Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 5/5

This post: "The Necessity to Prevail" is part 5/5 of the series of posts: "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast". It addresses the global perspective and international affairs, based on the context created following the Ukraine conflict which is a reflection, extension, or a predictable unsurprising development of what going on worldwide, especially the prevalence of WWII aftermath and the relentless efforts of a bloc of nations (the West) under the leadership of the Zionist empire (the US) to enforce and uphold an obsessional global hegemony by any and every means necessary including instigating proxy wars and spreading mischiefs aiming for the ultimate goal of world domination, since as we've seen in previous posts and parts, Evil has risen. It plans to replace the Devine modern humans with Frankenstein forms of life at its core some time-transcending archaic genes, this very long-term scheme is called in this Blog/Site "The resurrection of extinct hominins", commonly called "Populations Replacement" or the Great Dilution.
This post will address the seriousness of what's going on in the world and the "Necessity to Prevail" because the enemy is far more vicious and dangerous than what the "Neanderthals in suits"  tend to try to convince the world of in terms of being the good guys, having humanitarian missions, and doing what is right, despite the progressive awakening of a limited part of the world's populations to what's really going on.

This series of posts: "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast" focuses on Ukraine because what's going on in the Russian western border has been brewing for decades, it is an extension of the Cold War and the struggle for world hegemony between the two leading poles, Russia seems to be outnumbered and surrounded because Evil gained control on the world, influences and manipulates the world's populations and leaders, creating the Western pole or diversified populations bloc, we're expecting for undecided elements to join the right side and align with Russia or the Eastern bloc.

The Necessity to Prevail Part 1/3

To present this post in the context of this Blog/Site, this post addresses mainly what's related to International affairs in the military and political spheres, anthropological and theological backgrounds were presented to comprehend this duality in the world from another angle other than the traditional international politics, economic systems, or even religion, this post must not be confounded with the resistance of the locals as we will see in the post "The Resistance" in the series "The Resurrection of Extinct Hominins [Spirit]", which presents the ongoing and often overpowered attempts by the locals to confront this Evil Take Over in terms of population replacements and corrupted governments in a national context, which is translated into nationalist movements and similar revolutionary trends.
The Ukraine crisis is crucial in International Affairs because of its strategic location between Western Europe and Russia, being the largest former Soviet State, it is the iceberg in the international affairs sea plugged by the chaos caused by a biased UN and the tyranny of the Zionist empire caused by its obsession with world hegemony, that will sink the Titanic of the Beast.

This post is about prevailing on Earth and fighting the Beast Take Over through diversified populations and alliances of nations united in their shared diversified nature caused by archaic genes inheritance at the core of their demographics which is translated into what is known as Zionism, they are bonding in their shared hatred for Russia and Asian nations for their refusal to adhere to the globalization of the planet and accept the plague of diversity, the infestation of archaic genes of Humanity gene pool and embracing the West rotten values driven by the success of a Cultural Marxism campaign initiated by  "Neanderthals in modern appearances" thinkers. 
They are aiming at world domination and to crush any resistance that Humans will show, this is what's happening in Ukraine between Russia, its unresolved allies, and the West coalition of Zionism-infested governments.

A reminder of a Glossary of often-used terms.
  • Neanderthals in suits: is a reference to the presence of Zionist agents (Jewish background or other Semitic races) in key positions in Western governments, knowing Semitic races inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals, it is a way to present ZOGs.
  • Partially Evolved Populations: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations and Semitic races, as defined in this Blog/Site, are partially evolved populations.
  • Diversified Populations: When "Partially Evolved Populations" cross-breed with modern humans constituting the demographics of a country or a bloc of nations we talk about Diversified Populations. How to use in a sentence: "The West has Diversified populations". 
  • Miscegenation: The interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial groups.
  • Archaic introgression: Describes the incorporation of alleles from one entity (species) into the gene pool of a second, divergent entity (species).
  • Human (Capital h): I use this term to refer to modern humans in the current context because, after the racial dilution, most of the demographics of the planet look like modern humans while they are not.
  • God: Because we are not in a purely theological post, I use this common word to refer to the "Supreme being" or the "Great Designer", it has nothing to do with such or such religious belief. 
  • Homo Erectus: A way to depict the ancestry of African populations, while it is not scientifically accurate or politically correct, it is used to describe the partially evolved state of the African populations, this page addresses the topic.
Ukraine is crucial for its strategic location as a portal between the West and the East, it is not a double-sided conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but a multi-sided war between Russia and its recently formed allies, and NATO or the global West, this is the Cold War revival and it is concretizing into a proxy war on the European continent, with a polarity more reaching than the classical Cold war era, here we passed from the traditional conflicts based on geopolitical or economic systems criteria to an ideological conflict between the West and the East or as it is depicted in this Blog/Site, Humanity vs "diversified populations", this will take us all the way to the anthropological roots of the formation of the world geographic diaspora at an earlier stage resulting from historical settlements due to populations movements in ancient times and the eventuality of invasion, conquest, or colonization of different areas of the world creating the world geographic borders as we know them post WWII.
The recent globalization of the planet will create a relative dilution of the local populations awaiting the anticipated Great dilution resulting from the ongoing great populations' replacement, this dilution will bring up the theological aspect to shed light on the concretization of the great battle between Good and Evil or the divine bloodline and the serpent seed. It is a final battle because evil has finally risen out of the adequate condition created by Semitic races, Evil thinkers who are Semitic races because they inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes and therefore were prone to Evil corruption and to be used as a vassal for Satan to infiltrate and manipulate humans ranges. This infiltration of Human ranges will be successful mostly using two traits characterizing archaic hominins that have been transferred to modern-day populations through archaic gene inheritance, those traits are the brute nature and the wickedness trait, respectively related to African and Semitic races populations, it is no secrets that Africans exhibit more of physical strength and aggressivity than intelligence, while Semitic races are overall smarter than Africans but less intelligent than modern humans, their intelligence is more of wickedness than human intelligence. This will help us comprehend the palpitation ongoing in international affairs since Humans are dealing with a Western world invaded by archaic genes and as a consequence the said primitive traits are prevailing and we can sense them in international politics, that's why we talk about: "A PRIMAL ANCESTRY-BASED INTERNATIONAL ORDER." It is mostly about the Brute and Wickedness traits embedded respectively, if we want to be more concise, in NATO's Brute-like military interventions which tend to be wicked while dealing with a substantial enemy, and Zionism's wicked maneuvers in international affairs which get violent or barbaric while dealing with unarmed civilians as the IDF doing in Gaza, both traits are present in the Western military and diplomatic spheres, both represent Evil dealing with human populations.

