Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 4/5 Quater

Translation into International affairs Part 4/4

The topic of "International affairs" in this Part is addressing modern days politics and how "Zionism prevails in the world's affairs" and many nations are just blindly following in its footsteps. Zionism at its core the demographics of the West with their Archaic genes inheritance prevalence. 

The US demographics are composed of all the marginalized kinds that existed throughout history (because of significant Archaic genes inheritance), the States may be considered as a rival civilization competing with the European (modern humans) civilization, the USA is like a niche for "partially evolved populations" from all around the world where they seek refuge because of the positive discrimination going on and the political correctness privileging colored populations, the essence of the US has shifted to a colored nation under the leadership of the Ashkenazi Jews (the Zionists occupied government) with the scare of the Neanderthals extinction (they never invoke it but it's graved in their subconsciousness and a spirit was formed for revenge) and the Holocaust still haunting them, this explains the US obsession with world hegemony and their immediate push and efforts made to eradicate any opposing pole, this is what happened with the Soviet Union despite being 'allies' during WWII, the US is always paranoid to an eventual existential threat.

A reminder of a Glossary of often-used terms.
  • Neanderthals in suits: is a reference to the presence of Zionism agents (Jewish background or other Semitic races) in key positions in Western governments, knowing Semitic races inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals, it is a way to present ZOGs.
  • Partially Evolved Populations: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations and Semitic races, as defined in this Blog/Site, are partially evolved populations.
  • Diversified Populations: When "Partially Evolved Populations" cross-breed with modern humans constituting the demographics of a country or a bloc of nations we talk about Diversified Populations. How to use in a sentence: "The West has Diversified populations". 
  • Miscegenation: The interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial groups.
  • Archaic introgression: Describes the incorporation of alleles from one entity (species) into the gene pool of a second, divergent entity (species).
  • Human: I use this term to refer to modern humans in the current context because after the racial dilution, most of the demographics of the planet look modern humans while they are not.

4/The Formation of 2 Poles or the Battle between Good and Evil

Throughout history, there was rivalry, conflicts and wars between nations or empires mostly taking the forms of conquests, expansions of territories and dominance over less powerful and affluent nations, religion, nationality, or race were justifications for wars and conquests, they [justifications] are fading out recently to be replaced by mostly ideological concerns, those interactions didn't concretize into a bipolar world until the formation of the US as a superpower expanding into an empire in terms of the wide spread of the US influence literally englobing the Western world, the emergence of Soviet Russia as an opposing pole is part of this duality that regulate life on Earth and the Universe, an opposing pole have to be formed, the US hegemony in the world is highly questionable on moral and political grounds, necessarily after the WWII, the 70's revolution in the US and the demographic shift the US has known is broadcasted and expanded worldwide along with declining morals, we witness the emergence of new kinds of populations having nothing of Humans and it seems that they are Taking Over the world through the evergoing increasing of "partially evolved populations" and their progressive control of Humans' institutions. 
This polarity isn't random or dictated by historical or geopolitical reasons, it is meant to be, as the US is meant to lead the Western world at its core the genetics of partially evolved populations taking modern humans' appearances and going on in their tyrannical ways while trashing human values and morals, a resistance pole will have to emerge to confront this wave of anarchy spreading in the planet.
Reagan’s leadership led to a massive increase in American military spending, as well as research into new and better weapons. The United States isolated the Soviets from the global economy and helped drive down oil prices. Without oil revenues, the Soviet Union began to crumble.
Fluctuations occurred in the shifting balance of power between the two poles depending on the historical era, the cold war presented a clear view of this bipolar world manifesting in the colossal size and effort made for armament and affluence in the world, the Soviet Union dissolved, the Russian Federation will emerge as a new growing power with the potential to revive the old rivalry and the opposing pole, this led to recent days world panorama of the West mobilization at the Russian Western border engaging in a proxy war to weaken Russia because the West is more mobilized in conventional means than in Weapons of ultimate deterrence of Evil, awaiting the eventual consideration of undecided allies to join the right path.

