Thursday, August 18, 2016

Semitic Muslims, Zionism safety card in Europe

This post is an overview on the shift of the nature of the terrorist attacks, and how the "so-called" Islamic Terrorism is used as a successful Zionist card; besides my writings, extracts are included from  Pravda.Ru 
An article that presents almost the same overall idea: text is in blue.

Zionism logic:
Make them kill innocent civilian in Europe, so a quasi state of civil war is declared in Europe, caused by dirty refugees pushed in Europe as a result of Zionist war started in the middle east to overthrow uncooperative regimes, let the right wings rise in a state of fully understandable self-defense against the aggressors, so anti Semitism will be buried for ever, instead, the locals will be drowned in an anti Islamization feeling, even the local peaceful Muslim population of north African origins, will be paying the price of Semitic refugees Muslims.

And they want to live in peace in America with dirty Semitic Muslims, while they are starting a civil war in Europe.

The post above, is not to approve the extrait of local Muslims automatically blaming Trump, its some kind of sarcasm to present people backwarded mentality and how they analyze events in a simple and superficial way, they voted Obama just because he's Black and they hate Trump just because he's white, without even talking about the insinuations regarding their entry to the U.S., if presumed to represent some security issues, which is nothing new in the history of immigration to America, long time ago, there was an "Exclusion act" against Chinese immigrants, because they were presumed prostitutes, U.S., as a sovereign nation must make its security priority and have full rights without any third party interference in adjusting its immigration policies in a way to grant its safety, a new Chinese exclusion act, must be reconsidered, as I explained in the post that follows.

There was months ago a hashtag circulating on twitter named #BlamePutin, which was simply a certain kind of sarcasm on how everything bad happens in the world Putin or Russia are to blame.

"They create reasons for wars before attacking other countries. I think that the NATO summit in Warsaw and the terrorist attack in Nice were connected to each other. The Nice attack was staged to stir up fascist sentiments among the population to turn the amorphous Europeans, who were accustomed to living in a secure cabinet of curiosities after the fall of the Soviet Union, into mobilized nationalist, fascist, easily to manipulate people. This is the first goal of the attack in Nice."

When Islam is a Fashion, with a super corrupted faith.
Those Muslim people are some kind of Semitics in Islam disguise, those people are born in Islamic milieu, grow up forced to go to the mosque as tradition and routine, without even trying, or maybe by pure ignorance they don't understand the essence of Islam or religion, which is simply a fight between good and Evil (OBL quote) ending up with transforming it into a war against people who look different than them or worship in a different way, of course, Zionism will take advantage if the ignorance of those people to use them, Implementing in their mind to go in a rampage against all white and Christians because they look different, worship different therefore they are infidels. Here I'm talking about Zionist agent who commits attacks in Europe and all around the world just for the thrill of it, not to be confused with average Muslims in America which I call recycled halal food vendors, due to their passive nature and worship of money, still they hate whites as well, they just take advantage of Zionism advocating diversity to take advantage of the circumstances and thrive serving Jews.

"They are pushing Europe to militarization and new fascism through Islamophobia. I am not calling the Freedom Party of Austria, or the National Front of France or Alternative for Germany fascist organizations. Quite on the contrary, these parties act within the framework of people's democracy. They take effort to protect democracy in Europe, in my opinion."

Semitic Muslims: the Judeo-Islamic beard
Those kind of Semitic Muslims are not to be confounded with the vague of jihadist preceding ISIS as a Zionist card, bien entendue, I'm talking about Al Qaeda and OBL, while their reprisals were decentralized and striking worldwide, the major strike was on NYC, with the largest Jewish population in the world outside of Israel and considered the niche of Zionism, while controversial opinions still floating about the incident from conspiracy theorists, involvement of Saudis, to the rumors (founded or not) that all Jews were absent from the towers at that day, that was a major incident, that changed the world balance, and reshaped the middle east map.

