Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 4/5

This series of posts: "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast" [above title], is an extensive presentation (planned to be relatively short posts, but it seems that otherwise happened)  of the Anthropological, Demographic, and Theological backgrounds of the actual state of the "International Affairs",  compared to the previous posts treating the subject of "International Affairs" this series of posts under the [above title] will be distinguished by the fact that it links or relates the formation of Poles, Alliances, or Unions to our distant ancestry, back to when Hominins were struggling for resources and territories, and as far as the International Relations go, as many as there are denominations of blocks or alliances, the whole planet may be presented as the struggle of two sides for the ownership of our souls, using two bloodlines to concretize [two sides] in the physical world, two bloodlines in reference to the previous posts and what is called the "serpent seed doctrine".

The Ukraine crisis is crucial because it is a portal between the two worlds or the two major poles, which necessitated this extensive background in the previous posts. international relations "are not borders, nationality, religions, or language deep" (derived from the "race is skin color deep", which is "totally wrong"), it goes all the way to our primal state and the eternal struggle between Good and Evil which was brewing since the development of the Human consciousness, to not say the happening of the bipedal motion, because, again, man-made time is obsolete by cosmic and Devine standards.
While the two cited parts invoked the history of international relations and the perpetual shift in the balance of power between many poles or blocs leading to the formation of major 2 poles or the bipolar world as we know it today, this series of posts will go back into the roots of the formation of life on Earth, beyond nationalism, international affairs, borders, and politics, the origin of life on earth respect a certain pattern or natural order, "first life-forms generated were very simple and through a gradual process became increasingly complex", the overall idea is that there is a natural path that allowed life to exist on earth and not on other planets, it is sacred and must not be transgressed for it is the essence of the balance that keeps life existing on earth and the Universe upholding its gravitational forces in perpetual equilibrium.
The previous parts in this series: "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast", based on an Anthropological background which was presented in the post: "Anthropological aspect", passing by a brief overview of the world demographics which are defined by the more or less inheritance of archaic genes to define the racial fabric of a given geographic location which is a condition for it [racial fabric] to thrives or declines, addressing an extended "Theological Aspect" from the contradiction between Science and Theology to the conclusion that:  Evil is unleashed into the world through miscegenation, passing by  the concept of evil or Satan and how it is conditioned by the prevalence of the animal instincts over the Human nature caused by more or less inheritance of archaic genes which is called "Serpent seed" in theology and an application  of this concept of Evil on the Global demographics shifts in the planet which are not as innocent as some dark forces want them to appear.
The overall conclusion is that: Genes and Anthropology predispose individuals, Nations, and groups of Nations to which side they will align with: Good or Evil. This is crucial for understanding the World Order and the formation of alliances, blocs, or poles.

It is to be noted
that the mention of "the Theological or Anthropological origins" at the root of the actual state of the world's politics and the formation of poles or alliances will be [mention] very little to none, it is demonstrated in the previous posts that the state of the "Actual International Affairs" --despite all the arguments advanced by the "Neanderthals in suits"-- is caused by the inheritance of Archaic genes, "Serpent Seed" for theologians, and the consequences it has on the populations and the legislators (Neanderthals in suits) necessarily on the long term, when they get strong and numerous enough to establish the "Adequate Conditions " for Evil to rise, by concretizing [Archaic genes] in the populations and the decisions makers through miscegenation and an overall shift in the global morals.
Glossary of often used terms in all parts
  • Neanderthals in suits: is a reference to the presence of Zionism agents (Jewish background or other Semitic races) in key positions in Western governments, knowing Semitic races inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals, it is a way to present ZOGs.
  • Partially Evolved Populations: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations and Semitic races, as defined in this Blog/Site, are partially evolved populations.
  • Diversified Populations: When "Partially Evolved Populations" cross-breed with modern humans constituting the demographics of a country or a bloc of nations we talk about Diversified Populations. How to use in a sentence: "The West has Diversified populations"
  • Miscegenation: The interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial groups.
  • Archaic introgression: Describes the incorporation of alleles from one entity (species) into the gene pool of a second, divergent entity (species).

