Thursday, May 10, 2018

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 5)

Part 3 and 4 presented the anthropological roots of today's world demographic composition, despite the overall tendency to assume that little effects it has on human beings behavior and most importantly international affairs, moreover, extensive multi-generational cross breeding along with disparity in life styles between continents and nations makes it hard to focus on the real danger hidden behind peaceful appearance, for example behind the suits and ties of American and Israelis diplomats, often habile politicians, there is the soul of a barbaric savage monster, that been transmitted through generations to end up on the throne of tyranny, at the opposite, you may find more humanity in a modest person overseas surviving extreme conditions.
 It is crucial to understand the dangerous and evil nature of the form of life existing in the states:

"Full to partial manifestations of the Beast, resulting in different incidents taking place, are mentioned several times in the Holy Bible. In the very first part of the Book of Genesis, for example, the Beast ends up seducing some of God’s angels into engaging in sexual activity with Earth females, the ‘daughters of man’, who then give birth to a race of Giants that become evil, wicked tyrants over the course of time."

Miscegenation is an abomination, necessarily practiced on a larger scale, it creates a specie of tyrants that think they are better than other human beings and their lives is more valuable, more dangerous, they think they are doing divine duty in the world, and therefore nonpunishable. 

Parts 3 and 4 presented the roots of the essence of the American empire: Negros, Jews, native Americans, and an Asian adds up. of course, we are talking about the Zionist empire in recent decades, and how those groups control the masses, and white Europeans either got diluted, indoctrinated to serve Zionism interest, or are a passive existence in the union, following the lead imposed on them.
This part will present an apercu on the consequence of such Take Over by those archaic hominins in modern looks on dumbing down the masses, the mind control, and self-hate along with an overall state of mental decay characterizing the American society and population. 

Overall insight:
It seems that forces of darkness are more powerful than ever and concretize the Take Over I've been talking about, its a slow and sure process, playing on humans very humanity and empathy, its like the 60's civil rights movement on steroids, and it's taking a global perspective now, organizations like BLM, Antifa, NAACP, are few example of the slow process going on, globally we can talk about Soros and the global scheme of diluting Europe population along with European leaders such as Angela Merkel's suicidal tendencies of policies relatives of refugees and persons displaced by war caused by Zionists efforts into making Europe another America.

This is the Take-Over, when humans are no longer in charge and prevailing, instead, the Zionist beast (Homo Erectus and Neanderthal in modern appearances) takes over and leads humanity into darkness.

The Zionist Empire: Defying the order of nature and History:
...Just see how fast the events unfolded since the 70′s, America surfaces as a superpower, racial tensions disappear like by magic, the stupid masses are hooked on weed, interracial and homo sex... Drugs and sex: Devil old tricks to take over the soul, it alters the human reasoning and makes the person vulnerable to temptation and it worked really well, minorities and Negros went from segregation to today's domination, white collapsing like a snowball, and its getting worst and in faster pace over time, Mestizo telling Gringo to go back to Europe, Negros erring like wild animal out of control, acting like if they are above the law. Negros' spirit, coming from the darkness of Africa, they practice Voodoo, connecting to animals spirit, has been unleashed into the masses soul since the 70′s, and its the incarnation of Evil in more presentable appearances, boosted by Zionism policies for a better infiltration.

Zionism succeeded, Trump failed.
Part 2, was about Trump election and how it may be the hope for the forgotten America to finally have a voice and representation, since the Zionist occupied government (ZOG) is in a mission to totally dilute and destroy the core of the United States spirit, causing the rise of an overall colored nation in white appearances, this is the demographic base Trump built his campaign on, since colored are presumed to tend to be Democrats. 
In prior posts (Why Trump was elected Part1, 2 and 3), since his election defied all poles and predictions, I present the real reason of electing Trump, seemingly the tournure the election took wasn't expected and the election outcome may be simply defined as of ambiguous nature. 
Beyond the appearances and the 2 political sides of the Union, the Beast (that is neither Democrat or Republican) felt the danger of an imminent extinction if another president is elected, since Russia is on standby and any provocation will make 'Neanderthal and Homo-Erectus Central' aka the U.S, gone extinct just the same as Dinosaurs.

