Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 2/5

This Demographic Perspective will seem like a repetition because the subject is aborded in different parts in this Blog/Site but as posted in the previous part, those are smaller parts I have to do to put the international relations and the bipolar world posts in a theological context from an Anthropological retrospective. Hominins' interactions and mating are what shaped modern demographics and Demographics decide the fate of any given geographic location, its populations, nation, group of nations, or bloc of nations, all the way to the formation of poles which are depending on how diversified they are [populations] Or how Human they are, this is mostly crucial in defining the sides in the ultimate fight between men and beasts. or Devine and Evil.

The West in this post and probably in other parts refer to the classical definition of the Western world as opposed to the East or in other terms the Occident and the Orient in general, moreover, it focuses on the countries and regions following the Zionist empire's footsteps (the US and Israel). This term may be used interchangeably with Zionism.

Zionism refers to the world orders that distinguish politics of the planet recently, governments, organs, and institutions under the control of Zionism agents, while traditionally Zionism is related to the Jewish religion and people, it is more expanded to a demographic composition from all backgrounds and nations in most of the western world, since the globalization of the planet and diversity caused the spread of elements with an Archaic core in modern humans appearance and they are taking control of most if not the whole western world, commonly said the ZOG or Zionism Occupied Government, it is like an infestation of Archaic genes in modern humans appearances planning to dilute the planet and replace modern humans populations same as what happened to Neanderthals, Denisovans, Homo erectus, Native Americans, Jews in Nazi Germany, and Africans in plantations or in Africa.

Archaic is used interchangeably with Primitive: primitive kinds present primitive traits because they inherited Archaic genes, we use Archaic to point out their primitive nature caused by the inheritance of Archaic genes.

Demographic perspective

Archaic genes are still around.
Archaic Hominins didn't evolve to survive natural selection or the confrontation with other Hominins yet they didn't go fully extinct, they been absorbed through their genes by modern humans through cross-breeding (archaic introgression) or existed in isolated areas away from potential predators and as a consequence the potential of a modern humans' genes infusion which explains their primitive traits, that's why Homo S. sapiens inherited more or less Archaic genes, which explains the existence of Semitic races.

In Africa, Archaic introgression was extremely intense and vague due to the specific nature of the African populations, the rich biodiversity in the continent, the fact that the bipedal motion happened there causing the ambiguity and the difficulty of assessment of Hominins or Hominids that existed, probably cross-bred with Archaic homo Sapien or even Homo Sapiens and went extinct without leaving a trace (ghost archaic introgression) or yet to be found by paleoanthropologists, but are [ghost archaic genes] inherited in modern days populations.

Modern populations: Archaic genes dilution is going on
Crossbreeding with modern humans is a matter of survival for people inheriting archaic genes, this explains the obsession with the globalization of the planet because diluting predominantly white nations will suppress the demographic weight of a kind that dominate them throughout history, immigration to more evolved countries will cause this genes flow and the overall improvement of primitive to not say Archaic traits, beyond institutionalized eugenics such as Racial whitening, Selective breeding, and such Eugenics programs forced by a government on the populations to achieve certain préétablis goals, either in populations control or improvement.

Many countries enacted various eugenics policies, including: genetic screeningsbirth control, promoting differential birth rates, marriage restrictions, segregation (both racial segregation and sequestering the mentally ill), compulsory sterilizationforced abortions or forced pregnancies, ultimately culminating in genocide.

People with pronounced archaic traits will have their own Eugenic programs in the figurative sense of the term, they tend to intuitively adhere to approaches and traditions that will improve their primitive traits and dilute their Archaic features when procreating or planning to, that's why we find a tendency to be motivated or maybe dedicated to cause that genes flow, it is a matter of survival or extinction. Guadeloupe survived and saved her people, Neanderthals and probably other Archaic Hominins survived a theoretical extinction through their genes, African slaves improved their overall appearance and benefited from preferable treatment for having light features, Semitic races improved their overall appearances and melted better in a white society by cross-breeding with the locals and even going as far as the extreme practice of abducting Slavic girls.