Retrospective on the world's global panorama
This post is about "International Affairs" with a focus on Ukraine, the Russian intervention in Syria flipped the balance of power and the established Post-WWII international order upside down, the Zionist empire does not feel that it's the "world cop" and the leader of the free world (citation needed) anymore, it [Zionist empire] starts withdrawing from its missions to establish freedom and democracy in countries (Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq...) with leaders opposing the fiction that the world being under the protectorate of the US and contesting the legitimacy of the State of Israel. Total confusion of the Zionist Beast, they have to take matters into their own hands, the US and Israel are no more arming 'moderate' rebels (they have degrees in rebellion now) since they are crushed by Russia, Israel is unexplainably going on air strikes in Syria (unjustified, unquestionable by the UN, unpunished).
"I would like to ask the honorable US representative, have you found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or are you still looking?"

"Therefore, esteemed colleagues, many will have to pray for forgiveness regarding the situation in Syria, and the situation in Iraq, and many other situations which we know about."
- Vitaly Churkin (1952-2017)
The 'leader of the free world' no more.
Russian intervention in Syria created an unprecedented event in international affairs, contesting the US vision and enforcement of law and order in the world and exposing the lies of the Beast about the situation in the country, which was used as a pretext for an attempt of a coup d'Eat to remove al-Assad, Russian support and protection of al-Assad will thwart the US efforts for regime change in Syria, this is a premier for the US, a failure for its routine missions to establish freedom and democracy in the world by removing leaders who oppose their foreign policy, Russian intervention and support for al-Assad were crucial in putting an end to the domino effect going on in the Middle East because Israel is worried about its safety if a country does not present total allegiance and submission to the US, Russian-Syrian alliance will create a new precedent in international affairs, the US is not the world cop anymore and its interventions are highly questionable. This is a considerable change in the international order established post-WWII, and it is of important signification in terms of the world being bipolar, the scar of the Soviet Union and the cold war being revived and it is a matter of homeland security again.
The battle between the USA and Russia that had been snuffed by the demise of the Soviet Union has been rekindled. The USA and Russia have regional doctrines that demarcate areas to which outside powers cannot encroach. However, the Middle East has remained a contested region for the two powers. USA has also sought to encroach into the backyard of Russia in order to contain the resurgence of the Eastern power.
It is a red light for the Zionist Beast
The world hegemony is at stake, the focus will be on Russian doorsteps, Ukraine is another Israel in the region, Zionist agents on standby at the Russian Western border, coup d'État, puppet president, all the signs point to a massive Zionist focus on the region, it is a matter of survival for the Neanderthals empire, Russian racial purity and refuse to accept the US as the self-proclaimed the 'leader of the free world' is a threat to the diversified population of the Western world. Being Human being is outdated, Russian and Asian populations didn't mix with "partially evolved populations" which inherited significant percentages of Archaic genes, their racial purity [Russian and Asian populations] in the sense that, even though there may be a gap between the local populations' evolutionary stages (minuscule gap), those population (Russian and Asian) settled in their respective lands since forever, they matured and developed Human consciousness, not some Frankenstein form of life that used a shortcut to evolve via cross breed and acquired modern features. Russian and Asian populations are spared from the cluster of Archaic genes from the Americas and Africa that have been unleashed into Humanity's gene pool and mostly the Western World post the discovery of the new world, their racial purity presents an existential threat to the West and its diversified populations because of the significant percentage of archaic genes inherited by West populations, it is commonly called diversity or miscegenation while it is a modern days' archaic introgression, the scar of the history of domination of modern humans and the extinction of their kind still engraved in their memory.
“The West is insisting on a rules-based order,” he remarked in a speech in September. “Where did that come from anyway? Who has ever seen these rules? Who agreed or approved them?”
“Russia is a great thousand-year-old power, a whole civilisation, and it is not going to live by such makeshift, false rules,” he declared.
Evil lurks in the shadows and plots in the background
The ideological aspect (new bipolarity in the world, based on anthropological roots or Humans confronting diversified populations) of what's going on if put in a theological context as we've seen in previous parts is that an Evil spirit has risen and is infesting the planet as a Petroleum spillage spreads into the oceans and destroys every form of life in its path.