This will ultimately end up executing Satan's vow to replace modern humans and the progressive eclipsing of Adam's descendants as the dominant kind and replace them with deviant forms of life, totally altering the natural order resulting from the divinely guided evolution leading to the perfect design, this is the abomination caused by Satan succeeding in defying God and dethroning Adams descendants as the legitimate Devine kind destined and chosen to inherit Earth, if the West wins that means Satan vanquished us Humans in honoring our Divine task to prevail on Earth, and we don't deserve to stay on it. 

This post will be divided into three parts: 


1/ A Primal Ancestry-Based International Order
The modern days global order
As presented in the previous posts, it is désormais a bipolar world, not in terms of political, geographic, military, or economic alliances, not as an extension of the Axis and Allies blocs but as a continuation or revival of the Cold War. In WWII, countries fought and slaughtered each other for the sake of the bitterness Jews felt because of their historical subordinate situation worldwide, Neanderthal genes left over improved by occasional modern humans crossbreeding create a distinctiveness that modern humans didn't miss to express their opinion about Semitic races (nothing to do with religion), going all the way to Hitler sensing a future danger if they took over Human societies, this is what happened recently.

As mentioned above, "the recent state of world affairs proves the concretization of the bipolar world, not from a political or military perspective, not even as an extension to the allies and axis blocs, but as a revival of the Cold War polarity" Because it is Meant to Be; "Populations all the way up north and east" spared from archaic genes infestation as a pole, and what is known as the "West" which has its populations' genes stained and diluted by Archaic genes invasion (partially evolved populations), resembling a petroleum spillage in the ocean killing fishes, Taking Over maritime lives, and forming what is referred to in this Blog/Site as "diversified populations" as an opposing pole, this vague of Archaic genes infestation is unstoppable and aiming for world domination. 

Russia and some Eastern European and Asian countries' racial purity is a threat to its [the West] existence because based on theological scriptures as we've seen in previous posts it is a battle between two bloodlines, Humans' racial purity, and the "serpent seed", we have been ordered to fight this Evil form of life since modern humans developed a conscience, the happening of prophecies, and the distinction between Good and Evil, we've been ordered to enlighten and guide "partially evolved populations" (serpent seed = they didn't reach the Divine evolutionary stage) into the right path, they were under control all right, but it seems that Evil has risen, it got more powerful and succeeded in luring a major part of the planet populations and countries to its ranges, it is Taking Over and out of control, conventional means won't eradicate and prevent this Evil Take Over. Of course, Human life is sacred, God charged us with inheriting and prevailing on Earth but those people have been Taken Over by Evil, their minds are rotten, they are suffering from mental decay and they are unable to see it, their vision is blurred because a new spirituality reign on the world's global masses, not "Human divine vision" but the "Beast vision", they are extremely corrupted, they're still trying to kill modern humans finishing what they started at WWII, they won't have such hatred for a diversified nation which accepted the West corrupted values and Evil ways, we are living a modern days' Sodom and Gomorrah.

Globalization caused the replacement of physical borders by Primal ancestry bonding
This polarity in the world is anthropology-based and theology predicted since the emergence of modern humans as the intelligent design that is destined to inherit and prevail on Earth, other less evolved kinds existed as marginal populations and countries. With an overwhelming Homo S. Sapiens domination extending up until the recent globalization of the planet and the genetic breakthrough they've known via the ongoing miscegenation and population replacement, this factor (genetic admixture) will make geographic borders that were once anthropological ancestry (race) based null, instead, the whole planet is diluted and physical borders have little meaning due to the globalization of the world, instead, we transited into a new world order, and the distinction between nations and borders defined territories is for formalities purposes.

