The Necessity to Prevail Part 2/4
The previous part focused on an anthropological overview of the world's countries which dictates the geoeconomics map of the world, countries are rich or developed because their populations evolved and vis versa, countries are poor and underdeveloped because their populations are partially evolved, evolution goes with passing from the brute state to the gentile state, with the wicked traits characterizing the populations in between, that's why Africans are known for the brute traits, Semitic races developed the wicked attitude to survive around modern humans and Homo S. Sapiens developed human consciousness with optimal strength, and intelligence instead of wickedness, along with humanity and empathy which are highly destructive to the human race because it is a fact that wickedness triggers and thrives on empathy and uses it against our very humanity.
The globalization of the planet caused the world's populations to be a diaspora or different genes mixtures, including ancient archaic genes that transcended throughout time into today's gene pool, getting diluted more and more in the modern human genome and tending to Take Over modern human genetics by number because of the extensive miscegenation and the push for diversity by Neanderthals in suits in key positions in the Zionists Occupied Governments in the Western world, this causes the archaic traits associated with those genes that have been spread left and right in Humanity gene pool to be embedded in the world demographics and consequently the world politics and international affairs, it is no secret that Zionism is a very successful doctrine, it is Taking Over the world at the same time as mental decay and perversion, which is easily proven to be cause and effect.
Zionism's control of the world will cause those archaic traits: the Brute and the Wickedness to characterize international interactions and affairs, that's how we ended up from one part with the Brute traits displayed in Palestine and Lebanon and the Wickedness of the Beast while dealing with Russia, North Korea, China, and even Iran to a certain extent. One may argue, that's how politics and military strategies are; there is nothing strategic about the indiscriminate bombing and killing 100's of thousands of civilians in the name of self-defense, and the international community stays silent except social media, the alternative media, or the "controlled opposition" that dances "Liberta Liberta Palestina", wickedness and double standards submerge the world as they abuse Russia's patience and as the 'wild dogs' provide intelligence, logistics, and funding to Ukraine and Western mercenaries to murder Russian civilians and conduct strikes, sabotage, and destruction operations all along the Russian territory. These are Evil forms of life in international and military affairs, the Brute and the wicked traits are becoming routine in this world because of the archaic genes Take Over of modern human's genome is complete.
A reminder of a Glossary of often-used terms.
- Neanderthals in suits: is a reference to the presence of Zionist agents (Jewish background or other Semitic races) in key positions in Western governments, knowing Semitic races inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals, it is a way to present ZOGs.
- Partially Evolved Populations: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations and Semitic races, as defined in this Blog/Site, are partially evolved populations.
- Diversified Populations: When "Partially Evolved Populations" cross-breed with modern humans constituting the demographics of a country or a bloc of nations we talk about Diversified Populations. How to use in a sentence: "The West has Diversified populations".
- Miscegenation: The interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial groups.
- Archaic introgression: Describes the incorporation of alleles from one entity (species) into the gene pool of a second, divergent entity (species).
- Human (Capital h): I use this term to refer to modern humans in the current context because, after the racial dilution, most of the demographics of the planet look like modern humans while they are not.
- God: Because we are not in a purely theological post, I use this common word to refer to the "Supreme being" or the "Great Designer", it has nothing to do with such or such religious belief.
- Homo Erectus: A way to depict the ancestry of African populations, while it is not scientifically accurate or politically correct, it is used to describe the partially evolved state of the African populations, this page addresses the topic.
