Thursday, April 12, 2018

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 3)

This fishes saga started with "Fish out of the Water: Consequences of the Evolutionary Gap": the situation of the African race in the world and the consequence of the evolutionary gap in creating a situation of an 'impossible successful integration of Negros in white milieus', the result is, instead of humans making progress, they end up stagnating or even regressing to adapt to the lower form of life that is pushed on humanity by all kind of evil forces, of the Zionist beast, disguised as policies of humanitarian nature. 

On the other side of the coin, we will see how this forced coexistence of negros on the host milieu will be like a petroleum spill, causing the toxication, drowning and eventually extinction of the locals, which are the "Dying fishes in floating petroleum" or as I call it the "Take Over" in this alternative scenario.

I divide it into 5 parts, I may add a 6th part or make the 6th one an independent post.

In part 1, I presented an overview of the damages caused in the American society brought by what's called diversity, which is another name for cultural Marxism, and how it traces its roots deep in history, the result, is a dumbed down white American population and a Judeo-Christian nation passing the interests of colored before their own, and how the tentative to prevail is desperate.

In part 2, I talked about Trump's election, how it's the latest hope to save white America, how it's failing because of the fierce resistance it's confronted with, and the iron grip Zionism has on the government and institutions, as well as the overall consequences of what I called "petroleum spill" (immigration and reproduction of immigrants) on lowering the local population IQ as well as worldwide.

In part 3, I will try to trace the roots of whats happening in America in History and anthropology, extending this overview to the global perspective and the History of Negros and Jews, as well as their specific nature as humankind, and how the world ends up in this situation under the Evil control of Zionism and demographic invasion which may be compared to a global petroleum spill.

In part 4, I will go back to the reality of America and how white America fighting the "Take Over" is overwhelmed by the siege it's under, either its politicians and decision makers or the demographic weight, the result is the development of a mentality for survival that, however, goes extreme or as I describe them, paranoia and confusion same as a fish out of the water flip-flopping, gasping for air or dying in petroleum spillage trying to hold on any argument for survival.

Finally in part 5, I will try to project and reflect what I called petroleum spill in America on the global perspective and how there is a silent invasion south to north, may be comparable to a petroleum spill or modern days plague disguised as refugees and mass immigration justified by all kinds of humanitarian reasons, while its demographic invasion. 

Some captioned pics are from this site:

The reality of Black and White America: dying fishes in Petroleum spill 
This post/parts is based in its original form on the recapitulation of writings and development related to a site that I used to visit a while ago, it's an anti-Zionist website with decent content and distribution.
I succeeded to have an idea about the mentality reigning in some parts of the American population, which has its positive as well as negative sides.

I've been around that site for a little while not a regular visitor, since I don’t need to go as deep as it is done there, in the analysis of the issues drowning Americans as individuals, a nation and a union where different racial groups coexist more or less peacefully, some issues are affecting people's present, rooted from their history and defining their future, different topics and posts may be all pouring in the same direction presenting an idea of a greater scheme that is made of different events or actions that seem of inocent or of independant natures.
I consider that site as a good reference about Zionism, with occasional Negros and Mestizos destructive effects exposed as well, it goes beyond the suppositions of Jews malign actions in the world and in the states to present concrete examples and cases of Zionism interference in national internal affairs.

Racial retrospective 
The situation of the African race seems to be of great disparity with what humanity has achieved on this planet, some may question the divine wisdom and justice between human kinds,

Injustice, because its humanity fault that their leaders are corrupted, their parents are genetically inferior, their distant ancestors didn't bother to confront challenging environments to evolve, which explain why their parents are genetically inferior taking us to the creator's purpose on earth. 
In a caricaturesque approach, It seems that they are a victim of a large divine scheme, since they were subordinate and inferior since forever, they only thrived in America, after the civil rights movement and the Zionism rise to power taking control of the American government, making both genetically inferior groups, Negros and Jews (talking about the roots) taking control of the planet through the Zionist Empire, the US.
Is it Hominids final conflicts? Homo Erectus represented by Negros and Neanderthal represented by Jews, VS modern humans, of course, crossbreeding make it hard to make a clear distinction, but the unholy seeds and corrupted soul is there to stay uniting them, wonder why they advocate diversity, spreading serpent seeds left and right. 

Back to the creator's purpose on earth, all religions are d'accord that, grossomodo, its about right and wrong, good and bad, Evil and Saint, if we consider that the creator is the good side, naturally, because you wake up every day to a rising sun followed by a moon taking over, and a natural order, having a human body with optimal mental and physical abilities, which are, -I won't say the image of the Creator- but hosting the holly spirit representing virtue and good, naturally a vessel will be needed to host the opposite side, the spirit of the Beast, which will be the bad side or the Evil side, the denomination Beast is used for conformity purposes, its not an animal, more like a spirit with great abilities. 