People are bonding with their kind and populations that are hosting same genes even in minimal yet significant levels, when we say genes we only make the distinction between modern humans or Homo S. Sapiens and other population which inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes, either it's African or Semitic (Neanderthals or Denisovans) genes, the reason behind this extreme simplification, is that, it doesn't matter what kind of Archaic genes you inherited and consequently caused you to display primitive features in different degrees, either in terms of being African, Jew, Middle Eastern, native American, Asian, or Indian, as long as you are not normal or modern human, that's why BLM is not an American issue, it is a worldwide hysteria, and that's why in contrast, when police dropped a bomb on a Philadelphia house in 1985, the world didn't care because Europeans were in Europe, Africans in Africa, Asians in Asia, and Ukraine still was part of the Soviet Union, in other words, the globalization of the planet didn't happen at the levels we witness today, the same happened when the US nuked Japanese cities, a WMD used on civilian populations caused hundreds of thousands of causalities, there was no widespread protest and "I'm Nagasaki" or "I'm Hiroshima" stickers displayed; perhaps this is due to the poor coverage and broadcast the MSM or local news have at that era because of the overall absence of the digitalization and worldwide spread of the information we are having today, still, if we consider the absence of considerable worldwide condemnation (except by Japanese government), not some kind of worldwide echoing  even through locally based and isolated protests to condemn the use of WMD, same as people opposed Vietnam war for example, none of this happened, perhaps the Human mind didn't mature enough at those time to be preoccupied by event not in their immediate concern or surrounding, same as we witness today in terms of the collective consciousness emanating from a left controlled masses, there was strong nationalism going on worldwide because the globalization of the world and populations displacement and replacement didn't happen yet.  

People didn't care about those ancient events because the globalization of the planet didn't happen yet, now there are Africans in every corner of the world, same for Semitic races (Asians, Mestizos (populations with Native American ancestry), and population commonly caused Jews (another term for being partially evolved Semitic kind) along with populations that mixed with Africans and other partially evolved kinds, the indoctrination, influence, and brainwashing going via the "Neanderthals in suits" controlled media; This is exactly why the Zionists instigated conflict in Ukraine is echoing and the international community is bonding against Russia same as they chanted "I can't breathe" and BLM, same Archaic ancestry is spread worldwide because of the globalization and populations displacement and replacement going on, it is partially evolved populations bonding worldwide, this time it's not about African ancestry [BLM] but about Neanderthals genes inheritance, they acquired modern humans features in America and Europe and indoctrinated the locals to serve their interests, you may argue that there is no imminent threat for "Neanderthals in suits" (the US, Israel, and the Zionism infested West), it is the paranoia of the existential threat, the hatred for modern humans' racial purity, the scare of the extinction of Neanderthals and Denisovans, which was revived by the genocide of native Americans and the tentative to cleanse Europe of Semitic races and partially evolved populations, and most importantly, as we've talked in previous posts about the bonding that happened between partially evolved population and Evil, it is the traditional fight between Good and Evil, and Satan hatred for God for making modern humans better than him (retard ass partially evolved populations in their primitive states in their isolated areas before they mixed with modern humans).

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 4/5 Quater

Translation into International affairs Part 4/4

The topic of "International affairs" in this Part is addressing modern days politics and how "Zionism prevails in the world's affairs" and many nations are just blindly following in its footsteps. Zionism at its core the demographics of the West with their Archaic genes inheritance prevalence. 

The US demographics are composed of all the marginalized kinds that existed throughout history (because of significant Archaic genes inheritance), the States may be considered as a rival civilization competing with the European (modern humans) civilization, the USA is like a niche for "partially evolved populations" from all around the world where they seek refuge because of the positive discrimination going on and the political correctness privileging colored populations, the essence of the US has shifted to a colored nation under the leadership of the Ashkenazi Jews (the Zionists occupied government) with the scare of the Neanderthals extinction (they never invoke it but it's graved in their subconsciousness and a spirit was formed for revenge) and the Holocaust still haunting them, this explains the US obsession with world hegemony and their immediate push and efforts made to eradicate any opposing pole, this is what happened with the Soviet Union despite being 'allies' during WWII, the US is always paranoid to an eventual existential threat.

A reminder of a Glossary of often-used terms.
  • Neanderthals in suits: is a reference to the presence of Zionism agents (Jewish background or other Semitic races) in key positions in Western governments, knowing Semitic races inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals, it is a way to present ZOGs.
  • Partially Evolved Populations: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations and Semitic races, as defined in this Blog/Site, are partially evolved populations.
  • Diversified Populations: When "Partially Evolved Populations" cross-breed with modern humans constituting the demographics of a country or a bloc of nations we talk about Diversified Populations. How to use in a sentence: "The West has Diversified populations". 
  • Miscegenation: The interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial groups.
  • Archaic introgression: Describes the incorporation of alleles from one entity (species) into the gene pool of a second, divergent entity (species).
  • Human: I use this term to refer to modern humans in the current context because after the racial dilution, most of the demographics of the planet look modern humans while they are not.

