Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Marriage equality: Tracing a line between freedom and invasion of old traditional values.

A committed evangelical Christian who has been married twice, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has taken her stand against gay marriage.

I will try to read between Angela Merkel lines... Her statements (S) will be followed by my reflections (R).

(S) “For me, personally, marriage is a man and a woman living together. That is my concept, but I support civil partnerships,” she said. “I support us not discriminating against them when it comes to taxes, and to remove any other discrimination wherever we may find it.”

(R) "...I support US not discriminating against THEM" the US and THEM thing sounds a little controversial in the sense of making a light racial stratification statement or maybe more a spontaneous personnel affirmation than a political one, or the difference is made in the sense to make difference between gay marriage and "traditional" marriage as Putin and Russia call it.

(S) "I don’t want discrimination and [I want] equality, but I make a difference at some point," Merkel stated.
“No discrimination,” Merkel answered. But, “marriage is a man and a woman living together,” she concluded.

(R) "...I don't want discrimination, I want equality, but I make difference" hmm, hard to make difference without accused of discrimination, it is a vague statement, fine line between making difference between people and discriminating, unless you are on a higher level judging individuals without making a group more righteous than other where you overview the difference in a parallel level.
"...No discrimination, but marriage is a man and woman living together" ...this seems more a spontaneous personal reflection than a political statement aiming to be not discriminating against, people who want to "get married" too, so if they are not a man and woman, they will be denied that right? Hmmm its delicate as a subject, we should ask Putin.

(S)Today was an important milestone in dismantling discrimination and the chancellor is pleased about that… but same-sex marriages are not a goal of this government," Merkel’s spokesperson told Reuters at the time.

(R) Amazing franc parler, direct and strict without being authoritarian, imperative or discriminatory...This may be tracing its roots to Angela Merkel as a
"committed evangelical Christian who has been married twice, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has taken her stand against gay marriage".

Can someone really support 'eliminating all discrimination' if they believe that same-sex unions shouldn't be labeled as 'marriages'? It must be a quiet week for Angela if her current concern is synonyms,” a spokesman for Stonewall, a UK gay rights charity, told the Daily Mail

(R) Oh, here come the pride in display, playing on the words and label, if you want to live with your partner, do whatever you want, you want to get domestic partnership, for bureaucratic and formal reasons, go a head, settle down, but why you want to use the term that being used since Adam and Eve (I believe in evolution, but sometimes must speak current language) to represent a husband, a wife forming a family, in fact the difference is the family, marriage is a man a woman aiming to form a family, like making babies, you know stuff normal people do, that the difference, and its not discrimination it's facing the truth without playing on words, synonyms and labels, adopting its not making a its not marriage in the traditional sense of the term, since, long time ago, when people get married, the intend to form a family, not to adopt, I guess that's why Putin banned Russian kids from being adopted in


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