This form of Evil, which has no national, racial, or religious background but the ability to corrupt people and take control of their souls explains the similarity in the mobilization of the stupid global masses for what the US or the West are broadcasting, if they say BLM then BLM, if they say Ukraine lives matter then Russia and its allies are demonized.
What happened is that this Evil form of life is at Russia's doorstep on its western border, as a former Soviet State Ukraine is extremely strategic for the Beast to complete its total world domination, the locals are easily corrupted and brainwashed by the West's propaganda, Europe and the US are totally under Evil Zionism control, Sweden and other Scandinavian nation are underway (NATO membership is a rite of passage), Sweden is forcibly getting diversified. 
If this form of life infests Russia, it is a total doom for Humanity. That's why what happening at the Russian border is crucial for the future of the world.
Lavrov suggested that "at some point, having declared victory in the Cold War, Washington elevated itself almost to the position of the messenger of the Lord God on Earth, who has no obligations, but only the 'sacred' right to act with impunity" anywhere in the world. "Any state can be declared a zone for such actions - especially if it somehow displease the self-proclaimed 'masters of the world'."
From individuals engaging Humans' empathy to the road to Tyranny
BLM and "Never Again": 2 sides for the same coin
There is a certain pattern that individuals in societies, groups of people, nations, or blocs of nations going all the way to entities in different incarnations follow to achieve some "Ill Gotten gains", this pattern is provoking the opposing side until it reacts and then playing the victim card to gather either national or international support and sympathy, giving it some fake legitimacy in its counterattack while it's abusing the basic rights of the normal functioning of modern societies in case of individuals and the national context, ultimately getting more and more rights in an abnormal way until it Takes Over while still playing the victim because Humans feeling of the guilt is so powerful necessarily boosted by Neanderthals in suits dramatizing everything to destroy modern humans from within using their empathy against them. In the international scene, fake justifications are used to go on an offensive campaign to weaken the enemy while the ultimate goal is to totally destroy it while acting as the oppressed side, that's what's going on in Ukraine. 
The video below presents an interaction between everyday people, which probably won't surface online if it wasn't recorded, the subtitles are not 100% accurate, we can sense the arrogance of the store owner, who is Jew, his attitude gives an apercu on the overall mentality of Jews in America: a deep sense of entitlement. 
When asked to kindly remove the offending poster, his answer was, "I'm Jewish, what I want I could do", it may seem that it is a simple personal opinion but it's the victim card and self-entitlement mentality that colored built in America advancing different excuses, either it's the Holocaust, Slavery, or the Genocide of Native Americans to justify la Reconquista or the demographic invasion.
This is what's going on in modern societies when human beings in their different evolutionary stages (different races) interact more or less peacefully to get over an inferiority complex related to a racial or socioeconomic situation, to compensate for that inferiority complex or to justify some unacceptable actions or behaviors, or to bypass the standard laws regulating societies and nations presenting different excuses (affirmative action for example), some racial groups for instance, invoke ancient history to engage modern humans empathy and justify their actions or ask for a preferential treatment and rights they don't deserve, this is is the case of African communities in the US and the West in general, that's how movements like BLM are totally questionable because they ask for a two-sided judicial system and pretend that they're above the law or immune to prosecution just because of the history of slavery in the US. Humans' empathy activated by the "Neanderthals in suits" brainwashing is blurring their vision, it goes for all minority groups or colored populations, it is a trend to bypass the standards used for human beings to advance in societies, Jews use the victim card as well as Native Americans and all Semitic races, there will be always something to complain about since modern humans were the dominant kind since forever, the only victim card that has not been played yet is the extinction of Neanderthals.
Ultimately they will get stronger and more numerous, end up Taking Over the locals' resources and institutions and altering their way of life for an eventual total control and Take Over because the locals are naïve to not say stupid and have a deep feeling of guilt implemented in their minds by the propaganda of elements that coexisted with modern humans earlier to adapt to their mental level and appearances, they [elements] worked since the beginning of the 20th century to prepare for this Evil form of life Take Over, it gets more complicated when dealing with entities and the distant human ancestry, this "Spiritual context" was addressed in part in the previous posts: "The Theological Aspect", when there is a bonding between the "Partially evolved populations" and the "Evil Spirit" and will be developed further in future posts.