Historical and archeological findings shed light on the demographic events following the Khazars’ conversion. During the half-millennium of their existence (740–1250 CE), the Judeo–Khazars sent offshoots into the Slavic lands, such as Romania and Hungary (Baron 1993), planting the seeds of a great Jewish community to later rise in the Khazarian diaspora.

Often the parental side is middle eastern and the maternal side is Slavic or European, all this is a plausible explanation of the existence of Ashkenazi Jews until people start talking about a dark secret, not a miracle at the root of the Ashkenazi Jews, while the mixing and conversion of Slavic populations may have taken place, there is conquest and mass abduction of Slavic girls, forcibly mix with the Semitic beast to soothe it's brute appearance to what is today white Ashkenazi Jews.

Improvised Eugenics: The Shortcut for evolution
Every race will try to improve its kind's genetics to the ideal of modern humans, which will cause a total confusion about today's demographics (it seems that the whole planet's populations are Homo S. Sapiens because diversity and dilution happened), while denying and even criticizing their distant roots, we see colored people with primitive traits (because of distant Archaic genes inheritance) Or Not (miscegenation) emerging in modern humans appearances, full of pretensions because they forged a new identity and they are the new modern humans now, while Homo S. Sapiens are outdated as a race, they are eclipsing them, and diversity is the new norm. We witness a certain arrogance of these new forms of life emerging out of miscegenation (modern days archaic introgression, considering the primitive state and Archaic traits of isolated populations), somehow they consider themselves better than modern humans or like a replacement, typical Beast reasoning and arrogance, it is never the primitive kinds simple mind, neither modern humans humility but a new spirit, arrogant pretentious and insolent, an Evil spirit in a new presentation, rise of the beast.

Chinese, Indians, Blacks, Hispanics, and all kinds of Semitic races are creating Frankenstein forms of life all around, when you bring up Anthropology, ancestry, genealogy, and limitations caused by inheriting Archaic genes, they present their ancestors, relatives, and people who didn't mix upfront, as a snake sheds its old skin, linking all the Archaic traits and limitations to them and creating the illusion that they are modern humans because cross-breeding is considered in their limited reasoning as a shortcut or substitute to evolution, their kind [with pronounced Archaic traits] doesn't mind hating on themselves as long as it's for the cause of their kind as a whole, melting in the host milieu (recently a bunch of liberals and Jews acquired modern humans features a lot earlier), 'evolving' and replacing the real Homo S. Sapiens' populations.

If you take
Whoopi Goldberg for example, that's definitely not Homo S. Sapien and this stage is after decades and generations of altering the brute traits by cross-breeding and all kinds of genes flow. This is the improved 'evolved' version, It goes for many known figures in the States and the EU, including the US Secretary of Defense, NYC and London Mayors, even if they are mixed such in Obama's case, the Archaic core is there, at the white house and in the world's politics, Europe has its share of Archaic genes in key positions as well, it is less pronounced because of the prevalence of Semitic races instead of African populations, this is crucial as we will see further in this post in defining the planetary struggle between Men and Zionism (diversity), Archaic traits are there visible to the naked eyes but people are brainwashed and their vision is blurred. 
You don't find modern humans with Archaic traits even if you go centuries back in time, in fact, modern humans have been always Homo S. Sapiens, those people are definitely not Homo S. Sapiens without having to go all the way to their initial state in Africa.
That's why we talk about miscegenation as a modern days' projection of Archaic introgression: isolated populations kept their primitive traits because of a significant Archaic genes inheritance, when discovered and the crossbred happened with modern humans, there was a vast genetical gap in terms of evolutionary stages, which makes it a smooth, 'evolved' version of the brute Archaic introgression.

Miscegenation is not a shortcut to evolution
Evolution... is counterfeited by some human kinds who are not predisposed Or simply lazy to create their own resources, built a civilization, prosper, and as a consequence 'evolve', they choose the path of defying the natural order by taking a shortcut to evolution instead of advancing their kind as it is the natural path of the formation and development of life on Earth.