During the Evolutionary process God (the supreme being) will infuse the holy soul or the divine spirit into Homo S. Sapien, after reaching an advanced stage of the evolutionary process, which explain the movement of enlightenment that happened in Europe, the revolution industrial and how modern Humans prevailing in many domains, except politics and military, which unfortunately are under the Beast control via America and Zionist empire prevailing on the international scene. 
Other Hominids won't get the holy blessing of infusing of divine soul claiming their Humanity, that's the case of the Homo Erectus and the Neanderthal, instead they will host the Beast spirit, Evil or simply the opposite side of good which is leading Humanity into Darkness under the lead of the United States of America. 
They got their breakthrough the transatlantic slave trade, which will be the opportunity to unleash Evil in the planet, along with the Jews taking advantage of Hitler actions by trying to racially cleanse Europe, playing the victim post WW2 same as Negros. 

The overall world situation today is like the final conflict between good and evil, light and darkness, Zionism and Humanity as my cover pics depict it.

This pic is from a German Museum, it presents a concretization of a Neanderthal and a German girl. We got Negroes and their evolutionary deficit as an incarnation of the Homo Erectus. Will Jews be the remains of the Neanderthal cross-breeding with the Homo S. Sapien? Which explain the bonding of the 2 hominids and how the 2 beings been enslaved by more advanced Humans.

Historical implications
The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany slaughtered each other in term of about 26 M for the red army (which is about the population of Morocco decades ago), and substantial deaths and the defeat of Nazi Germany. 
In another post, I called it "the clash of gods", in term of the importance of both parties, either Russia prevailing in today's world or Nazi Germany that tried to prevent what's happening today of Zionism anarchy in the international scene, tyranny, and chaos. 

People must understand the nature of Satan as its described in the holy books, it's a deceiver it spreads mischief everywhere, makes people and nations kill each other while it laughs and stands on the debris, that how it gets its revenge from modern humans because its a lower form of life, subordinate and opposed to the divine spirit, Just look at the middle east chaos, all sects, fractions and stratifications created amongst the same kind of people just because Satan wants to create the great Israel. (it even created the notion of 'moderate rebels', and the stupid international community fall for it). 
It vowed revenge, the expulsion of the garden of Eden is a symbolic bedtime story, but there is a vow to oppose the divine will on earth, will be translated in using subordinate human beings in their quest of revenge for their subordinated history. Simply because the universe goes by the principle of duality, that's how there is equilibrium and it extends to every living beings and matters, otherwise, even the essence of existence of life will cease to exist.

So, as there is divine presence that caused the guided evolution and infused its spirit and soul in humankind when it reached optimal evolutionary stage, an opposite entity exists as the opposite side and it will use human kinds that simply doesn't evolve into the stage of modern humans to make the divine connection (prophecy), and enlightenment (industrial revolution), instead it stayed in darkness and subordination through history. It will mobilize this entity's hatred and thirst for revenge to use it against modern humans, to destroy whatever God created through enlightenment humanity being subject to in recent millennial, of course, this is not Nazi Germany, I mean you cant divide people by measuring their skull, or defining their ancestry, even a DNA test will fail in separating sides between good and evil, since cross-breeding, indoctrination and corruption happened on an extensive scale.

Either its Africans in Africa and their voodoo form of connection to animals spirit or Jews and their subordinated history to Christians and Muslims. Negros are the incarnation of the Homo Erectus, Jews of the Neanderthal, both archaic forms of life.
Been in subordination to modern humans until the transatlantic slaves trade, the emancipation and civil right movement along with victim card about the holocaust, will be the edge of unleashing Evil and giving it a boost through the union of all the oppressed human beings through history or whatever creatures formed in the states, playing on humans own empathy to infiltrate, get rights, backstab at first chance and ultimately Take Over. 

It's Satan's Kingdom and the Evil empire built for revenge, to punish Humans simply because they made the divine connection.

Zionism prevail in the world, the Take Over has started
It's hard to explain the States "etat d' esprit". One thing is sure, its hard to dissolve the union, because a Maléfique entity thrives on the union between Black and White, got more strength by Zionist policies and the demographic weight of all other kinds; the incarnation of hominins that never made the divine connection under any Abrahamic religion. 
Crusades were conducted by both Muslims and Christians, trying to enlighten those human beings that never reached the evolutionary stage to connect to the Great Creator and were having all kinds of strange beliefs and pagan religions. 

