Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 3/5 quater

 The theological aspect Part 4/4

This is a passage borrowed from a future part: "The resurrection of extinct hominins [Spirit]: BBM. SPIRITUAL CONTEXT", because it fits well in this "Theological aspect" post since we are talking about the contradiction between Theology and Anthropology:
Sahih International: And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.
The verses from the Quran cited above followed by a translation may be interpreted as: 
God certainly preferred and honored the children of Adam over much of what He has Created[Creation may be interpreted as other (none human) beings]. 

Why would God make such a comparison between Human beings and animals or other creatures (beings)? The Quran often makes insinuations that God distinguished Human beings from animals and other forms of life on Earth by the development of the brain, it is well known that the critical factor in the Evolution of Human life is the brain and skull size, this implies that God made modern humans as an optimal form of life and distinguished the children of Adam of other creations, which are [other creationsnot forcibly animals or other none human creations, but most certainly other Human beings descendants of partially evolved evolutionary lineages, the cited verse stated the children of Adam, not specifying Human beings in general vs other creatures, but children of Adam vs probably other Human beings having other anthropological ancestors

"...and carried them on the land and sea" this is a clear indication that the Hominins that left Africa and adventured in new unexplored territories and continents and as a consequence evolved, are predisposed and chosen by God to evolve into what is the Homo S. Sapiens or modern humans.

God, by preferring the children of Adam, that's how modern Human beings are honored and chosen to carry on the prophecy and inherit Earth, as we've seen in other posts on this Blog/Site.

Some often used terms and expressions in this post:
  • "Adequate Conditionssometimes Circumstances: in this post refer to different occurrences, if combined together at a certain era will create the milieu suitable for Evil rise or probably Take Over.
  • Partially Evolved Populations: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations and Semitic races, as defined in this Blog/Site, are partially evolved populations.
  • Miscegenation:  Is the interbreeding of people who are considered members of different races.
  • "Neanderthals in suits": is a reference to the presence of Zionism agents (Jewish background or other Semitic races) in key positions in Western governments, knowing Semitic races inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals, it is a way to present ZOGs.
Evil is unleashed through unholy genes mixing: Miscegenation
The overall purpose is to propose that the planet initially (Pre-Columbian era) can be divided into 2 major parts represented by 2 sprits: Modern humans or as far as human evolution went, and other partially evolved populations reincarnation of extinct hominins genes, they survived by hijacking modern humans' genome for their survivals and even ‘evolution’. The reason such distinction is crucial is because the Great Designer of life on Earth won't infuse the Devine soul and our very Humanity until we reach the optimal evolutionary stage, which explains the enlightenment period in Europe, while other parts of the world inhabited by other kinds stayed in a primitive-like stage until discovered by modern humans.
A monster or a Frankenstein form of life will arise out of the miscegenation that happened in the new world, while cross-breeding was happening throughout history, the intensity and cruelty of the encounter between modern humans and isolated populations in the Americas and in Africa will disturb the natural order of genes flow, miscegenation is an unholy genes' mixing because it is a shortcut of the natural path the human evolution is supposed to pass by, in the New World it was critical in unleashing Evil on the world since as we've seen above Evil have a tendency to use partially evolved populations.

Miscegenation is abomination
Below, are a passage from one of Evropa Soberana’s essays in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour:
Racial interbreeding disturbed this primary equilibrium. Mixes are indeed contemplated by Nature: the Armenid race comes from one of them. But this mix subsequently evolved, mutated and underwent natural selection by the environment obeying the tough laws of Darwinism, until it stabilised in a new racial type many millennia later. Disordered mixes, typical of globalist civilisation, have nothing to do with this natural laissez-faire envisaged by the natural order. Modern race mixing is an attack on human biodiversity and an aggression against dozens of millennia of evolution. In the times when life was pure and Nature followed her path unaltered, each race was walking its own path, straight ahead to become a different species. This was before the rise of materialistic civilisation, which perverted the natural order, consuming its hatred towards Nature and mankind, and materialising its resentment towards biological nobility by preaching equality and promoting chaotic crossbreeding. To mix with another variety is an abomination and an affront against all this work of perfection of natural and sexual selection of dozens of thousands of years.
Humans evolved over time in a straight path until the optimal evolutionary stage led to a prophecy, other forms of life were inferior to make the 'divine' connection and stagnated in lower forms of life until the globalization following the discovery of the new world. A new form of life will pop up as Frankenstein, not as the intelligent design is meant to be the optimal form of Human life, it is [Frankenstein] arrogant, deviant, and pretends to be better than the image God predisposed for Human life to be on earth, it's the result of extensive cross-breeding, often resulting from conquest/rape, slavery, lust, temptation, and perversion, this form of life will be what is predicted as the Antichrist (anti-modern humans, God's image on Earth) or the equivalency of prophecy in modern days as it happened in ancient time when modern humans were prevailing, now a new form of life prevails, the Antichrist era. 