Translation into International affairs Part 1/4 

The topic of "International affairs" in this Part is addressing modern days politics and how "Zionism prevails in the world's affairs" and many nations are just blindly following in its footsteps. Zionism at its core the demographics of the West with their Archaic genes inheritance prevalence.
International interactions are not between countries or nations at their traditional definitions delimited by established geographic borders anymore but rooted in the difference in genealogy and Anthropological roots, since a priori, those criteria conditioned the formation of groupement of populations leading to the establishment of countries and nations. This may sound absurd because the US populations and allies are from different backgrounds and Russia's allies are as well, this will clarify as soon as we examine the history of the formation of the icons of this bipolar world. 
In the pre-Columbian era, there were countries and nations founded based on a shared racial origin forming the ethnic background which leads to the formation of linguistics and religious bonding, after the globalization of the planet, which basically started at a smaller-minuscule pace at the post-Colombian era, we witness the global diversification of the world populations and mostly the formation of what is known as Immigrants Built Countries such as the US, Canada, Australia, and the ongoing diversification of Europe.
This prevalence of immigrants is what is called in this Blog/Site: Diversified population or simply the West demographics, either African or Semitic populations with a prevalence of inherited Archaic genes in significant percentages, often camouflaged by fake modern humans appearances along with the ongoing occupation of key positions by corrupted Zionist elements (modern human-looking Semitic races) will present [prevalence] the clarifications needed to understand that today's international affairs are rooted in our distant ancestry, genealogy, and even our distant Hominin roots, this is what is called the Globalization of the planet, there is no more boundaries which prevented cross-breeding with isolated populations (significant inheritance of Archaic genes) as in ancient times (pre-Columbian era and earlier), the latest surviving cluster of Archaic genes have been unleashed in the world post the discovery of the Americas and the transatlantic slaves trade, we are back to our ancient, stone ages state of hominins encounters and mingling (diversity), along with struggling and competing for resources and territories as well (immigration policies).
The specificality of these modern days is that what is known as the "Archaic Introgression" going on today is global: we are wearing the same clothes and our appearances are not significantly different, the major changes that occurred since the stone ages are the development of the human mind and the emergence of ideologies [Zionism] that are created to attract more and more populations to the Evil side.
Most importantly, as we've seen in the previous posts about the "Theological Aspect", Evil has risen out of the "Adequate Conditions" created by the extraordinary expansion and development of the partially evolved populations and their Take Over of Human territories, competing modern humans as the dominant kind on Earth, leading to the establishment of ground for the final battle, which is concretizing between Humanity and the "Diversified Population". 

This Post will be divided into Four Parts:
  1. From Theology and Anthropology to International Affairs.
  2. Formation of Countries and Nations throughout History into Empires and Poles
  3. Jewism, Genes, Zionism, Nazism and NaZionism
  4. The Formation of 2 Poles or the Battle between Good and Evil
1/From Theology and Anthropology to International Affairs.
To make a transition from the previous posts made as a background to present this topic of "International Affairs" from a new challenging perspective, a brief Theological reminder will be made followed by a short Anthropological Retrospective, this is necessary to demonstrate the formation of countries and nations out of populations that "evolved more or less" from different Hominins, including theoretically extinct ones, this is why there are different races, and they are not a social construct.
This will lead to the formation of the modern days demographics and geographic boundaries, to put it in the modern global context we are making the distinction between Nations built of immigrants, and Countries with a strong heritage and historical bondings, considering the state of the "International Affairs" around WWs, borders changes are more or less rigid and are depending on different restrictions.

UN created post-WWII is supposed to enforce law and order in the international arena, grant member nations their territorial integrity and sovereignty, and enforce the respect of International law, it [UN] has been getting corrupted "au fur et à mesure" as the Zionist Beast got stronger and needed more support for its tyrannical efforts in establishing freedom and democracy, sometimes, the UN resembles an assembly of different hominins discussing peace treaties and the distribution of resources.
” If we lived a period of civilization, some questions should be open and closed only on the battlefield, without pulling them over long on useless theatrical celebrations, whose end is already decided at the start but this, precisely, is a time in which Men are a minority.”
--Costantino Ceoldo -
Theological reminder
There is a bipolar world because there are only two sides (Good and Evil): the principle of duality rules the universe, it's that simple.
A pole is a sphere of influence, it attracts allies and undecided elements, there are oscillations around the spheres of influence or poles, those different elements [Nations] hesitate into deciding which pole to join because there are ongoing efforts and battle for the ownership of the seven Billion plus of souls present on the planet between the two sides of good and Evil.
The elements [Nations] that constitute a pole may be of different backgrounds defying the anthropological or racial reasoning presented, we must take into consideration the previous parts, the "serpent seed" doctrine and the globalization of the world demographics with all the miscegenation going on along with the ongoing corruption of the soul and indoctrination, it all goes back to the Anthropological core, as we presented before, as far as the stratification in Human kinds goes, it is encompassed [Anthropological core] into two ends: "modern humans" and "diversified populations", necessarily if we consider it from a demographic context in an international affairs perspective (diversity and miscegenation characterizing the Western world).
...Other elements [Nations] that do not respond to the classical [Anthropological core] criteria are the elements oscillating between the two sides (Good and Evil) or poles (international affairs), vulnerable to corruption, which will be motivated by different reasons, economic, military, or political constraints, sanctions or embargo, for example, are used by the west to blackmail undecided nations.