Brief, Trump was elected with his electorate having hope in him to save them, has he delivered? that's a vague question since people are more afraid of Russians than of Mexicans.

Desperate white America. 
Zionism is controlling the government, the media, the institutions, and every aspect of life in the 'Homo-Erectus and Neanderthals Central' land, the way the masses think is defined through the mainstream media, which is called direct brainwashing it's going on and it works, altering the way people think and perceive events can be feasible through the intensive broadcast of contents that are all pouring in the same direction as it was planned long ago by Jewish thinkers in Europe, commonly called cultural Marxism, but to simplify we may call it simply dumbing down the masses and perverting their life style.

Since, as presented in Part 4, the overall battle is between Evil bloodline and Humanity, people hosting the corrupted soul are naturally predisposed to serve Evil agenda and are born with those animals instincts, some people lacking the evil bloodline must be getting under control somehow, that's where direct brainwashing and mind control are used,

Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques. Brainwashing is said to reduce its subject’s ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into the subject’s mind, as well as to change his or her attitudes, values, and beliefs.

                                                                                                                                 ---From Wikipedia

Total control of the Masses
...The process was long and complex, it worked, the masses are getting worse over time, the judiciary system is a joke, loopholes in the constitution are used in all possible and impossible ways, from granting citizenship to anchor babies, free shit to illegals including the right to vote, to second amendment target of a massive tentative to override, Negros are getting an easier life on welfare than people who work next to minimum wages, and it seems that they are above the law.

You may argue that Negros/colored spirit and Zionism are 2 different entities, think again, it seems that way because you are not supposed to know, this is Evil business. “the biggest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”, as in part 4, this evil bloodline, hosting the soul of a primitive form of life, is not your typical humankind. Evil spirit along with the natural tendency to use telepathy are creating a strong bonding, their actions world wide are synchronized, those people have natural tendency to fight and plot against the modern form of life, since they are born, they are programmed to hate the divine blood line, without forcibly expressing it, like an animal is born with its basic instincts to hunt and kill, it may be tamed, through the appropriate means, by responding to its basic needs of food, shelter, and mating, the result is the savage nature is temporarily smoothed but will resurface at first occasion, or provocation, that's the situation of that blood line, and explains violent crimes in ghetto areas and freshly arrived immigrants, because the taming process wasn't accomplished yet, the ones that are tamed, will take the side of their blood line and turn violent at first chance as we see in protests like BLM or Antifa, you find all backgrounds, from Jews to Asian passing by whites indoctrinated and somehow end up hosting Evil soul, they just care for each other, either its black, Jews, Mexicans, Asian, Muslims or Indians... 
The overall scenario going on in the world, beyond political parties, religions, and nations is: 
This Archaic form of life vs. Modern Humans, we can easily illustrate it by recent events and what's called recently Antifa vs Right wings group, or simply put: Right vs Left or Wrong.

…Yeah, there are some tricks beyond normal humans perception.

The Take Over: Evil Prevails in America

...Well, it's an extreme scenario, but think beyond the primate body, think of the animal spirit, which is already present in America, and cross breed that happened in an excessive level since the 70's, some talk about Satan ovulating and fertilizing through the cross breed, ever wondered why blacks want to cross breed in an obsessional way, why he wants to spread his seeds left and right, in every possible and impossible occasion, among all races, it's Satan army rising, the new specie, the mutants. Some talk recently about a Parasite invasion and the take over by minority, this is the realizable scenario of the planet of the apes, it's very feasible scenario, some who felt the danger already elaborated theories to fight back, the Ethnic Cleansing as an extreme measure and a Reservation for Negroes as a moderate solution, without going extreme to all the atrocities that happened through history, a peaceful way may be found to put people back where they belong.
Off course events like this don't happen overnight, it's a long-term process, history shifts take decades to centuries, check out the history of the world, America is in transition time, just observe the recent events, either you collapse or you revolt. Something must happen to shake the stagnation of your nation, a stagnation similar to standing on quicksand.