Partially evolved people's obsession with cross-breeding to improve their features manipulates humans and deflects the attention about their real primitive nature smoothened by miscegenation. They infiltrate modern humans' ranges, gain their trust, consume their resources, and reproduce massively mainly hybrid offspring.
As cited above primitive kinds discovered that mixing with modern humans is the only way to survive a Homo S. Sapiens-dominated world, Christopher Columbus and Guadalupe, Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings are just examples of notable historical figures, miscegenation is going on at extensive levels since the discovery of the new world despite the taboo status during the plantations, after the 70's revolution it will peak in its speed because that's simply how primitive kinds use sex, lust, and temptation to claim their humanity.

The issue with miscegenation or hybridization is that the offspring acquire modern humans' traits, so it loses the pronounced primitive [archaic] traits, yet it is not really Homo S. Sapien, the result is that it is not as dumb as primitive kinds, easily passes for modern human because of acquaintance with the new Frankenstein forms of life around, the progressive dilution of the traits, and the constantly forming demographic weight causing the new emerging form of life to Take Over or be the Demographics Majority, this causes the creation of new standards for humanity, which are based on this hybridization: not a primitive kind neither modern human, has at its core the Archaic genes that have been in isolation until the discovery of the Americas, the mixing with Africans and other isolated kinds, this is definitely not the human mind that built modern civilizations as we know it.

The Western world: So diversified!
God made modern humans as the ultimate evolutionary stage, people stained by Archaic genes are 'incomplete' (limited mental abilities, biomechanics not optimal, vulnerability to diseases and extreme climate), their obsession with cross-breeding to acquire modern genes and traits has been considered a priority since recorded history and probably during paleolithic ages (inter-Hominins mating may be motivated by a prehistoric desire for diversity or attraction to other kinds), as cited above, extreme measures been used to 'evolve', including the abduction of Slavic girls by middle eastern Jews (Semitic races in general) to improve their overall appearance causing the naissance of the Ashkenazi Jews as a race, going even further in extremism in the Americas during plantations and the encounter with Native Americans, creating the hybrid forms of life at the demographic base of the Zionist doctrine. Neanderthals didn't go extinct, people with a significant inheritance of their genes survived in isolated groups, were scattered worldwide because modern humans didn't reach every part of the world until very recently, those isolated groups were often oppressed and treated as different, Jews, Native Americans, and other minority and isolated groups with significant primitive traits. 

Strength in Diversity: Western world motto
This series of posts is about "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast.", it is no more about nations and geographic borders but about modern Humans and the diversified populations at the core of the Zionist entity along with all the corrupted masses indoctrinated to serve Zionism interests and the West (as it's defined in this post, see intro) overall. It is a tendency to obey and follow up on DC and Bruxell's footsteps because the Zionism-infested political organs and institutions have been infiltrated by corrupted Human beings in modern appearances while having a significant Archaic genes' inheritance, which [Archaic genes] have been diluted throughout centries of coexistence with modern humans, without altering the Archaic core and spirit, as a consequence they built a sphere of influence and mind control all around the US and the Western world, reaching up to englobe the whole world, we are talking about Archaic genes in modern humans appearances, hosting an ancient archaic spirit.

Modern humans acquired human conscience and maturity through hundreds of thousands of years of the evolutionary process, Frankenstein forms of life acquired modern human traits within a few generations through rape and submission in the conquest phase then lust and temptation when primitive kinds discovered the way to acquire modern traits. Those people are soulless creatures, modern humans looking with kids' intelligence and a primate's reasoning, that's why the mentality of Americans and the diluted Western populations are different, stupid, and primitive, despite their extravagant appearances.

The term racial hygiene was used to describe an approach to eugenics in the early 20th century, which found its most extensive implementation in Nazi Germany (Nazi eugenics). It was marked by efforts to avoid miscegenation, analogous to an animal breeder seeking purebred animals. This was often motivated by the belief in the existence of a racial hierarchy and the related fear that "lower races" would "contaminate" a "higher" one. As with most eugenicists at the time, racial hygienists believed that the lack of eugenics would lead to rapid social degeneration, the decline of civilization by the spread of inferior characteristics.

