Thursday, April 20, 2017


Trump Election: necessity to save the Zionist Empire

Trump, Obama, Clinton or Bush, its multiple facades for the same Beast. The Beast that felt the imminent danger coming from the new emerging bloc. The Beast that is terrified that all its lies are exposed including ISIS, used to whitewash its crimes.

Exactly, by eradicating ISIS, Zionist regimes losing a major card, and they will have to go back to their old arguments to destabilize, invade by the name of establishing freedom and democracy, like, searching for imaginary WMD for example, ISIS which still vague in roots and definition got ambiguous ambitions, one thing is sure, it serves to eradicate American and Israelis image as modern time war criminals, and it seems that they are taking on the sins of more than a million of casualties caused in the demarches of establishing freedom and democracy in the middle east, not even talking about Israelis genocide in Palestine. Here, Putin seems to be trying to do what the pentagon and their clowns coalitions failed to do by flying over, bombing the grounds in the desert, and dropping weapons and ammunitions on their way back. 

America won't have excuse for presence next to the Assad regime its main target. Il faut cesser, selon lui, d’instrumentaliser certains groupes terroristes en vue de renverser des régimes politiques considérés comme indésirables. On ne pourra pas chasser les terroristes de Syrie sans coopérer avec Damas, a-t-il ajouté. Syrie: Poutine veut éradiquer l'Etat islamique et exhorte les américains à renoncer à leurs ambitions géopolitiques en jouant un double jeu:

NATO and ISIS, 2 facades for the same coin

...Dealing with Devil, They lured you to a war that you have nothing to do with either from geopolitical, perspective or national security threat, if ISIS threatening to strike Russia it’s a part of boosting the bait, the whole ISIS thing is consequence of Iraqi invasion and Americans placing its boots on the ground by using stupid mercenaries to overthrow Al Assad, a well-known Russian protégé, Now, they pretend all the above is wrong, and try to ally with Russia, the enemy that its [the Evil Empire] trying to destroy.

This is ridiculous, who wants a war on its land, nobody, all the wars being fought on the old continent, Zionist regime instigating conflicts and proxy wars, while they have the geographic immunity, that's absurd how the world is brainwashed into considering Americans and Israelis as God chosen people, while other human beings lives are worthless, by Americans double standards of course. 
You have a problem and inferiority complex toward Russia, deal with it, without hiding behind NATO or states members. The survey found that residents of several NATO member states were not ready to come into a military conflict with Russia, even if she attacked one of the alliance members, RT reports. According to the poll, 53% of French, 51% of Italian and 58% of German residents are ready to sacrifice the principle of collective security. At the same time, one can hear NATO officials saying the mantra about the unity within the alliance. NATO declares full combat readiness because of conflict with Russia.
It seems that chaos and destabilization of nations is like some kind of contagious disease or ravaging fire that spreads like in boosted by a flammable liquid, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria and now knocking on Turkey doors, the Kurds card already in use, Of course with the vague of refugees in Europe, the recent terrorist attacks is just the beginning. 

Zionist efforts to establish chaos all around except Israel and America are paying off.

‘We need a new humanity’: Istanbul attack sparks anger & grief on social media
How funny is this (dark humor of course), how everybody finds its okay to support the Islamic states, and pretend to be fighting it. Then, when Russia, intervened, Trump or whoever in the white house, will retreat or adjust its situation toward Al Assad, so they don't get " hurt" by Russia, and, how leaders of sovereign nations will wait for a new president to be free and independent from Washington's policies. This is un monde de fous! The new US president is unlikely to continue the indirect support for the Islamic State that the United States invented at the time when Hillary Clinton served as the Secretary of State. In addition, the expert believes that Trump should help Europe regain its independent policies and turn its back on the politics of globalization. 

Trump: presenting signs of Great confusion

Trump to meet his idol, how nice. I must admit a Russian/Chinese alliance is pretty scary. Trump's first foreign trip as president will be to meet Putin:

This guy is so naive, how can you trade sanction for nuclear arsenal deal, this is plain dumb and ignorance. Russian nuclear arsenal grants its safety and existence since soviet times. NATO 'obsolete,' says Trump as he suggests Russia nuclear deal.

The end of an era of political subordination

This guy is great, along with the North Korean leader and few others including Putin who expressed their stance against the Zionist empire foreign policies and accepted no blackmailing neither to bow down to pressure and sanctions, of course this is not to compare Putin to the Philippines president, in the sense that Putin is an agile politician, experimented and above average intelligence of typical world leaders, not even talking about other attributes, and is predicted to be the new leader of the “freed” world from the grip of evil Zionism leading humanity into perversion and darkness.