- Wickedness: Wickedness in this series of posts besides the traditional definition of being Evil, wrongdoing, and dishonesty, it is the double-dealing and backstabbing aspect that interests us while using this trait in Zionism actions in the international scene, as well as "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing", which is a known characteristic of Jews since their medieval existence around modern humans,
2/ The Wicked and Brute traits in international affairs: Zionism
We are trying to break free from this theological background because we are in a military and politics-related series of posts, but it is important to link those archaic traits (the brute and Wickedness) that are characterizing the interactions in international politics and military strategies to a malefic entity, going to the full extent of being Evil concretization on Earth, Evil is described as the "inferior rival", as a liar, deceiver, manipulator, wicked, and to thrive on spreading mischief and destroying whatever the human race chosen by God to inherit Earth built on this world, who can fit the description of an "Inferior rival"? If we reflect the spiritual world and the ongoing fight between Good and Evil on the Human kinds inhabiting Earth, if modern humans are Divine in principle per their evolutionary stage, Evil is "Inferior rival" in terms of opposing God or simply that's how Good vs Evil is supposed to be, Good is apriori the dominant force that must fight and eradicate Evil as the rising of the dark power so life can continue and prosper, it is the rule of the existence, Good build and Evil destroys, "partially evolved populations" (Semitic and African races) will reflect this rivality if we are in the physical realm, Because modern humans are Divine per their evolutionary stage, partially evolved populations didn't reach the optimal evolutionary stage which make them inferior to Homo S. Sapiens (don't worry about political correctness warriors, we are talking isolated populations in their primitive stages) and Evil will have to use a vassal that reflects it's inferiority to God since modern humans are already Divine because chosen by God to inherit Earth, to get around modern humans and execute its plan to lead them astray, partially evolved population will be this "inferior rival" representing Evil ways around modern humans, of course, there was crusade to lead those people to the right path but apparently it was vain, at least when we witness the rise of Evil on Earth is concretizing in the ongoing populations' replacement by Semitic and African races who started rivaling and replacing modern humans as the dominant kind, now they are competing modern humans for the reign on Earth in terms of the populations replacement we are witnessing and in the total invasion of key positions while eclipsing modern humans, it looks like Evil is triumphing which is not an impossibility as we will see later on in this post.
This is why the Zionist doctrine is crucial in this final days battle between Good and Evil, Zionism, which is initially based on Jewish nationalism but expanded into all "historically oppressed people" from all backgrounds, they all share their hatred for modern humans for being "partially evolved populations" and therefore didn't make any Divine connection but the enlightenment modern humans brought to them via crusades, it seems that they never believed, but been submitted for security and resources reasons, and per their archaic genes inheritance they became prone to corruption and an easy vassal for Evil to infiltrate modern humans ranges, because you won't find prophecies aka Divine connections happening amongst primitive populations which inherited a significant percentage of archaic genes, God as the supreme being wouldn't want that population without the optimal mental and physical abilities to inherit and prevail in Earth, it would be a fiasco, imagine Africans with their limited mental abilities as the dominant kind, or native Americans, or Semitic races, the planet and humanity as a whole won't be in the degree of advancement as it was before the globalization of the planet, this causes these populations to exist as a vacuum spiritually speaking, and Evil's best way to get around modern human and lead them astray.This makes the whole Zionism demographic base corrupted and disposable populations, we may point to the remark of the existence of modern human populations in the West and therefore a major component of the demographic base of Zionism, this is where the fight for the ownership of the human soul occurs, brainwashing, indoctrination, Evil mind control through sex and drugs, influence through the MSM and all forms of the digital transmission of the information, all these factors will cause that the major parts of the Western world populations are under Zionism and therefore Evil control, the minor part that kept its humanity is under total control of the tyranny of the ZOG and a totally biased Evil judicial system.
"Serpent seeds have been spread left and right, Negros melted down in the Caucasian race, Jews have been infused with gentiles genes, Native Americans have been improved by el conquistador's genes, Chinese and Indians went on a mission of hunt for white genes so that they lose their typical features and pass incognito in a highly stereotypical world...etc. That's what Zionism wanted, a demographic base so vague and diversified, by "diluting the Goyim's genes" there won't be any dominant race "Never Again!", many backgrounds share this hatred for modern humans which explains the bonding existing between the many backgrounds adhering to the Zionism doctrine, even the corrupted masses are indoctrinated to think diversity is good and national or racial identity are bad. These are the results of a process that was launched a long time ago, it is extraordinarily succeeding, compliment of the victim and guilt cards, the guilt card of modern humans for slavery, the Holocaust, the discovery of the new world, (Neanderthals went extinct maybe), and the eternal victim card of the Zionist entity, played by all the racial groups at the base of the demographics of the US and the west in general."
