Friday, June 30, 2017

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 2

Formation of the Evil-Zionist pole: Corruption of the Planet
This overall demographic structure at the root of the Zionist regime and imperialist movement is so diversified, which makes it hard to get rid of, it’s not limited to Israel, it’s a whole state of mind of people indoctrinated into serving Zionist interests and hosting evil unholy seeds, as I presented it "Zionism is the doctrine of the historically oppressed people" and Israel is just an extension of the niche that immigrants built in America.

“The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus, it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”         
                       ― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

We have seen what the Jews have done to Soviet Russia. We have made the acquaintance of the Jewish Paradise on earth. Millions of German soldiers have been able to see this country where the international Jews have destroyed people and property. The President of the U.S.A. ought finally to understand – I say this only because of his limited intellect – that we know that the aim of this struggle is to destroy one State after another.
                                                                                                    --Hitler Declaration of War

Either its Jews, Africans or Native Americans will unite under the denomination umbrella of Zionism, with the common point of hatred toward the racial group who oppressed them and dominated them as a race, Europeans, the result is the rise of Zionism as an Evil spirit of revenge, their ultimate target Europeans, started by American population being dumbed down and put in a state of hibernation, then it's Europe in progress, it works so good that whites start hating on themselves, and Zionism thrives and prospers into a lifestyle and get indoctrinated into people’s mind body and soul, and often the subject corpse is doomed as corrupted hosting evil spirit.

Formation of poles in the world, from axis and allies to Zionists and humanity.
America, the Zionist empire manipulation of the international community to form a Zionist pole, all the means are used from sanctions to military interventions passing by destabilization and coups d’état, and different forms of pressure, the world is lured to the Evil Zionist pole through blackmailing manipulation, deceits and lies…and American lifestyle.
Zionism will unite different racial groups incarnation of archaic hominids against modern humans, it’s called the "TakeOver"
Jews have the scare of the Holocaust and slavery as well. While the average American is not typically Jewish, the Zionist mentality being implemented in the masses mind slowly but surely, transforming them into some kind of Judeo-Christians, without being related to Judaism in any way, or to the Judeo-Christian branch of Christianity, and ultimately, knowing it or not, serving Evil Zionism interests.

Development of Judeo-Christianity
During World War II, "Judeo-Christian" was taken up by liberal intellectuals as an umbrella term to designate the religious dimension of the Allied cause. But as a shibboleth, the term fully came into its own in the early years of the Cold War, when it was employed by pastors, politicians, and pundits to mobilize the spiritual forces of America against the "godless Communist" foe.
Christianity has many lacunas, and it derailed from its path by mutating into some kind of Judeo-Christianism, Islam will be greatly corrupted, and somehow it ends up serving Zionism interests as well.
Promoting the concept of United States as a Judeo-Christian nation first became a political program in the 1940s, in response to the growth of anti-Semitism in America. The rise of Nazi anti-Semitism in the 1930s led concerned Protestants, Catholics, and Jews to take steps to increase understanding and tolerance.
Exodus nation
The United States of America is the only country in history to have defined itself as Judeo-Christian. While the Western world has consisted of many Christian countries and consists today of many secular countries, only America has called itself Judeo-Christian. America has differed from Christian countries in Europe in at least two important ways. One is that the Christians who founded America saw themselves as heirs to the Hebrew Bible, as much as to theirs. And even more importantly, they strongly identified with the Jews. For example, Thomas Jefferson wanted the design of the seal of the United States to depict the Jews leaving Egypt. Just as the Hebrews left Egypt and its values, Americans left Europe and its values.
The first use of the term "Judeo-Christian ethic" was apparently by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in his 1888 book The Antichrist: Curse on Christianity. The early uses of the term "Judeo-Christian ethic" referred to the Jewish roots and identity of the early Christian church, but it wasn't used to speak of a common set of morals until much later.