As posted in part 1, those people [Partially evolved populations] have bonded with each other around an Earthly or non-Devine spirit because being partially evolved and coexisted with each other since their kind settled down, it could go back to hundreds of thousands of years for "out of Africa" populations (Neanderthal, Denisovan, and probably yet to be discovered Hominins) or even millions of years for "African populations", they still have the Archaic genes they inherited and connected to whatever Earthly spirit specific to their kind. 
The Road to Tyranny
To a certain extent, same as individuals use the victim card to gain Humans empathy and acquire more rights, resources, or judicial favoritism which may abuse the civil rights of Humans as we see in BLMsimilar movements, and minorities' pretensions and their feeling of entitlements, these demands for preferential treatment is more and more implemented in the partially evolved populations' minds, inspired by crazy trends such as wokeism and similar tendencies characterizing these post-BLM modern days. This state of mind will be applied to international affairs to a certain extent of course, elaborated into Israel the right to exist and the US exceptionalism.
The West justifies its actions (the backing of the UN is optional) by many reasons, where it is always portrayed as the "good guys", leading the free world, trying to find WMD, free and liberate people and establish democracy, in the case of Ukraine, we have a concrete model of "provoke and play the victim card". Ukraine being at the western border of Russia, a former Soviet State, their EU and NATO aspirations are like an attaint to Soviet glory, the Soviet Union been dissolved into States because the cold war was about disputing the monopoly in the world. Ukraine as a former Soviet State at the Russian western border is critical, former Soviet States are independent nations to not join the enemy bloc but to exist as independent sovereign nations, Belarus for instance, not as a hotbed for every malign Zionist aspiration as Ukraine, Evil is thriving at the Russian western border, Evil is camping there, corrupting the locals and oppressing Russian nationals until Russia reacts to protect its nationals and the West cries the victim and Ukraine can't breathe, they are compiling their efforts to weaken Russia as much as possible while playing the victim and acting as if they have any legitimate business at the Russian border because the UN and the international community are submitted to the Beast will or maybe CNN never told them about Ukrainian atrocities -indoctrinated Zionist mercenaries- targeting Russian nationals at the Russian western border.
The video above may be considered out of context, because this post is not to present or debate conspiracy theories, it is a long video well-known in the world of alternative news and conspiracy theories enthusiasts, it is presented to make a correlation between individuals or racial groups using the victim card to acquire more rights and the government implementing fear in the masses minds to justify its draconian security measures and necessarily the right to go unpunished in a rampage in the Middle East so Israel feel safe. Same as African Americans used BLM to acquire more rights, the US government used 911 to justify its exceptionalism. 
The emergence of anthropology based Polarity or the Battle between Good and Evil
America or the Western pole in general being a leader for humanity is an abomination, while modern humans once prevailed in the Western world, they have been Taken Over by African and Semitic races (kinds that are not modern humans while treated like God chosen people), both kinds using the victim card and the guilt humanity feels, either for slavery or the Holocaust (so far there is no talk about the extinction of Neanderthals or Denisovans), they play on our very humanity and feeling of empathy and guilt to get more rights, more power, to have control over people's mind making them easily manipulated, they will backstab at first chance and ultimately they will destroy everything humanity built and replace it with their deviant sub-civilization, just because those groups were historically oppressed and they hate modern humans for their Divine nature and historical supremacy, this explains Cultural Marxism obsession about racial dilution and the vague of immigrants pouring in the Western world aiming for the destruction of modern humans civilizations representing Humanity at its optimal progress and acheivements in contrast to Negros backwarded situation or Jews or Semitic races in general existence as a parasites or a marginal form of life since forever, they literally destroyed the Middle East, they can't do the same in Europe instead it's the modern days' exodus, Cultural Marxism, the destruction of moral and Human values and the replacement of populations.