This new form of life resulting from this extensive cross-breeding is a major change in the demographic fabric of the world, besides the spread of Archaic genes left and right improved by the modern humans' genome which resembles as we've seen above and in other posts a massive 'resurrection' (Demographic boom) of 'extinct hominins' because of the explosion demographic of the populations that were in a primitive-like state (inherited significant percentage of Archaic genes) and isolated, along with what is called recently "Population Replacement", which as we've seen in previous part is a well planned and orchestrated scheme, because of "Adequate Conditions" assembled recently for the rise of the Beast, Evil spirit, or the Antichrist, those terms are used interchangeably as a depiction of Evil side as the opposite to the Devine side or Good, which is, besides being an entity or spirit, is mostly incarnated in Demographics and the shift the planet populations will know recently and mostly the overpopulation of new emerging kinds, while modern humans are declining or depopulating (Great Replacement, new non-Divine forms of life: the Antichrist era).
Miscegenation will cause the emergence of new kinds of populations that are neither modern human, African, or Semitic races, as an extreme depiction it is called "Frankenstein form of life" in this Blog/Site, it will have a spirit and represent an entity of its own.
 An extremely brief presentation of the existence of this Evil entity from an Anthropological perspective s'impose, followed by a more detailed Theological Point of View, because as we've seen before, people are predisposed and prone to Evil corruption since they are partially evolved, and we are in a Theological context post.

Miscegenation from an Anthropological perspective
The post-Columbian era miscegenation is like a modern days' "archaic introgression", the outcome is a Frankenstein form of life emerging, hosting an Archaic spirit in modern appearances, this explains the overall Western world populations' morals and spirit,  the masses' primitive way of analyzing the Infos, and their blurred perception of global events along with the development and expansion of unproductive populations living on modern humans resources (they still didn't evolve to be self-sufficient), this dependency on the long term, will cause disequilibrium in the global economic development, creation, and distribution of resources in terms of national economies and the weight that the invading elements constitute on the host milieus, causing potential harm for the locals, necessarily when this empathy feeling gets out of control.
The mixing actually acts, in the long term, against diversity – this, in fact, leads to homogenisation. In this sense, to sell mass immigration as diversity is not true (in the longer term), and actually it is the opposite (the ‘multiculturalism’ propaganda is inversionist). Some figures in the media, politics, academia, etc. boast of the destruction of indigenous Brits, heralding the day when there will be no more such people and ‘everyone will be coffee-coloured’ or ‘we will all be one race’, etc. Cessation of existence is the destruction of the racial or ethnic group in question. In this sense immigration is destruction.
On the global scene, we notice that this 'Archaic introgression' disguised as diversity will expand worldwide promoted and pushed by elements hosting or descendent of elements hosting a "significant percentage of Archaic genes", as a consequence, primitive kinds are scattered all around the world to create this diversity which ultimately will lead to a "Great Dilution" and make this 'resurrection' or reemergence possible: in terms of the predominance of people inheriting significant percentage of Archaic genes in the overall Demographics.

A natural tendency of bonding between these Frankenstein forms of life is happening globally so we notice "partially evolved populations" commonly called: Colored showing worldwide solidarity with their kind in the States, they consider the Frankenstein forms of life in the US as the ideal that their kind strives to reach to be almost modern human, there is some kind of admiration, idolizing is happening for the Frankenstein forms of life in the States by colored populations worldwide because they [US populations] represent the 'Evolution' that they never achieved.

Theological point of view of 

There are many references to Satan, Evil, the Beast, or the Whore of Babylon in holy scriptures, as always, the interpretations are many, we try to make the most logical sense of ancient texts, taking into consideration that there is a paradox between a supreme being and ancient populations with limited development of the Humans mind and a narrowed perception of whatever that supreme entity is trying to communicate to Humans or warn them about. Below are some passages that make sense instead of depicting mythical creatures. This post is about miscegenation from a Theological point of view, and mostly the role of genes mixing in unleashing Evil on Earth, reminder of the previous part and the breakdown of the "serpent seed doctrine", indeed everything is rooted in a microscopic level since the Big Bang, and naturally our existence and the crucial nature of genealogy.

