Saturday, December 30, 2017

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 1)

My recent post was "Fish out of the Water: Consequences of the Evolutionary Gap". that was an article I found online, explaining the situation of the African race in white milieus and the impossibility of the integration or assimilation of people of African descent simply because of genetic limitations caused by a partial evolution. In this post, we may compare the influx of immigrants and refugees worldwide to a Petroleum spillage submerging the natural habitat of fishes causing their suffocation, and ultimately extinction, replaced by hybrid creatures that can survive such conditions, the new resulting milieu is known as diversity or the melting pot under some circumstances.

Miscegenation is Abomination: still advocated worldwide
Either it's in America or Europe, the overall situation of Africans is misrepresented by the media, broadcasting an image of a homogenous society pushed by Zionists advocating diversity as a way into modernity, while it's the global dumbing down and diluting of Europeans for a better control. Some examples of succeful assimilation may be presented, its the very exception not the norm, FBI crime statistics, the vague of african crimes in Sweden, South Africa, or even the anarchy surrounding the arrival of Africans in Europe, fleeing economic conditions in a continent dying because its population think about survivng on whites social security systems more than building their own, all the cited examples prove the failed assimilation of Africans in the host milieu, the result is socio-economic segregation we see in western societies, causing crimes, anarchy, and overall a state of lawlessness, necessarly in colored milieus, the all is cheered up by Zionism  in their evil global scheme to take over white societies and transform it into a worthless stock of brainwashed corpses thinking about serving strangers before their own interests, making all crimes and misbehaviors justifiable under a pack of law jargons such as political correcteness, and all kinds of measures of positive discrimination nature, which,  of course, are racist to the locals, but it's tolerable because its enforced at the opposite way,  created for this special purposes of forcing the coexistence between those evolutionary distant human kinds that was never supposed to happen at a large demographic scale, causing the creation of a hybrid specie of human kind that represents an abomination in Earth and a corpse that is an incarnation of Satan or the Beast rise in the planet.

"It's a ZOG conspiracy. They don’t even want kids to learn the term because encouraging miscegenation is the most insidious sin of all that ZOG is guilty of. And to God it's abomination.
It's Satan attempt to do away with God's chosen people. It's Holocaust in reverse."

                                                                                                                      Vector, Robin Cook
The roots of the petroleum spill:
...Things are not always what they seem, the massive vague of refugees to Europe, policies in America advocating diversity, and African immigrants abandoning their homeland to "invade" white societies are not events caused by natural circumstances, politic or economic constraints, it's a modern day's Mass Exodus same as Jews were kicked from country after country or the transatlantic Slaves trade.
What's happening recently, has been planned long time ago and pushed by wicked politics and purposely instigated wars, the Kalergi Plan and Frankfurt School Cultural Marxism are just examples of how deep whats going on today is tracing its roots back in history and it's finally concretizing. 
 This is an abstract about what's the Kalergi plan is about:

"Kalergi explains that the citizens of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the people of the Old Continent, but a new mixed breed, the products of thorough and widespread miscegenation. He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other non-White races, to create a multiracial population, with not clear sense of tradition or identity and therefore easily controlled by the ruling elite."

This is an idea about what the Frankfort School of Cultural Marxism is about:

"A Coalition of Victims

Adorno and Horkheimer returned to Germany when WWII ended. Herbert Marcuse, another member of the school, stayed in America. In 1955, he published Eros and Civilization.

In the book, Marcuse argued that Western culture was inherently repressive because it gave up happiness for social progress.

The book called for “polymorphous perversity,” a concept crafted by Freud. It posed the idea of sexual pleasure outside the traditional norms. Eros and Civilization would become very influential in shaping the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

Marcuse would be the one to answer Horkheimer’s question from the 1930s: Who would replace the working class as the new vanguards of the Marxist revolution?

Marcuse believed that it would be a victim coalition of minorities—blacks, women, and homosexuals."

Full article available here:
                                                      Click for PDF version
The tentative to Prevail
Naturally, we should witness a clash between the efforts of those malefic forces and the local population that, under normal circumstances, will aim to self-preservation and fight back the invaders, under normal circumstance I said, but those Evil forces are wicked and sneak like a serpent through their policies and efforts disguised under all kinds of humanitarian forms using the locals own empathy against them, when the locals uncover their plan, its probably too late or they got brainwashed and infiltrated by colored elements making their judgement blurred and the view of their situation conditioned by what's broadcasted through the Zionism controlled media.

Recently,  thanks to the global sharing of the information through the internet, some people start realizing what's really going on and why this forced coexistence is happening, most importantly, its effects and how they are collapsing into second-class citizens in their own homeland. Groups will be created to fight back the silent invaders as well as the policies makers who allowed this Take Over to happen, new groups will be recently formed as an extension, expansion or variation of the natural principle of nationalism, tracing their roots to the movement who first was advocating, fighting for racial purity in Europe and tried to prevent all this chaos happening today, of course, the Movement of Nazism.
We've seen a moderate uprise in groups at that directions recently fighting an almost lost battle since either they get severely outnumbered by counter-protestors or opposing movements or they are suffering from the effect of positive discrimination, so they are considered as thugs, criminal or simply its racist.