Thursday, May 10, 2018

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 5)

Part 3 and 4 presented the anthropological roots of today's world demographic composition, despite the overall tendency to assume that little effects it has on human beings behavior and most importantly international affairs, moreover, extensive multi-generational cross breeding along with disparity in life styles between continents and nations makes it hard to focus on the real danger hidden behind peaceful appearance, for example behind the suits and ties of American and Israelis diplomats, often habile politicians, there is the soul of a barbaric savage monster, that been transmitted through generations to end up on the throne of tyranny, at the opposite, you may find more humanity in a modest person overseas surviving extreme conditions.
 It is crucial to understand the dangerous and evil nature of the form of life existing in the states:

"Full to partial manifestations of the Beast, resulting in different incidents taking place, are mentioned several times in the Holy Bible. In the very first part of the Book of Genesis, for example, the Beast ends up seducing some of God’s angels into engaging in sexual activity with Earth females, the ‘daughters of man’, who then give birth to a race of Giants that become evil, wicked tyrants over the course of time."

Miscegenation is an abomination, necessarily practiced on a larger scale, it creates a specie of tyrants that think they are better than other human beings and their lives is more valuable, more dangerous, they think they are doing divine duty in the world, and therefore nonpunishable. 

Parts 3 and 4 presented the roots of the essence of the American empire: Negros, Jews, native Americans, and an Asian adds up. of course, we are talking about the Zionist empire in recent decades, and how those groups control the masses, and white Europeans either got diluted, indoctrinated to serve Zionism interest, or are a passive existence in the union, following the lead imposed on them.
This part will present an apercu on the consequence of such Take Over by those archaic hominins in modern looks on dumbing down the masses, the mind control, and self-hate along with an overall state of mental decay characterizing the American society and population. 

Overall insight:
It seems that forces of darkness are more powerful than ever and concretize the Take Over I've been talking about, its a slow and sure process, playing on humans very humanity and empathy, its like the 60's civil rights movement on steroids, and it's taking a global perspective now, organizations like BLM, Antifa, NAACP, are few example of the slow process going on, globally we can talk about Soros and the global scheme of diluting Europe population along with European leaders such as Angela Merkel's suicidal tendencies of policies relatives of refugees and persons displaced by war caused by Zionists efforts into making Europe another America.

This is the Take-Over, when humans are no longer in charge and prevailing, instead, the Zionist beast (Homo Erectus and Neanderthal in modern appearances) takes over and leads humanity into darkness.

The Zionist Empire: Defying the order of nature and History:
...Just see how fast the events unfolded since the 70′s, America surfaces as a superpower, racial tensions disappear like by magic, the stupid masses are hooked on weed, interracial and homo sex... Drugs and sex: Devil old tricks to take over the soul, it alters the human reasoning and makes the person vulnerable to temptation and it worked really well, minorities and Negros went from segregation to today's domination, white collapsing like a snowball, and its getting worst and in faster pace over time, Mestizo telling Gringo to go back to Europe, Negros erring like wild animal out of control, acting like if they are above the law. Negros' spirit, coming from the darkness of Africa, they practice Voodoo, connecting to animals spirit, has been unleashed into the masses soul since the 70′s, and its the incarnation of Evil in more presentable appearances, boosted by Zionism policies for a better infiltration.