Satan, Evil, the Beast, and the Whore of Babylon: The Doom team
"Satan, also known as the Devil, and sometimes also called Lucifer in Christianity, is an entity in the Abrahamic religions that seduces humans into sin or falsehood. In Judaism, Satan is seen as an agent subservient to God, typically regarded as a metaphor for the Yetzer Hara, or "evil inclination.""
While the majority of contemporary Islamic scholars accept the traditional exegesis of the Beast of the Earth, the Dābbat al-Arḍ as a literal creature who will appear in the end times, some interpret the Beast as possibly being made of various parts, including diseases like HIV. Another interpretation holds that this Beast is related to materialistic tendencies, and thus the Dābbat does not appear at the end of the world, but rather will doom a given nation or society.
In Revelation, the term beast refers to two related entities. Sometimes “the beast” refers to the end-times’ empire. The seven heads and ten horns indicate that the beast will be a coalition of nations that rises to power to subdue the earth under Satan’s control. Later references to “the beast” in Revelation picture an individual—the man who is the political leader and head of the beastly empire.
The wild beast with seven heads introduced at Revelation 13:1 represents the worldwide political system. 
It has authority, power, and a throne, which point to its being a political entity.​—Revelation 13:2.
It rules over “every tribe and people and tongue and nation,” so it is greater than a single national government.​—Revelation 13:7.
Babylon the Great, commonly known as the Whore of Babylon, refers to both a symbolic female figure and place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Her full title is stated in Revelation
17 (verse 5) as "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth"
... Revelation 17 (verse 18) states that the woman is actually a representation of "the great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth"

When Theology addresses futures International Affairs 

The definitions above are interesting in the sense that they present the concept of the Beast or the Whore of Babylon from other perspectives than the folklore and tales presented in other texts, narratives, and interpretations of holy scriptures, talking about future times from a global perspective and the said entities are insinuations of the state of the world in a chaotic future than actually depicting mythical creatures, we use the Beast because it is often used as an end times manifestation and also the whore of Babylon because of it female nature as an end days manifestation as well, both are more of two sides of Evil incarnation in the world than an actual male and female creatures, Evil has no gender, perhaps that's why the gender mania is exploding recently, probably the Beast finally has risen and struggling to have Human appearance.
The Beast's manifestation will be through the miscegenation or 'archaic introgression' that happened post-Columbian era, new kinds of populations competing with God's natural way of Creating life on earth, by Evolving. A Black and White mixed person is never a modern human, a degradation of modern humans and an upgrade of the African race that's what it is (genetical Frankenstein).

Evil is so Woke, it is Genderless!
Satan has no gender, while it's the universal term for calling Evil, some other entities which are a variation of Evil are often debated, the Beast as the evil entity which will rise and takes over humanity at a certain futuristic era mostly at the End Times or the Whore of Babylon that is a Demonic entity which will exist at a certain era at the End times as well, of course, both are not creatures, but entities or spiritual forces manifestation of Evil or the malign entity at the opposite of the Divine spirit, it will use whatever it's easily corruptible.

While there is the distinction between genders when calling or depicting Evil, such as Satan, the Beast, or the antichrist are usually depicted as males, the Whore of Babylon is depicted as a female, in fact, Evil is genderless, it is an entity or a dark force that can corrupt and concretize in populations or individuals so it can be male as well as female and beyond the gender designation, as we've seen above, mythical creatures or folkloric illustrations are just tales and stories, ancient holy texts and scriptures are using metaphors to warn us about the "Adequate Conditions" which will make it possible for Evil to arise on Earth, not as an Individual or a Creature, but through Populations as an Uniting Spirit or a Shift in the overall morals of populations in Earth From codes of conducts that represent law and order in modern humans societies because the Devine teachings were at the core of our laws and regulations To Anarchy because a different Spirit reigns on Humanity, brought in by the ongoing genes mixing and miscegenation or simply because "serpent seed" are at the core of the humanity genome, not the Great Design as it is destined to inherit earth.
This is like a new form of life, totally new populations inhabiting and populating EarthBeast-like creatures, nothing to do with the Perfect Design destined to inherit Earth and God's spirit.

The Whore of Babylon: Ovulation is crucial for unleashing Evil spirit.

What's going on?
While Evil is genderless, holy scriptures talk about the Whore of Babylon as a female, as a harlot, and an abomination, talking about a female version of Evil is a way to present the immorality that will submerge the world probably in the distant future, talking in such a vulgar way about her in terms of being a female and a harlot is most likely an insinuation of the role females will play in the future in bringing Evil and doom to nations, she is portrayed as ruling Earth and kings of Earth is nothing than depicting the extreme and exalting wealth emanating from embracing Evil ways brought around Humans by a womanThat's why we depict Evil with a gender.

