Thursday, February 4, 2016

To Secede or not to Secede: That's the Question

As predicted Obama won a  second term, like if there was a doubt on the tournure the country is taking, from the demographic shift to a majority of color to an overall degradation of all the standards and values as a direct consequence to the new composition of the population and the influence of the masses on the American spirit and mentality, making it an example of the degenerate Human being in the 21st century (this remark include African Americans, this post is not to address the evolution issue  and the presence of Homo-Erectus in large numbers in the American society.
In fact, the Influence of Blacks on the overall path America is taking is not to be presented, along with Hispanics  these 2 groups alone can put the value and the standards of any given society decades behind, and boosted by the Zionists controlled media continuing its propaganda of political correctness  diversity and positive discrimination, while the right term to call all these measures is "Divide to rule" as all these policies are shifting the balance and reducing the gap between whites and colored making the latter forming a considerable part in the middle socioeconomic class, and it works just fine, the reelection of Obama thanks to people of colors is just a proof, people start voting even if they never cared about elections before, voting to defeat evil whitey and for a president of color, illegal immigrants did their patriot duty toward la Raza by voting for the Brown president, it is no surprise to find day laborer lining up to vote.
"Obama lost in every state that requires a photo ID to be produced before voting. A list of closely contested state elections with no voter ID, which narrowly went to Obama includes: Minnesota (10), Iowa (6), Wisconsin (10), Nevada (6), Colorado (9), New Mexico (5) and Pennsylvania (20). This amounts to a total of 66 electoral votes. When added to Romney’s total of 205 electoral votes, that would give Romney 271 electoral votes, enough votes to win even without Ohio or Florida."
"No incumbent president in the last 60 years has won reelection with the unemployment rate as high as it currently is. The only way left for the Democrats to keep Obama in office was to steal the election. Obama failed to win ANY states with photo ID laws for voters, but he did win all the swing states which require no voter ID. Add to this electronic “glitches” that gave Obama votes meant for Romney, and it’s pretty obvious what happened on November 6th, 2012. We just became a Third World country."

 While divers efforts are made to integrate, assimilate and make people of colors productive members and give them a feeling of dignity and equality, often it's rooted from the scare of the past interactions between the White, Black and Brown colors composing the American infrastructure, people of colors will take the first chance to bait the hand that's feeding them, they voted for Obama, just because he is a person of color, the majority  of Obama voters are Women, Black and Hispanics, surprised? you shouldn't be. As a Black man he naturally lured the vote of American women, as a person of color, and necessarily for his "immigration reform" he is the Browns hope for a successful Reconquista. And as branded the "Welfare president" for his extensive and never seen before hand out records, knowing the ridiculous dependency of African Americans on the federal Aid, he got the vote of Blacks, Blacks who hated Bush, but had to choose another whitey before, now, with the option of a president of color, they cant be happier, they wont think twice, a white president give the impression that the masta is still ruling them, and the subordination feeling  originating from the scare of slavery, stored somewhere deep inside their subconsciousness as a Black person in a slave and master founded America, this feeling is smoothened by the bureaucratic procedures soothing the bitterness of being slave descendant in America, with a president of color they feel, it's a huge step toward improving their situation and the segregation they still feeling sometimes as evil whitey putting them down and sheet...,
Of course, they close their eyes or look the other way to ignore the fact that Obama's father is from West Africa, not slave descendant, a cross breed with a white American. Native west Africans who sold their African Americans ancestors into slavery, but they don't want nobody to disturb their sweet dream..." we be in the White House and sheeet".
He looks like a person of color, they don't care about his family may lead to a slave merchant in West Africa...Michelle already knows her masta ancestor, still, she will never want to find out the plantation address.

Who comes first Secession or Decline?
As a spontaneous reaction, the stupid masses opened their eyes...oops: Yeah, finally the stupid masses start opening their eyes lol had to be ruled by a president of color for two successive terms to feel the threat..And here is the secession fever hitting the country led by Texas the lone star state. 

...The white house is ruled by a person of color and the government is controlled by Zionists who worked hard during the last 3 or 4 decades to get to this situation of demographic shift and genetic dilution of whites, making them tending to be a minority in the decisional perspective, even the major part of whites are too brainwashed and they developed a horrible sense of self-hate, they are not even aware of the situation and of the path their overall race is taking, which may be described as a snowball slowly rolling down a curve, since most of them are stuck in their little milieu as stupid Americans, and this has been going on for generations, so now, they feel they are normal and so great, and that's what it is an American and the great American culture.

That said, this secession fever which reflects a global awakening of the masses, and it has to be caused by a major event of the size of the presidential election-too stupid, naive and brainwashed to have figured out the tendency of their situation and destiny, without a major event- it may be considered as a positive sign, or as a time to take tough decisions: Secede or Collapse?

Abstract from:  

Secession movement recalls ugly past


More than 700,000 people in all 50 states have signed petitions asking the White House for peaceful secession from the United States. Texas has by far the most signatures -- more than 100,000. (Gov. Rick Perry raised the specter of secession a few years ago, though he has distanced himself from the current campaign.)

This latest effort to secede from the Union is an eerie reminder of slavery, the Confederacy, and the Civil War. And the current one stems, in large part, from similar sentiments. Many Americans simply cannot accept that we have a black man in the White House. Nor can they accept the demographic shift in this country away from a white majority.

As the numerical majority of Americans, European-Americans have been the face of the United States for more than 200 years. Their values were the country's values. Their politics and economic policies were the nation's policies. Every president was a white male.
Obama did not win the majority of the votes cast by white people in either of his victories. His victories represent the seismic flexing of the power of a new coalition.

Superiority threat
This new majority of voters scares the willies out of many conservatives. They should be scared. This new coalition is not only taking power away from them, it's threatening their sense of white superiority and white entitlement.
You get a sense of that in the mountains of disrespect that they heap upon Obama.
You get a sense of that in Mitt Romney's post-election comments that Obama bought the votes of blacks, Latinos and young people.
You get a sense of that in Bill O'Reilly's lament that the "white establishment" is the minority now. "It's a changing country, the demographics are changing," O'Reilly said, by way of explaining Romney's defeat.

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