Monday, April 13, 2015

German Mentality

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Wow, never realized that German mentality is so “avertie”, free from America corruption, knowing what’s really going on in the world, without being blurred by America propaganda. If we consider that Germany recovered from a devastating ww2, united the east with the west, and rise up to the most industrialized nation in Europe, and one of the leaders in the world; those are signs of the Human mind strength and ability to face great challenges. I guess staying long years among Homo Americanus, makes you assume that those are Humanity standards, and that’s the right way to think, like, think what the ZOG wants you to think.

I know western Europe: France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Belgium, Holland…etc all western Europe nations present the same signs of mental enlightenment, and their opinions are blocked most of the time by a corrupted leadership, on the opposite side, Eastern Europe, mostly, former Soviet empire states present great signs of mental inclination toward a more pro-American attitude, often blinded by the American propaganda and influence, they think of America as the liberator, who freed them from oppressing Soviet empire, and now defending them from aggressive Russia, while the reality is that V. Putin is the political Abraham Lincoln who is trying to free them from American control, ownership, and dependence on the Zionist state, to feel secure next to a Russia standing in their way into global world domination.

About this Blog/Site

This Blog/Site is an extension or may be a relocation of my Facebook account Lee Puniisher, I've been, like, Micro blogging on Facebook platform, the limited functionality along with micro platform of a phone, and the limitations caused, make a transition into blogger the right thing to do, of course as long as the circumstances allow me to be on my laptop, thick stupid people reacting to my Facebook account like a WMD, I doubt I will get to sit on my laptop, tranquilo, they know, after all, Lee Puniisher or whatever extension is a mind, and destroying my mind, or at least destabilizing it is a process that starts long time ago, at this exact moment, I hear funny sounds behind walls, I didn't figure it out, since I got my headphones on, but its complaining or just disturbing.

I had other blog  accounts which are mostly on racial issues, colors in American and  the invisible tensions behind the United We Stand and the bureaucratic procedures, positive discrimination and all the way of the American government into reparation for native Americans and Slaves descendent, mostly pushed by a Zionist regime targeting the racial diluting of the white class for a better control, which is perfectly working, Americans are stereotyped as fat and stupid worldwide, or as I like to call them, thick stupid people.