Ukraine, a sort of Israel in Eastern Europe aimed to permit or justify a Zionist military presence in the region, of course to counter any rapprochement between Russia and Europe which is lethal for America's position as the "leader of the free world" (citation needed). 
"Putin accused the United States, to play with such fears and rebuild enemy images. The aim is to underpin the own claim to leadership in the world. A rapprochement of Russia and Europe would not be welcomed by the Americans." 

---Source: The Internet 

According to Mettan, the US adopted Russophobia after World War II, but added that "today Russophobia has become essentially American." "Once Nazism was defeated in 1945, the Americans turned against their Russian ally, which was also the case with the British in 1815, soon after their victory over Napoleon."
The struggle between "Racial Purity" and "Diversified populations".
Humans are slowly eclipsed until 
they are marginalized and not in
 charge anymore: The TakeOver
Look closely at the Pic.
Those people: Western Europe, Eastern Europe puppet States, Scandinavian nations, Australia, Japan, the US, and Canada hate Russia just because it kept its racial purity while they are being stained by archaic genes from all backgrounds, BLM chaos just proved the animal spirit reigning on the Western world, Zionism narratives of "strength in diversity" and all that none sense are successful, the Western world demographic composition is so diversified that it is shifting to the other direction: a colored majority, it is extremely dangerous that this form of life Take Over human societies and key positions. 
It is with great horror that we witness that's what's going on today and the tendency continues, the US secretary of defense is Black, the London mayor is Pakistanis, the UK prime minister Indian, the NYC mayor is Black and so is the top cop, San Francisco mayor is African American, to cite just the profiles on the spotlights. Some political correctness advocates cheer up this destructive tendency, considering those marginalized kinds finally got their fair share of equality, that's pure nonsense, those people are not Human enough to take control of crucial human matters, that's why DAs are legalizing crimes in NYC and other US states, soon the Western world will follow the trend and we end up with a jungle-like world. This is just to give a modest insight into the state of the overall racial structure of societies in the diversified Western world and allies.

Now, this Beast taking control of human populations is attacking humanity's last hope from all fronts: Russia, Putin, and the Russian nationals are portrayed as international enemies, while this archaic form of life in modern appearances, Beast concretizing in the Western world populations presents all kinds of deviation, immorality, and all the signs of the rise of the Antichrist through "partially evolved populations" opposing the Divinity of modern humans and way of life, those people are like demons and somehow they fascinate the global masses, and the whole planet singing the symphony of "death to Russia and Russian people".
On the other hand, we witness a mortal silence of the international community that is not Zionism corrupted (nonaligned) while the West is destroying the Russian economy and Russian people's daily lives by imposing paranoid sanctions, of course, the planet is under the Beast (you may call it the Antichrist) control and nobody wants to mess with the great Satan.
The word "antichrist" appears in just three passages in the Bible (in the New Testament letters known as 1 John and 2 John); it does not appear at all in the Book of Revelation. Nevertheless, the idea of an Antichrist is central to the apocalyptic world view that sees human history as a struggle between God and Satan for the fate of mankind.
This is not specific to recent history, the tentatives of genocide against the Russian people have been ongoing since WWII, the only factor preventing the West from concretizing is Russia's nuclear arsenal which is destined to be and not a random result of the arms race, that's why they are stuck in sanctions and trying to isolate Russia or instigating proxy wars at the western border, the Beast is paranoid of the idea of a total extinction as it happened during Neanderthals times or as the ethnic cleansing Hitler was planning, that's why the Beast was asking and begging for a summit with the North Korean leader and bullying Iran, wild dogs mentality, Jungle law. 
N.B. We materialize the Beast in the US leadership and relate it to Neanderthals because it [Beast] will concretize and take control of partially evolved populations, and the US is Taken Over by "Neanderthals in suits".

 A struggle between God and Satan for the fate of mankind
...It is a lower form of life revenge on modern humans because it cannot racially dilute the Russian population and Human purity is an existential threat for it, since Neanderthals' days.
The tendency is to say that Putin is demonized but in reality, he is crucified for confronting the Zionist Beast.
The Archaic core of the West's populations genealogy induced by demographics resulting from decades of diversity and miscegenation makes it unable to resonate as modern humans for the Beast spirit it is hosting not the Devine connection, that's why it is hard to resonate with the West, they have been invaded by Zionist elements, they see things through the Beast eye, a blurred vision, not modern humans perception, it is always paranoid to an eventual existential threat.