The problem is that the states awakened to the new reality of that they are not above the international community norms, the counteroffensive is Trump softening his position on many international issues, and world leaders are falling for the snake shedding its skin. Which explains Duterte opinion on Trump. Duterte threatens to ‘burn down’ UN building in America

Trump: responding to an existential threat to the Zionist Beast
The overall idea of what's going on in the world is far beyond regional, isolated incidents, or even historically independent events, since post WWII, a line has being drawn, and beyond geographical boundaries, nations, and religions in the traditional sense of the terms, a distinction has being made between Jews and none Jews, or Goyim as they call modern Human, the other racial groups are marginal, and they will be used by Jews in diluting, dumbing down and perverting the goyim worldwide. 

Hitler rise to the power, his aspirations and actions will create a monster thirsty for revenge, and obsessed about existence and self-preservation, this monster is simply Jews, everything happening in the world is rooted from Jews obsession about self-preservation as a race, the bitterness, and desire for revenge, along with a deep wicked sense of manipulating and plotting in long-term and global context. The equation is simple, three major religions dispute the soul of the planet, Islam, Christianity, and Jewism, we ignore all none Abrahamic religions because they exist as a marginal or pagan belief. 

In the context of WWII, Christians dominate and exterminate Jews as a race, Muslim nations collapsed or are greatly and easily corrupted, Nazi Germany still haunting every Jew on the planet, so, what will the wicked evil race approach to self-preservation and safety of their kind be, will they openly confront Christians for their survival? nope, they are not stupid, post-WWII Christians nation were mostly prospering and keeping their racial purity, showing the slightest feeling of hatred toward them will be collective suicide, here, the approach of cultural Marxism will be put in action, even from a German city, Frankfurt. The way to conquer Whites is through racial dilution and mental destruction, it will work to perfection, America is proof, they are indoctrinated into serving Zionism, beyond brainwashing, it’s scary how the whole nation think the same way.  Now, that every sentiment of nationalism being replaced by a devotion to Zion, an enemy must be created to keep goyim busy fighting, and in constant fear, paranoia and even create a total global hysteria about the Islamic religion, which will be safety card for the Jewish one.  That's what happened, post 911 attacks, America going on crusade in the middle east, the creation of ISIS, and the recent vague of mass immigration into Europe, all is a global long-term scheme by Jews for their own self-preservation as a kind, to prevent any awakening of Christians against them as a race, since they are busy fighting "terrorists".

Come on people, Satan was making people kill each other since forever, Iraq/Iran war, Afghan/Soviet war, Yugoslavia war, it gets beyond instigating wars between nation into a new level between ideologies and religions, that's how the concept of ISIS is born, now it gets globally. 

Satan has risen sometimes around the 70's and the American weed and interracial sex revolution. It needs a better incarnation and representation, that was via cross breed in America, which explain Americans look like some kind of modern times Frankensteins, or abomination of humanity, it’s no secret that the civil rights movement was pushed by Jews, as a race alone, even though wicked they can’t destroy the goyim, they need the demographic weight to infiltrate key positions, dumb down and dilute the goyim, that what explains the special bonding between Jews and other colored, and how they all protest the issue concerning one race like if it hurt all of them. “If you hit one of us, we all strike back” darkness descends movie. For example, in BLM protest you find all races, as well as in anti-Trump deportation or ban protests, and all have that evil zombie look in their eyes.
OBL gave America a truce offer, they didn't take it because it’s not the will of American people but the beast that controls them, now ISIS is more hardcore than Al Qaida ever being. ...And it’s a Zionist creation, Who's the biggest terrorists of the planet now. 

".... we’ll bring the whole world down with us”. Stink Jew, doesn't even bother to camouflage their real nature, they are at the root of every tragedy and disaster humanity has known, just because of their "oppressed history", they made Germany and Soviet army slaughter each other’s in term of tens of millions just because if the bitterness they felt (and still using as a victim card) to Adolf Hitler. That makes perfect sense, the whole tragedy of WWII was Jews taking the world down with the holocaust victims.

Trump Election: Exposing the Multifaceted Demon reigning on the states
Trump got elected, Big Deal! All I'm worried about is how to replace Obama's pic by the one of his face. Some may argue, that you can't keep the conflicts between the 2 sides from an anthropological perspective. That's rights, anthropology defined the 2 sides between good and evil centuries ago, the corruption of the soul is not an exact science, cross breeding, Zionism indoctrination, and Evil control being happening in the new world at an extensive level. It's just a way to represent the root of what humanity has come to, mostly the discovery of the new world, enslavement of African, genocide of native Americans and the so-called holocaust, now those 3 groups will be united under the U.S forming the Zionist empire, and go on on a rampage worldwide, white Americans lost their identity long time ago, and they are being indoctrinated and manipulated to serve Zionist agenda, without even realizing it.

