Monday, August 29, 2016

Uncovering the existence and thriving of the Beast among American social classes (Part2)

Rooted deep in History and Anthropology 
I've noticed while staying in shelters and ghetto areas that colored people or the inhabiting of those areas are highly supportive of Netanyahu, Israel, and they plain hate Russia and Germany, their eyes get almost red if I made a negative remark about Jews, of course, it learnt the pokers face, so I'm not supposed to even suspect the existence of the Beast, or whatever that spirit that interacts with me, and the link between those people and Zionism as the doctrine of historically oppressed people, which simply means that Zionism is the Beast that being created for revenge, revenge of all human kinds that being oppressed through history, from Jews enslavement and ejection from countries, and Nazi Germany efforts, to enslavement of Africans and genocide of native Americans, of course many groups will join the hatred toward whites for submitting them as a race, Chinese and Indians at a certain level share the hatred toward whites for being submitted by the British and Chinese for their subordination history in America or negative stereotype as well.

If you sum it up, it's like some kind of conflict between modern humans or Homo S. Sapiens, and other kinds descendants from lower hominids, its same shit thrived in different levels, Zionism policies without the support of the demographic weight of colored people to dilute and dumb down the population are vain, colored people know they are granted more rights and treated like God chosen people, and all that positive discrimination and affirmative action crap because Jews and Zionism using them to weaken up the local population or the host milieu and this goes world wide, the latest example is the vague of refugees, which is simply another major card of Zionism to create a quasi civil war in Europe, " the Locals vs Muslims", so there will be no more anti Semitic attacks and the focus will be on anti Islamization and Right Wings won't even think Antisemitism. 
         ---Below are news articles that report the tendency in Europe, a quasi-state of civil war,

'Threat is real': France to deploy 3k troops, prepare students for terror attacks on schools

Germany’s anti-immigrant AfD becoming a force with young, unemployed males – study

Norway to build fence on border with Russia to curb refugee inflow

From the revolution Industrial to American interracial sex revolution, Humanity’s doom
You must understand that the Beast is an umbrella denomination for the rise of Evil in the world, its like a spirit with a hierarchical structure from the homeless harmless looking person to the elites, decision-makers at the white house, E.U and NATO, the common point, they both host the evil spirit, that, bien entendue, its first rule is to never be uncovered.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Uncovering the existence and thriving of the Beast among American social classes (Part1)

As some have noticed I didn't post on this blog, neither on in a while, like few months, even last 3 posts on this blog I scheduled them to be published in an interval of 3 days distance, 

I had them on draft, and I published them to be posted in an 3 days interval, since I knew I wont have access to my laptop in a while, even the posts before are distanced by month or so, except last posts, which I just edit them from draft, while if I had access to my laptop and circumstances I will definitely publish a post every few days or so, even is outdated.

Beside my inability to post, my contents are removed, and my facebook pages are blocked, the recent ones are Franco TaMere and Lee Puniisher, YouTube videos and even other blogs, while my content is diversified, it all goes in the same direction, if not its about the global perspective, its about cultural and racial issues, that most likely the Beast spirit want it submerged in darkness. Beside being attacked virtually, the beast spirit which hates uncovering its existence goes even further into stealing my property, recently my phone was stolen, which contains about 50 pages of unpublished text, of course, its not your typical robbery, not even talking about my laptop stolen in Philly, tentative to steal my present laptop, and other phones and flash drives, its like I'm dealing with demonic forces that refuse to be exposed.

The reason is simple, the beast exists and thrives in America and it finds its incarnation in peoples corpses. Of course "the greatest trick devil ever pulled was convincing the world it doesn't exist".

I spent the last 5 years in NYC homeless shelter system, being transferred from a location to another depending on what they are trying to do, I was out of work, simply because they have cultural issue with me as a person. 