From Axis and Allies to Humans and Zionism
Ukraine conflict is a concrete example of the finalization of the formation of the two poles, it is always a bipolar world, whether it's WWs, the cold war, or post the collapse of the USSR. Before WWI, the two poles didn't form in a well-defined way and we were mostly talking about countries, empires, blocs, or alliances in the traditional sense of the terms, mostly defined by racial, religious, or geographic location criteria. The pandora box of Archaic genes is often mentioned in the Blog/Site, while 'it has been opened' post the discovery of the Americas in terms of the initial cross-breeding between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans, the cluster of Archaic genes contained in the primitive populations won't be unleashed in the humanity gene pool until the recent globalization of the world, that's how we arrived to this state of "the bipolar world" from Anthropological and Theological perspectives.
There were wars, empires rose and fell throughout history, mostly fought about an ancient state of mind related to an ancient era of history, where Human minds were competing for territories, dominance, resources, and to establish empires without or with a limited existence and influence of marginal forms of life (Semitic races) which will get powerful and affluent in the modern era, interfering in nations internal affairs and manipulating the international scene through wickedness and global plotting, this marginal form of life will mature to today's Zionist ideology
Wars and conflicts over territories fought between nations, empires expanded and collapsed, it's Human nature to conquer and expand territories and dominance. When Archaic genes are unleashed in modern humans' gene pool, it is more about ideology and the struggle between Good and Evil, the "Adequate Conditions" are formed and Evil has risen, modern humans are not competing for resources and expanding territories and empires anymore, Evil has risen, it is expanding through "partially evolved populations", Taking Over the world and making sure to deter any opposition to its ambitions of world hegemony, the whole planet been submitted, Russia is still standing along with NK and other undecided allies.
Ukraine's strategic status 
As a former Soviet State, Ukraine is used by the Evil Zionist West to destabilize Russia, there was the cold war between the US and the Soviet Union which was marked by hysteria and paranoia in terms of preventing the Soviet Union from competing for world domination, the Soviet Union has been dissolved.
Ukraine is a country stuck between joining the EU or NATO aspirations and Russian Nationalism.
Of course, the aspirations are pushed by the West's relentless efforts to create a control point on the Russian western border and avoid any réunification of former Soviet states with the Russian Federation.
Because of the arrogance of the Beast and its obsession with world domination, it is extremely paranoiac to the idea of the emergence of an opposing side, pole, or bloc of nations. 
The planet counts, besides the Zionist demographic base at the core of the Western world, some indoctrinated or corrupted elements or nations, amongst them are Ukrainian nationals fascinated by the Western world's deviant ways and Ukraine as a nation totally corrupted and confused between NATO and the EU, and the free world (not freedom and democracy, Free of Zionism control), of course, being at a strategic location, it is the subject of a great focus of the West and mostly the Zionist empire (the US, Israel, and Zionism occupied Western governments), that's why the leaders of Ukraine are not really the president of the Ukrainian people but are a Zionist ambassador in the region. 
They are been destroyed [Ukrainians] because sold their souls to the Devil, destroyed first because of proximity to Russia, the Divine pole. A traitor form of life they are, Satan's servants, a lot of them exist and thrive on Earth.
When it comes to Ukraine, must we go over this ground again? Is it really necessary to remind people of the perfidious role of Western governments and politicians in supporting the vicious and violent overthrow of a democratically elected government in 2014 – in process of which the cause of fascism and ultra-nationalism has been allowed to flourish in western Ukraine as never before since the Nazi occupation during the Second World War?
The overall idea is that America won't tolerate any risk of disputing its monopoly as the 'free world leader' (citation needed). Ukraine is used as a control point in Eastern Europe to provoke Russia into a NATO confrontation on the European land while thick stupid people are in their castle, pursuing the development of the disaster on CNN, needless to mention that the US as a Judeo-Christian nation doing what Jews do best, making Humans kill each other while they are waiting to stand on the debris, just as what happened during WWII, and throughout history.