Zionism is a lot more dangerous than Jewish nationalism
Recent historical background
The international arena recently is knowing some strange palpitations and mostly chaos in the world; the routine bombing and slaughtering of Palestinian civilians of all ages and somehow there is an unwritten law or rule which makes it unpunished because the UN is an unfunctional organ and mostly because it is a world where tyrant regimes thrive, go on in an unpunished rampage and the world just watch the development on alternative media and the internet while the narratives on the
MSM are edited to deflect a fantasy land world where all marginal and ridiculous topics are discussed but the slaughter of women, kids, elderlies in terms of hundreds of thousands, the international community, International laws, the UN, the ICC, everything is under total Evil [Zionism] control, it is like the movie "The Purge" is now indefinite in time (forever purge) and applied to international law, meaning that the IDF is going unpunished for its crimes against humanity, there is no law and order in this world, at least when the Zionist regimes are the aggressors.
To present a glimpse of recent history in terms of the Wickedness of the Zionist regimes, whether it is the US, Israel, or the Global West as a whole, since all their governments are Zionism infested, there was the ISIS mania and how they behead hostage and post it on videos, before ISIS emergence on the scene of terror and the development of refugees crisis, it was relatively easy to see the actions of the Zionist beast in the world, and it seems that it has paid attention to the danger of a global awakening of the necessity of finishing Hitler business because the "Neanderthals in suits" are using soft power to destroy Western societies (formerly known as modern humans), which explains the recent events of destabilizing the Middle East, creating and letting ISIS thrive, the vague of refugees which are all related events to deflect the attention of Zionism, in terms of Semitic races, taking over the planet and place the focus on savages who behead people and put it on videos, enslave and rape Yazidi girls, and do all kinds of barbaric acts, all financed and pushed by the Zionism intelligence agencies, which makes the killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza during 2014 boring as news. Now we moved to another level of anarchy and impunity, it is like the Semitic beast discovered that the international community is totally unable to confront its atrocities since it has the blessing of the Zionist regimes worldwide (formerly called the Western world, now they are all ZOGs). We can easily draw similarities in Gaza between 2014 and 2023/24, there is always this barbaric or Brute factor present, in 2014, we witnessed the Zionist beast pointing at ISIS beheading hostages or prisoners, in 2023, we have the same brutality of beheading occurring, now they are talking about babies at October 7th, this is like the excuse for the Israelis' "Road to Tyranny", the IDF is indiscriminately killing 'kids, babies, women, and elderlies and boasting about it online. By now, one must realize that barbaric acts or beheading human beings and killing babies or kids are a trait that has nothing to do with the modern human race, of course, the human race has known its darkest hours but we are in modern times, we are not talking about the Geneva convention or the laws regulating wars but about the moral obligation toward other human beings even if they are partially evolved, we notice that this moral obligation is totally absent amongst Semitic races, by now everybody knows that the barbaric acts are committed by Semitic races, and they are the same kind in both sides, with the difference that a side made a deal with Devil so it is under its protection and nuclear umbrella, while the other side has not, still we witness that it acts in a way to serve the Great Satan interests anyway, you can't even explain this ambiguity, it is like Evil is controlling both sides, to achieve its ultimate goal of world domination: the US hegemony, Evil will sacrifice its minions and they do not mind, Evil control of Semitic races is beyond description, it is the "inferior rival" after all, dedicated to the Evil cause of eclipsing modern humans as the dominant kind even if it means sacrifice of it's own demographic base.