It is a struggle between modern humans' purity and this Frankenstein form of life at its core "the significant inheritance of Archaic genes", those genes infection is going south to North on a global scale, only Russia and some Asian nations are spared, Europe is already infested, Scandinavian nations are in progress depending on their location and the degree of corruption of their institutions and political organ to facilitate this demographic or Archaic genes invasion.

Diversity and globalization advocates
will advance the argument that "we are all human beans", miscegenation or cross-breeding are harmless, even they pretend that it benefits both parts. This is totally absurd if we consider the consequences such genes have on modern humans' genomes, the cutting edge in differentiating modern humans and partially evolved people are the brain, the overall biomechanics, and anatomy, to cite just the visible characteristics that differ modern humans from a partially evolved being. Those criteria may be ignored, advancing the argument that you don't judge people based on their appearances, that's plausible as an excuse to dilute the planet and create a Frankenstein form of life populations instead of Homo S. Sapiens, until you feel the destructive effects of such Genetical invasion.

You must look at and consider the mind and morals of those partially evolved people, they have animal-like attitudes, don't act as modern humans, neither resonate as such, their temper is different, savages, animals instincts prevail over human nature, this is why the West and the US are a cesspool of perversion, mental decay, and morals resembling a zoo-like nation, it is not just limited to the masses' corrupted morals and animals like behavior: from violent crimes, destruction of family values, normalization of miscegenation (must keep modern days' Archaic introgression going on), every perverted way to destroy any human decency ever left and replace it by a Beast-like lifestyle, the effect of these Archaic genes invasion are reaching high in key positions, we find lawmakers resonate as a primitive form of life, nothing to do with modern humans, legalizing crimes, granting criminals immunity to prosecution, and destroying the masses moral by pushing for the LGBT agenda, gender identity confusion, and all kinds of depravities voted as a law.

People may argue that "it is the 'human' nature plus those people are under control", that's not the case, they are under control: it's called "Taming the Wild", as soon as it's hungry, it's basic instincts are not satisfied: (government assistance for food, shelter, and policies to make it feel equal plus mating with local women), felt a weakness in Humans (colored in key positions), or given more rights (BLM), it will show it's Archaic core, that's why there is unpunished looting all around, robbery medieval-style, lawlessness, and anarchy, it is the Beast spirit being unleashed because the Genetic Dilution is going on and succeeding.
People's minds end up rotten, as a result, a beast reasoning will replace the Human mind, which explains BLM is a worldwide movement, Antifa is present in every country and the whole world is demonizing Russia.

The core of the west demographics
It is crucial to note, as it has been presented in other parts, the 'Archaic introgression' and inheritance of Archaic genes in some of today's modern populations, this is of extreme intensity mostly in the pre-Columbian era, before the discovery of the Americas, isolated groups and Africans (excluding Arabic slaves trade) were in their pure states as isolated populations inheriting a significant percentage of Archaic genes, either Africans and the advanced stage of the Homo Erectus/Archaic stage of Homo Sapien with all the ghost Archaic introgression that has been proven taken place in the continent, Native Americans and their significant inheritance of Neanderthals genes, along with Semitic races in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, which [Asia] known Archaic introgression from Denisovans and other unproved Archaic Hominins. Semitic races in Europe and Asia are partially diluted because of their earlier encounter with modern humans.
All those isolated kinds will constitute a cluster of Archaic genes that will be unleashed in the American continent, and later in Europe and diluted in the modern humans' genome, through miscegenation and the push for diversity of course, causing the gradual vanishing of the primitive traits and the progressive replacement by modern features. This is extremely dangerous, despite the struggle of diversity advocates and Zionism agents for a "Humanitarian" justification.