4/The Formation of 2 Poles or the Battle between Good and Evil

Throughout history, there was rivalry, conflicts and wars between nations or empires mostly taking the forms of conquests, expansions of territories and dominance over less powerful and affluent nations, religion, nationality, or race were justifications for wars and conquests, they [justifications] are fading out recently to be replaced by mostly ideological concerns, those interactions didn't concretize into a bipolar world until the formation of the US as a superpower expanding into an empire in terms of the wide spread of the US influence literally englobing the Western world, the emergence of Soviet Russia as an opposing pole is part of this duality that regulate life on Earth and the Universe, an opposing pole have to be formed, the US hegemony in the world is highly questionable on moral and political grounds, necessarily after the WWII, the 70's revolution in the US and the demographic shift the US has known is broadcasted and expanded worldwide along with declining morals, we witness the emergence of new kinds of populations having nothing of Humans and it seems that they are Taking Over the world through the evergoing increasing of "partially evolved populations" and their progressive control of Humans' institutions. 
This polarity isn't random or dictated by historical or geopolitical reasons, it is meant to be, as the US is meant to lead the Western world at its core the genetics of partially evolved populations taking modern humans' appearances and going on in their tyrannical ways while trashing human values and morals, a resistance pole will have to emerge to confront this wave of anarchy spreading in the planet.
Reagan’s leadership led to a massive increase in American military spending, as well as research into new and better weapons. The United States isolated the Soviets from the global economy and helped drive down oil prices. Without oil revenues, the Soviet Union began to crumble.
Fluctuations occurred in the shifting balance of power between the two poles depending on the historical era, the cold war presented a clear view of this bipolar world manifesting in the colossal size and effort made for armament and affluence in the world, the Soviet Union dissolved, the Russian Federation will emerge as a new growing power with the potential to revive the old rivalry and the opposing pole, this led to recent days world panorama of the West mobilization at the Russian Western border engaging in a proxy war to weaken Russia because the West is more mobilized in conventional means than in Weapons of ultimate deterrence of Evil, awaiting the eventual consideration of undecided allies to join the right path.

Retrospective on the world's global panorama
This post is about "International Affairs" with a focus on Ukraine, the Russian intervention in Syria flipped the balance of power and the established Post-WWII international order upside down, the Zionist empire does not feel that it's the "world cop" and the leader of the free world (citation needed) anymore, it [Zionist empire] starts withdrawing from its missions to establish freedom and democracy in countries (Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq...) with leaders opposing the fiction that the world being under the protectorate of the US and contesting the legitimacy of the State of Israel. Total confusion of the Zionist Beast, they have to take matters into their own hands, the US and Israel are no more arming 'moderate' rebels (they have degrees in rebellion now) since they are crushed by Russia, Israel is unexplainably going on air strikes in Syria (unjustified, unquestionable by the UN, unpunished).
"I would like to ask the honorable US representative, have you found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, or are you still looking?"

"Therefore, esteemed colleagues, many will have to pray for forgiveness regarding the situation in Syria, and the situation in Iraq, and many other situations which we know about."
- Vitaly Churkin (1952-2017)
The 'leader of the free world' no more.
Russian intervention in Syria created an unprecedented event in international affairs, contesting the US vision and enforcement of law and order in the world and exposing the lies of the Beast about the situation in the country, which was used as a pretext for an attempt of a coup d'Eat to remove al-Assad, Russian support and protection of al-Assad will thwart the US efforts for regime change in Syria, this is a premier for the US, a failure for its routine missions to establish freedom and democracy in the world by removing leaders who oppose their foreign policy, Russian intervention and support for al-Assad were crucial in putting an end to the domino effect going on in the Middle East because Israel is worried about its safety if a country does not present total allegiance and submission to the US, Russian-Syrian alliance will create a new precedent in international affairs, the US is not the world cop anymore and its interventions are highly questionable. This is a considerable change in the international order established post-WWII, and it is of important signification in terms of the world being bipolar, the scar of the Soviet Union and the cold war being revived and it is a matter of homeland security again.
The battle between the USA and Russia that had been snuffed by the demise of the Soviet Union has been rekindled. The USA and Russia have regional doctrines that demarcate areas to which outside powers cannot encroach. However, the Middle East has remained a contested region for the two powers. USA has also sought to encroach into the backyard of Russia in order to contain the resurgence of the Eastern power.

Friday, December 16, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 4/5 Ter

Translation into International Affairs Part 3/4

The topic of "International affairs" in this Part is addressing modern days politics and how "Zionism prevails in the world's affairs" and many nations are just blindly following in its footsteps. Zionism at its core the demographics of the West with their Archaic genes inheritance prevalence. 

This prevalence of immigrants in demographics is what is called in this Blog/Site: Diversified population or simply the West demographics, either African or Semitic populations with a prevalence of inherited Archaic genes in significant percentages, often camouflaged by fake modern humans appearances along with the ongoing occupation of key positions by corrupted Zionist elements (modern human-looking Semitic races) will present [prevalence] the clarifications needed to understand that today's international affairs are rooted in our distant ancestry, genealogy, and even our distant Hominin roots, this is what is called the Globalization of the planet, there are no more boundaries which prevented cross-breeding with isolated populations (significant inheritance of Archaic genes) as in ancient times (pre-Columbian era and earlier), the latest surviving cluster of Archaic genes have been unleashed in the world post the discovery of the Americas and the transatlantic slaves trade, we are back to our ancient, stone ages state of hominins encounters and mingling (diversity), along with struggling and competing for resources and territories as well (immigration policies). 

A reminder of a Glossary of often-used terms.
  • Neanderthals in suits: is a reference to the presence of Zionism agents (Jewish background or other Semitic races) in key positions in Western governments, knowing Semitic races inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals, it is a way to present ZOGs.
  • Partially Evolved Populations: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations and Semitic races, as defined in this Blog/Site, are partially evolved populations.
  • Diversified Populations: When "Partially Evolved Populations" cross-breed with modern humans constituting the demographics of a country or a bloc of nations we talk about Diversified Populations. How to use in a sentence: "The West has Diversified populations". 
  • Miscegenation: The interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial groups.
  • Archaic introgression: Describes the incorporation of alleles from one entity (species) into the gene pool of a second, divergent entity (species).
  • Human: I use this term to refer to modern humans in the current context because after the racial dilution most of the demographics of the planet look modern humans while they are not.