How to break free from Evil Enslavement 
The supposition Americans have of the military going overseas to fight for their freedom is Wrong, and CNN telling them troops are fighting overseas people who tried to steal their freedom is a lie, may be called "fake news", the oldest on date.
                                                                                                            -- Franco TeMere

certain disparity in people predisposition to be corrupted and how deep it goes, since its easy to manipulate and give the wrong impression, after all, that's Devil best trick, to lie, deceive, gain trust and manipulate. For example a different state of mind reigning in Minnesota, in colored infested areas you end up dealing with totally evil corrupted souls, you may notice that the corpse in a dimension and the soul hosted from another totally different distant dimension, for example a white person hosting a Negro or a Jew soul, same as we see in movement like BLM... people are like zombies going crazy in hating on themselves, maybe they practiced oral sex on a negro in middle school, so their soul got corrupted forever, but this is just an off subject supposition, which proves the assumption about Evil taking control.

How to fight Evil control? I guess you have to go to the roots, since it got stronger, it infiltrates, misrepresent and manipulate, my speculations are that you being attacked from 2 levels, Negros/Colored destroying family values and dumbing you down with their so influential lifestyle and hip-hop garbage boosted by the demographic weight, and its working just fine, and Zionism from the decisional levels, pulling the strings, manipulating the media, and making laws helping Negros/Colored in their demarches, its hard to trace a line between the 2 entities. This is the meaning of dead or dying fish in floating petroleum, being attacked from 2 dimensions, and drowning between the colored demographic weight, and policies and laws making them even more powerful.

In the grip of Evil-Zionism: Impossible to break free
America surfaced as the Evil Empire resulting of the Union between Black and White post the 70′s, the only way to defeat Evil is to attack its points of strength, the Union.

To beat this Evil Take Over and take control of the nation, people's souls and that of their distant descendants, it will take a lot of sacrifices. People were signing petitions for secession and they were advancing the argument of: “to purify their souls”. 

A reservation for Negros was proposed around 1982 by a congressman in Virginia, it was a lot easier back then, now its mission impossible, you cant even mess with a Negro without getting Zio laws to mess up your life, let alone to put them in a Reservation, but, -Where there’s a will, there’s a way – the thing is that, people are underestimating the gravity of the situation and whenever racial tensions are surfacing the news because of some incident, that being boosted out of proportions, to make a hate crime out of it even if its not the case, and the victim card tracing its roots all the way back to plantations is on display to grant them more and more rights, the media start invoking modern days MLK: Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, its like, along with BLM nonsense (Negros criminals are above the law) the recent times tendency is to take Civil Right Abuse Civil Rights Abuse Part 2 movement to another level...

By watching the news and the success of movement like BLM, it seems they are succeeding.

Browsing the internet, to have an apercu on the state of mind of the U.S population, it seems that there is some divergence in the points of view and the way the facts, theories, and suppositions are framed, I present spontaneous reflections and modest try to join the dots, using basic English, and I dont go deep in the analysis and search for historical facts, since you can expose Evil either by linking different actions through history and geography, or by interacting with people, observing facts, and taking conclusions.

My points of view seem to be different from the tendency of the opinions expressed, that is true in the sense that I target all the racial groups present on the American territory, the process of purifying the soul doesn't discriminate, In my outspokenness I don't mean to offend anybody as an individual or a person, I mostly address the masses with no discrimination other than that of the U.S Census Bureau dividing you into colors or historically based racial stratifications, my posts are some kind of harsh constructive criticism, that ignorance may perceive as racism or hate speech.

Read full Point of view

From "Fish out of the water" to dead fishes in petroleum spill: the Take Over.

This dead fishes in floating petroleum posts started based on the scenario of Negro inability to integrate and assimilate in white societies, due simply to an evolutionary deficit, making their nature incompatible with the local's, as a fish out of the water struggles, the result is crimes, lowering of locals standards and the development of ghetto areas. 

In floating petroleum: Dead fishes, the scenario was reversed as the host milieu are the fishes and petroleum spill is the immigration or the Take Over by Negros and other colored, in the case of white America as the host milieu, they are like fishes that are about to perish, fighting and struggling for air and their survival, since its submerged in spilling petroleum which is simply the demographic weight of Negros and colored, getting even heavier by Zionist policies and it is doomed to perish, suffocated in this petroleum spills that is simply diversity.
Desormes, this is the reality of white America, at least those who don’t let go their dignity and go with the flow by embracing typical American lifestyle and mentality, the others are like dying fishes in floating petroleum, perishing slowly and surely.