As we've seen above Evil will find concretization through miscegenation, while it corrupts and uses "partially evolved populations" it must have a better representation, that's why miscegenation is crucial in unleashing Evil, depicting a Female figure of Evil in End Times prophecies is to present the role women in general play in the formation and spread of Evil, knowing how miscegenation is indispensable to concretize the rise of Evil on Earth, females are a crucial factor and a decisive step in making the invasion of Archaic genes successful. Mostly in the context of miscegenation involving modern Human females and African males, Western women played a crucial role in integrating African populations into modern Humans milieus, while Semitic races have been dominated by modern humans throughout history, their women played a more or less important role in diluting modern humans' genome, it is more critical with integrating African populations genes in the modern human's gene pool which won't be successful without the perversion and easily corruptible nature of the Western women in general (Evil use the vulnerability and naivety of women to sneak its way into Humans' ranges, same as in the metaphor in the Garden of Eden, Eve was easily convinced and tempted by the snake or whatever was that, which makes sense now). 
The Whore of Babylon is the spirit of seductive culture, actively engaged in the deception and destruction of God’s people. That she rides upon “the beast” means she is propped up by the forces of anti-Christian government.

 The wild beast with seven heads ...It rules over “every tribe and people and tongue and nation,” so it is greater than a single national government.​—Revelation 13:7.

 World domination: Because  Feminism matters

Back to the Whore of Babylon depiction as "the great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth" which is nothing but the US and the Western world in general domination of the world under the directives of the Zionist entity occupying the Western world governments and institutions. Otherwise, the Beast as in the citation above is depicted as a political power and a ruling nation or entity over nations and tribes of Earth. The overall idea is that Evil rise on Earth will be through politics and populations, definitely not a male or female mythical creature.

The depiction of a female face of Evil, of great power and control over the kings of Earth, is a presentation of the rise of feminism, or women in general increasing role in the US politics and culture, besides making the demographics more homogenous because serving as a portal for African and other colored populations' genes into modern humans genome, it is more and more prominent in critical roles because being crucial in integrating Evil will rank her up as soon as the "Adequate Conditions" are met to Evil actual rise, a shift of the spirit reigning on Human populations will make females as a symbol of the nation and overwhelming the decision making because of Evil spirit reign, women in this Evil infested sphere are a depiction of Evil as ancient texts call her "the Whore of Babylon".
As we've seen Evil has no specific concretization, it uses whatever souls it can corrupt, the focus is on partially evolved populations, African and Semitic races are both used by Evil to corrupt, weaken, and dilute modern humans' populations, while Semitic races, especially Ashkenazi Jews are the "Brains of Evil" because of their advanced evolutionary stage compared to Africans, Africans are the "animals' instincts of Evil", they complete each other, this is not an affirmation but we can present the hypothesis that the Beast as the male and the whore of Babylon female version of Evil.

We Shall Overcome: 
African populations will play a great role in diluting modern humans and creating a mixed breed of populations at their core "African genes" and even originating from "ghost African populations" when we talk about miscegenation we talk about genes mixing from all backgrounds, Semitic races mixing with modern humans was happening more or less throughout history and it's differently accepted by locals. Accepting African populations amongst modern humans is a little controversial, at least until the '70s in the US because of the extreme biological difference between the races, their primitive-like nature, and mostly the ideas and perceptions circulating and implemented in white populations' minds about the African race, all that will be swept under the rug post the "drugs and interracial sex revolution in the US".
"The 1970s were a tumultuous time. In some ways, the decade was a continuation of the 1960s. Women, African Americans, Native Americans, gays and lesbians and other marginalized people continued their fight for equality".
The African males will be more successful in integrating modern humans ranges than the Black females despite what was going on in the plantations, it is almost a tradition that the African male integrates into the Western world society and assimilate through the modern human women (or Semitic women to a certain extent, since they are more or less mixed and diluted in modern humans genome). 

Welcome to the Western world: Sluts Central
This gives the women of the Western world the status of the "Whore of Babylon", for her easily corrupted and beguiled nature (Amen) and for allowing such primitive forms of life into modern humans' ranges. We've seen that Evil or Satan uses partially evolved populations, the more primitive you are the more animal instincts you have, and the more prone you are to be corrupted and used by Evil. African populations are a brute-like form of lifeless evolved than Semitic races, the role of the Western females in integrating this form of life into the modern human's genome is crucial and destructive, she is like the gate, Evil in the concretization of African populations will use to access humans' ranges, which makes it a modern days' Whore [of Babylon], because her perverted ways and easily corrupted nature brought doom and stained modern humans' genome, on the other hand, she built the Western world diversity because that was the scheme put up by Jews thinkers used by Evil spirit to dilute the worlds' populations which makes her a part of the plot to Take Over the world by an Evil spirit or entity concretizing in diluted, mixed populations or diversity, the dilemma is that she's [the Western woman] so stupid and naive, so easily influenceable, even a primitive form of life can trick her (it's Evil wickedness mais bon), unable to see beyond her woman pulses and Estrogen rush to realize how much harm she brings to the world by opening her legs and fertilizing Satan's sperm as it incarnates in an African or other partially evolved males

Beyond the Western world rise as a super Evil power by submitting to Evil (miscegenation and immorality) and producing Evil biblical figures, either it's the "Whore of Babylon" culpable for diluting the Human race and facilitating this Evil Take Over and racial dilution which is crucial to create the "Adequate conditions" for Evil rise on Earth, or the Beast, or the Antichrist, 'depending on who you ask', which is [Evil, Beast, or Antichrist] nothing but the diversified populations in the Western world along with the immorality and perversion branded as a modern lifestyle and progress.