3/Jewism, Genes, Zionism, Nazism, and NaZionism

Retrospective on the history of Zionism
Semitic races existed more or less around modern humans since the dispersion of different hominins and the inheritance of Archaic genes was aléatoire, before the discovery of the Americas causing the opening of Pandora's box in terms of the cluster of Archaic genes that were in the New World as well as in Africa and unleashed into the modern humans gene pool, without considering Asian ancestry and Denisovans' genes inheritance. 
Semitic races that existed in Europe and the Middle East are more developed (evolved) because existed around modern humans since the settlement happened in the continent, more or less hated by modern humans they managed to settle down all around Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, as soon as genealogy, Darwinism, and eugenics start forming in the Human mind, they [Semitic races] started elaborating counterattack measures, being expulsed from countless nations for being different, now modern humans are presenting theories and hypotheses that explain and make sense of the intuitive feeling Humans have about Semitic races and why they're different, there is no more room for wickedness and manipulation to deceive modern humans and coexist unnoticed as it was going on before the human mind start exploring genetics and the theory of evolution went mainstream, necessarily after the straightforward approach of Nazi Germany concerning their kind.
The two world wars happened, modern humans slaughtered each other in terms of tens of millions because of the wickedness of Semitic races, yet the scare of Hitler and his direct call for the annihilation of Semitic races and other minorities will be the cutting edge in unleashing a monster for revenge, there is no way to coexist with modern humans, be a minority and survive, things must change. 
Thinkers existed and ideologies were in the making before the start of WWI, because modern humans preach racial purity, Eugenics derived from Darwinism, and other approaches, Semitic races will develop a totally opposite approach which aims at weakening their [modern humans] dominance derived from their evolutionary stage by diluting their genes, that's how we end up with ideologies such as  "Cultural Marxism", the push for diversity and open borders which ultimately will lead to the racial dilution of the locals and a consequent "population replacement" caused by a massive influx of "partially evolved populations" inheriting a significant percentage of archaic genes: modern humans are not dominant anymore, Semitic races are safe, Never again! 
In the 1930s, being a Jew was considered a second-class citizen - in the worst-case scenario. In 2022, having Jewish blood can literally help you save your life.
Being oppressed throughout history and considered second-class citizens, the discovery of the Americas will be their opportunity to build a world and a civilization competing with the world that has been oppressing them all those years, a world where they will be the dominant kind and get their revenge of modern humans for their oppressed history. Must take into consideration the existence of modern humans as a rival kind, as cited before, a scheme has been orchestrated to weaken those dominant Homo S. Sapiens, diversifying the world's populations, normalizing being woke, the victim card, self-entitlement, promoting all kinds of deviation to destroy their moral values and weaken their family bonds, this is how we end up with the US as a niche for Semitic races or "partially evolved populations" from all around the world, it is the new world where there is no Nazi Germany no other dominant European populations, a world where being Jew or semitic race in general is some kind of God chosen people (the US exceptionalism), the guiding ideology is what is known as Zionism, which is an umbrella term that groups all the trends promoting a world dominated by "partially evolved populations" progressively replacing modern humans,  they became a lot more numerous and powerful recently while infiltrating every institution and political organ in the Western World, racial dilution is going on and modern humans mind is getting rotten over time which makes them not even realizing what's going on, Neanderthals succeeded, modern humans are an endangered specie.

They created the "Adequate Conditions" for Evil to rise, since it [Evil] hates the Divinity of modern humans same as the "partially evolved populations" or Semitic races hate the "evolutionary stage of modern humans", that's how the bonding between Evil and "partially evolved populations" happened, and that's why what's going on recently is crucial for humanity as a race and mostly as the chosen kind to inherit Earth, it is uncomplicated to see that we have a struggle or a conflict between "modern humans" and "partially evolved populations improved by modern humans genes", the push for diversity is not for humanitarian reasons but for acquiring those modern genes, that's how we ended up with the recent polarity in Ukraine: Russia and Asian nations surrounded by wild dogs presented by the Western world with their perverted values. 
In Ukraine, at the western Russian border, they [Zionism] will use an outdated ideology [Nazism] to justify their actions as Neo-Nazism while it's NaZionism (Zionism become so powerful, they play the dominant kind just because they can, justifying it by an outdated ideology).