Fighting back, in vain, by trying to get informed about the issues that forged their past, affecting their present and endangering their future, yeah they opened their eyes about Zionism and how it's affecting their lives, decaying their structure and rotting their mind which makes them a caricature of humanity in the 21st century. 
So, as a fish suffocating in petroleum, its confused about what's going on and why the clear water is replaced by this dark thick substance that is killing them slowly unless they adapt to survive in such conditions and mutate into another creature. In a desperate fight for survival, they are like flip-flopping around everything that they think it’s the cause of their desperate situation, but as a whole, in their extreme condition they end up developing a mental condition of hysterical susceptibility.

...Which makes them in their struggle for survival losing all rational thinking and totally paranoid, getting brainwashed from another angle, that of fear of the uncertain maybe none existent enemy while the cause of their situation is their Zionism serving politicians smiling to their faces, acting like serving their interest, while they serve Zionist Evil agenda of world domination.

... while they disassociate themselves from the masses brainwashed by ZOG, they find themselves in another dimension of mental extremism, paranoia, illusion and total confusion same as a fish suffocating in petroleum, flip-flopping for its survival.

Aspiring for European roots:
Getting paranoid, fear of anything and everything, religious fanaticism and white supremacism, are often the syndromes of such mental state, unable to see and target the real causes of their situation, fearing everything that is different, they seem to forget that the cause of everything is white Christian Americans who perverted their roots into some kind of Judeo-Christianity doctrine, composing the dumbed down masses indoctrinated into serving Zionism almost in a subordination situation to Jews and colored.

Talking about the white race and Christianity, they forgot that they are Christian Americans and that decent Caucasians and Christians worldwide won't appreciate being compared neither associated with Americans, due to the state of mind American masses are echoing, from dumbed down, a perverted life style to simply indoctrinated into serving Zionism interests and Israel before their own, and their fight is in the American continent, trying to link, to involve other Caucasians makes no sense other than expressing some desperate maneuver and some kind of desire to be uprooted from what was once their pride, as Americans, one of the best representation of Caucasians in the world, and now getting degenerate to the point of desperately claiming their European ancestry. Yes, there is some white supremacists, nationalist groups or just individuals with supremacist idea, but got nothing to do with Americans dumbed down as a fish suffocating in petroleum spillage, flip-flopping, fighting Jews, Negros, Mestizo, Muslim, and Asians...It seems like everybody hates them, and they are either flip-flopping for survival or joining the stupid masses cheering up how it is great to be American and raising the flag.

White America: the ZOG successful experiment
It seems that the states of mind of white America may serve as an example for whoever aiming to mass control a large population, those people are like sardines swimming in tar and somehow still surviving or mutated into gross stupid creature as in this post:

Most so called White "men" these days are nothing but little cry baby mama's boys. Just little currs, all bark and no bite. Most of them don't even bark, most of them would just lie there and play dead if a Black guy or Mexican hombre gave them a dirty look. Most White "men" would bend straight over and "take it like a man" if a Black guy or a Mexican told him to. Most White "men" are just Black worshipping little nerds and wimps. They watch negro vs. negro sports events all day long and listen to rap music with anti White lyrics. White "men" worship Black male sports stars and rap stars, they idolize them. 150 years ago White man had Black man on a leash, literally. Now Black man has White man on a leash leading him around. WHITE "men" are just the Black men's little bit*h boys. The roles have been reversed. White men are harmless, weak, wimpy, cowardly, impotent, Black worshipping, cry baby mommy's boys....

...Women......WHITE women...psh...just as big of a joke as the White "men". Your typical White woman is just a trampy, slutty, braindead, IQ of 60, Black worshipping little skank. You WHITE women know what BLACK men and MESTIZO men, and other men even your own WHITE "men" think of you???? They all just think you're a bunch of EASY, slutty, airheaded little bimbos. And you know what?? They're right!!! Your typical White woman would strip off her clothes and jump in bed with a gang banging negro if he just simply looked at her and snapped his big black fingers. All he's gotta say is "come ere' lil' White bitc#" and the girls just can't resist. They say ooo I'm so cool now I'm getting SCREWED by a Black guy woo hoo! Won't my Daddy be so proud of me!! WHITE women just want the approval of Black and Mestizo men just the same as the White "men" do. WHITE people are the most inferior race on the planet, they didn't use to be, but they certainly are now. They just want to be "down wit' da homies and esses" that's their life goal. Well that, and the complete eradication of all traditional White-European culture and way of living, and the complete eradication of all White countries which of course leads to the eradication of the White race and culture as we know it.