The rise of Zionism: Zionism Prevails in the World.
The overall idea of what's going on in the world is far beyond regional, isolated incidents, or even historically independent events. Since post WWII, a line has being drawn, and beyond geographical boundaries, nations and religions in the traditional sense of the term, a distinction has being made between Jews, their allies and Humanity, Hitler rise to the power, his aspiration and actions will create a monster thirsty for revenge, and obsessed about existence and self-preservation. This monster is simply Jews, everything happening in the world is rooted from Jews obsession about self-preservation as a race, the bitterness and desire for revenge, along with a deep wicked sense of manipulating and plotting in long-term and global perspective.
The equation is simple, three major religions dispute the souls of the planet, Islam, Christianity and Jewism, we ignore all none Abrahamic religions because they exist as a marginal and pagan belief. Christians dominate and exterminate Jews as a race, Muslim nation collapsed or are greatly and easily corrupted. Nazi Germany scare still hunting every Jew in the planet. So, what will the wicked evil race approach for self-preservation and safety of their kind, will they openly confront Christians for their survival? nope, they are not stupid, post-WWII Christian nations were mostly prospering, advanced and keeping their racial purity, showing the slightest feeling of hostility toward them will be collective suicide, here, the approach of Cultural Marxism will be put in action, even from a German city, Frankfurt.

Judaism, finally they got their crusades, it’s called diversity
Judaism which is the third Abraham religion, at the opposite of Islam and Christianity, which both spread their faith through crusades and conquest, 'Judaism' at the opposite was expelled and Jews were oppressed as a race, America will be their chance for their 'Conquest',  it won’t be a crusade or conquest at the traditional sense of the term, but it will be brainwashing the masses into controlling them and making them adhere to their principles without shedding a single drop of blood, they used the deception, Israel's Mossad has a motto: It is "By Deception Thou Shalt Wage War."

Here we can make distinction between, 2 sides, Jewish as an incarnation of the Neanderthals, Negros as an incarnation of the Homo Erectus from one side and white population as an incarnation of the Homo S. Sapiens, the latter is a more evolved hominid of the 2 preceding, it is said that the creator won't infuse its spirit and divinity into humankind until they reach an optimal evolutionary stage, that of the Homo S. Sapiens, it’s when humanity was enlightened by the divine soul, which explains the revolution industrial and all the progress humanity made until Zionism takes over and prevails in the world, because Evil rise up in the new continent, on the other side other hominids (incarnated by Jews, Negros, native Americans) will be deprived of that divine enlightenment and coexist in the planet with modern humans as an another side, things will get mixed up through diversity, they will pull humanity down into darkness through all the destruction of values, decency and the perversion submerging humanity today, the perfect example is America, Europe in progress, only Russia succeeded in saving its racial purity, morality and values.

This leads us to the conclusion that it’s not a war for faith, color, nationality, political or financial gains, in fact, it's a war between Men and Zionism.

Some may argue, that you can't keep the conflicts between the 2 sides from an anthropological perspective. That’s rights, anthropology defined the 2 sides between good and evil centuries ago, the corruption of the soul is not an exact science, cross breeding, Zionism indoctrination, and Evil mind-control being happening in the new world at an extensive level.
 It’s just a way to represent the root of what humanity has come to, mostly the discovery of the new world, enslavement of Africans, genocide of Native Americans and the so-called Holocaust, now those 3 groups will unite under the Zionist doctrine and go on in a rampage worldwide, white Americans lost their identity long time ago, and they are being indoctrinated and manipulated to serve Zionist agenda, without even realizing it. because they are raised with a perverted definition of what's right and what's wrong thanks to the Zionism owned media.
The way to conquer whites is through racial dilution and mental destruction, it will work to perfection, America is proof, they are indoctrinated into serving Zionism beyond brainwashing, it’s scary how the whole nation thinks the same way. Now, that every sentiment of nationalism being replaced by a devotion to Zion, an enemy must be created to keep goyim busy fighting, and in constant fear, paranoia and even create a total global hysteria about the Islamic religion, which will be safety card for the Jewish one. That's what happened, post 911 attacks, America going on crusade in the middle east, the creation of ISIS, and the recent vague of mass immigration into Europe, all is a global long-term scheme by Jews for their own self-preservation as a kind to prevent any awakening of Christians against them as a race, since they are busy fighting "terrorists".