Formation and evolution of the Zionist ideology
Conjuring fear of Nazism and anti-Semitism, Jews recoil from the thought that Judaism might be a race, but medical geneticist Harry Ostrer insists the 'biological basis of Jewishness' cannot be ignored.
In his book, “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People”, Harry Ostrer, a medical geneticist and professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, claims that Jews are different, and the differences are not just skin-deep. Jews exhibit, he writes, a distinctive genetic signature. Considering that the Nazis tried to exterminate Jews based on their supposed racial distinctiveness, such a conclusion might be a cause for concern. But Ostrer sees it as central to Jewish identity.
Jew as a religion: Semitic as a race.
In this Genetical envergure, the focus will be on "Neanderthal genes inheritance in a significant percentage" (Semitic races) because Ashkenazi Jews are the most evolved version of Semitic races due to their earlier genetical dilution in modern humans milieus which will cause the awareness of Hitler of their malign existence around modern humans, and because of their relative mental development they will succeed in confronting modern humans in a wicked way through the development of ideologies confronting and trying to suppress the dominance of modern humans as the superior kind on earth, Neanderthals were the closest Hominin to Homo S. Sapiens, this explains their stealth methods and success in Taking Over modern humans institutions, resources, and territories through their successful push for open borders and immigration policies of the West and the US.
If we consider the concept of duality, as it rules our existence on Earth and the Universe, in the world's populations and demographics they may be considered [Ashkenazi Jews] as the modern humans of the "Partially Evolved Populations" since, as far as the stratification between Human kinds from an anthropological approach goes, we make the overall distinction between modern humans and diversified populations, Ashkenazi Jews are the most evolved kind of Semitic races because, in part, they existed around modern humans earlier and longer than any other part of Semitic races, and in territories with affluent and powerful Semitic populations, because of their relative success in influencing and even converting the locals to Judaism and the extensive cross-breeding with modern humans including the extreme ways of the abduction of Slavic girls to smoothen up their Brute traits.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 4/5 Bis

Translation into International affairs Part 2/4 

The topic of "International affairs" in this Part is addressing modern days politics and how "Zionism prevails in the world's affairs" and many nations are just blindly following in its footsteps. Zionism at its core the demographics of the West with their Archaic genes inheritance prevalence.

International interactions are not between countries or nations at their traditional definitions delimited by established geographic borders anymore but rooted in the difference in genealogy and Anthropological roots, since a priori, those criteria conditioned the formation of groupement of populations leading to the establishment of countries and nations. This may sound absurd because the US populations and allies are from different backgrounds and Russia's allies are as well, this will clarify as soon as we examine the history of the formation of the icons of this bipolar world.
In the pre-Columbian era, there were countries and nations founded based on a shared racial origin forming the ethnic background which leads to the formation of linguistics and religious bondingafter the globalization of the planet, which basically started at a smaller-minuscule pace at the post-Colombian era, we witness the global diversification of the world populations and mostly the formation of what is known as Immigrants Built Countries such as the US, Canada, Australia, and the ongoing diversification of Europe.
This prevalence of immigrants is what is called in this Blog/Site: Diversified population or simply the West demographics.

2/Formation of Countries and Nations throughout History into Empires and Poles

Classical Definitions of a Country or a Nation
History of the world, wars, the rise and fall of empires have taught us that nations, countries, unions, or blocs are initially formed around some solid shared traits such as geographic settlements which are generally related to historical roots, racial ancestry, shared language, or religious background, a distinction can be made between a "Country" and a "Nation" in the sense that a Nation can be within a Country and the opposite isn't true.
A nation is a territory where all the people are led by the same government. The word “nation” can also refer to a group of people who share a history, traditions, culture and, often, language—even if the group does not have a country of its own.
This bonding around different shared characteristics to establish the statute of a Country or State is always connected to some kind of  "Nationalism", where a certain identity is formed related to any or all of the criteria shared to form the Nation or the Country.
These were the dominant forms of countries or nations, of course, the powerful nations expanded into Empires and Dynasties, invaded and submitted weak populations or Nations to their reign. That's how empires were built, based on geographic proximity, an instinct for dominance, and an imperialist urge causing an expansion of territories, that was before the modern days' formation of poles and alliances in contrast to Empires, geographic proximity is not crucial anymore, poles and alliances are formed around a shared ideology, military, or economic interests, such as NATO militarily speaking, or the countries that support the Zionist Beast actions for economic reasons, for fear of reprisal or sanctionsor simply because their political organs have been invaded by Neanderthals in suits (Zionist agents).
The distinction between Empires and Poles start to form Post-Columbian eras and concretized recently post WWII when the UN start regulating world affairs and international borders, we passed from geographic proximities-based alliances to ideological-based blocs.

The post-Columbian Era: The birth of settlement-based countries 
Until the discovery of the Americas and the concept of immigrant-built countries is introduced more or less rigid borders were drawnEuropeans settled a long time ago in Europe as well as Asians in Asia, different populations more or less settled in North Africa and the Middle East, undiscovered territories will have a different story, mostly the Americas and particularly North America (the US and Canada), Australia, South and Central America have known a certain homogeneity in their populations' demographics to a certain limited extent if we ignore the ongoing diversification Australia is subject to (modern humans built the country, there is an influx of "partially evolved populations", the struggle for resources is real). 
North America was founded by European conquistadors, they will ultimately mix genes with the remnants of Native Americans and Africans, the country still had a certain racial identification of European descent until post-WWII and the massive vague of immigrants mostly of Semitic races, things will get lot more intense post the 70's, besides the explosion of interracial breeding as a norm and cultural signature in the US instead of the Taboo status, mostly pushed by Neanderthals in suit encouraging Humans to cross-breed with Negroes. 

