Monday, April 13, 2015

German Mentality

 Original article source: 

Wow, never realized that German mentality is so “avertie”, free from America corruption, knowing what’s really going on in the world, without being blurred by America propaganda. If we consider that Germany recovered from a devastating ww2, united the east with the west, and rise up to the most industrialized nation in Europe, and one of the leaders in the world; those are signs of the Human mind strength and ability to face great challenges. I guess staying long years among Homo Americanus, makes you assume that those are Humanity standards, and that’s the right way to think, like, think what the ZOG wants you to think.

I know western Europe: France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Belgium, Holland…etc all western Europe nations present the same signs of mental enlightenment, and their opinions are blocked most of the time by a corrupted leadership, on the opposite side, Eastern Europe, mostly, former Soviet empire states present great signs of mental inclination toward a more pro-American attitude, often blinded by the American propaganda and influence, they think of America as the liberator, who freed them from oppressing Soviet empire, and now defending them from aggressive Russia, while the reality is that V. Putin is the political Abraham Lincoln who is trying to free them from American control, ownership, and dependence on the Zionist state, to feel secure next to a Russia standing in their way into global world domination.

It is amazing that German people succeeded in presenting the whole world issues, the global image not like presented by American media, by around 1000 protesters and sings, it is highly educative, you can learn what’s really going on in the world, just by developing those signs, :), which reflect an extremely intelligent human base in Germany, a protest by Homo Americanus, will never go further than LGBT rights, black life matter, or recently, free Palestine, since it’s a la mode or encore plus Obama is Hitler. Like watching cartoons.
Which is more fascinating is that they presented the 2 sides of the coin: expressed: “Worries about the increasing spread of Jihadist ideology and threat posed by the Islamic State (ISIS)” and on the other side “The use of drone warfare and its “collateral damage” in form of innocent civilians lives”. This reflects a neutrality in presenting the events, like a higher entity is judging the events of the world in a fair way, not like Homo Americanus imposing sanctions on whoever objects their policies.

Below are extracts from RT, main article, they make their article so short and informative, that sometimes, its hard to resume them, I could extract 2 lines and post the full article, or instead you can just read the extracts I made, because they reflect my opinion…

Bremen, Leipzig, Rostok, Hamburg, Hanover, Munich, Oldenburg, Stuttgart, Braunschweig Wolfsburg all witnessed parades and rallies on Saturday.

people took to the streets of Germany in support of world peace and denouncing militarization, the arms trade and NATO’s role in conflicts around the globe.

Dozens of police officers secured the rally as people marched from Dorothea-Schlegel-Platz over Friedrichstrasse and to Alexanderplatz.

Banners and flags carried by the protesters made their messages clear: “North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation” read one banner.

… It included the Kurdistan Workers Party and Palestinian flags, as well as self-proclaimed insignia from self-declared republics of Donbass in the east of Ukraine.

Activists also demanded the removal of 20 American nuclear warheads stationed at the German military airport Büchel. Calls for reconciliation with Russia over the Ukrainian conflict also persisted in the crowd.

Full article:

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