Wake up people, The Zionist snake faced by its lethal predator, who happened to be a Bear, is doing nothing but shedding its skin, for a new more poisonous creature. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain 

“The moulting of the skin occurs regularly, when old skin is outgrown. in the case of snakes, it is called shedding or ecdysiast. Snakes will rub against rough surfaces to shed their skin. A shed skin is much longer than the snake that shed it, as the skin covers the top and bottom of each scale. If the skin is shed intact, each scale is unwrapped on the top and bottom side of the scale which almost doubles the length of the shed skin”
It’s ironic how the human side of the planet doesn't realize yet what going on on the global scheme, America is known as the Zionist empire since every institution from the white house to the local post office is Zionist and Jews agents infested. If you sum up the events since 911, used as a pretext to go on on a crusade to the middle east of destruction chaos and genocide, there was the destruction of the middle east from Iraq to Syria passing by Libya and Egypt, the Yemen as well, then ISIS stands of the debris to claim responsibility and whitewash Zionist war crimes either the American or the Israeli ones, by their gore execution and savageness' which is far from being spontaneous, the Zionist beast corrupt everybody. Now we assist at the result of the post 911 crusade of destruction, the vague of refugees into Europe is just a way into instigate and deepens the hatred between the locals and the refugees, the all aroused by occasional terrorist attacks, so instead of registering Jews, we register Muslims, same as Trump trying to do in America, the whole world is an arena where Jews make everybody fight each other while they watch, the trick they played since forever. After all, mischief is the greater trick Satan ever pulled. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Brussels police carry out a security operation in Schaerbeek.

Sometimes Trump sounds like if he's transforming the U.S into a Russian protectorate

Russia is the only country capable of transforming the U.S into radioactive dust; States wide, Democrats and Republicans, including the deplorable as well. Trump is a realist, the U.S can't hide behind NATO, the U.N and sanctions anymore. Donald Trump removes Russia from list of US defense priorities 

See, as predicted, Make America Great Again is some kind of code slogan for the American Perestroika, America is no longer strong, no longer proud, and not safe, at least in term of paranoia or justification for defense spending. America is no longer strong, since they added a new branch in their army called ISIS, which they deny and pretend they want to ally with Russia to fight what they created, it’s some kind of militaristic cannibalism, but those people represent the incarnation of the Beast, they got no decency, they will backstab their allies or friends, let alone foreign mercenaries they hired. The evil empire collapsing, and trying to save the face even by undermining all the political principles it stood on.

Maybe Trump will have better chances, by apologizing, allies with Russia to free Aleppo, and keeping his statement of never interfering in sovereign nations affairs. Is this the beginning of the collapse of the Zionist empire, is Trump by echoing left and right #MakeAmericaGreatAgain means an American Perestroika, or is the union too big to fall, I mean I watch NFL and NBA sometimes they are so big.. Russia, Iran and Turkey Meet for Syria Talks, Excluding U.S.

Historical background

I'm not good at history, but it’s well known that the cold war was between the U.S. and the Soviet Bloc, The U.S. won, the Soviet Union dissolved, Mikhail Gorbachev's Perestroika was one of the causes of the collapse of the Soviet empire. Putin emerges at the command of United Russia, a free breath of Soviet glory, Russia will become a new emerging robust power. The Zionist empire is shaken from its position of a monopoly of world dominance, as it goes by the motto: "Divide to rule", it will create anti-Russian feeling and paranoia all around Europe including former Soviet states, even try to destabilize Ukraine. Europe ends up plunged in the total state of Russophobia, while the cold war was initially, mainly between Soviets and Americans, Zionism spreads mischief, all around nations where it can't "establish freedom and democracy", in contrast, they try to destabilize it, or demonize it, makes it the international community enemy, that's what happened with Russia, demonizing it is a part of the new cold war. 

Recently, post the Russian intervention in Syria, despite the west efforts and anti-Russian propaganda, Zionism, lost a major card in the international scene, along with the emergence of other power around the Russian bloc, Zionism as the Evil that prevails in the world exposed like never before, Americans lies and deceits are all around except in mainstream media. 

