Saturday, March 11, 2017

A Bipolar World: With Marginal Fluctuations.Part 1

From nations to Blocs: WWII context still prevailing
The international scene most importantly from the geographic perspective is more resilient to change than it was before WWI, political constraints and development of organs doing the world's cop makes it harder to achieve higher ambitions than it was at the time of great conquistadors as Napoleon or Christopher Columbus or Alexander.
Those organs such as the U.N enforce the geographic panorama forged post-WWII and act as the grantor of the sovereignty of nations. The impartiality of those organs is highly questionable, still a certain politic stability reign in the world. Often on the side, different approaches developed to serve agendas, not of nations but of poles, overthrowing leaders and governments instead of direct confrontation are the trends in modern history, along with arming militias to destabilize regimes we don't like, such as ISIS and different other cases. The major geographic map is rigid to any change, so we don't change borders, we change regimes, this is the case of the Zionist empire (the U.S) maneuvers in the world, mostly to protege a geographic mistake called "Israel".

 Desormais, those days we don't talk about conflicts between nations but between poles and blocs, is it an extension to the axis and allies pole? that's an interesting supposition.

The Zionist Empire comfort zone: Monopoly of power in the world
According to Mettan, the US adopted Russophobia after World War II, but added that "today Russophobia has become essentially American." "Once Nazism was defeated in 1945, the Americans turned against their Russian ally, which was also the case with the British in 1815, soon after their victory over Napoleon." Modern Russophobia originated in Western Europe in the 18th century, Mettan continued, saying the West became hostile towards Russia during the colonial expansion of Europe, when Western states realized Russia was "a major power" on the continent. When the Ukrainian crisis exploded in February 2014, I was really shocked by the way my colleagues were covering these events with a consistent anti-Russian bias," Why we love to hate Russia? European writer Guy Mettan enlightens RT.

The overall idea is that America won't tolerate any risk of disputing its monopoly as the "free world leader". Ukraine is used as a parasite in Eastern Europe to provoke Russia into a NATO confrontation on the European land, while thick stupid people pursuit the development of the disaster on CNN, while drinking beer eating pretzels, watching NFL and sucking each others penis, like they always do, in the pure American tradition.
Ukraine a sort of Israel in eastern Europe aimed to permit or justify a Zionist military presence in the region, of course, to counter any rapprochement between Russia and Europe which is lethal for American position as the free world leader (citation needed). Putin accused the United States, to play with such fears and rebuild enemy images. The aim is to underpin the own claim to leadership in the world. A rapprochement of Russia and Europe would not be welcomed by the Americans.

"Many have interpreted the Kremlin’s international assertiveness as an indicator of Russia’s departure from the West and a vindication of their old fears about Russia.2 Such a view disregards that Russia had to swallow the war in the Balkans, two rounds of NATO expansion, the U.S. withdrawal from the ABM treaty, U.S. military presence in Central Asia, the invasion of Iraq and, now, plans to deploy elements of nuclear missile defense in Eastern Europe, along with the recent media war implicating Russia as a potential enemy.3 In the light of these developments, seeing Putin as an anti-Western nationalist seems quite a stretch. To move beyond simplistic dichotomies, it is essential to
understand that Russia’s political scene is not - and never has been - a struggle between liberal pro-Western reformers on the one hand, and anti-Western hard-liners, now led by Putin, on the other. The so-called pro-Western liberals are a tiny minority that is widely associated with Yeltsin’s era of poverty and state disintegration, and gets virtually no support in Russian society. The real debate is between Great Power Normalizers and Eurasianists. Normalizers, like Putin, want Russia to regain its great power status, but to do so within acceptable international parameters and be accepted by Western nations.4 Eurasianists, on the other hand, want Putin to turn away from Europe and the West in general and toward Asia and the Muslim world."

Russia’s International Assertiveness: What Does It Mean for the West?
By Andrei P. Tsygankov

Zionist empire political wickedness in oeuvre: the U.N is overpowered. or Corrupted.
... It worked, their wickedness is out of limit, they did it before in Soviet/Afghanistan war, and now they succeed to lure the whole planet in fighting an enemy they created in their demarches in establishing freedom and democracy, their media focus on ISIS and their propaganda aiming to mobilize the international community and convince it that pure evil has risen, while they are Devil on the planet disguised in suits, ties, lies, and diplomatic skills.
Fighting ISIS won't get the west to change its position toward Russia, it's a bipolar world and ISIS is a marginal issue, created to deflect the attention about true evil: America, Israel, and Zionism-imperialism, they are pseudo-fighting ISIS, just to seem like the good guys in the planet, they spend years forming coalitions in vain, drop ammunitions and resource to militias the created and armed, plus, how can you make an hierarchy in the stratification of terrorists by the degree of their rebellion such as moderate rebels, if you are defying the legitimacy of a sovereign nation you are a terrorist, doesn't matter who's arming and financing you. Oh, those rebels got a mission to overthrow Al Assad's regime, since the Zionist regime is not pleased by its existence, so they are moderate and legitimate "terrorists"? 
Russia's intervention crossed a line between reality and fiction, now the zionist empire is more prone to an Al Assad regime political transition.

They can't push the war of Russia further than sanctions, destabilizing, manipulation of neighbors states, and negative propaganda; a cold war. Even, same as in the "cold war" and the Soviet/Afghanistan war, now in a limited sense of the term "war" Russia is lured to fight America's creation in the middle east, testing new weapons and boosting arms sales wasn't predicted by thick stupid people, still the main trophy is Al Assad won't be toppled or killed sams as Gaddafi or Saddam.

Unbelievable how strong their propaganda is, making ISIS looks like a threat to the world, its like they can create any scenario, convince humanity to whatever they want and keep up an innocent face in international politics, the only grave consequence of the existence of ISIS beside civilian casualties, which is really sad, is the vague of massive immigration and refugees into Europe, which is simply another zionist card used to grant safety to Jews, at the depend on instigating a quasi-civil war between the locals and Muslim refugees. 
The big scheme is like civilians are dying in the middle east to grant Jews safety in Europe and worldwide.

Al Yazidi girls and sex slaves stories from ISIS-controlled areas is the way of the Beast to deflect the attention about American rotten morals and the issue of slaves descendants deflowering white girls as an American tradition in addition to the ritual of BJ and cuckolding ...

At the same time, Patrushev noted that the current surge of anti-Russian propaganda in the West was not contributing to the international community’s common effort in fighting terrorism. Russia to team up with Asian allies in fight with Islamic State – security chief

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