are killed and hanging from trees, they kill each other anyway, and most of them end up in jail, those killed are like martyrs, to financially helping their communities, get more rights to colored, and the Zionist 'brown' take over is happening, because the locals feeling guilt about slavery, black criminals killed by cops, while browns are stepping on the situation to Take Over, disable authorities, Take Over and spread chaos, another Evil-Zionism conquered nation.
And nobody paying attention that most of 'Browns' are not humans, because they are busy apologizing for Blacks and losing their land to white looking Jews and Hispanic descendants.

Beyond national boundaries, it's a global conflict
As a global illustration of the 2 ends of human kinds existing on the planet, we may consider Russia and Scandinavian nations as an end and Africa and other colored as the other end.
Europe and America are in between, which explains the nature of there populations, like some mixture in the middle of the colors chart. 
Africa represents the dark end, and it seems that it's like a plague infesting South to North, trying to Take Over and diluting as much as it can, so a Grey or Brown population is taking over in term of demographic weigh, same as it is described in lee puniisher blog a wild form of life as wild dogs spirit taking over, or in those posts as petroleum spillage spreading South to North.

A remark about the planet demographic composition
Before the globalization of the world and even long before the discovery of America, interactions between nations and racial groups were limited, constituted of invasion or wars for different reasons, either its natural resources, land acquisition, political, religious or whatever other reason, like simply projecting its power to neighbors states.
It is important to note that, it often happened between one defined humankind or with a limited difference, either its language, religion, traditions or nationality, without being as the case of today circumstances: the forced interactions between 2 or more totally different human races, like Africans, Indians, Mestizos or all Semitic races interacting with Europeans. 
There was no major war between 2 or more different human kinds, like a War between Europeans and Africans or Native Americans for instance, but there were conquests and submission, the 2 major WW's happened between nations of modern humans populations, with different military means of course, but all modern humans, if we ignore the presence of Jews in Europe. 
For example, Europe as the oldest continent knew perpetual wars, conquest, and Reconquest leading to the recent map of Europe as we know it, remark, they are all Europeans, maybe different languages, religions, and nationalities but all modern humans Europeans, except maybe Jews who have special status as " "God chosen people".
The same happened in Asia before the WW's, American continent before the discovery was composed of native Americans as its main population, and they share racial and ethnic traits proper to their kind.
Africa before the Arabic slave trade was close to the world and composed of a homogeneous black population.

Until the discovery of the Americas, each part of the world has its specific population, which is rooted deep in history from anthropological settlements and political consequences.

The Demographic shift 
It is fascinating that an important part of the US population has been "created" after the 70's weed, interracial, and gay sex revolution. 
If we consider the US population before the 70's, we will distinguish between different parts of Black, White, Brown, and Asian, after the 80's, a new Frankenstein form life popped up out of the sexual revolution that happened right after the civil rights movement. Coincidence, you think MLK succeeded? He just mobilized colored, pushed by the Jews on a common front: defying the ruling class, sure, policies were adopted, but people will not accept another race, that was segregated and judged incompatible with their kinds just because activists, politicians, and lawmakers told them to do so.
You can't force another race on the locals, necessarily with the prejudices about  Negros and their kind rooted from the mentality reigning at that period of time, unless they willingly accepted them, otherwise they will revolt.

This is where Devil will reveal it's existence, MLK got the bureaucratic side, now its time to corrupt and brainwash the masses into uniting with Devil. 
What's Devil's most known trick? Drugs, lust, sex, and temptation. That's what happened at that US revolution, perversion is a norm and decency and values are outdated, the result is the new racial composition you see today in America, Satan offspring concretized through drugs, temptation, perversion, and lust. It's rare when you see a 100% pure Black, white or Brown race in a person, all got mixed up forming the unholy union and Satan population.
The same happened in Europe to a certain extent, while it is not as intense as in the US, because of the existence of plantations in American history and they mixed with Negros in their extreme pure race right from west African cost at their most primitive stage, since the 17 century.

Petroleum spillage, When the locals are gasping for air: 
The impact of the intrusion of an alien culture upon a failing culture is similar to a parasitic attack suffered by any failing creature. Though the citizens of a declining community are slowly losing their attachments to their own community, they still feel some sense of obligation towards it. It is their community, full of their own kind, which is their tribe, so regardless of their growing indifference to their society's tradition, they still feel a concern for its welfare. Whereas migrants from alien cultures have no such concerns; they are among strangers with a different culture. These invaders have not come to improve their host's society, but their own, at the expense of their host. Hence such invading minority communities are parasites upon their host community.

Its called la Reconquista, it's going on worldwide, disguised under all kinds of humanitarian excuses from Asylum seeking, all kinds of immigration justifications, but it's simply a greater scheme of population replacement, you may also call it the "anthropological-rooted Take Over" when a lower form of life is taking over through Jews mandated policies and it's demographic weight to become the controlling population of a given region or country.
The term "la Reconquista" must be used in its relative context since originally, it means taking back its land from el Conquistador. Here we can put it in a global panorama, both geographically and in term of considering "time" as obsolete, it may be defined as lower hominins getting la Reconquista or revenge from modern humans worldwide for being submitted and even exterminated as lower hominins in the darkest ages of humanity, upon the discovery of the new world and in Nazi Germany.

Projection on today's demographic 'conflicts' and populations replacement 
If you observe all the craziness happening today from BLM, Antifa, refugees, and asylum seekers, along with mass immigration mania, it's like we live in exodus times of biblical proportions, and those events will decide the future and fate of humanity. 
The issue here is that those people are so dedicated and serious about their Take Over efforts, while modern humans are taking a nap and watching TV, made to distract them and rot their minds by the same people who are orchestrating this to Take Over. It a big and wicked scheme, tracing its roots all the way back to darkest times of humanity.
This progressive, on-going demographic replacement and overall change in the culture and ethics of a given country or continent with all the consequences, from lowering the overall IQ to change of the demographic fabric and customs of a given society, called multiculturalism, as presented in previous parts, its not a spontaneous vague of immigrants or refugees caused by war, national conflicts or economic constraints, but a bigger scheme, planned a long time ago by Jewish thinkers in Europe, and now its concretizing, as cited in part 6, it's a lot worst, dangerous and barbaric than it seems, its the TakeOver or humankind descendants of lower hominins in this modern time, specifically of Homo-Erectus and Neanderthals, they are not fully extinct and now they are aiming for revenge of modern humans, this is the Take Over I'm talking about.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said Western Europe is under a migrant invasion which will soon make a minority of native Europeans. Orban was speaking Thursday at a massive rally three weeks ahead of Hungary’s parliamentary election. He said Western Europe has surrendered with “its hands up” to the mass migration of people from Africa and the Middle East. He added that “the youth of Western Europe will still live to see when they become a minority in their own country and lose the only place in the world to call home.”