The terrorism arena will shift overseas with a new vague of Semitic Muslims declaring war on countries that have nothing to do with their holy war against Jews, Zionism, America, and Israel.

The Neanderthal beast (Jews, represented by the Zionist regimes U.S., Israel and corrupted western leaders), felt the danger of a global awakening of its existence and that right wings movement may try to finish what Hitler was trying to do, and failed, so the whole U.S. And E.U., are subject to a slow invisible terrorist attacks by cultural Marxism advocating diversity as a way into modernity, diluting and dumbing down local populations, for a better control by their respective government infiltrated by Zionist agents.

"The issue of Jews is not a popular subject nowadays. Today, it's the question of who is Muslim and who is not. Therefore, the National Front, Alternative for Germany, the Free Austrian Party and the Italian League of the North are all parties of national dignity. They are against European bureaucracy. They criticize migrants, but they are not fascist parties. They are not allowed to come to power, which raises questions about the credibility of democratic institutes."

From anti-Semitism to anti Islamization; in the Blink of an eye.
That was relatively easy to wake people up to Jews and Zionist agenda of destroying their culture without growing a beard and shouting: "Allah Akbar", people are naturally naive and consume the news which is a priori corrupted, the end up listening to Jews symphony, presenting America and western culture as a model if modernity and progress, while infusing poisonous ideas of guilt, and self hate in their mind which will to cause in long term a tendency of self destruction, of course those people aren't aware that the brainwashing they being subject to is 100's folds more dangerous than an individual shouting " Allah Akbar", and committing a terrorist attack, if course this is in the relative, long term aspect of the comparison, terrorist attacks are always sad experiences for people enduring them and their family, this is just to put in perspective a comparison between the destructiveness of cultural Marxism and a given terrorist attack.

"I know Heinz-Christian Strache. The program of the Austrian party very much correlates with leftist programs. They want social justice and the protection of national identity. They are not opposed to different blood. However, there are other parties in Europe, like Jobbik of Hungary. The latter wanted the Parliament of Hungary to clearly designate who is Jewish and who is not."

Ignorance: It gets shit done
Before ISIS, and the vague of refugees, who are programmed to think that the west and white Christians destroyed their homeland, and make them stranger in a hostile different land, a sense of entitlement will submerge their mind, creating an behavioral allergy and difficulty of adaptation, creating tensions that will explode after each terrorist attack, before ISIS, submergence on the scene of terror and the refugees crisis, that was relatively easy to see the action of the Zionist beast in the world, and it seems that it has paid attention to the danger of a global awakening of the necessity of finishing Hitler business because the Neanderthal beast is using soft power to destroy societies, which explains the recent events, of destabilizing the middle east, letting ISIS thrive, the vague of refugees, which all related events to deflect the attention of the Semitic beast taking over the planet, and put the focus on savages who behead people and put it on videos, enslave and rape Yazidi girls, and do all kinds if acts, that makes more than 500 Palestinian kids killed in Gaza boring as news. 

The whole world's attention has shifted, and Semitic Muslims continue to make their brothers Jews look like the saints of the planet. It worked super well, still, ISIS card was uncovered, by many people including Lee Puniisher, and Russian intervention made Zionism lose a major cultural card, using ISIS atrocities to make Zionism tyranny looks like an armed robbery.
The beast felt the danger, somehow it controls people's mind, and there was the crazy vague of refugees, which may be compared to a modern days' Exodus, or Jews expulsion from wherever they existed throughout history reversed, the Semitic beast is getting revenge of humanity, after it took power through the Zionist occupied governments, and prevails in the world, this Exodus movement will be "Semitism safety card in Europe."

"Hitler had occupied Yugoslavia to defend Germany's interests and security. He did not want Comintern forces to win in Greece and Yugoslavia. To protect European values, Hitler further went to Poland, Czechoslovakia, Greece and then to the USSR."

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