The global scheme to save the “chosen ones”
It’s hard to change people traditional way of thinking, often derived from how they been indoctrinated to blindfolded go with the flow of what was implemented in their mind about Right and Wrong often dictated by America as the world’s judge, executioner and party. It’s so hard to change people way of thinking, and few are those who see things as they are not as they are presented by America and the West, and the overall Jews control of the world through Zionist biased media.
This is some kind of modern time Exodus, except that it’s not Jews masses that are rounded, those people are coming from extreme conditions, and their soul is more prone to corruption, certainly they will serve Zionism agenda of instigating and boosting the feeling of hatred toward Muslims in Europe, without even knowing it and by their spontaneous lean toward materialist’s aspects of life. Man, Zionism succeeding another global card in the planet, and few are realizing what's really going on. Will a modern day, new and improved Hitler rise up? Norway to stop sending refugees back to Arctic Russia on bikes.
There is no way to free America from Zionism, it’s been implemented in people’s mind, Americans are brainwashed in a way to think like a Zionist politician and tend to advocate and support their government, their allies and Israeli army crimes against innocents by the name of the war on terror. When they destroyed a large part of the Middle East except for Iran, which they couldn't provocate beyond sanctions, info and media wars, same as with Russia, now they start fabricating enemies just to keep busy in the area. Zionism is deeply instated in all the levels of political institutions, military and decisional organs that it is impossible to eradicate without causing a dramatic malfunction of the American Union, the largest Jews concentration out of Israel is in America and they occupy key posts in the government, that's why people talk about the ZOG, not even talking about the process of dumbing down the masses' which make their minds indoctrinated as Zionist doesn't matter their religious beliefs and that includes Muslims.

Zionism must be destroyed
Zionism buys people soul and is based on the worship of the materialist aspect of life. That's said, it’s impossible to eradicate Zionism from America, it is a bedrock of the Union, America is that whore mother who gave birth to that unwanted baby that is called Israel, in the historical perspective we may talk about the UK, but its role is limited compared to the States, we may talk about an adoption process, it’s an ugly spoiled baby that People hate but don't bother by fear of his nasty whore mother. Brief, Zionism is the essence of the American union and the only way to eradicate this modern times from of tyranny is to Dissolve the Union, massive secession movements may help people free their mind and purify their souls, still, it’s just a step towards the right direction.

“Thus it was not England who brought culture to the Continent, but the offspring of Teutonic nationhood on the Continent who went as Anglo-Saxons and Normans to that Island made possible a development in a way surely unique. In just the same way, it was not America who discovered Europe, but the other way around. And everything that America has not drawn from Europe may well appear worthy of admiration to a juda-ised, mixed race. Europe, on the other hand, sees in it a sign of cultural decay.”
                                                                                                    -- Hitler declaration of war.

Miscegenation: an abomination of Humanity
This is even worst when the two kinds of human beings with a huge evolutionary gap are forced to co-exist, such as African immigrants to Europe or African Americans, it’s an abomination, God won’t infuse its soul in any hominid until it reaches the stage of modern humans, with an optimal development of the brain differencing us of animals, the action of mixing genes, between modern humans and Africans for example is against the divine law of nature, some kind of bestiality and an abomination, it’s like God’s soul being infused where it should not be, the result is a hybrid creature or the beast incarnation, taking on human appearance and abilities.
The Homo Erectus never reached that level which explains the African race situation and animal-like nature. It’s like humanity being invaded by beasts.