New Frankenstein-like population Taking Over
This section will be in part related to the recent events caused by the Killing of George Floyd, and its role as a catalyseur of even more chaos in this on-going demographic invasion and the Take Over of western world by foreign elements and a Frankenstein form of life breed through diversity. 
The main crucial danger is the victim card that will have a global perspective now, more law will be broken with impunity, more destruction, looting and removal of monuments will follow, along with a global feeling of guilt and empathy by the locals, making this Evil Take Over even more dangerous and successful. 

George Perry Floyd Jr. (October 14, 1973 – May 25, 2020) was an African-American man killed during an arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota. After his death, protests against police violence toward black people quickly spread across the United States and internationally. (Wiki)

When this form of life aims at bending the law to serve its agenda
Just days before the video emerged of the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, footage circulated on social media showing uniformed men in Myanmar manhandling prisoners of war in an area where many were killed. Other footage showed South African security forces brutalizing citizens for failing to abide by coronavirus curfew measures, with reports of at least eight people killed. Protests also erupted in Nigeria over the killing of a businessman by police. All of the incidents received some international media attention and condemnation from human rights campaigners. 

Floyd’s killing triggered something in the planetary psychosocial algorithm. What it has underscored, among many other things, is that even as American influence has declined and the mythology associated with American exceptionalism has faded, events in the United States continue—whether by way of disappointment or inspiration—to shape the course of events around the world.

Anarchy going on: It's the new law and order
In the month since George Floyd’s death at the hands of the police, the world has witnessed some of the most engaged, passionate, and determined anti-racism protests and calls-to-action in recent memory.
From Minnesota and New York to Amsterdam and London, thousands of protesters have taken to the streets and social media to show solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and demand governments actively put an end to police brutality and institutional racism.
There have also been less visible changes around the globe that are harder to measure. Since Floyd’s passing, people have taken the chance to reflect on their own privilege and racial ignorance. Others have had uncomfortable but crucial conversations about performative allyship and social inequality in order to find out how to make a lasting change and hold themselves accountable for racial bias.

Positive discrimination at a whole new level 
As protests around the world continue over police brutality and the deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, change is happening across the US.
Police departments have been reformed, demand for defunding and disbanding, in Seattle, whole police station taken over by protestors.
Confederate monuments removed, Leaders resign after complaints of racist company culture, NASCAR bans Confederate flag, to cite just example of the on-going racial TakeOver.

Please note: 
The articles cited above are from the mainstream media that played and still playing a great role in taming the locals to accept this kind of demographic invasion or racial guilt to the growing Frankenstein form of life for a better Take Over. They cite something like accepting guilt, reflecting on their own privilege, racial ignorance, getting educated and hold themselves accountable for racial bias, which is pure Evil propaganda and global brainwashing as an extension to Zionism-based national campaign aimed at making the locals more prepared to this "Brown" Take over.
Talking about "Brown" Take Over has nothing to do with skin color, but to specify that it is not about African/European racial relations. As cited before, we use the Brown race to describe the demographic weight used to weaken the structure of western nations, from Hispanic to Chinese and Indians, passing by all kinds of Semitic races, either its Sephardic, Ashkenazic, Mizrahi or Ethiopian Jews. In fact, if you pay close attention, the death or George Floyd has been hijacked to grant the cited "Brown" race more weight and control, either by passing invisible in the racial diaporama, since the focus is between Black and White, and nobody pays attention to this "innocent" looking form of life, since it's always Black vs. White. 

A simple example is, how Indians and Chinese will melt in the masses and all negative stereotypes about their kind will vanish, necessarily a certain tendency into blaming Chinese for the hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by the Coronavirus because people got "educated about racism", this is the contextual dilution of the demographic fabric in any society or nation caused by those global protests, it is used as a pretext to go even further in stripping people from any national identity,  burying nationalism deep under the ground forever, and make it illegal and a crime to project any sentiment of national identity or racial pride.

How George Floyd changed racial relations in the world
Even before the chaos caused by the death of George Floyd, winds of change were already blowing into the new direction the racial relations are taking, even before the demographic Take Over, it seems that the Zionist ideology mobilizing people from all backgrounds and continents, and has an iron grip on institutions which allow it to bend the law any way it wants.
ISIS destroyed historical monuments which represent a great civilization that existed, prior to the spread of the lower form of life from Africa into the world, because the form of life that thrived in the world post the Evil globalization and populations movement, is taking control today, never create anything but chaos. 
The former Soviet States, embracing Zionist ideology went in the same direction destroying Soviet Union monuments
The all sums up a tendency of Evil Taking over the planet and force of darkness trying to prevail and create a new era for humanity.  

Activists target Confederate monuments across the US.
The Take Over has begun, now it's concretizing into a cultural invasion with a whole new set of standards, New America will be born, more "diversified and colored", with a new set of monuments, probably Jay Z, Beyonce, Shaq or Oprah.
This removal of historical monuments translates a cultural Tak Over. when officials approve the removal of statues that the signs that institution being Taken Over by corrupt elements who have other priorities than serving the position they are elected or hired for. 

A number of monuments and memorials were removed, or plans to remove them were announced, during the protests that followed the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, most of them in the United States. Some of these monuments have been the subject of lengthy, years-long efforts to remove them, sometimes involving legislation and/or court proceedings. In some cases the removal was official; in others, most notably in Alabama, laws prohibiting their removal were deliberately broken. Many monuments, memorials, and statues have been defaced, burned, or destroyed.