When crossbreed is a matter of survival
It is to be noted that women worldwide, due to their different female nature making her easily corrupted,  are often the gate African populations use to access the local's ranges and get genetically diluted in their genome which means their assurance of survival, their descendants, as well as their spirit in the new milieu, that's how we find brown or mixed populations all around the world, keeping the brute-like African features is risky business, that's how Evil integrates modern humans' range, been happening in a limited scale since the development of slaves trade, mixes happened, castration was custom, now we assist at the ongoing revenge of the eunuchs, Evil spirit didn't forget, neither forgave, and it's broadcasting it on the internet.
Evil used the African populations because of their primitive voir Archaic nature, will definitely not infiltrate modern humans' ranges through African females unless in a very narrowed, insignificant extent compared to the success of African males because of the African female repellent nature.

We find Semitic males and females equally encouraging and pushing for this African genes invasion of the modern humans' genome because it serves their interests, a diluted, weakened, and perverted Human race is easier to control and manipulate, it means equality no more dominant race, that's why Jews (modern-humans-looking Semitic races) are behind all the perversion and deviations happening in the world, including but not limited to, the Porn IndustryGender Confusion, and LGBT agenda.
Modern humans populations were reluctant in embracing interracial mating until it was implemented in the Western world population's mind the idolizing of Negroes, we note that before the '70s revolution in America and even during that period in Europe, Negros acceptance in White milieus was very limited and essentially Taboo, it is through the efforts to indoctrinate the populations into this form of Evil 'worship' that the normalization and even the trend of interracial mating happened. In the early days of America, Negros were hanged if found around white women but they kept on trying because it is the way to integrate modern humans' ranges and it's hard back there in sub-Saharan Africa.

Applying  Theological tales to today's miscegenation:
What follows is a fictional made-up scenario trying to make sense of some Biblical figures in terms of an incarnation in today's populations and the miscegenation going on.
Negroes will incarnate the Beast as the male version of Evil (African females play a role also, but they're less crucial), will trade freedom for eternal servitude, that's the Non-Contractual Deal (fictional arrangement, may have been made in the spiritual level), they sold their souls to the Devil for freedom (bonding with other partially evolved populations, since predisposed to be used by Evil, notably Semitic races, which explains the Jews push for the "civil rights movement": Devil executing (we can't say honoring because it's the Devil) its part of the Deal, Jews were all around during the civil war and the emancipation efforts). 
Now they are [African populations] (Recent days slavery is specific to the American Negroes, but its amplitude along with the situation of the African race throughout history impact the whole African racehosting the Evil Spirit (the Beast Spirit to give it a concretization beyond the concept of Good and Evil) and executing its actions. 
The Whore of Babylon as a female manifestation of Evil may be incarnated in the European and American females (Western females), who were tempted by the Beast (male version of Evil) and their souls will be the ownership of the Whore of Babylon which is just a female version of Evil, [it sounds weird because we are in the process of making an incarnation of mythical creatures in today's populations to make some sense out of the ancient holy texts], must not omit Jew and other Semitic females (Neanderthal and Denisovan genes significant inheritance) as other female forms of this Demonic entity (the Whore of Babylon), the difference is that the Beast as an incarnation of Evilincarnated in African populations, to infiltrate modern humans' ranges  will target modern humans females as a priority to stain the Human genome by African primitive genes (eventually other partially evolved genes), the ultimate goal of Evil is the modern Human genome, Semitic and other partially evolved populations are of little to no interest to itSatan hates Adam's perfect design and so partially evolved populations hate modern humans, this makes the Western women a Race traitor, she brought destruction and eventual doom to God's perfect Design, just because she is stupid, banal, and perverted as a Human being. 
Always in this scenario of incarnating ancient tales in today's populationsthe roles and genders are interchangeable, we find Semitic and African females tempting modern humans males because using modern humans gene to improve their partially evolved state is a patriotic duty, they do it for La Raza as they say in Spanish, for their race, their ancient look is not competitive in today's world, and especially it won't create the "Adequate Conditions" for Evil to rise.