From the revolution Industrial to American interracial sex revolution, Humanity’s doom

You must understand that the Beast is an umbrella denomination for the rise of Evil in the world, it’s like a spirit with a hierarchical structure from the homeless harmless looking person to the elites, decision makers at the White House, E.U and NATO, the common point, they both host the evil spirit, that, bien entendue, its first rule is to never be uncovered.
The discovery of the new world is a major event, that, along with the transatlantic slaves trade, and the genocide of Native Americans will make ground for a dramatic change in the demographic composition of the planet, extensive cross breeding first, forced through the rape of native population and Africans, then after the 70's Revolution and the making of interracial sex as a bedrock of the American society, granting the stability of the union.
The facade of what happened post the 70' revolution, which may be called the American Revolution or the birth if a nation (to not confound with the movie, which present it from an all different angle) that was an interracial, homo sex and weed revolution, pushed by Jews, since the post-WWII mass immigration of the Neanderthal leftover improved by modern human genes race(Jews) into America, will create the conditions for the rise of the Judeo-Christian empire, which is a perversion of Christianity or Christians indoctrinated into serving Zionist interests.

Zionism is like a plague that must be eradicated from the roots.
Hitler when he declared war on America based his decision on the rotten nature of the demographic composition, and the presence of colored as a sign if moral decay, that was around 1940's and at that time there was order compared to now, even there was segregation and wasn't the sexual revolution of homo and international sex yet. If Hitler was alive and saw the degree of perversion and moral decay reached, he won't hesitate to nuke it into radioactive dust.
People are corrupted and have nothing of human, they are hosting the beast spirit, while writing those lines at shelter after midnight, the lights are off, it’s quiet, Negros out of the quietness of the night sounding like a monster responding to my thoughts, and nobody complains or find it weird, they all the same corrupted soul that have nothing of human.
Evil rise on the planet during the last decades makes the necessity of a whole new definition of the War in term of legitimate targets, it’s not war between government for territory, political, or natural resources, it’s a battle between good and evil, and actions of governments nowadays are extension serving either good or evil, spirit.

History of the world and rise and fall of nations teach us that unions or nations are about some solid historical, racial, ancestral or religious bonds, defining some kind of nationalism, America is united between slaves and masters, cowboys and Indians, along with the vague of all kinds of immigrants selling their soul to the Devil. In modern history, as an extension to WWII aftermath, we notice the passage from the concept of nations and Empires to blocs and poles. To ultimately making the distinction between Zionism and its allies and humanity or simply between good and evil.
Modern Humans prevail in humanitarian ways, while the evil Zionism destroy the planet for its had the evil core of less evolved hominids who instead of making a connection with the creator, are hosting the beast spirit.
” If we lived a period of civilization, some questions should be open and closed only on the battlefield, without pulling them over long on useless theatrical celebrations, whose end is already decided at the start but this, precisely, is a time in which Men are a minority.”
                                                                                                                         --Costantino Ceoldo -
  •  Here Russia may be the ultimate hope for humanity in this great battle between good and Evil.

Injustice in the Planet: Deviation from divine teaching.
Right or wrong, as simple as that sound Today politics and people conviction will be derived from those divine stratifications made up by the creator since the debut of life on earth. God ordered us to do what is right and to avoid any wrong sin, as a rule of life, all religions share the same principle of right doing and avoid everything that is wrong. Today people talk about the Right and left in political parties, it is an extension of the simple 2 sides predisposed by the creator to make a sense to life on earth. As simple as it sounds, right and left wings are an extension of Gods wisdom in creating life on earth and testing out right or wrong doing, while left wings are morally corrupted by promoting all kinds of immorality from homosexuality to tolerating all kinds of sins, the Right wings are the opposite in promoting decent values.