Jews as a religious group (before evolving to Evil Zionsim because at their core they are corrupted), happen to live amongst modern humans, being prosecuted and evicted through history because at that period of time there was no political correctness or any other policy aiming to destroy humanity, people at that time had correct and pure instincts not biased by the brainwashing going on today (without even the developement of anthropoly theories), they felt the Evil nature of Jews, as in their core the incarnation of the Neanderthal improved by modern humans genes, (as we will see in part 4), before they start improving their look by forcibly cross breeding with eastern Europeans, so they melt better in the society, just same as light-skinned negros.

Jew crusade will be through Zionism, and it's not conquest, invade or introduce a new religion to the locals, the total opposite it is, they destabilize regimes, overthrow leaders, cause mischief, and control the local population without any war or conquest. Say Hello to jews crusades aka Zionism.

Are Jews Zionist or Zionism a greater form of Jewism?

Either its Jews, Africans or Native Americans will unite under the denomination umbrella of Zionism, with the common point of hatred toward the racial group who oppressed them and dominated them as a race, Europeans, the result is the rise of Zionism as an Evil spirit of revenge, their ultimate target Europeans, started by American population being dumbed down and put in a state of hibernation, then it's Europe in progress, it works so good that whites start hating on themselves, and Zionism thrives and prospers into a lifestyle and get indoctrinated into people’s mind body and soul, and often the subject corpse is doomed as corrupted hosting evil spirit.

Zionism can't be limited to a racial group or a religion, it's been proven that it’s not related solely to the Jewish religion, even though Jewism is at its core, religion just used as a façade, a card between Islam and Christianity, divide to rule, if you make Christians and Muslims fight each other you rule, that goes in the line of 911 attacks, assuming the conspiracy theories are founded, and is just a sample of whats going on in larger scales.

Zionism is the doctrine of Historically oppressed people and its not solely related to an ethnic group and its descendants, otherwise, how can you explain this bonding between all of those different groups despite the dispersion of Jews and other backgrounds backing the ideology of Zionism world wide, it is more about good and evil and bloodlines, and not the direct family tree or religious beliefs, the evil spirit ruling a certain type of anthropology related bloodline including Negros, Mestizos, and even Indians and Chinese, those people act in a homogeneous way to preserve their interest as a group, and they got shared goal and hope in eradicating the good blood line, because of historical reasons and ultimately Take Over.

Of course, the Evil entity existing besides the Divine one will use their bitterness to spread chaos and mischeif on the planet, as it's happening worldwide recently, either its the modern days exodus presented by the mass influx of refugees, justified by different reasons, Sweden chaos brough in by African immigrants and in other parts of Europe, destruction of Soviet monuments in former Soviet states, or in America, in the form of different movements that try, to make certain groups above the law (BLM), destroy the heritage of the local population (destruction of confederacy flags or monuments) or weaken them by pushing for stricter gun control (march for our lives).

It's beyond traditional brainwashing, which is resulting from direct interactions, it’s the Evil rise in the planet, and beyond direct traditional communication, this Evil form of life will use a certain type of Evil telepathy as we will see further in this posts, to make its bonds strong and act in a homogenous way to close its Evil grip on the planet and undermine all efforts to expose or eradicate its existence.
You can't fight this form of Evil the traditional way, exposing it is just a part of the solution, it plays different cards, it misrepresents and manipulate, it is without doubt present or sneaking on your thoughts in this site, and it prepares counter offense, you can't beat that the conventional way.

Historical perspective: The Biblical Exodus in the Rhetoric of Martin Luther King

To help his message better resonate with his followers, King also analogized their struggle for racial equality to the biblical story, Exodus. In this tale, the Israelites were enslaved by the Egyptians, but through the leadership of Moses and the guidance of God, they ultimately gained freedom from their captors.

As the Israelites had suffered great hardships but ultimately found freedom, the movement’s supporters found hope as King led them to identify their struggle with the Israelites’.
Thus, King’s comparison between the black community and the enslaved Israelites strengthened the “collective identity” that propelled the civil rights movement forward. As King spoke of a struggling people with whom all of his followers could empathize, civil rights supporters felt inspired by the Israelites’ successful endeavors.
While King emphasized the importance of unity by drawing parallels between the struggles of Israelites and the black community, he also relied on the theological aspect of Exodus to fortify the civil rights movement. Religious faith promoted the cooperation between King’s supporters as they believed that, just as God had brought the unified Israelites out of slavery, he would also bring racial equality to America if they fought for it as one.

Repeatedly emphasizing the black community’s identity as “the children of God,” (BLM), King assured his followers that, as God was on their side, America was destined to embrace racial equality. In “I Have a Dream,” King states, “Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children.” 
... yet again when he exclaims, “When we allow freedom to ring . . . we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men, and white men, Jews, and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual.” 

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