Looting and Destruction: Darkness Descends
The speculations about the Dark-evil spirit reigning on the American population, in contrast of the "American spirit" at the root of founding the country, which tends to disappear, to be replaced by the emerging, fast-growing, resulting of the crossbreed, the invasion of Blacks and other colored of all the aspect of the American life. 
Those speculations are founded on solid facts, and they are proved true each day passing by, the ridiculous way Americans act, their gross appearance, and the degree of their stupidity are just an explanation of the evil, voir primitive spirit reigning on America. 
Ever wondered why rioters and looters act like an animal form of life, animated by a dark spirit that is barbaric, savage, and seems from another dimension?

Beyond individuals breaking the Law, a Spirit of anarchy has risen
It seems that forces of darkness are more powerful than ever and concretizing the Take Over I've been talking about, its a slow and progressive process, playing on humans very humanity and empathy, like the 60's civil rights movement on steroids, and it's taking a global perspective now, organizations like BLM, Antifa, NAACP, are few examples of the slow process going on. Globally we can talk about Soros and the global scheme of diluting European populations, along with the EU leaders such as Merkel's suicidal tendencies, translated into policies relatives to refugees and persons displaced by wars, which are caused by Zionists efforts into making Europe as diversified as America.
This is the demographic Take-Over, when humans are no longer in charge and prevailing, instead, the Zionist beast (Homo Erectus and Neanderthal in modern appearances) takes over and leads humanity into darkness.
Of course, the Evil entity existing besides the Divine one will use their bitterness to spread chaos and mischief on the planet, as it's happening worldwide recently. 
Either its the modern days' exodus presented by the mass influx of refugees, justified by different reasons, Sweden chaos brought in by African immigrants and in other parts of Europe, destruction of Soviet monuments in former Soviet states, or in America, in the form of different movements that try, to make certain groups above the law (BLM), destroy the heritage of the local population (destruction of confederacy flags or monuments) or weaken the local population by pushing for stricter gun control (march for our lives).

Dark spirit, replacing Humanity enlightenment era
It is beyond traditional brainwashing, which is the result of direct interactions, the Evil rise in the planet is beyond direct traditional communication, this Evil form of life will use a certain type of Evil telepathy which will lead us to question their humanity, such as en evil spirit taking control of people and coordinating their actions to destroy God's creations.
This is when institutions get corrupted and are run by civil rights movement obsessed individuals or as I called them "bad elements in key positions". 
That's why affirmative action, quotas, and all kinds of positive discrimination are destructive. But fighting back now is a lost cause, its probably too late, going all the way to a corrupted educational system and Zionist agents occupying key government positions since post-WWII.
BLM and AntiFa represent groups promoting anarchy and lawless which are signs of Evil reign and destined to doom humanity.
Even Dictatorship rule is better and maybe considered divine in comparison because it promotes Law and Order, and bad elements hate it because they thrive on anarchy, law and order crush their archaic existence which represents Evil trying to destroy what god's people built. Calls for refund, disband, or reform police departments are just proof of the Evil spirit rising, the spirit of anarchy which hates Law and Order.

When People try to c confront Evil rising:
'But what I see in the leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement is a political agenda of the radical left that would defund the police, that would tear down the monuments, that would press a radical left agenda that, and support calls for the kind of violence that has beset the very communities that they say that they're advocating for,' he continued.

The Trump administration has not used the phrase 'Black Lives Matter' in the wake of George Floyd's death, which has led to nationwide unrest and more than a month of protests and riots in cities across the country.
Civil Rights activists and groups claim the phrase 'all lives matter' is counterproductive to the movement.

Trump was predicting the Take Ove before his election:
“If we don’t win this election, you’ll never see another Republican and you’ll have a whole different church structure.” Asked to elaborate, Trump continued, “I think this will be the last election that the Republicans have a chance of winning because you’re going to have people flowing across the border, you’re going to have illegal immigrants coming in and they’re going to be legalized and they’re going to be able to vote, and once that all happens you can forget it.”

It's so desperate that even if Trump tries to look like if he's trying to bring some sense to a "white Christian nation", it's a lost cause. Those people are so wicked and a long time ago had an iron grip on institutions, laws, media, and political organs.
Going the conventional way is a waste of time. Laws being made to serve this silent Take Over.

Let's get back to reality from the Left hallucinations
This post, to a certain extent, reflects the recent events, the Take Over the whole world is witnessing and nobody can fight back.
Cops are scared of doing their job and primates are looting and destroying what humanity built. To make matters worst, laws are being introduced to even make it worst and give this parasites form of life more 'freedom'.

The planet of the Apes Scenario
Well, it's an extreme scenario, but think beyond the primate body, think of the animal spirit, which is brought from the darkness of Africa and already present in America, and crossbreed that happened at an extensive level since the 70's, some talk about Satan's feminine side ovulating and fertilizing through this unholy crossbreed, ever wondered why blacks want to crossbreed in an obsessional way, why they want to spread and receive seeds left and right, in every possible and impossible occasion, among all races, it's Satan population rising, the new specie, the mutants, because crossbreed is not a substitute to Evolution, the holy process that will lead to the optimal form of life destined to inherit the earth, not some offspring of lust, perversion or rape, that was never the way the great designer intended for life to exist and thrive on earth.

Some talk recently about a Parasite invasion and the take over by minorities, this is the realizable scenario-based on of the planet of the apes' movie,  the use of apes is just a way to illustrate the partial evolution state of colored, it's a very feasible scenario, some who felt the danger already elaborated theories to fight back, the ethnic cleansing as an extreme measure, registration and the reservation as a moderate solution.
Of course, events like these don't happen overnight, it's a long-term process, history shifts take decades or centuries to concretize, check out the history of the world, America is in transition times, just observe the recent events, either revolt or you collapse. Something must happen to shake the stagnation, a stagnation similar to standing on quicksand. 