A massive vague of immigrants poured into the country from Central and South America, Asia, and the middle east along with the constant Africans and Caribbeans influx in the country, the all is promoted by Zionists push for immigration policies encouraging diversity and all other forms of legal and illegal immigration, the result is that the US populations do not respond to the criteria that correspond to the conditions necessary to form a Nation or a Country from a traditional standpoint as cited above, such as race, religion, history, or language, in fact, the US is all the opposite of having shared traits to form a country or a nation, the US resembles a multinational assembly of populations, there is different races, and extreme racial tensions between the groups, there is constant religious prejudice between the populations, it is a bloody history, between el conquistador, Native Americans and Africans, language was once an unifying criterion, now it seems that its not the case anymore. 

Here we have the racial, religious, and language traits required to be shared (basically) to form a Country or a Nation all [traits] null, they share a geographic location all right! Until the 70s, there was still segregation in the US, and there are still reservations for Native Americans. 
Must be some dark powerful forces uniting all those populations despite their divergences. Well, "partially evolved populations" have the right to build a civilization competing with modern humans' Europe and to "the pursuit of happiness". 
Why their morals are so corrupted and they're suffering from mental decay despite their prosperity? that's because it's an Evil form of life united around a wicked spirit competing with modern humans and the Divine spirit that built human civilization.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast. Part 4/5

This series of posts: "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast" [above title], is an extensive presentation (planned to be relatively short posts, but it seems that otherwise happened)  of the Anthropological, Demographic, and Theological backgrounds of the actual state of the "International Affairs",  compared to the previous posts treating the subject of "International Affairs" this series of posts under the [above title] will be distinguished by the fact that it links or relates the formation of Poles, Alliances, or Unions to our distant ancestry, back to when Hominins were struggling for resources and territories, and as far as the International Relations go, as many as there are denominations of blocks or alliances, the whole planet may be presented as the struggle of two sides for the ownership of our souls, using two bloodlines to concretize [two sides] in the physical world, two bloodlines in reference to the previous posts and what is called the "serpent seed doctrine".

The Ukraine crisis is crucial because it is a portal between the two worlds or the two major poles, which necessitated this extensive background in the previous posts. international relations "are not borders, nationality, religions, or language deep" (derived from the "race is skin color deep", which is "totally wrong"), it goes all the way to our primal state and the eternal struggle between Good and Evil which was brewing since the development of the Human consciousness, to not say the happening of the bipedal motion, because, again, man-made time is obsolete by cosmic and Devine standards.
While the two cited parts invoked the history of international relations and the perpetual shift in the balance of power between many poles or blocs leading to the formation of major 2 poles or the bipolar world as we know it today, this series of posts will go back into the roots of the formation of life on Earth, beyond nationalism, international affairs, borders, and politics, the origin of life on earth respect a certain pattern or natural order, "first life-forms generated were very simple and through a gradual process became increasingly complex", the overall idea is that there is a natural path that allowed life to exist on earth and not on other planets, it is sacred and must not be transgressed for it is the essence of the balance that keeps life existing on earth and the Universe upholding its gravitational forces in perpetual equilibrium.
The previous parts in this series: "The Bipolar world: Formation of the Zionism pole, Rise of the Beast", based on an Anthropological background which was presented in the post: "Anthropological aspect", passing by a brief overview of the world demographics which are defined by the more or less inheritance of archaic genes to define the racial fabric of a given geographic location which is a condition for it [racial fabric] to thrives or declines, addressing an extended "Theological Aspect" from the contradiction between Science and Theology to the conclusion that:  Evil is unleashed into the world through miscegenation, passing by  the concept of evil or Satan and how it is conditioned by the prevalence of the animal instincts over the Human nature caused by more or less inheritance of archaic genes which is called "Serpent seed" in theology and an application  of this concept of Evil on the Global demographics shifts in the planet which are not as innocent as some dark forces want them to appear.
The overall conclusion is that: Genes and Anthropology predispose individuals, Nations, and groups of Nations to which side they will align with: Good or Evil. This is crucial for understanding the World Order and the formation of alliances, blocs, or poles.

It is to be noted
that the mention of "the Theological or Anthropological origins" at the root of the actual state of the world's politics and the formation of poles or alliances will be [mention] very little to none, it is demonstrated in the previous posts that the state of the "Actual International Affairs" --despite all the arguments advanced by the "Neanderthals in suits"-- is caused by the inheritance of Archaic genes, "Serpent Seed" for theologians, and the consequences it has on the populations and the legislators (Neanderthals in suits) necessarily on the long term, when they get strong and numerous enough to establish the "Adequate Conditions " for Evil to rise, by concretizing [Archaic genes] in the populations and the decisions makers through miscegenation and an overall shift in the global morals.
Glossary of often used terms in all parts
  • Neanderthals in suits: is a reference to the presence of Zionism agents (Jewish background or other Semitic races) in key positions in Western governments, knowing Semitic races inherited a significant percentage of Neanderthals, it is a way to present ZOGs.
  • Partially Evolved Populations: People who are not fully evolved modern humans, (Human beings that inherited a significant percentage of Archaic genes): African populations and Semitic races, as defined in this Blog/Site, are partially evolved populations.
  • Diversified Populations: When "Partially Evolved Populations" cross-breed with modern humans constituting the demographics of a country or a bloc of nations we talk about Diversified Populations. How to use in a sentence: "The West has Diversified populations"
  • Miscegenation: The interbreeding of people considered to be of different racial groups.
  • Archaic introgression: Describes the incorporation of alleles from one entity (species) into the gene pool of a second, divergent entity (species).