While Anthropologists totally agree that many Hominins never went totally extinct but were absorbed through their genes in modern humans' genome, even some populations still present signs of archaic genes traits and that was a lot more pronounced before the globalization of the planet, the discovery of the new world and the hysteria of diversity and miscegenation that followed WWII, because "Never Again", but it is politically incorrect to invoke such matters, "we are all Homo s. Sapiens", despite this statement being totally absurd.

 Must read the description because the caption does not follow the video

Genes mixing was never supposed to happen on a large demographic scale between modern Humans and people inheriting inferior genes, altering the genealogical composition of the demographics of the planet, notably modern humans' genome stained by Archaic genes and the other way around, primitive kinds ascending in the racial hierarchy while keeping an Archaic core, the Beast spirit, that been dormant until very recently.

Serpent seeds have been spread left and right, Negros melted down in the Caucasian race, Jews have been infused with gentiles genes, native Americans been improved by el conquistador's genes, Chinese and Indians went on a mission of hunt for white genes so that they lose their typical features and pass incognito in a highly stereotypical world...etc. 
That's what Zionism wanted, a demographic base so vague and diversified, by "diluting the Goyim's genes" there won't be no dominant race "Never Again!", many backgrounds share this hatred for modern humans which explains the bonding existing between the many backgrounds adhering to Zionism doctrine, even the corrupted masses are indoctrinated to think diversity is good and national or racial identity are bad. These are the results of a process that have been launched a long time ago, it is extraordinarily succeeding, compliment of the victim and guilt cards, the guilt card of modern humans for slavery, the Holocaust, the discovery of the new world, (Neanderthals went extinct maybe), and the eternal victim card of the Zionist entity, played by all the racial groups at the base of the demographics of the US and the west in general.

By Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-15664 /
CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de
These are dangerous cards because it reaches into our very humanity, into our feeling of guilt and empathy, and uses them against us, feeling empathy for the Devil, (dumbed down populations thanks to Jews controlled media), it gains our trust, plays the oppressed victim so it is given more resources and rights, it will be always asking for more and more resources and rights until it Takes Over, this is Zionism ideology, even in international affairs, play the victim even if you are going on a rampage worldwide, disguised under different nationalities, races, and religions, until you Take Over and punish humanity for your oppressed history.
Such a pattern has been predicted a long time ago but it seems that forces of darkness succeeded in spreading mischief and making Humans (Germany and Soviet Russia) kill each other in terms of million so it can stand on the debris and self proclaim the leader of the free world (emancipation proclamation).

In Mein KampfHitler described children resulting from marriages to African occupation soldiers as a contamination of the white race "by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe." He thought that "Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardising the White race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate." He also implied that this was a plot on the part of the French since the population of France was being increasingly "negrified".

Beyond 'evolved' Jews (Ashkenazi Jews) plotting and orchestrating this Great Dilution, Semitic races and Africans are indispensable to complete the global scheme. In règle general, the farther north you are from Africa, the more evolved you are and to a certain extent, the farther you are northeast of Africa, the more evolved you are, that's why some Asian regions are more 'evolved' or developed than others.

The Archaic genes exodus:

If we put populations movements, migrations, and displacement from a genealogical perspective in the context of a global diaspora, setting it up in a panorama, ignoring the time factor and reasoning in terms of global populations movements since recorded history which caused the actual state of the Demographics of the planet, we will witness what resembles a 'biblical exodus' of "Archaic genes" [population who inherited significant percentage of Archaic genes] to settle down in the Americas, it is the crucial factor defining the US population's genealogy, necessarily after the 70's sex and weed revolution, Europe followed on the same steps in recent decades.

This resembles the conflicts between Hominins in the paleolithic ages, the difference now is that, instead of Hominins, we have people who inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes pouring in or 'attacking' modern humans' territories, there are no spears or bones-made weapons but miscegenation, it is really a genetical invasion, they don't have to force them to give up their resources or territories, it is freely provided to them by the name of diversity and Zionism policies, sooner or later they will outbreed them and occupy their lands; This is the 'evolved' version of Hominins struggle for resources snd territories, brought to you by your ZOG.