Anthropological roots of this demographic shift.
As posted above there is a fine line between being human, and act like an animal, because the animal part was never totally eradicated from us despite the fact that we evolved, at different stages sure, but there are no more archaic forms of life, at least in theory. 
The only way to evaluate our humanity is by the shifting balance between the 2 sides, human and animal, and that balance defines if we build a civilization or still inhabiting huts and importing western civilization. Or the balance between being modern human, or partially evolved hominin, brought from Africa, and represents an advanced stage of the homo erectus.

It is hard to convince humanity to get rid of the Homo Erectus and whatever humankind got the infection of hosting the evil primitive serpents seeds, it got so hard and complicated that sometimes it's hard to detect the presence of the evil corrupted seeds.
 Its getting worst overtime, the evil unevolved creatures are all around infesting humans, making them act like zombies under some kind of evil mind control, hating on themselves to save the primates who are treated like some kind of God chosen people, while the mud race is wicked as a chimpanzee, they play innocent, put on a fake smile and learn how to act like nothing is about the monkeys seed spread amongst humans like some kind of incurable disease or zombies like rituals of making a person out of the primates.
The Homo Erectus doesn't evolve, much post a primitive lifestyle, the invention of the wheel is just a criterion to present the mental abilities or inabilities of that hominin, which will be incarnated in the African race.
They will be introduced to modern humans through slavery, Arabic first then the transatlantic slaves' trade, will gain the trust of the locals, use their resources, despite their lower mental abilities and unproductive nature if kept out of slavery or bondage... Most importantly, they will corrupt the locals into cross-breeding with them, which is the greatest sin humanity ever committed and probably will lead us to our own doom.
Wherever the Homo Erectus genes are spread, it causes decline and long term destruction, those people are a passive form of life, live like a parasite, just to consume, produce nothing due to genetic limitations, just consider ghetto areas in America, and No Go zones in Europe.

The take over concretizing: the world is changing
A certain state of mind is emerging and englobing the planet, the recent generations are grown to a world where it seems that they are born with a "victim" branded on their forehead, it's like the concentration camp mentality is the norm in the States and emerging in Europe, they are programmed to act like if Nazi Germany is still oppressing them, and the slightest sentiment of nationalism is so racist and wrong.

March for our lives: When kids try to disarm citizens
Those brain-dead kids used by Antifa and similar groups represent the civil rights movement 2.0 or the Take-Over since MLK had a dream and a CIA sniper had one too, Boom that deviant doctor is 6 feet under.
Back to civil rights movement 2.0, assumed by school kids who suck a monkey's penis at the middle school which inspires them into being politically involved 😂. There was that little Negra, granddaughter of MLK who was on stage, being politically involved as well (losing or forced to work for free shit makes the parasites spirit enraged), well, she was talking about having a dream as well, same as her grand father...blabla stupid shit, a dream of "guns free world, period" ☺. That little Negra wants to disarm the whole world, just because law-abiding citizens shoot black robbers 🤣, really! everybody knows people own guns because it's a nasty world, and most robbers or criminals are colored. 

Now, those brain-dead kids use the slogan #NeverAgain, which in its original version was about the Holocaust, and being hijacked by the left to play the victim anyway, despite being totally out of the original context. No need to explain that the spirit behind it is Negros and Jews united under the global Zionist regime, getting demographic weight by all kinds of colored and brainwashed whites, since they forcibly went through middle school 🍭. If we put it in a global context using this #NeverAgain is like NRA is trying to execute a holocaust or mass murder school kids which push the victim card far away to extreme insane levels.

Otherwise, if we put things in another dimension, those events and school kids are used to deflect the attention about great matters, in term of shifting of the balance of power in the world, and this brain-dead nation is like Jews concentrated in the States, and Hitler's name is Sarmat 28.
After all, you can't really call Israel their home, it's just a succursal, after the defeat of Nazi Germany they all settled down in DC.
Watching this brain-dead mentality makes people who are supposed to prevail in the world having no moral obligation to consider civilians as human beings casualties.

BLM, a code name for Civil Rights 2.0
It is easy to understand that people such the Blacks, Jews, Mexicans, Hispanics, Chinese, Indians, and LGBTQ are groups that being prosecuted throughout History, there was the "civil rights movement" for equality, now its revenge time, they want more rights than the locals, its called the TakeOver, and its pushed by an ideology called Zionism.

George Floyd death as a milestone for this civil rights mania
The recent riots and protests caused by the cited death of an African American with an extensive criminal background proved that the representatives of the law are highly susceptible to be influenced by the masses' opinions and people's uprisings. Like if the masses dictate what's right and what's wrong.
While circumstances of this case may be blurred, we must consider the psychological effect of seeing a black male, necessarily taking into consideration the crime statistics by race, and the so poorly reported black on white violent crimes. 
When more and more rights are never enough.
It seems that the authorities, under the pressure of riots and similar acts of passive-aggressive actions, in term of how the consequences of succumbing to the riots' pressure, caused a biased action of the judicial system, in punishing its own representatives (the police force), because of movements like BLM... This just proved the recent chaos to be another round of the civil rights movement and extremely dangerous.
They acquired rights for equality now they want rights to abuse others' liberties, to be above the law.

The constitution was written when the US population was predominately white, and whites were in control, it definitely won't go with what's happening today neither the demographic composition, those people will twist the law and find a loophole to serve their interest. 
Birthright citizenship, for example, it definitely doesn't mean babies born to illegal immigrants but is being used for decades to create a corrupted demographic base in the states. 
They are called amendments because they can be amended. Otherwise, say hello to the United Colored of America.

This is just another reflection of the civil rights movement 'on steroids' going on, either its BLM, march for our lives, Antifa, smash racism, me too, all the means are used to concretizing the TakeOver. Those people don't want to coexist peacefully, they want revenge and to Take Over, la Reconquista, or their promised land, either its African Americans, Hispanics, or Jews in all their representation including Zionism indoctrinated whites.
This lower form of life won't hesitate, as Evil as it is, to use lies, deceit, false allegation to manipulate the masses into adhering to its ideology which may be attractive by certain standards, because its called diversity and it touch a weak nerve in the human nature which is that of temptation.
Those people will play the victim, cry, lie, manipulate your own people against you, for they get their inspiration from the devil which is known as a liar, deceiver, and manipulator since the existence of the concept of Good and Evil.
From black lives matter to women don't matter, passing by survivors of #metoo, like if it was a Holocaust, to march for our lives using #neveragain like if NRA locking them in concentration camps, the overall idea is Right vs Left or Wrong.
consequences of this demographic invasion
This document presents an overall view on the immigration crisis in Europe.
“Displacement from south to north is inevitable. Neither barbed – wire fences, walls, nor deportations will be worth anything; they will come by the millions.” ---Jose Saramago
the Impact of this crisis on Europe
The pic says the white man spirit prevails in the world, I don't know at what date that pic is made, but judging by today's situation of the planet, the perversion and chaos caused by the domination of Zionism, the U.S and its allies, the white man has degenerated into a caricature of what he supposed to be. 