When the soul is corrupted, the Behavior is suspicious.
Bon, in shelter system, during last years, their actions is bizarre, while it seems innocent, if joining the dots, you uncover that you are dealing with the worst of evil on earth, its not only in the shelter, everywhere I go, as long as I'm trying to do some " home work", like writing or posting something, somebody, a complete stranger appears out of nowhere, and it start disturbing as much as possible, either talking in its phone for hours, or any other form of disturbance some times its gets super loud, like possessed, going until provoking me, often its a colored person, Negroes get louder than anybody else, along with Chinese, and the look in their eyes, is like some kind of possession.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Semitic Muslims, Zionism safety card in Europe

This post is an overview on the shift of the nature of the terrorist attacks, and how the "so-called" Islamic Terrorism is used as a successful Zionist card; besides my writings, extracts are included from  Pravda.Ru 
An article that presents almost the same overall idea: text is in blue.

Zionism logic:
Make them kill innocent civilian in Europe, so a quasi state of civil war is declared in Europe, caused by dirty refugees pushed in Europe as a result of Zionist war started in the middle east to overthrow uncooperative regimes, let the right wings rise in a state of fully understandable self-defense against the aggressors, so anti Semitism will be buried for ever, instead, the locals will be drowned in an anti Islamization feeling, even the local peaceful Muslim population of north African origins, will be paying the price of Semitic refugees Muslims.

And they want to live in peace in America with dirty Semitic Muslims, while they are starting a civil war in Europe.

The post above, is not to approve the extrait of local Muslims automatically blaming Trump, its some kind of sarcasm to present people backwarded mentality and how they analyze events in a simple and superficial way, they voted Obama just because he's Black and they hate Trump just because he's white, without even talking about the insinuations regarding their entry to the U.S., if presumed to represent some security issues, which is nothing new in the history of immigration to America, long time ago, there was an "Exclusion act" against Chinese immigrants, because they were presumed prostitutes, U.S., as a sovereign nation must make its security priority and have full rights without any third party interference in adjusting its immigration policies in a way to grant its safety, a new Chinese exclusion act, must be reconsidered, as I explained in the post that follows.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Colors: How Zionism is the biggest Terror on the planet

Introductory Video by M. Atta.

The scare of 911 still graved in the memory of Stupid Americans, they tried to steal their freedom and sheeet...
Conspiracy theories floating in the atmosphere, making the fat arrogant feel a little good about their perverted ego, and making the masses seem even dumber than they are for being slaughtered by their own government and they are unable to do shit about it....other than speculating about OBL, watching football and sucking each other's the Pure American tradition. While bragging about how great is America and to be American, while they are the joke of the world, and too dumb and brainwashed to realize it.

If Video is blocked in your country view it in the other edition:

                                       Homeland Security Color Based Advisory System...Revised

Desormais, the real treat is coming from within the various demographic composition of the American nation, the History of the different colors composing the American infrastructure is far from forgotten and the bitterness is stored somewhere deep inside the soul, Blacks will never forget 400 years of slavery, and now they exist like parasites feeding on public assistance and considered a worthless social class and often stereotypes as 3rd class citizens, known as being the lowest of all races in America.

Hispanics or Browns as descendants of Native Americans, still have the scare of the genocide, rape, and forced relocation of their ancestors and now they live as second class citizens and are considered illegals in what was their land once.

These 2 components/colors of the American society are at the  base of the demographic shift in the American population and even though Negros are worthless parasites living on welfare and show-biz and inhabiting jails and ghetto area, and Hispanics are stupid and naive in their overall attitude, their demographic weight will be used by another entity which got no color -Divers-present in the American racial composition, it’s the Zionist occupied government, as an evil entity with an agenda of world domination by dumbing down the masses, and using them like the stupid brainwashed American that they are, they go blind in using all the human resources present on the American territory, causing a mass retardation of the American population so they are easy to manipulate and control.

The overall situation of the American people just prove this remark, diversity as a way into mass control been used, the racial structure of the American population is melting and diluting into a new specie of dumbed down creatures easily manipulated and controlled. The use of Negros and Hispanic to melt down the racial purity and use the old trick of divide to rule is the ultimate weapon of destroying the racial identity of the American population, Hispanics alone predicted to be a majority among minorities by 2016, and Negros cross breed right and left, consensual or forced spreading the evil seeds serving the agenda of the Zionist occupied government and the middle white class is collapsing into poverty.