Translation into International affairs Part 1/4 

The topic of "International affairs" in this Part is addressing modern days politics and how "Zionism prevails in the world's affairs" and many nations are just blindly following in its footsteps. Zionism at its core the demographics of the West with their Archaic genes inheritance prevalence.
International interactions are not between countries or nations at their traditional definitions delimited by established geographic borders anymore but rooted in the difference in genealogy and Anthropological roots, since a priori, those criteria conditioned the formation of groupement of populations leading to the establishment of countries and nations. This may sound absurd because the US populations and allies are from different backgrounds and Russia's allies are as well, this will clarify as soon as we examine the history of the formation of the icons of this bipolar world. 
In the pre-Columbian era, there were countries and nations founded based on a shared racial origin forming the ethnic background which leads to the formation of linguistics and religious bonding, after the globalization of the planet, which basically started at a smaller-minuscule pace at the post-Colombian era, we witness the global diversification of the world populations and mostly the formation of what is known as Immigrants Built Countries such as the US, Canada, Australia, and the ongoing diversification of Europe.
This prevalence of immigrants is what is called in this Blog/Site: Diversified population or simply the West demographics, either African or Semitic populations with a prevalence of inherited Archaic genes in significant percentages, often camouflaged by fake modern humans appearances along with the ongoing occupation of key positions by corrupted Zionist elements (modern human-looking Semitic races) will present [prevalence] the clarifications needed to understand that today's international affairs are rooted in our distant ancestry, genealogy, and even our distant Hominin roots, this is what is called the Globalization of the planet, there is no more boundaries which prevented cross-breeding with isolated populations (significant inheritance of Archaic genes) as in ancient times (pre-Columbian era and earlier), the latest surviving cluster of Archaic genes have been unleashed in the world post the discovery of the Americas and the transatlantic slaves trade, we are back to our ancient, stone ages state of hominins encounters and mingling (diversity), along with struggling and competing for resources and territories as well (immigration policies).
The specificality of these modern days is that what is known as the "Archaic Introgression" going on today is global: we are wearing the same clothes and our appearances are not significantly different, the major changes that occurred since the stone ages are the development of the human mind and the emergence of ideologies [Zionism] that are created to attract more and more populations to the Evil side.
Most importantly, as we've seen in the previous posts about the "Theological Aspect", Evil has risen out of the "Adequate Conditions" created by the extraordinary expansion and development of the partially evolved populations and their Take Over of Human territories, competing modern humans as the dominant kind on Earth, leading to the establishment of ground for the final battle, which is concretizing between Humanity and the "Diversified Population". 

This Post will be divided into Four Parts:
  1. From Theology and Anthropology to International Affairs.
  2. Formation of Countries and Nations throughout History into Empires and Poles
  3. Jewism, Genes, Zionism, Nazism and NaZionism
  4. The Formation of 2 Poles or the Battle between Good and Evil
1/From Theology and Anthropology to International Affairs.
To make a transition from the previous posts made as a background to present this topic of "International Affairs" from a new challenging perspective, a brief Theological reminder will be made followed by a short Anthropological Retrospective, this is necessary to demonstrate the formation of countries and nations out of populations that "evolved more or less" from different Hominins, including theoretically extinct ones, this is why there are different races, and they are not a social construct.
This will lead to the formation of the modern days demographics and geographic boundaries, to put it in the modern global context we are making the distinction between Nations built of immigrants, and Countries with a strong heritage and historical bondings, considering the state of the "International Affairs" around WWs, borders changes are more or less rigid and are depending on different restrictions.

UN created post-WWII is supposed to enforce law and order in the international arena, grant member nations their territorial integrity and sovereignty, and enforce the respect of International law, it [UN] has been getting corrupted "au fur et à mesure" as the Zionist Beast got stronger and needed more support for its tyrannical efforts in establishing freedom and democracy, sometimes, the UN resembles an assembly of different hominins discussing peace treaties and the distribution of resources.
” If we lived a period of civilization, some questions should be open and closed only on the battlefield, without pulling them over long on useless theatrical celebrations, whose end is already decided at the start but this, precisely, is a time in which Men are a minority.”
--Costantino Ceoldo - Pravda.ru
Theological reminder
There is a bipolar world because there are only two sides (Good and Evil): the principle of duality rules the universe, it's that simple.
A pole is a sphere of influence, it attracts allies and undecided elements, there are oscillations around the spheres of influence or poles, those different elements [Nations] hesitate into deciding which pole to join because there are ongoing efforts and battle for the ownership of the seven Billion plus of souls present on the planet between the two sides of good and Evil.
The elements [Nations] that constitute a pole may be of different backgrounds defying the anthropological or racial reasoning presented, we must take into consideration the previous parts, the "serpent seed" doctrine and the globalization of the world demographics with all the miscegenation going on along with the ongoing corruption of the soul and indoctrination, it all goes back to the Anthropological core, as we presented before, as far as the stratification in Human kinds goes, it is encompassed [Anthropological core] into two ends: "modern humans" and "diversified populations", necessarily if we consider it from a demographic context in an international affairs perspective (diversity and miscegenation characterizing the Western world).
...Other elements [Nations] that do not respond to the classical [Anthropological core] criteria are the elements oscillating between the two sides (Good and Evil) or poles (international affairs), vulnerable to corruption, which will be motivated by different reasons, economic, military, or political constraints, sanctions or embargo, for example, are used by the west to blackmail undecided nations.