It is no secret that the world being transformed into a global jungle to serve the Zionist agenda of world domination through forced multiculturalism and diversity crap causing a total collapse of values and decency, which is translated into modernity by the corrupted media.

Here, only Russia can save humanity, and it's our hope to conserve a traditional lifestyle before we get extinct or taken over by primates pushed by Jews policies.

A fundamental transformation of Europe in the Horizons
The refugee crisis, with millions of poor, non-Western immigrants from an alien culture flooding into Europe, often with the intent of settling there permanently but not assimilating, represents a fundamental transformation of Europe. And at this point, it appears that there is no going back. It could get worse, too, as estimates suggest that around one in every 120 or so people on the planet is now considered a refugee or internally displaced by the United Nations. Millions of those are hoping to settle in the West.

The No Go Zones
A few German residents said in an interview with Sputnik that the high level of crimes has resulted in the isolation of migrant enclaves and the emergence of so-called "no-go" areas.
"The police are reluctant to go to such places, and if they do, they only go in large groups. Lately, more and more attacks on firefighters and ambulance staff have been registered; the post office refuses to deliver mail to these areas," ex-candidate for the Bundestag and member of the Alternative for Germany party (AfD), Sergey Chernov, said.

With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations from Τράπεζα Ἰδεῶν on Vimeo.

"Racism Against White People Goes Unnoticed"
Earlier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel recognized the existence of no-go areas in Germany. However, she did not say exactly where these areas are located.
The topic is being vividly discussed in the ranks of the AfD.
According to him, a recent sociological survey showed that about 15 percent of white French people have become victims of racism at least once in their lifetime.
One Option — Move Away
"In Vienna, there are many kindergartens and schools, where there are no Austrian children anymore," a Ukrainian native and currently Austrian citizen, Andrei Serov, said.
Many parents take their children to other schools; some families even move to other countries like the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary, where there are no refugees.

Effect of this silent invasion: Sweden
The center-left government in Stockholm has been facing a backlash over the recent crime wave — and the elephant in the room is migration.
Gang violence on the rise
According to data from the World Health Organization, Sweden has one of the highest levels of lethal gun violence in Europe. More than 300 shootings occurred in Sweden in 2017 and a report that year suggested that more than 90 percent of shooting suspects came from immigrant backgrounds.
No-go zones?
In 2017, Nima Gholam Ali Pour, a member of the nationalist Swedish Democrats party, told RT that these areas do in fact exist in Sweden. Ali Pour said that while the government had begun to spend more money on policing, there are areas “where the police have issues doing their job — the so-called ‘no-go zones’.”
Rapes rising, police ‘can’t cope’
In 2017, when a journalist asked why a man suspected of raping a 12-year-old child two months prior had still not been interviewed, police said they“cannot cope” with the growing number of rapes cases in the country. Justice Minister Johansson said it was “not right” that police think they “don’t have time” to investigate rapes. “They need to review their priorities,” he said. 

Overall Lowering the IQ of the Locals
This 'fishes' Saga, started with "Fish out of the Water: Consequences of the Evolutionary Gap": the situation of the African race in the world, the consequence of the evolutionary gap in creating a situation of an "impossible successful integration or assimilation" of Negros in white milieus, the result is, instead of humans making progress, they end up stagnating or even regressing to adapt to the lower form of life that is pushed on humanity by all kind of evil forces of the Zionist Beast, disguised as policies of humanitarian nature.
Humans were making progress, when there was a certain national identity, preserved heritage, and geographic boundaries respected, the recent major events are like modern days exodus, and it's happening in a pace that is definitely abnormal, like dark forces pushing into global racial dilution.

Africans have the lowest IQ in the world, (ignoring the equally disgusting and black-skinned Australian aborigines for convenience’s sake.) The bushmen clock in at around 50 IQ, the average Bantu achieves the mentally retarded level of 70 IQ, and the highly cultivated, well-fed, well cared for, partially white African-Americans reach 85 IQ.
IQ has an enormous impact on lifestyle, achievement, and behavior. IQ correlates to poverty, crime, mortality, and broken homes on one side — and education, wealth, human accomplishment, long life and stable homes on the other. According to “IQ and the Wealth of Nations,” a country must have a minimum average IQ of 90 to run a technological civilization. It is not a far cry to say it is IQ that makes humans better than the animals, and it is IQ that makes some humans better than other humans.

Swedish Lady on Trial for Saying Migrants 'Drop IQ to Goldfish Level'
Recently, several reports have indicated falling IQs in Scandinavia, leaving the public to ponder the implications of it. A far less scientific speculation by a Swedish lady who argued that continued immigration would result in a further drop of intelligence has, however, landed her in court.

Dumb & Dumber: Research Claims Nordics Leaking IQ at Alarming Rate
The long and prosperous era of growing IQ results is now being challenged by dramatically declining results in Scandinavia. This trend may expand to engulf more countries, researchers warn.

How to prevail against this Evil silent invasion
Like any disease, the cure must not be focused on the symptoms, but on the infection, mass immigration, population movements, refugees, modern-day exodus are just the symptoms caused by national conflicts, foreign interventions, caused by preexisting wars or corrupted political system. By limiting those factors, Theoretically, we will limit or eliminate the causes of such population movements, unless if what instigates this modern days exodus is part of a larger scheme, planned a long time ago to push for this population displacement and even long term replacement to cause this racial dilution. 