Europe caught in the middle with an enemy that never being an enemy, just because Washington dictate western leaders how to think. Now, Trump elected, his actions and projections seem more of an American Perestroika, and retreat from playing the world leader, because it lost world dominance to Russia than a real desire to mind American internal affairs. Will Trump be the Zionist empire's Mikhail Gorbachev, who's trying to save the unholy empire, who being exposed as an incarnation of Evil, like a Beast slaughtered gagging in its blood, trying to survive its holy predator Franco TaMere and acting like suddenly it has no interest in the international scene, trying to idolize Putin and give up to Russia. Europe needs own nuclear protection if Trump walks away from NATO – senior German lawmaker

Devil doesn't work through politicians, it has risen through the unholy union, and serpent seeds spread left and right. This post presents it from another angle:

Dissolve the Union or get Destroyed: We don’t negotiate with Zionism
Addressing the American people, 
You must understand that there is no way into redemption or global peace other than dissolving the union, still, it’s a moderate very compromising solution. 

You are united with people to whom you took the land, and people who enslaved their ancestors for about 400 years, along with the largest concentration if Jews out of Israel, you are hosting a corrupted spirit that being unleashed for revenge of "oppressed history". 

You went unpunished on a rampage worldwide, when Russia stood at the way, and you no longer playing the world cop, you felt the heat of the change in the international scene. Desormais, it’s a bipolar world and you no longer have the monopoly of actions on the international scene, you felt embarrassed in Syria by Russian and Iranian actions, John Kerry's so-called diplomatic missions are obsolete, and desperately try to save the face, you are facing a new world era, Putin dictate the new rules, you felt the risk of an ever more powerful Russia, so you backed to your shell, and pretend you will focus on your internal issues. How pathetic, and deplorable. If somebody is accused and guilty of murder, he won’t be undergoing anger management classes, or try to make his person great again, he must be punished and pay for crimes he committed. 

That's the trail of the united states, you won’t back off from your crimes by focusing on internal affairs, your best deal is to dissolve the union, like a corporate filing for bankruptcy, dissolve the union, you get the benefit of doubt, since the crimes committed by the name of the united states, and the union no longer exist. Anyway, there is a rotten part that will never be great, just create a new Liberia somewhere, and the united Israel in proximity, maybe they get united. 
Morality of the story

American people represent an abomination of humanity, and the edge perversion and immorally can reach in a given society, without even talking about the gross body structure they reached, they host the beast spirit and its driving humanity into its own doom, they call themselves the leaders of the free world, while they suck the homo Erectus penis to avoid racial tensions, it being going on for decades that's now it’s like a ritual.

Hitler when he declared war on America based his decision on the rotten nature of the demographic composition, and the presence of colored as a sign if moral decay, that was around 1940's and at that time there was order compared to now, even there was segregation and wasn't the sexual revolution of homo and international sex yet. If Hitler was alive and saw the degree of perversion and moral decay reached, he won't hesitate to nuke it into radioactive dust. 

People are corrupted and have nothing of human, they are hosting the beast spirit, while writing those lines at shelter after midnight, the lights are off, it’s quiet, Negros out of the quietness of the night sounding like a monster responding to my thoughts, and nobody complains or find it weird, they all the same corrupted soul that have nothing of human. 

Evil rise on the planet during the last decades makes the necessity of a whole new definition of the War in term of legitimate targets, it’s not war between government for territory, political, or natural resources, it’s a battle between good and evil, and actions of governments nowadays are extension serving either good or evil, spirit.

Zionism is rooted in people desire to get over some historical oppression and an evil being created for what their kind as a race suffered through.

Either its Jews, Africans or native Americans will unite under the Zionist umbrella with the common point of hatred toward the racial group who oppressed them and dominated them as a race, Europeans, the result is the rise of Zionism as an Evil spirit of revenge, their ultimate target whites, started by American population being dumbed down and put in a state of hibernation, then it's Europe in progress, it works so good that white start hating on themselves, and Zionism thrive and prospers into a lifestyle and get indoctrinated into people’s mind, Evil will take control of people mind body and soul, and often the hosting corpse is doomed as corrupted hosting evil spirit.

Note de Conclusion:

Unless your soul is super corrupted.

"Assuming you got optimal mental human abilities to let you see, perceive, analyze, and get conclusions on what happening in the world without Zionism framing and Media biased presentation. 

You will willingly agree that Israel must be wiped out of the world's map, The United States dissolved and American and Israeli citizen as well as every Human being on the planet who embrace in any way the Zionist ideology, must be held accountable for every civilian life lost on the Hands of Zionism killing machine either it’s the American or Israeli army.
Punishment must be served on them doesn’t matter their ages, gender, nationality, color or religious belief...Punishment appropriate for what being done by the government they voted for and representing them.

                                                                    We don’t negotiate with Zionists".

                                                                                                                      ---Franco TaMere"

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