The Anthropological core from a theological perspective:
The doctrine of the serpent seed, also known as the dual-seed or the two-seedline doctrine, is a controversial and fringe Christian religious belief which explains the biblical account of the fall of man by stating that the Serpent mated with Eve in the Garden of Eden, and the offspring of their union was Cain. This event resulted in the creation of two races of people: the wicked descendants of the Serpent who were destined for damnation, and the righteous descendants of Adam who were destined to have eternal life. The doctrine frames human history as a conflict between these two races in which the descendants of Adam will eventually triumph over the descendants of the Serpent.
This post will be based on an extension of the "two bloodlines" narratives and its application to today's demographics and international affairs mostly the doctrine of Nazism and how it was used during Nazi Germany and most importantly misused in today's international circumstances by the Zionist Beast.
We've already seen in previous parts how Zionism originated: when there is a Bonding between the Evil spirit and "partially evolved populations", Nazism in its initial phase is meant to prevail against the rise of this form of Evil which is Zionism, it is well known that the base of the doctrine [Zionism] is Jews right to return to 'their land', instead, they "made the whole world their land" by occupying Europe and the US vital institutions: "before we had no nation, now we own every nation"creating a quasi-total control of the world banking, political, and military systems, and instead of Jews (Semitic races) from a religious standpoint, we have all kinds of "partially evolved populations" including Africans at the core of the Evil doctrine, we don't want to keep on invoking the theological context but this is the doctrine of the "serpent seed" and the two bloodlines concretizing right in front of us in the international affairs.

The two Bloodlines narratives destroy the "Social Construct" propaganda.
The planet earth is inhabited by roughly 7 Billion plus human beings, theologically speaking, they all pour into two bloodlines: the descendants of Adam and the descendants of serpent seed, because it's the 21st century, and taking into consideration the progress of science and the development of the Human mind, instead of talking about the "serpent seed" and the "descendants of Adam" (Adam being a metaphorical representation of the emergence of Homo S. Sapiens or modern man), we talk about "Archaic genes" and "Homo S. Sapiens" (Anthropological approach) or "Partially evolved populations" and "modern humans" as the commonly used terms in demographics or international affairs in this post
African and Jew 
Diluted and improved
This means that all the planet's populations can be divided into two groups anthropologically speaking, PC advocates (Neanderthals in suits) will advance the argument of "social construct", Biodiversity in Africa, and the genetic resemblance existing between the populations that are out of Africa vis a vis the African populations. Of course, there are genetic similarities in the populations out of Africa, they have been [Neanderthals in suits] diluting the planet since the discovery of the Americas. Let's see if they can say there is Biodiversity in Africa and genealogical resemblance out of Africa in the pre-Columbian era? 
There is Biodiversity in Africa because there are many evolutionary branches or lineages that didn't 'aboutissent' to an evolved form of life, few preselected or genetically predisposed groups exited Africa, that's how we have very few Hominins at the origin of the world populations: Homo S. Sapiens, Neanderthals, and Denisovans, awaiting new archeological discoveries and new speculations.

Anthropological retrospective
The 7 Billion plus world populations at its colossal dimension can be divided into very few entities or spirits controlling related populations, Africans, modern Humans, Semitic races in all their degrees of evolution, along with the entity or the spirit emerging recently because of the ongoing miscegenation, a Frankenstein entity or form of life, a new spirit is formed: the Beast to a certain extent considering that a new form of life not resulting of the natural Divine path of Evolution is emerging in the planet, a brute that wasn't supposed to exist if there wasn't for the forced miscegenation that happened in the newly discovered continent. 
I elaborate using the US population as an "échantillon représentatif": a mixed person between Black and White or Black and Puerto Rican won't incarnate the entity (Spirit) related to the African populations, nor that of White, or Tainos races, but a New Entity: pretending to be better than the other "Traditional races", the spirit of the Antichrist or the Beast spirit, those theological terms may be used interchangeably because they all pour in the same direction of warning us about the final battle between Good and Evil. This new "emerging Spirit" embodied in the diversified populations may be easily related to the arrogance of the Western world with their Neanderthals in suits occupying their political organs (We used Black, White, and Puerto Rican mixes as a standard sample, it goes for all mixes between Semitic races, Africans, and modern humans).