Assuming that there are no dark forces in the background orchestrating these population movements, these measures should curb this massive vague of immigration.

UN Needs Reform to Tame Some Countries' Craving for 'Humanitarian Interventions'
In effect, some countries, including the United States, are trying to open the door to a doctrine of a so-called 'unilateral humanitarian intervention', giving them the right to intervene where they are not directly sanctioned to do so by the UN Charter and do not have the support of most other states.

The same applies to the use of 'humanitarian missiles' against one state by another. In any case, the unilateral or collective reaction of a country or group of countries should not be embodied via the use of armed coercive action against the guilty actor, but in the form of legally-imposed measures such as sanctions.

It seems that easing this immigration crisis is no priority to major nations:
As long as people believe they face greater danger and hardship in their home countries than they would elsewhere, many will set out for new lands. Neither the United States nor Europe appears focused on easing the crises in Central America, the Middle East, and other regions from which people flee. So policies intended to deter arrivals are likely to do little more than worsen the perils for migrants.

Hungary as an example of a corruption-free leadership
"The mandatory European quotas increase the terrorist risk in Europe and imperils our culture."

Hungary’s rightwing government has claimed on a website that supports its upcoming anti-migrant quota referendum that there are 900 “no-go zones” in London, Paris, Stockholm, and Berlin.

The Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán, has refused to participate in the EU’s quota plan to relocate 160,000 migrants across the continent, calling it an abuse of power. In typically robust style, last year he said: “In three years we might not know whether we are in London, Paris or Budapest.”

Corrupted leadership in Europe: the Root of all Evil
Mr. Orban believes that Brussels has no right to redraw Europe's cultural and religious identity and has positioned himself as a defender of European Christendom. 
In March he said: "If we want to stop mass migration, we want to put the brakes on Brussels first.

When leaders fail their citizens
As cited in the previous Part, this world is no different than the dark ages when hominins were fighting and slaughtering each other for resources, territories, and survival. We are all talking animals some with a larger brain, some with lower IQ, the law of the jungle still prevails and the core of human existence is always the strong survive.
Except that we made a lot of progress since the stone age, created civilizations, law and order. 
Yet, those people break these very laws, use loopholes in the constitution, deform, break, and even create wicked twisted laws to suit their agenda of Take Over and using humans' own empathy against them.
Radical measures are to be taken
"Yeah, hey, you'd better wake up" It's happening, this country is on the brink of being taken over by Niggers, Spics, Slanty-eyes and Queers. It's going to be up to people like you and me if our God-fearing, self-reliant culture is to survive where people work for a living and Queers stay in the closet. I tell you, not only are these other races seeping in here like water through a sponge, but they are reproducing like flies. This one hell of a problem, we just can’t sit around on our asses anymore. If we do, we only have ourselves to blame."

"The Zionist occupied Government doesn't want you to know about it. They keep it out of the schools, out of the newspapers, and off the TV; all of which they control. The reason is that they want to neutralize us by diluting us genetically."

"It's a ZOG conspiracy. They don’t even want kids to learn the term because encouraging miscegenation is the most insidious sin of all that ZOG is guilty of. And to God it's abomination.

It's Satan attempt to do away with God's chosen people. It's Holocaust in reverse."

"This is a rootless culture" people are supposed to be free, but they are not. They are all scrambling for status and identity. We Slavs, may have had some trouble down through history, but at least we know who we are."
                                                                                                     From "Vector" by Robin Cook
because its a matter of life or extinction
=>People talk about violence and oppression of colored and minorities. 
=>People didn't realize, yet, or are too blurred and entertained by how Evil can seem innocent and friendly.
=>People didn't realize that Satan finally has a concretization and its planning to Take Over the planet and what God's wisdom incarnated in modern humans created on earth.
=>It's up to Humans to decide on what side they want to fight.

It is indeed a War
This modern days exodus, mass immigration pushed by Zionist agents either it's in Europe, Scandinavian nations or the US is like a war, some kind of silent invasion, disguised under humanitarian purposes, the damages are observed in long term and irreversible, from population replacement to lowering of standards and dumbing down the locals to a 'peaceful' theft of their resources under all kinds of government programs disguised under different ideologies.
It's indeed a war, in a state of war, the "just war" have some principle, to not harm kids and women, unless the opposite will happen. Now those women and kids are at the roots of the silent invasion, they will grow up, reproduce, and deep inside them is stored a hatred for the locals.

Up to people in charge to decide for the dumbed-down masses, brainwashed by Zionist media into passing the interest of foreigners before theirs.

The emergence of Freedom Fighters
New Zealand shooting
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
This is a young man, educated, apparently smart, athletic who went on a rampage on worshippers in a holy site of Islam, it is impossible to make sense of such atrocities and the violent nature of humankind. Unless you look at what's going on in the world, Muslim terrorists killing innocent civilians in Europe, the states and worldwide, Jews oppressing Palestinians and going on in unpunished ethnic cleansing, the Zionist beast in the form of the US troops caused millions of casualties labeled collateral damages since post 911 attacks, either its Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, we can even put Russian nationals in Ukraine in that line, since the Ukrainian crisis was Zionism plotted to justify a US/NATO presence at the Russian border, Venezuela is in the process to be democratized as well. 
Of course, we can't associate the actions of individuals with international conflicts, occupations, coups d'etat, or any way it is to justify the Zionist agenda of world domination and the Zionist beast dream of great Israel in the middle east.
What's intriguing about individuals' violent actions is their justifications, this guy, for example, invoked white nationalism and the fight against population replacements, which is the exact same thing Zionism is plotting on the planet: A global diversified population, hybrid racial origin, no identity and easily controllable, the white European identity will be smashed under multiculturalism. 
Was this guy in a loner war against the Zionist Beast without even realizing it? are there some individuals finally realizing the Evil nature of Semitic and African races and went into a holy crusade to do what is right, and represent modern days Freedom Fighters?
While killing innocent civilians is always wrong, we must consider that those people use unconventional ways to destroy European nations, which makes no space for a just war.