Evil's one of the most powerful weapons is sex and temptation along with drugs, sometimes you have to drug them before sex, must alter modern humans' normal brain functions to make it consent until the Neanderthals in suits start brainwashing the masses into accepting interracial sex as a progressive and modern trend, then no need for drugs all the time because the brain functions have been manipulated by the MSM. 

A Beast amongst Humans
Making a distinction between the Beast as a male version and the "Whore of Babylon" as a female version is just to put Evil in the context of known Biblical figures, is it Evil that's its essence, which means that it needs more animal instincts than human pulses (partially evolvedthe Brute state prevails, preferred state for Evil to use), that's why it uses partially evolved populations.
Putting it in a "Theological Context", assuming Evil will use the populations with the most pronounced brute traits on the planet because it needs more animals' instincts than human conscience (for its sex and drugs business), if we try to reflect the "Garden of Eden" scenario on today's populations using what cited above about the characteristics, preferences, and attributes of Evil, Devil or Satan, in terms of the temptation of Evethe original sin and the forbidden fruit.
If reflected on today's circumstances we end up with something like: Satan Snuck around modern human populations as a Black male for example, he could be other partially evolved populations, but Evil has a preference for the most animals' instincts and brute-like state (no more snake), bear in mind that Evil is perpetual, why the Evil in the Garden of Eden would be any different than the Evil we are dealing with today? the only difference is that it is not a snake anymoreit 'evolved' (metaphorically speaking), and now it's concretizing in partially evolved populations, and succeeded in tempting Eve into the forbidden fruit again, that's why we have the Evil bloodline in the world, this is not the curse of Ham or Cain this is the real deal.

What the holy scriptures warned us about is concretizing, now it is defying Adam (modern humans) as the legitimate people destined to inherit Earth after tempting and brainwashing modern humans through whatever progress it has made since the original sin, this is colossal compared to the forbidden fruit, modern humans are just fascinated by Evil's way, it progressed so much from the stage of a snake (it Evolved), it dictates to modern humans the codes of morals, telling them that they don't have to be a male neither a female for example, degrading modern humans populations in contrast to the new emerging Frankenstein forms of life, making immorality a normEvil has risen! This is not the "Garden of Eden" this is "Central Park".

Representation in modern Demographics
On the other way around since Evil is genderlessas a female, it will tempt and corrupt modern human males to infiltrate their ranges and exerce (french) some control for better manipulation and mostly to dilute the primitive traits brought on by Archaic genes inherited from extinct Hominins, that's why we find Semitic races as a female representation of Evil tempting and taking control of modern humans males,
There have been two predictable responses from the world press. The first response among leftists and black nationalists alike is a celebratory adulation that finally African blood has broken into the European royal bloodline, and that the inevitable conquest and subsequent destruction of Europe and the European people is that much closer.
Meghan Markle is just a sample of the Archaic genes invasion of modern humans Genome, it is going on worldwide from all backgrounds, some modern human men who understand the dangerous nature of this racial dilution, they just pay them, others end up bringing doom on Humanity by mixing genes with that lower form of life, Chinese and Latina women (to stay in the context of the interracial US) are all around marrying or getting fertilized by White men to dilute brown or improve slanty, which is not as innocent as it seems, it is diluting modern human's genes and corrupting white men, as Nicolas Cage, Ben Affleck, or Bill de Blasio to not cite que very few publicly known figures (one Asian, one Latina, and one Black kinds of corruption).
Meghan Markle's upcoming marriage to Prince Harry has been described as “groundbreaking” and dubbed a “cultural revolution.”
...Mixed race women (who are black and white), like Markle, are more likely to marry or cohabitate with white men in the UK. According to the 2011 census, 65% of mixed-race women (black and white) are married or cohabitate with white men.
Considering the text aboveevery Western female may be considered an incarnation of the "Whore of Babylon", she ovulates and gets fertilized by partially evolved populations as the Beast's way into procreating and creating its armyDiversity and corruption of morals, the offspring is an Evil abomination of humanity, certainly, that crossed the color burden generations ago and it doesn't need actual fertilization by a Negreo or other colored male, people's soul being corrupted generations ago. Negreos and other partially evolved populations are all around screwing Western women from all ages including wives and GFs (of presumably modern human men), there is a fest on the forbidden fruit in the world, the process of the sale of the Human soul to Satan happened a long time ago and it's like a plague, the more corrupted people there are, the more chances others will be 'contaminated' and Evil has taken control over the global populations, including modern human populations without the actual (presumable necessaire) presence of colored populations around thanks to the MSM and the web, through which you are welcoming Satan to your screens and to control your lives, except very few, that we may call "the Resistance".