It’s ironic how the human side of the planet doesn't realize yet what going on in the global scheme, America is known as the Zionist empire since every institution from the white house to the local post office is Zionist and Jews agents infested. If you sum up the events since 911, used as a pretext to go on a crusade to the middle east of destruction chaos and genocide, there was the destruction of the middle east from Iraq to Syria passing by Libya and Egypt, the Yemen as well, then ISIS stands of the debris to claim responsibility and whitewash Zionist war crimes either the American or the Israeli ones, by their gore execution and savageness' which is far from being spontaneous, the Zionist beast corrupt everybody. Now we assist at the result of the post 911 crusade of destruction, the vague of refugees into Europe is just a way into instigate and deepens the hatred between the locals and the refugees, the all aroused by occasional terrorist attacks, so instead of registering Jews, we register Muslims, same as Trump trying to do in America, the whole world is an arena where Jews make everybody fight each other while they watch, the trick they played since forever. After all, mischief is the greater trick Satan ever pulled.
All the wars fought in modern history none of them happened on American territory or caused American civilian casualties. The 911 attacks were considered as an act of war by thick stupid people while it wasn't, since it's not the act of a foreign country, but isolated incident, commonly called terrorism, which is the reprisals on American intervention in sovereign nation’s affairs, and the oppressing existence of Israel,  it’s an ideology that rises in contrast to the expansion of  Zionism as a tyrannical regime, it will be used in both ways, to serve Zionists interests by justifying their actions and to kill innocent civilians in Europe, North Africa and Russia, while often it's missing its ultimate goal that is the Zionist states, America and Israel. You can't beat state of war with an ideology, the only way for the ideology to cease to exist, is the eradication of the elements or circumstances that created it which is the existence of the state of Israel, and the American Zionist empire.

Dissolving the Union: A way into redemption
There will be always terrorist threats word wide as long as Israel exists and the Zionist regime still creating chaos in the world. Israel invading Muslim’s holy land oppressing their people and committing a genocide and war crimes, that makes every person related in any way to the Zionist regimes an eligible and righteous target.
All terrorists are Zionism indoctrinated and commit their act in Europe to fire up the local population against Muslims, as Jews safety card. 

Without forgetting that most of wars and conflicts in the world are instigated by the Zionist regime without even being parts of it, Ukraine, Syria recently as well as all the conflicts, that makes the necessity of holding accountable thick stupid people for all the war crimes they committed directly or indirectly.
You must understand that there is no way into redemption or global peace other than dissolving the union, still, it’s a moderate very compromising solution.
You are united with people on whom you committed the largest genocide in the History of humanity, and people who enslaved their ancestors for about 400 years, along with the largest concentration of Jews out of Israel, you are hosting a corrupted spirit that being unleashed for revenge of "oppressed history".

You went unpunished on a rampage worldwide, when Russia stood at the way, and you no longer playing the world cop, you felt the heat of the change in the international scene. Desormais, it’s a bipolar world and you no longer have the monopoly of actions on the international arena, you felt embarrassed in Syria by Russian and Iranian actions, and now all your recent actions are indecisive, volatile proving a great confusion.

Off the subject:
“Calling Putin an autocrat is naive and stupid, Zionism thrives on division and chaos, hates stability which is a threat to its own existence, incarnated in the Zionist empire. Satan's allies will pop up worldwide in average people, Satan is amongst us, making it imperative to exert an iron grip, punish bad element in the appropriate way to grant stability to Russia and safety to Russian people”.

Cleansing the Demographic composition of the States, get rid of 2 plagues: Negros and Jews
==> Jews:  as the Zionist agents implemented everywhere, controlling your gvrt, your breath and every aspect of your life for their world domination agenda and as a revenge for their subordinate history. They are using Negros corpses as well, for their potency in the process of destroying the morals, diluting the race, and the demographic weight of the hybrid creatures made through advocating almost forcing miscegenation. The only way to get rid of Jews control is to dissolve the Union, like in the secession movement, people wanted to secede ..." to purify their Soul"

=>Negros evil spirit: Smiling and entertaining your dumb ass is the pure Evil brought from the darkness of Africa, made a deal with Slaves: "freedom for eternal servitude", Africans being a bedrock in the American demographic infrastructure will cause that the whole nation ‘Sold their soul for Devil for unlimited Power’

And now the Best has risen and it's ruling the world and destroying civilizations for been locked in Africa since forever, since the African race never made any divine connection same as modern human through the Abrahamic religions, instead, Africans are known for connecting to animal’s spirit via Voodoo and all kinds of weird beliefs.

GET the real meaning of freedom and Democracy: It's Unleashing the Evil spirit from Africa...the solution to get rid of the evil spirit is a Reservation for Negros like it is for Natives... or a voyage back to the motherland Liberia is an option.

Freedom: Free American people from Zionism control.
Democracy: Nullify positive discrimination and all “racist” policies.

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