The manifesto of New Zealand 'Freedom Fighter': 

Of course, there is a lot of mass shooters some of them are plain mentally deranged as posted in other articles, just want to kill innocent people because of personal reasons, or just for the thrill of it, same as sandy hook shooting or las Vegas massacre, to cite just a few.
To prevent incidents like this, we must look into their roots: forced coexistence between different human kinds pushed by political agenda aiming at better control of a dumbed-down, hybrid population.

Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter
These atrocities, injustice, hatred in this world along with the invisible side of what's really going on, camouflaged under all kinds of disguises from PC to humanitarian causes, while a rodent form of life is biting into the foundations of what humanity created since the divine enlightenment and plans to Take Over.
Innocent lives being lost, and the perpetrator is sure a human being who is pushed to the extreme to carry out this heinous, violent, and cruel crime.
Under this actual state of the atmosphere reigning on the world, the bitterness of seeing lost lives, innocent, their only crime is that they belong to a religion that is demonized since forever because it existed on the side of human societies until it creates a niche in Israel and succursale in the US (maybe the opposite), and many representations worldwide, acquiring the status of a protected minority same as Negros.
One may wonder, that the perpetrator will be executed, and the 11 victims are dead, so basically they all will be transiting from living corpses to lifeless cadavers, the soul of that guy will cease to exist on earth, we may wonder where it will go, probably somewhere in the universe where it originated at its crude state, and the 11 victims somewhere in the universe as well, but not the same side as the perpetrator, since the universe is in a balance because there is the law of duality, for every action there is a reaction, that's how the universe keeps its balance. 
Probably his soul, as well as those of the victims, will be resurrected in new bodies in the future, I think that's how people believed in life after death, resurrection, martyrdom and vicious circle of lives.

The Charleston church shooting
The Charleston church shooting was a mass shooting on June 17, 2015, in Charleston, South Carolina, in which nine African Americans were killed during a Bible study at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Among those people who were killed was the senior pastor, state senator Clementa C. Pinckney; three victims survived. This church is one of the oldest black churches in the United States, and it has long been a center for organizing events which are related to civil rights.

The shooter said, "I have to do it. You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go." 
He asked, "Did I shoot you?" She replied, "No." Then, he said, "Good, 'cause we need someone to survive, because I'm gonna shoot myself, and you'll be the only survivor."[According to the son of one victim, who spoke to that survivor, the shooter allegedly turned the gun to his own head and pulled the trigger, but discovered he was out of ammunition. He left the church.

Another sad event, where innocent civilians are killed, because of the ongoing struggle between left and right. The left is using events like this which are commonly called "mass shooting" in the US to push its narratives of guns control and demonizing right wings groups that have every right to exist as the numerous representations of left-oriented groups have legal representation and activities at the political scene.
While some mass shooters leave a manifesto or ideological founding of their actions, mostly justifying their actions by anti-immigrants sentiments, same as the New Zealand case, the TakeOver or the demographic replacement going on. Some may justify their actions by different reasons, besides social and economic weight put on the locals by the immigrants, the hostility of immigrants as we see all around Europe, notably in Sweden and the "No Go" zones or the events of assault perpetrated by refugees may push people to actions same as what we witness in events like this, as a natural instinct of self-preservation as race and as a nation.

The communities targeted in the cited attacks seem to be of a peaceful nature, but the rage built up by seeing events of Take Over on the news rend blind.
I wonder if there are any men in Sweden, except teenage girls talking climate change and waiting for her Somalian prince charming.

Concrete examples to prevail: Russia
Russians understood that miscegenation is Evil and an abomination, it is Satan's way to infiltrate nations, just pay attention to the U.S and Europe, dumbing down in progress in Europe, almost 100% in the States, all moral values being replaced by perversion brought in by an ape, and a Semitic rat pushed by evil Zionists aiming to destroy Europeans who despised them as a race since Hitler and even before throughout their history.

"God has given our country a vast territory, seas, rivers, forests, the world's finest land. It takes hundreds of millions of people to take care of this. There are several ways. Open borders for millions of foreigners. Then we will cease to be Russia, lose our culture, a language that is rastvorimsâ in a foreign culture. There is another way to raise the birth rate in Russia! Russian President Vladimir Putin chose him! At the meeting of the coordinating council for the implementation of the national strategy for children, he described those measures. In Short, it is creating real conditions to stimulate fertility growth and natural population growth. We have millions of young people today who do not have families, but by creating them, at best, having one child for two! The President proposes a set of measures to improve fertility, reduce perinatal mortality and improve the housing conditions of young families. It is very important that Vladimir Vladimirovich has given special attention and strengthening of the institution of the family "

Coexistence despite the Evolutionary gap
If we try to consider what's going on from a Humanitarian point of view, not as the Evil form of life, the Zionist entity is cheating humans, by playing on their own humanity, using their empathy against them by implementing Evil elements in a human form to control their institutions, make it feasible for the easily corrupted, partially evolved form of life to crossbreed, and Take Over white societies, while it will never be grateful for being brought from the darkness to progress. It is a human trait to try to find a way to establish some equilibrium, a fair distribution of resources, and a way to stop this modern days exodus mania, before the whole planet is brought to Africa levels, instead of moving forward. 

It seems that it is a utopian goal because it is God's will for the fight and struggles to happen
between the 2 sides, that's what keeps the Universe in a balance, same as in the jungle, animals by instincts fight and kill each other. As we are descending of different hominins, despite modern appearances, it is our nature and in our core to fight and compete with other kinds for survival, after all, that's how we evolved, maybe not fight literally, since we evolved into making strategies, global schemes and often other means are used to defeat or vanquish the enemy, same as Taking Over their land using the demographic weight, (the way modern humans will fight back is still in progress). 
The struggle between humankinds is a reality, and while modern humans dominate other kinds and caused their theoretical extinction a long time ago, the fight is not over, they survived and now are a lot more powerful and numerous by hijacking our genes for their survival and resurrection. 

This demographic invasion and populations replacement are just animal instincts for survival, translated into modern world standards, they still fighting for territories, and resources the same as it is in the jungle or in prerecorded history. What follows is just a remark on how, in theory, we can coexist despite the evolutionary gap, while its the jungle law, the strongest survive.