The Arrogance of the Beast

The video below presents a concrete representation of the Beast incarnated in "partially evolved populations' arrogance", we see Nancy Pelosi's reaction to the question about her being sanctioned by China, as an insignificant action, because of the American exceptionalism or the arrogance of the Beast, We see the delegation accompanying her, they look like a Frankenstein form of life, a dumb Negros whos acting like if he's in the hood or just listened to a dumb joke at his local barbershop, and he's bouncing his head as if he still making pancake in el masta's house. 
This is American politics, so Ghetto, the other team member is a Mestizo or probably from an Indian decent, the look in his eyes is like an Evil form of life left America exploring Humanity. Now must note the nature of those two elements, one a Negreo and one is a Mestizo or probably some kind of Indian mix, and they are mocking "China sanctioning their masta (Pelosi)", this is the arrogance of the Beast, two dumb creatures mocking a gigantesque economic power. Without "Affirmative action" and the corrupted political system in America putting "partially evolved populations" in key positions, the Negreo will be still trying to find water in Africa and the Indian will be 100lbs lighter and struggling to find enouph food.  

The third person with Pelosi, appeared right at the end of the video, it looks like if its trying so hard not to be Asian, we already know transexual populations (too many of them) and the people who claim that they are born to the wrong gender (Neanderthal in suits LGBT agenda finally kicking in), now we have Transracial people, he seems to be rejecting its Asian roots and claiming that it is born to the wrong race. 

That's why partially evolved populations worship America. Neanderthals in suits make them  evolve! 


Spirits existed long before the UN
Spirits are eternal while Physical Existence is limited to the life span of a person or even the formation and collapse of empires, Spirits existed long before the emergence of modern humans as the dominant kind on Earth, eternal, which means that a Spirit related to each known hominin is formed (or probably existed in another form) during the hundreds of thousands of years when hominins coexisted and competed with each other for resources and territories. 
Those ancient Spirits are still around today and are hosted in the different racial groups of the world resulting from miscegenation which is a modern days archaic introgression, those Spirits, they didn't forget the domination of modern humans, the extinction of their kind (hominins state) and their survival by cross-breeding (today's obsession about miscegenation, it is a survival instinct), Spirits are eternal, and each is connected to specifically designed earthly beings, they exist as long as life on Earth exists, and they never forget or forgive. 
That's why there are movements such as Antifa and BLM on the global scene, African Americans talking about slavery reparation, Semitic races or the Zionist-controlled countries talking about the Holocaust, the atrocities related to the discovery of the Americas, or the extinction of the Neanderthals (they didn't use this card yet), this isn't ancient forgotten history for the Spiritual sphere, it is like if it happened yesterday. 
On Earth, there is physical existence limited to a lifetime span, the Spiritual sphere is far more important, while individuals seem to be in their daily life routines, a Spirit exists, it existed since forever, so man-made time is obsolete for its demarches, it controls the populations' destiny and plot at long terms, really long terms compared to Earthly time measuring, this ultimately will pour into the known narratives of the battle between Good and Evil, a Divine Good Spirit and Spirits related to Earthly beings forming the Evil side (the bonding presented in previous parts).

From anthropology to "Diversified Populations"
Talking about "very few entities (Spirits) controlling the world populations", they are rooted in the theoretically extinct hominins surviving through their genes transferred into today's demographics, they are limited to: Homo S. Sapiens or modern humans, Homo Erectus/Archaic homo Sapien or the African populations, Neanderthals and Denisovans representing Semitic races from the Middle East to Native Americans passing by Asian and Indians, a remark about their body structure is capturing the attention:
Semitic races at their initial stage are known, besides their specific skull shape, to have a different body structure, if we consider Asian, Indian, or Native American, typical Semitic races, either in the middle east, north Africa, or west Asian, they share a common point which is small structure depending on locations, often their shoulders are narrowed, mostly compared to modern humans, it is more or less pronounced depending on the population's location and the ancestry, we notice that Asian population is relatively smaller, but in an insignificant scale, also it differs depending on the Asian location. We are talking about the populations at an earlier stage before the globalization of the planet, and the more or less "development" the said populations have known. 
Based on the citation above, it is far from the perfect design God made modern humans evolve into, at least until very recently when cross-breeding and miscegenation have known total globalization and [they improved their genetics] to compete in a modern humans-dominated world.