"And everything which America has not drawn from Europe may well appear worthy of admiration to a juda-ised, mixed race; Europe, on the other hand, sees in it a sign of cultural decay. "                                                                                                                                                                                 Adolf. Hitler  

Cultural decay: Evil Taking Over the States, Europe is in progress
...The overall idea is that African and Semitic races didn't fully evolveanimal instincts prevail, and they are used by Satan (An evil force or spirit) to infiltrate modern humans ranges and corrupt them, Evil could be a male, could be a female, and recently it has no gender, through drugs and sex it infiltrates modern humans ranges, crossbreed and weakens the modern human's race gene pool which creates the "Adequate Conditions" for Evil to rise, that's why what happened in the US at the '70s is critical for the future of Humanity, Evil is not contained anymore, not locked in Hell as urban legends say, but brought from the darkness of isolated populations areas to the modern human's world, a metaphor for heaven compared to primitive populations' world's conditions which sometimes is compared to Hell in a metaphorical sense, and now it's tempting modern humans again, it is unleashed into the US, and Europe just followed in the footsteps

Open borders means racial suicide of the West 
Open borders and similar immigration policies, pushed by Neanderthals in suits in key positions to which they snuck (as s snake) a long time ago when modern humans weren't paying attention and thought that they are just a different kind of Human beings (except Hitler's Devine guidance), are [Policies] the cutting edge between law and order, and anarchy and even the existence of a Human civilization or the doom of the Western civilization, keeping partially evolved populations from accessing modern humans territories is basically keeping Satan or Evil off modern humans' ranges, you may argue that those people are coming from extreme conditions and they really need help! Natural selection is still going on, if they don't build up their native land and instead depend on the Western locals for survival and even settling down, these populations' displacements will create an increasingly considerable weight on the locals' resources, which ultimately will cause the collapse of the structures supporting these immigration policies and an eventual serious cultural clash with the locals.

It took a lot of sacrifices and two WWs to build the Western world, the "Neanderthals in suits" (Zionism in key positions) will present all kinds of arguments and justifications to push for this genetical invasion because the more they are the more diluted modern humans will get and the better it is for Evil to thrive, talking about Evil and demonizing those populations is not pure hatred, Satan snuck around Eve all innocent and harmless (a talking snake or whatever) until it got what it wants (metaphorically speaking), this is the real world, not the old testament, those people use modern humans' empathy against them, as soon as they get powerful and numerous they will backstab and pretend that It's their land, without even talking about the Racial Dilution and the "Population Replacement" going on.

Population Replacement: Anarchy and Evil spirit, Rise of the Antichrist as populations
The focus on partially evolved or isolated populations is because they will be the core of the US and later on, the Western world in general demographics, this is like a major Anthropological event of Archaic gene spread in the world, possibly mirroring Neanderthals or Denisovans theoretical extinction as a Resurgence or as it is called in this Blog/Post: 'Resurrection' happening in those modern days. As in the series of posts: "Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over"these genes are spread like a pandemic or a plague submerging the planet, while modern humans prevailed in Earth until the WWs, this spread of populations that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes in the world will totally change the diaporama of the planet basically made overwhelmingly of modern humans as the dominant kind with a marginal presence of partially evolved populations more or less evolved, this state of the world's demographics will change because of the demographic shift and the "population replacement" going on, causing a radical eclipsing of modern humans as the dominant kind in many Western countries where they are replaced by new emerging Frankenstein forms of life. 
This replacement going on will totally change the feeling of being in a modern humans world and even the Cultural icons characterizing modern humans civilization are destroyed, swapped by a caricature of the Human mind, or replaced by a degeneration, that's why we see monuments and statues representing a great humanitarian heritage destroyed or replaced by some obscenities. 
In this context, we witness the emergence of a fake 'civilization' replacing the Western civilization, while modern humans are still at the tip of the iceberg, the populations that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes are slowly and surely ascending, it is a matter of generations before they totally Take Over Human civilization and replace it by their own primitive version. 

From Theology to Spirituality, Evil Spirit is United.
Those people [partially evolved populations] have been isolated since forever and the sudden encounter with modern humans will create a major event in terms of inter hominins' (modern humans are Homo S. Sapiens in advanced appearances, primitive kinds are more advanced stages of Homo Erectus, Neanderthals, and Denisovans improved by a limited infusion of modern humans genes because of their isolations) interactions and mating, we can call it an 'Archaic introgression' to a certain limited extent because of the primitive state of isolated populations and the pronounced nature of their archaic traitsa spirit of their own characterizing their kind is formed, and while modern humans made the Divine connection they were [Partially evolved populations] interacting and connecting with all kinds of Earthly spirits and Evil forces.
This Archaic Spirit hosted in these partially evolved populations is the total opposite of God's connection to modern humans known as Prophecy, which again, happened in modern humans' milieus because primitive kinds didn't evolve enough to reach the stage of modern humans' consciousness. 