This is huge because it will be the crucial factor used to distinguish between the 2 poles or the 2 sides disputing the ownership of Human souls. A diversified side at its core Archaic genes in modern and extravagant appearances deprived of any human decency, knowing a mental decay, and rotten values, and a side that resembles what modern humans are but overwhelmed because Evil prevails at the hands of the US and the Zionist occupied governments that corrupted major parts of the world populations into following the wrong path

Rise of the beast through miscegenation
The demographic composition of the planet may be divided into 2 blocs depending on their ["degree of diversity" and/or the presence or the absence of a national identity] Or  [being under the control of the Zionist beast], in other words: Populations and nations that are diversified or will be (in progress) And nations with a certain national identity and pride to not say racial purity.

The main factor is miscegenation, mostly African genes 'introgression' (as presented in this Blog/Site, considering the brute state of African and Native populations upon the discovery of the Americas) and Semitic races to a certain extent, that's how we make the distinction between Us and Them, or Men and Zionism.
Zionism because, as posted before, it englobes all historically oppressed people who happened to be colored at their core (Ashkenazi Jews and other mixed races are colored people despite white traits) and Not modern humans, this form of life will create its niche in the States.
The US demographic composition is a good demonstration, the series of posts: "Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over" made the demonstration that immigrants movements, mostly of African descent and other Semitic races (primitive traits because of an Archaic core) are like a petroleum spillage spreading in the oceans, south to north, or to put it in an anthropological or genealogical context, staining human genome and corrupting the locals, advancing such a plague or an infestation, it is so contagious resembling the spread of a virus in an unaware community because the Jew-controlled media made it this new world cultural signature: miscegenation and diversity, diluting Humanity to dominate the world: Rise of Evil on Earth.

"Being Woke": The Beast is not dormant anymore
This "opposite force", which existed as soon as modern humans acquired Human conscience and made the Divine connections, stayed in the shadows, kept its sneaky ways because being subordinate to modern humans, acquired Human knowledge and appearances in Europe until it gets access to Human institutions and political organs, enough demographic weight, genetically improved, diluted and dumbed down enough modern humans populations, and finally it can reveal itself as the opposite side to Modern humans: being Woke, or to God or the Great Designer, since he made modern humans at its image, metaphorically speaking, in the sense that they are Devine: "The ultimate evolutionary stage".

Le Testaments des douze patriarches, écrit apocryphe compilant des textes écrit sur une période s'étalant du iie siècle av. J.-C. au ier siècle de notre ère, présente Bélial non pas comme un démon mais comme l'opposant de Dieu.

Bélial joue un rôle important dans les manuscrits de Qumrân. Il est présent dans la Règle de la Guerre, les Hodayot et les Berakhot. Ces textes décrivent le combat mythique de la fin des temps entre les puissances de la lumière et celles des ténèbres. Ces puissances sont représentées sur terre par le combat entre le maître de justice et le prêtre du mensonge, et dans les cieux par le combat entre les archanges Michel et Belial. Les derniers temps sont décrits comme ceux du pouvoir de Belial. Mais finalement, le bien remportera la victoire et Belial sera vaincu.

The signs of the Take Over by this Frankenstein form of life are evident, BLM, Antifa, being Woke, and similar movements which are the branches that 'evolved' out of the "Civil Rights Movement", are clear indicators that this plague of diversity and infestation of Archaic genes is not stopping and it is going global.

Wokeism is an idea that can be adapted to virtually every country: Identify a major form of oppression in a given region or nation, argue that people should be more sensitive to it, add some rhetorical flourishes, purge some wrongdoers (and a few innocents) and voila — you have created another woke movement. 

...“French politicians, high-profile intellectuals and journalists are warning that progressive American ideas — specifically on race, gender, post-colonialism — are undermining their society,” the New York Times reported in February. It quoted France’s education minister on the need to fight “against an intellectual matrix from American universities.’’