Ukraine: A portal between two worlds or two poles.
It's more about anthropology, evolution, genes, and the struggle between Good and Evil which will not concretize into a full-blown conflict between the two sides competing for the ownership of our souls until all the fake reasons and facades are eclipsed to reveal the real nature of what's going on in the world, a final battle between Good and Evil or Men vs Beasts, all the religious, geographic and political justifications are null, the Neanderthals in suits sitting at the UN and in Western governments do not want to reveal their true nature, they do not want the masses to pay attention to what is really going on, or probably because they are corrupted as well (the masses) since the Zionism-corrupted media doing a good job in convincing the world that the West and the US are some kind of God's chosen people, doing what is right all the time and can't be wrong since WWII, nuking Japan for lasting peace, making Soviets and Germans kill each other in terms of more than 26M Soviet casualties, and the carpet bombing of Dresden which is compared to a "Bombing Holocaust" in terms of the massive destruction and the scale of civilian casualities.
Ukraine's geographic location at the doorsteps of Russia will ultimately make it the niche of all Evil trying to dilute the racial purity of Russians because it already stained the whole planet with archaic genes: the "Serpent seed" doctrine may be a metaphor, but what's going on is revealing that there is a lot of sense in holy scriptures, Evil must have a genetical signature and it's definitely not the optimal design of Homo S. Sapiens that God intended it to inherit Earth, that's why we talked earlier about a fight between God and Satan: Humans vs. Diversified populations. 
Russia, a country with a predominance of Human population presents a great danger to the Beast's aspiration of eternal world domination by depleting modern humans' racial purity, and it aflame its worries about an existential threat, it is lurking around the Russian Federation like a chained wild dog, it hates Russians so much because of their quasi racial purity and its refusal to adhere to the Western world standards of liberty, democracy, and sodomy.
Russia has not been comfortable with the NATO encroachment into its sphere of influence. Putin summarized the Russian regional policy against the encroachment NATO when he stated that, “NATO remains a military alliance and we are against having a military alliance making itself at home right in our backyard or in our historic territory.” Ukraine is strategically important that Russia cannot leave it to fall to USA influence. Its geographical location makes it the bridge between Europe and Russia, and with it Russia is geopolitically safe from European and American threats.
The Western world's mobilizations against Russia: Clear indications of the new Polarity in the world.
It is no surprise that the Ukrainian people are greatly corrupted, as a barrier between Russia and the Western world, it is a strategic location, a portal between the East and the West or between Humanity and Diversity; Diversity in the sense that some extinct hominins that theoretically went extinct but in reality survived through their genes by cross-breeding with modern humans, they [extinct hominins] have been resurrected in the sense that a cluster of archaic genes that have been isolated in Africa and the Americas have been unleashed into modern humans gene pool post the discovery of the new world and now it is spreading all around the planet's population, Taking Over in numbers because of a disparity in fertility and reproduction between modern humans and diversified populations thanks to the "Neanderthals in suits" efforts to racially dilute the planet and resurrect their kind.
This presents the nature of the characteristics of the new polarity in the world, diversity and genetic signature are critical in separating the two poles, while there are multiple backgrounds in both sides, it must be considered the overwhelming archaic core of the Western world populations, core means essence or distant ancestry, diversity pushed on the Western world generations ago, they are mostly diluted and present overall signs of a Frankenstein form of life, those who didn't mix are either brainwashed, entertained, or indoctrinated to serve the great Satan cause, those with some humanity left in them are under control, oppressed and living in fear of the tyranny of the Beast and a "Neanderthals in suits" infested judicial system.

The anthropological roots of this new bipolar world: Diversified Populations vs Humanity.
These posts: "Translation into International affairs" demonstrated the passage from the classical definition of countries or nations along with the occurring conflicts and wars that have been fought throughout history causing the rise and fall of empires, world wars, and the international diaporama existing today, we passed from the traditional standards defining international relations to a new cutting edge, which is not geographic proximities or the military power and ambitions of a given nation or leader. 
We live in an era characterized by the rise and reproduction of new forms of life post the unleashing of the cluster of archaic genes that have been hosted in isolated populations in the Americas and Africa into the modern humans gene pool caused by the earlier cross-breeding between Europeans and isolated populations which will peak especially after the 70's revolution in the US and the consequencing diversity that englobed the world. Geographic borders are outdated or symbolic, we witness the swarms of immigrants crossing the southern US border which serve as a formality or checkpoint with no real control, this is not related to this post and "international affairs" in the military or political contexts, but it is to prove that what's going on in the world is more about Human kinds than national integrity. 
We transited from an international order dictated by geographic borders and territorial integrity to a new era of rising ideologies and the globalization of the planet, borders are outdated, there is a conflict between doctrines and ideologies, the spread of archaic genes in the human populations' gene pool created the "adequate conditions" for the rise of Evil on Earth, creating its pole of "Diversified populations" or the Western world, which is in essence opposed to the Humanity pole.
He also called the West 'satanic' because of the rejection of 'moral norms' in an attack on liberalism. Unlike Russia, he claimed that the U.S. and other western nations have turned away from 'traditional' and 'religious' values.
This post closes the series of posts about "Translation into International affairs", the next and last part would be "The Necessity to Prevail".
It is so evident that it's a bipolar world, we use the term multipolar because there are elements fluctuating around the two major poles, undecided about which side to join. We can take it all the way to the "Serpent Seed doctrine" and the two bloodlines but we are not theologians, so we talk about "Diversified Populations" and Humanity.

The planet finally reached the point of the Great Polarity between "Divine Human beings" and the "Great adversary", Evil is finally concretizing into a political and military bloc, as he vowed, he corrupted vulnerable souls into joining its ranges, the West's diversified populations and immoral ways make no room for doubt about the nature of this bipolar world, those are the "adequate conditions" for Evil to rise and concretize in the political and military spheres.

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