This shift in the world's populations' genealogy [they improved their genetics] and as a consequence mental abilities make it possible to make an overall distinction between "Diversified populations" and "Human populations", a Reminder that the Diversification we are talking about is caused by the infusion of Archaic genes in modern humans' gene pool, archaic genes in the sense that isolated populations discovered post-Columbian era (Native Americans, Africans, and Asian populations with no prior modern humans contact) present primitive traits that indicate a significant inheritance of Archaic genes, isolated populations never made a Divine connection and were connected to every Evil Earthly spirit, that's the Spiritual essence of the Diversified populations.
 A distinction must be made between the recent 'Diversification' that happened in the world post-Colombian era, which was brusque, brutal, unnatural, and disturbing to the natural path Human evolution must pass by, and the populations that 'Diversified' and matured slowly throughout a lot longer time span as Armenian populations for example or other diversified populations that mixed at the pre-Columbian era.
Must mention that they [populations that 'Diversified' and matured slowly] tend to get fascinated by the Frankenstein forms of life that exist in the US because the corruption of the soul is not an exact science and it is conditioned by many factors besides anthropology. the US populations represent the evolutionary stage that they never reached and always aspiring to, the brusque, extensive, and effective results of the miscegenation that happened in the Americas are impressive and present a precedent that may cause controversy for Darwin's theory of Evolution, in about two hundred years, the diversified populations in the Americas accomplished the evolutionary process that naturally necessitates hundreds or thousands of years, this is definitely not the Divine path of evolution of life on Earth and the complex process that aboutit to the optimal form of life that is the Homo S. Sapiens. They look alright in the States, but that's another story.

Translating Anthropology into today's world's demographics
This post is not about Anthropology or Demographics, nevertheless, it is worth mentioning the Archaic core of the US racial groups and recently the Western world. Whether it's Africans, Native Americans, Asians, or the presence of the largest Jewish population in the world out of Israel; Jewism is not a race, it is often more about the Semitic nature of those people than their religious beliefs
The US exceptional demographic composition is characterized by the prevalence of Archaic genes in the country's gene pool, in "the Theological Aspect" Parts, we demonstrated that Satan or Devil will use people who inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes commonly called "partially evolved populations" as vassals to execute its revenge on God and modern humans because being chosen [modern humans] by God to inherit Earth and been preferred over him [Satan]. 
"Of course, we try to make sense of the metaphors presented in Theology and the holy scriptures, considering that we can't apply them to ancient events, we examine the possibility of considering them making insinuations about future events." 
There is a shift in the world's demographics into a predominance of populations who inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes, Satan's revenge is occurring and he's finally defying God and proving that he is 'indeed' (as he pretended) better than modern humans (Adam), judging by the tendency that the state of the world's demographics is taking, we can easily note that Satan and his followers are Taking over Earth through the diversified populations Take Over of societies and vital organs and the overall Zionist inclinations of the West.

The US demographics are composed of all the marginalized kinds that existed throughout history (because of significant Archaic genes inheritance), the States may be considered as a rival civilization competing with the European (modern humans) civilization, the USA is like a niche for partially evolved populations from all around the world where they seek refuge because of the positive discrimination going on and the political correctness privileging colored populations, the essence of the US has shifted to a colored nation under the leadership of the Ashkenazi Jews (the Zionists occupied government) with the scare of the Neanderthals extinction (they never invoke it but its graved in their subconsciousness and a spirit was formed for revenge) and the Holocaust still haunting them, this explains the US obsession with world hegemony and their immediate push and efforts made to eradicate any opposing pole, this is what happened with the Soviet Union despite being 'allies' during WWII, the US is always paranoid to an eventual existential threat.
".... we’ll bring the whole world down with us”. Jews doesn't even bother to camouflage their real nature, they are at the root of every tragedy and disaster humanity has known, just because of their "oppressed history", they made the German and the Soviet armies slaughter each other in term of tens of millions just because of the bitterness they felt (and still using as a victim card) to Hitler and Germany. That makes perfect sense, the whole tragedy of WWII was caused by Jews taking the world down with the 'Holocaust' victims.
The US will be a hub for racial groups that have been oppressed by modern humans throughout history, the new continent will be the competing world where they will build their competitive civilization luring people from all around the world to their ranges, post-WWII a massive wave of European immigrants to America will be the root of the industrialization of the nation. 
The Soviet Union lost the cold war... It is not because the States are more advanced but it is because of the wickedness of those people, as cited before, Ashkenazi Jews are at the epicenter of the US institutions, while being Semitic races (significant inheritance of Archaic genes), they 'evolved' by coexisting with Europeans for millenniums, keeping a low profile until they dilute their features and become mentally mature to compete with modern humans. 

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