How to prevent this demographic invasion
The problem is that Africans don't want to be self-sufficient and build Africa, instead, they are getting manipulated by what's broadcasted on American media, the American Negros in the media, necessarily showbiz, sports and movies which depicts a fake reality of African Americans in the US, they end up invading Europe and other countries, to realize the American dream. The results are destructive for the locals' population, and just put Africans in a prolonged state of stagnation, the result is that they will never evolve/be self-sufficient.

Population movements are not innocent and spontaneous
It's understandable that those people are coming from harsh conditions, sometimes a matter of life of death, same as middle eastern or even African immigrants disguised as refugees. The overall global situation is like a modern days exodus pushed by dark forces that want to change the demographic fabric of the planet, mostly diluting Europeans and taking over the States by demographic weight, which is projected to happen soon. But, in reality, its already being concretized, since the overwhelming majority of the US population are brown people in white appearances, its the long term effects of Zionism brainwashing and forced indoctrination into thinking in a certain liberal way.
The dilemma is that dark forces of Zionism prevail in the world, that's why there are wars in the middle east, famine, corruption, civil wars, primitive lifestyles in Africa, anarchy, corruption, and lack of resources in central and south America. Some dark forces want this situation to stay unchanged because it serves their dark agenda to transform the planet to a concentration of masses dumbed down and easily controllable and manipulated.

Population movements are Evil'sway into destroying modern humans
If humans were prevailing in the world, like Russian intervention in Syria for example, instead of wars, foreign interventions slaughtering the locals and destroying the infrastructure and the economy, by the name of establishing freedom and democracy, efforts will be made to build Africa, central, south America and Asia, fight starvation and illiteracy, push people to realize self-sufficiency, instead of going after the US and European nations social security systems, no war should be fought in the middle east for imaginary WMD or the greater state of Israel, even the cancer state should be removed to somewhere in the states, central and south American countries should be receiving aids for development instead of exploiting their cheap labor immigrants and natural resources. 

Of course, what posted above is more of a Utopian world than a realizable fiction, just because it's how the Universe functions, by the interactions between 2 opposing forces, realizing that model, is like trying to make the moon stop from spinning.

Nothing is wrong with these populations' movements and replacements??
There is nothing divine in encouraging and pushing for this type of population's movements, necessarily at a larger scale and on a global perspective. 
Those people are pouring in millions into prosperous nations, and sometimes it seems that they are somehow telepathically connected, since the overall scheme is the same, advance any argument of humanitarian nature, play the victim of events or circumstances, profit from the empathy of the locals and drown them in numbers, a feeling of self-entitlement is so deep in this people's mind that the locals, brainwashed by Zionists agents in key positions end up passing the welfare of foreigners before their own.
The "locals", took centuries to build their nations, civilization, and infrastructure into a reflection of the amazing mind of modern humans and it's capabilities, while the "invaders", often, are coming from less advanced societies, often reflecting the mind of less evolved human beings, which explains the development of this feeling of empathy or the self-entitlement feeling worldwide. Same as you feel the moral obligation to care for your pet because it is a poor living creature that may perish without humans care. 

The comparison is extreme, but that's the overall idea, those people aren't trying to be self-sufficient, build their nations same as modern humans done, as soon as they are a victim of an attempted armed robbery, they cry oppression and ask for asylum, while life is hard worldwide, some may be really surviving harsh conditions, but it's often the consequences of their corrupted leaders, that's why Trump was right in cutting aids to countries who do nothing to curb illegal immigration. 
Those people are searching for the easy way, and to survive on others' resources, they still lazy, same as before the globalization of the planet, in fact, that's why they didn't evolve, and they repeat this vicious circle of stagnation. The locals passed through hell to build their nations into what it is today before Zionists agents took control of their institutions and open the gates to this destructive demographic invasion.

The Take Over by people descendants of lower hominids is imminent and it's a global catastrophe.
Those people take advantage of immigration laws and international conventions to flood developed nations, instead of building their own, perhaps it's due to their partially evolved state, they advance the pretext of major events that are affecting a minority of them to flood the host country, it's more economic immigration than a humanitarian emergency, those people are seeking to live on industrialized nations social security systems and not to try to develop their resources and be self-sufficient 'human beings', as cited before, its due to their nature of partially evolved beings, after all, that's why they didn't evolve, and now trying to profit from the global petting program going on worldwide, developed and cared for by Jews to avoid any scenario of Nazi Germany era. 
People are struggling worldwide, that's how humans evolve, Europe was in rubble after WW2, same as Japan which was nuked twice, yet, Europeans didn't seek refuge in another land, neither Japanese, they struggled and built their nations into what is today, Russia suffered a major loss in last global war,  built a major power, either in the Soviet Union or Putin era, the US, went through a devastating civil war, yet they built a powerful industrialized nation, even Asian nations built outstanding civilization after suffering major wars, including the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. So why these people are unable to see further than their flat nose and seek to live on others' wealth? easy, they didn't evolve enough to try to be self-sufficient, they will go extinct same as Neanderthals without modern humans assistance. 

Since the Neanderthals era, they discovered that hijacking modern humans genes works pretty good,  and this explains their obsession with cross-breeding and how if you talk about racism it's like you hold a cross to a Vampire's face, they will go extinct without the assistance of modern humans genes. because simply they can't survive on their own. This is not just about Africans, but all Semitic races won't survive in a world with their old features. Otherway they will be registered again.

They complain about harsh conditions and poverty, yet when they come to America for example they live better than poor American Negros for example, in Europe, the same scenario may be repeated under some circumstances. So, why the American Negros don't complain about harsh conditions and poverty and try to seek Asylum somewhere else or even demand their independence from the federal government? Easy, they know they cant be self-sufficient without Whites managing the resources, so for them that little public assistance is a matter of life or death or Extinction.

Back to the pope, while the Quran and the Bible both preached to help the needy, they are talking about the elements deprived in the society, elderly, disabled, orphans... Not millions of strangers, well organized into a demographic invasion of Biblical proportions. I'm not sure what the Torah is talking about, maybe orchestrating that type of "modern days pilgrims" as the Jewish way of crusades, to get revenge for being expulsed from many nations through history.

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