Evil Spiritual bonding has a national concretization: 
If you consider the US demographic composition for example, at its core there is a considerable percentage of populations who inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes, whether it's Native Americans (Corrupted nature), Africans (Ghost Archic ancestry), or Semitic races (Jews as a racial group or other kinds: Asian, Indians, and Middle Easterners (prevalence of Archaic genes as well)), while it's true that the conquest of the continent was the oeuvre of European conquistadors, the real nature of the founders of the colonies known as the pilgrims is vague and ambiguous and most of the slave traders and owners were Jews, talking about Neanderthals trying to dilute modern humans since the Thirteen Colonies.
Taking into consideration the demographic shift that the US has known or is projected to know, it is statistically demonstrated that other kinds will replace Europeans as the majority in the country, even before it is statistically confirmed the overall US gene pool is stained by Archaic genes, most of the Whites are not a pure race, either Semitic (Native American or other origins) mixes, sometimes with a more or less considerable African genes infusion.

The recent decades have known an increased pace in this genes mixing or miscegenation going on. In the US we witness the emergence of new kinds of humans beings, a Frankenstein-like form of life (genetically speaking), that takes modern human appearances but has the core of an extinct hominin as its essence, It created a Parallel World in America to compete with modern humans in  Europe using wickedness and global plotting to exist as the optimal form of life while it is an Archaic spirit in modern appearances, defying modern humans as the legitimate kind destined to inherit Earth, it is revenge now for dominating them as a race and wiping them out as hominins since the Neanderthals times, they didn't forget, Never Again!

Parallel world: The Beast built its civilization
The US exists as a world apart formed in contrast to Europe (at least until recent decades), a parallel civilization is created on the new continent, as cited before, at its core a large concentration of surviving Archaic genes transmitted through isolated populations to today's Demographics because of the ongoing miscegenation. The racial composition of the US, mostly its Frankenstein-like nature, makes it the ideal demographics for the rise of the Antichrist army in the world, not as a person as it always been depicted but as emerging new kinds of populations, same as modern Humans are Devine, Diversity is Evil.
If we consider the NYC populations for instance, it is actually noticeable that the overall demographics are populations who present evident Archaic ancestry, either it's Chinese, Indians from India, Mestizos with their specific inherited Neanderthals traits, or Negreos and their African roots, along with all the mixed varieties that happened in between, Ashkenazi Jews present the White class of this fake civilizationThe whole city presents a concretization of extinct hominins' resurrection and their newly formed civilization (post-WWII) competing with modern humans in Europe Russia.

The areas, neighborhoods, boroughs, or urban agglomerations with an overwhelming presence of the cited racial groups are known for the spread of anarchy and lawlessness, that's why Chinese businesses are known for their illegal practices, that goes for Indians and Mestizos areas as well, Negroes areas are known for dependency on public assistance and the spread of crimes and illegal activities, it is the anarchy brought on by the prevalence of Archaic genes in these populations, it's like they are creating their own underground world, they defend and encourage illegal immigration in NYC and other sanctuary cities and states because they thrive in lawlessness, and the more of their kinds pouring in, the better it is, again, they are creating their own world.

Anarchy, because Archaic genes prevail in their Genome.
The modern humans world never looked like the Ghetto areas or Chinatown for example, now NYC is a total crime hub in the country, the mayor is a Negreo, the DA legalizing crimes, and all the institutions are infested by partially evolved populations passing all kinds of immoral laws and legislations
It is absurd that they call Putin or Xi, for example, authoritarian or dictators while they live in virtual anarchy and literally legalizing crimes. probably they expect China or Russia to legalize crimes as well or go soft on criminals 'because they are oppressed' as they say in the US, which is against every Human moral codes, but in NYC there are Neanderthals and Homo erectus in suits doing law and order, somebody needs a spear?

Talking about the States as the niche or castle for this lower form of life presents the contradiction of the core of the demographic composition of the States, European founded colonies materialized into the United States as we know it. While the founders were European modern humans, as cited above, the Pilgrims are of ambiguous nature, fleeing religious oppression as historical records cite, this makes the US the sanctuary for every oppressed Humankind on Earth, must not forget Jews' role in the slaves' trade and later on in the "civil rights movement", add to that the "Population Replacement" going on because of a solid base of partially evolved populations, which are reproducing at a higher pace than European populations, besides the initial local populations of native Americans with a significative percentage of inherited Neanderthal genes, same may be said of African populations influx in forms of Atlantic slaves trade or ulterior immigrations, important Jewish settlements also happened along with Asian, Middle Eastern, Indian, and all the racial  adds up, all these genetical mixtures will transform the States into what we call the "Melting Pot" or simply transformed into a "Colored Nation" with a "Spirit" instead of a "Human Devine" connection.

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