Negros negative influence:
Negros poison the society and the milieu where they exist, through their backwarded and savage, almost animals like lifestyle. Hearing "Slang Drugs" "Rob Dat Nigga" and” Fuck Bitches All night", will make the society sick in the head sooner or later. This kind of behavior is ingested in the mind of Americans through the so a la mode hip-hop culture promoted by a media advocating colored integration and an all homogeneous 'Black infested' society, as a result, the American mentality and culture is not only strongly influenced and manipulated by the presence of colored in all it's levels, the overall American culture is derived from the Negros/slavery mentality and the hip-hop culture, you can’t talk about American culture without invoking hip-hop and black culture, in fact, that’s the culture the US export to the world, that’s how America is represented worldwide. 
It's so a la mode because the primitive form of life is so entertaining, and its Satan's trick to manipulate and tempt humans' soul.

          Full post:   (Pardon my french)

A dumbed down self-hating masses: Emergence of hybrid fishes: Diversity.
Now this is a Video from YouTube, it presents the reaction of the stupid masses to the Negros issue, note the spontaneous reflection of white females to anti-Negros honest opinion, and that was no disrespect, just honest opinion, note how the bearded monkey will start his vulgar shit and its normal,  how its talking about earth, oppression and the look in its eyes, like an Evil spirit being animated, and it automatically repeat a prerecorded discourse, and how whites males and females attacking the "offender", like if its a matter of homeland security.

Introducing degeneration on Earth

Despite the fact that some of your females may present and express for different reasons, mostly related to forging some image in a white society, some opinions that tend to adhere to some line of thoughts associated with groups advocating the importance of conserving white heritage, or preconceived idea of the importance of racial identity and the survival of the white race, the all are superficial opinions and mostly facade built to respond to some exigences mostly social, I'm talking about the so called conservative females, the masses take pride in how many Negros they screwed, deep inside they are trash same as any female that exists on the American territory, except they have the obligation to present and conserve a certain image, those pulses are stored deep inside them, and that was going on since plantation time as a woman, and engraved deep in their consciousness and transmitted through generations in a society built on slavery reparation where the worst insult to anybody is to be called racist, Negroes touched a sensible nerve inside them, that is human nature, you can’t change that unless you have grown up in a totally different society, why you think Negros keep on raping and murdering them left and right and you find them always like zombies searching for more Negros to screw...

It is in your culture and History, I understand that for you as white men it’s a little unpleasant remark but that's the reality and the truth, you may look the other way, pretend it’s not happening and pick on others, for not being open-minded because they don’t practice bestiality.
I know how you express your deep-inside-hidden anger by aspiring to something that it is beyond your reach, simply because you cant change the reality of the country where you are born and live, and simply because interracial relationships are part of your culture, otherwise, its civil war, nobody will use Negros left over except the white American man, it developed into the hysterical practice of cuckolding in the American society 

Otherwise, you must understand that’s the reason you got fucked up in the first place, Negros infiltrated your race through your woman mouth and vagina, Interracial homo sex is not as frequent as interracial straight sex, in Europe, they make the remark that "in America every white woman got a black mate" which may be not 100% accurate, but at a certain level it presents the idea of the ritual of interracial sex in America, presenting a cultural trait and a bedrock for your union as a way into a homogeneous society...
If Negros wasn't doing your women they will explode in riots and maybe civil war, Negros don’t like Negras, they just use them to breed the Homo-Erectus race, and for welfare, your females are a bedrock in Keeping the Union stable without them Negros will revolt, that's why they are called the Union Keepers.

P.S. There is people who exist on the side, not addressed in this post and know well, that I can alter this post in a way to praise the efforts made by the very few to break free from the ZOG and distant themselves from the stupid masses, but I wont because we know that their survival means the extinction of the masses and the destruction of the ZOG domain of ruling.

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