This mental decay characterizing western societies is reflecting the rise of a New spirit different than the Divine spirit which built human civilization before the plague of cultural Marxism and diversity start diluting the planet.
All signs indicate that this plague is not stopping or slowing down in its destructive path, modern human beings are replaced by Frankenstein forms of life, clown-like creatures replacing modern humans, and all the anarchy and chaos going on, caused by the prevalence of such genes in the world's populations genome.

Globalization of the planet just happened a few decades ago and the virtual opening of Africa and the Americas on the planet just happened in the 15th century, those are very recent events, in terms or parts of a second, if we consider the happening and the formation of life on earth. That's why what's going on on the spiritual level is far more important, deep, serious, and dangerous than the discourses of diversity, the melting pot, and "the one human race" cultural Marxists and similar Zionist ideologies are preaching, this Anarchy Spirit was around since Human conscience developed and a distinction has been made between Men with a Divine connection and beasts or Hominins that didn't evolve and as a consequence didn't make the divine connection, those are the populations with a significant inheritance of Archaic genes, from the Hominis stage to what is called diversified populations or Colored, passing by the primitive stage when they were in isolation, they will have a different connection on their own, they will be used as a vassal by the opposing Evil spirit despite the efforts of modern humans to guide them to the real path because the ultimate fight between Good and Evil is Destined to Happen.

Population bottleneck in absolute demographics
A population bottleneck is an event that drastically reduces the size of a population. The bottleneck may be caused by various events, such as an environmental disaster, the hunting of a species to the point of extinction, or habitat destruction that results in the deaths of organisms.
...which can further decrease the gene pool. Due to the loss of genetic variation, the new population can become genetically distinct from the original population, which has led to the hypothesis that population bottlenecks can lead to the evolution of new species.

The overall tendency in global Demographics today, a Great Dilution going on will cause a Global Replacement of the Jadis dominant modern humans by new forms of life resulting from diversity and the on ging miscegenation.
Going all the way back in time to the ages of Hominins' struggle for survival, the theoretical extinction of unfit kinds, the absorption of their genes in different concentrations in the surviving leftover populations, either in isolation or progressively diluted by existing around modern humans; if we omit the time factor and consider negligible all the different phases that happened from the Hominins eras to today's demographic as a timeless fast-forward recapitulation of Human existence since Archaic kinds until modern humans today and focus on the big picture or the panorama of Human kinds dispersions and demographics fluctutatiosns in an absolute context notwithstanding the different phases throughout history in terms of fluctuation of demographics, depending on geographic locations, Historical eras, or Anthropological factors in terms of Human evolution, putting it in a context larger than recorded history and projecting the evolution and quasi extinction of Hominins on today's populations demographic shifts, we can say with a little réserve, using the concept of population bottleneck in a global, absolute, demographics fluctuations related field, put in the context specified above, that Archaic Hominins (Neanderthal, Denisovans, Homo Erectus to a certain extent, and other unknown or Ghosts Hominins) have known a populations (plural because its is global and absolute) bottleneck, in the sense that being theoretically extent but survived in their genes infusion in modern humans and in their isolated areas, they will know a demographic explosion after the discovery of the America and the unleashed of a cluster of Archaic genes from Native Americans and African populations into Humanity gene pool, accompanied by a massive immigration from other Semitic kinds in Asia and the middle east.
There is a push for their kind to breed while modern humans are knowing a population decline, because of the LGBT agenda, gender identity confusion, along with all the Zionist narratives rotting the Human mind... This is a global, absolute, not time-bound population bottleneck that we witness in terms of populations shifts between Hominins and modern populations, we are passing from: A leftover, a cluster of Archaic genes in isolated areas along with dominating modern humans genes in global populations To the opposite, a demographic explosion of people who inherited Archaic genes in different percentages and a progressive decline in modern humans populations.

A concrete example on a smaller scale to understand this idea of "global, absolute populations bottleneck" is the Tainos' extermination by Europeans, being almost wiped out, they will resurface as Puerto Ricans because they weren't totally exterminated, but absorbed through their genes in modern humans, crossbred, or survived in isolated areas, a typical scenario of modern humans encounter with primitive kinds outcome, what happened to Tainos is the same as what happened to Neanderthals, quasi extinction, survived through their genes by mixing with Homo S. Sapiens, that's why Puerto Rican have white features same as Jews have modern humans' features while they are Neanderthals surviving genes hijacked modern humans' genome, to produce the Ashkenazi Jews and every other mixes in between.

