Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Bipolar World: With Marginal Fluctuations.Part 2

Evil prevails when good men fail to act
The recent events in Syria; the Russian intervention to fix America's mess in the region reflect a little bit my old cover pic and the expression: "Evil prevail, when good men fail to act", is finally explaining itself, since America was spreading terror and chaos in the region by the name of establishing freedom and democracy. Now, good men are taking over, so Evil will no longer prevail, at least as long as people figure out that "the greatest trick Devil ever pulled is convincing the world he didn't exist".
 Again, it's a bipolar world, if it's not America, a substantial intervention must be Russian, other countries and pseudo-regional powers are just particles revolving around the 2 poles of Good and Evil, or Humanity vs Zionism as in this post:

The increasingly globalized nature of Islamist extremism poses a medium-term threat through “plug-and-play social networks for future attack planning - linking diverse foreign fighters from different communities across the globe,” the experts warned. As of a global enlightenment of people across the globe about the actual situation of the planet under the rule, anarchy, and tyranny of the Zionist regime represented by America, Israel and its allies. While power shift can't be totally accomplished toward Russia to end up the monopole of America in manipulating and controlling the planet, due to their wicked diplomacy and skills in deceiving nations into their false propaganda and presenting facts about events as it suits their agenda. It being said in native Americans prophecies that humanity cutting edge and the enlightenment that will save humanity will most definitely submerge from Russia. Syria, Iraq turned into ‘international finishing school for extremists’ – UN report

Collateral damages: Never mind more than a million casualties in Iraq and counting.
Collateral damages are the new disputed card between the 2 poles, its pathetic that America and western media talk about civilian casualties in Syria, discrediting the results of Russian strikes, while they were literally murdering, and torturing civilians since 9/11 attacks. Now, when "good men" (Russia) tries to prevail and fixes chaos caused by Zionism imperialist expansions, Evil is all perturbed and express its discontent by advancing false accusations or misplaced, since this is war, we try to do the best we can.If you know Devil tricks, it is well known that it's a liars, accuser, manipulator and deceiver, didn't America deceived the work in its effort to fight ISIS.

"I would like to ask the honorable US representative, have you found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or are you still looking?"

"Therefore, esteemed colleagues, many will have to pray for forgiveness regarding the situation in Syria, and the situation in Iraq, and many other situations which we know about."

- Vitaly Churkin (1952-2017)
Russia is a guarantor of stability and development of the whole of Europe, the Estonian politician Max Kaur. He recalled that Russia defeated Napoleon and Hitler, helped solve the Syrian crisis, and the United States bombed Japan, Viet Nam and Yugoslavia.

An emerging pole: Russia, formerly known as the Soviet Empire 
I don't know why they keep using the "multipolar world" expression, it's a bipolar world as my cover pic depict it, if there is many blocs or formations they didn't reach the status if a pole, a pole as its name means is predisposed to attract more elements and even marginal pseudo-blocs, the world history has shown that the dominant pole is America and all the west at its footsteps, naturally as there are 2 sides of Good and Evil, this is not your local priest talk or the mother Theresa discour, this is the truth God intended beyond physical life, the eternal conflict between Good and Evil in humans incarnation, same as there is day and night, gravity and weight, the balance is shifted depending on global circumstances and the degree of corruption of humans souls, as you can see, America and the corrupted west being dominating the world since post WW2, even though the Soviet Union fought against Nazi Germany, the evil thirst for global dominance will try to marginalize the Soviet empire for a unipolar world, there will be the cop of the world from a military perspective, and the balance shifting to thick stupid people (America) side for last decades.

America being a pole and leader for humanity is an abomination, the core of the Zionist empire is Negros and jews, both using the victim card and the guilt humanity feels, either for slavery or the so-called holocaust, they play on our very humanity and feeling of empathy and guilt, to get more rights, more power, to get control of people's mind, backstab and destroy everything humanity built, just because those groups were historically oppressed, this explains the cultural marxism and the vague of immigrants aimed to destroy white civilization representing Humanity at its optimal progress, in contrast to Negros backwarded situation and Jews existence as a parasites race since forever, they destroyed the middle east literally, they can't do the same thing in Europe, instead its the modern days exodus, cultural marxism and destruction of moral and cultural values instead. 

Recently a certain emergence of Russia on the international scene will create the perspective of the formation of the opposite pole (normal tendency of righteous people to emerge and prevail), which will know a slow but steady implementation as a potential pole, the world panorama will change, a dominant evil pole certainly is dominating through the zionist regimes, but emerging blocs that started to question what's really going on in the world, of different importances, will be formed, oscillating around the 2 poles with no real polar status, these blocs formed for different reasons, either ideological, economic, political, geographic or military.
A pole is a sphere of influence and power and it is gigantesque in term of the weight it imposes on the international scene, small marginal formations will be always present, of neutral or indecisive nature before it joins one of the 2 major poles.

America dominance monopoly, a survival imperative for Zionism
This is ridiculous none sense, all this neo-Nazi crap is pathetic.Zionists are afraid of a new Hitler on the planet who will eradicate them and finish up what Hitler started, bien entendue, not like Holocaust part1, this time it's not about Jewish religion, but about embracing Zionist doctrine, of worship of the material and superficial values that America is advocating, and leading the world into darkness, spreading chaos and anarchy worldwide by the name of establishing freedom and democracy. So what they do is counterattack in a WA nobody will suspect, first, they make sure that in Europe, instead of an anti-Semitic movement rebound, and people opening their eyes on all the disasters Jews caused since they start getting their revenge from German people and goyim worldwide, the strength of their wicked actions is that they pass on undetected, and they cause disasters worldwide to serve, either their financial or strategic goals.Chaos in the middle east is just an example, ISIS, is meant to deflect the attention about American and Israeli atrocities in Iraq and Palestine, as well to cultivate an anti-Muslims and hatred feeling in Europe, prevailing from any possible emerging new anti-Semitic movement. 

In Ukraine, Zionists are worried about how far the tendency of American/Russian tensions will go, and an eventual development into an Russia leading the world into the new war on Zionism and in its path America and Israel, which is far from being harvested in people's mind, so they portray Russia and Russians as the subordinate race, by their pseudo Neo-Nazi fluctuations, while in reality, they are afraid of a total anti-Zionist feeling in the planet, that will lead to Holocaust 2.0, that was the meaning of my old cover pic, the bipolar world, and Good vs Evil, people don't listen to me. Politicians following their interests, and most of the time brainwashed by Zionists influence, and their soul corrupted by Evil.

As Lee Puniisher I was counting on Russia to eradicate Zionism from the planet, it seems that politicians do not care about innocent western Ukrainians casualties, and continue playing ping pong between sanctions and Minsk accords, while wondering how to fight ISIS, since they can't get rid of Assad, without getting the bear angry, same as they did with Saddam and Kaddafi.How come people didn't realize that Zionists are doing whatever they want on the planet and getting away with it. Will a real Hitler 2.0 rise up?

Funny how humanity in all its extents is insignificant if put in the Universe perspective. ...Still, we fight each other for superficial reasons not realizing thit it's a bipolar world, the balance must be shifted otherwise its doom's day for humanity.
 Astrophysicists come up with the most complete 3D map of the universe.

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