The overall tendency in the demographic fluctuations at a global scale from an Anthropological perspective presents clear signs of the decline of modern humans as a dominant kind and the emergence of new populations resulting from cross-breeding with primitive kinds (colored: Archaic core), the trend is that modern humans are declining while the New Frankenstein form of life is rising and getting more dominant and powerful, not only that, there is a pattern of extermination of modern humans, either by discouraging procreation or literally killing of populations not embracing diversity, such as in Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Eastern Europe, and even earlier, Jews exterminated millions of modern humans in Russia and caused Germans and Russians to kill each other in terms of millions at WWII, so they can be safe in Europe and dominate the world.

We witness total anarchy, immorality, and total lack of decency characterizing western societies recently, this is what Archaic genes predominance bring to the world, the decline and eventual doom are imminent.

A Beast or a Frankenstein form of life will rise out of the miscegenation that happened and is ongoing in the new world, while crossbreeding was happening throughout history, the intensity and cruelty of the encounter between modern humans and isolated kinds in the Americas and in Africa will disturb the natural order of genes flow, miscegenation is an unholy gene mixing because it is a short cut of the natural path the human evolution is supposed to pass by, it may have been happening throughout history to a limited narrowed extent, but when it is so extensive, in terms of altering the world dominant modern humans' genome to an Arcaic genes predominance, it will cause the rise of a new Spirit, which will rule Mankind, the Beast spirit, because being of an inferior evolutionary order to modern humans' Devine spirit.

We are all the same blood They say...
Mixed people look confusing, you think that they are just a different version of modern humans because they acquired modern traits, but you must look at the distant archaic ancestry, for example, African tribes in Africa, Asian isolated communities, Native populations in the Americas, isolated Jewish communities, Indians before they mix with the British... Must consider the Anthropological background, that's the spirit you are dealing with when confronted with a mixed, colored person, it was [spirit] most likely a dormant beast, at least until very recently.
If Humans keep on going conventional on this Archaic spirit Take Over, we will witness a new phase of Hominins confrontations, and this time modern humans will get Extinct, they've already been diluted, commonly called diversified, now Neanderthals and other archaic hominins improved by modern humans genes will Take Over the planet, same as modern humans ruled the world until post-WWII when Semitic races discovered that diluting the planet is a matter of Survival and Not Optional.

Talking about the African race and other colored populations 'genealogical invasion' is not racism, at least in the classical way when somebody is branded racist for judging people by their skin color or overall appearances, some people make the distinction between Caucasian and Semitic races, definitely not that Homo S. Sapien Whoopi Goldberg, so it is not primordially about skin colors or overall appearances, but about Archaic genes inheritance.
It is about miscegenation and the long term effects of the Archaic genes spread in modern humans' genome on shaping future humanity's gene pool, it starts with programs and policies for inclusion because of the limited mental abilities of the colored populations (primitive kinds: Archaic genes), such as affirmative action and all kinds of positive discrimination policies made to level up the society (equality, we are all the same blood...), the locals will have to adjust to the new standards imposed by the invaders (demographic invasion), sooner than later, the populace is homogeneous and everybody settled for an IQ in between, not a dumb colored neither an optimal modern human, as simple as that, if you mix black and white the result is a color in between, Brown or Grey populations.

Beyond the overall Browned or Dumbed down populations, the effects of such "miscegenation caused diversity", or as it is called in this Blog/Site: The Great Dilution are néfastes, it is destructive, humanity as the order natural dictate must move forward not adjust to lower forms of life.
The difference between the West and the East poles in terms of demographics is mostly the predominance of archaic genes in their demographics' genome and the influence it exert on their populations, culture, and values. An evil form of life taking over the world. 
Evil prevails when good men fail to act.

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