Friday, July 6, 2018

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 6)

 In part 5, I presented the overall state of mind of the American population presenting signs of mental decay, as I call it ZOG successful experiment in dumbing down and controlling the masses, we may even go further to design it as an "avant-goût" of the NWO theory so debated in alternative media.

The reason American population ended up as a caricature of Humanity is the root of the demographic base of America (Blacks, Jews and native Americans, along with Asian adds up, white still majority, but are mostly in a state of hibernation, a passive form of life too dumbed down to react). Along with the mass exodus of Jews post WWII to their 'promised land", they have the land, the easily manipulated demographic base, the rest is just putting theories advanced earlier to practice, the result is a totally dumbed down nation, with rare try to break free from ZOG grip, we may call it 'NWO testing land'.

In this Part 6 I will try to project what happened in America in term of Racial dilution and the dumbing down of the masses on the global perspective, I will start by going deep in anthropology to the root of this conflict between human kinds and how its rooted deep in the History of hominids composing the demographic texture of the planet, not only races and human kinds, since, "bien entendue" this diversity present in the demographic composition of the planet cannot be of one unique humankind, and this racial diversity is the long-term projection of the survival of genes and hominids, despite the theoretical supposition of anthropologists that modern Humans occupy the planet, other hominids survived more or less and practically have a concretisation in today's world human kinds composition.

I will present what I called "second out of Africa", in contrast of the "out of Africa" event that caused the evolution of the Homo Erectus into Homo sapiens and Homo s. sapiens by confronting harsh natural and existential constraints, while the African race as we know it today will stagnate in Africa as a lower hominid, or the homo Erectus in a relative more advanced stage, the "second out of Africa" will be simply the mass exportation of the African race to territories occupied by modern humans, either its Europe or the new world, this second out of Africa event, will be the chance of the African race to "Evolve" not in the course of 1 or 2 million years as it was the case for modern humans but within centuries, by cross-breeding with modern humans, and using whatever progress modern human have reached, of course using wigs and skin bleaching is an alternative to Darwin evolution theory and origins of the species, it makes them realize the evolutionary process of millions of years from the beauty shop store.

In part 7, I will try to present examples of progressive on-going demographic replacement and overall change in culture and ethics of a given country or continent with all the consequence from lowering the overall IQ to change of the fabric and custom of a given society, caused by massive influx of immigrants, who somehow happened to be descendants of hominids that are simply not modern humans, and how the world population will end up as dumbed down as the American population if no serious efforts are put to fight back this evil plot of demographic invasion to Take Over the planet.

In Part 8, I will present the political implications of this Take Over on the international affairs, Zionism dominate the world and the US define what is right or wrong, without taking account of opposing opinions neither of international laws, this overall absurd state of mind will be so dominant that the international community will be like tamed in a way that it finds it the norm to not try to confront the Beast Take Over.

History of Human kinds: Natural selection, the Strongest hominin survive

This is a video that presents the story of a hominid largely debated recently, said to be extinct, but not its genes, which are present more or less in Europeans, native American or Asian population, but not in African race, as presented in part 4, it's the Neanderthals, the hominids that coexisted with Homo sapiens for a period of time before going theoretically extinct, but practically cross-breeding and passing its genes even until today's population of modern Humans.

The struggle and fight for resources continue until today, except its politicized
This video presents how was the "Out of Africa" event and how Black people today, originally from Africa look like if they didn't evolve in about millions of years, which is a plausible explanation of the overall primitive state of Africa.

P.S.The initial video posted was removed from YouTube, I found a copy in another channel, which explain why the section talking about the comments related to the original video are not posted on this current video. Still some opinions are interesting, in both video, like a comment in this video comparing the people in this video who existed in dark humanity ages to his "Hood"

Around 5'30: "...2 species competing for the same resources", its about whats happening today, except it's modern days and there are institutions that act like animals rights activists, and act in a way to force the coexistence between evolutionary distant hominids that will slaughter each other to pieces in the darkest times of humanity's History, but some events happened, Evil has been unleashed on earth, Satan corrupts people and its wicked, it infiltrates political institutions to cheat modern humans into sacrificing their own brothers and sister's welfare to serve total strangers. It's not the strongest survive anymore, but the wicked take it all.

One of the comments compared how Homo Sapiens wiped out Neanderthals to how Europeans exterminated native Americans, of course, its not a 100% extermination, since a none significant number of native Americans survived, more importantly, their genes survived and being transferred to black and white Americans, giving birth to a new race, Latino, Hispanic or simply Mestizos or mixed people, which is almost same as what happened with Neanderthal genes, that survived and its more or less present in Europe and Asia, representing the Jewish and Asian population.

Another comment makes a correlation between the lack of progress in Africa and the absence of Neanderthal genes in the continent, which is pure none sense.

Other comments mostly of Negras represent the overall feeling the Black race have on the Evolution theory, calling white to be Neanderthals, or at least have the extinct hominid genes, which is plain stupidity and prove of the Lower IQ of Homo Erectus incarnation or the African race.

Homo Erectus incarnated in Africans pushes for the correlation Jews/Neanderthals
Researches revealed a larger percentage of Neanderthal genes in people of Asian or Jewish ancestry, which may explain the low number of Jewish population, as some last surviving Neanderthals and now whats going on today in the world, is the revenge of modern Humans, not the strongest survive, but the wicked or as I call it "the Take Over". 
Hitler's efforts in cleansing Europe is some kind of natural selection he tried to enforce by ridding the planet of the Neanderthal remains, as they will mutate to the Evil Zionist Beast as we know it today. The video below present the possibility of the survival of the Neanderthals in a humoristic way, but nothing is funny about the existence of dark souls in today's world.

Satan Incarnated through unholy procreation through races mixing:

There is the "Out of Africa" event as depicted in the above video, after which the evolution process took around 1 to 2 million years to reach the optimal stage of our evolutionary process of modern Humans or Homo S. Sapiens, that's the normal process, the course of nature for a natural evolution and to sit on the throne of God's 'creations' on earth as the most intelligent creatures that went through hardship and disasters, confronted harsh climates and natural constraints, to give birth to this magnificent creature that is the modern human.

What anthropologists are not talking about is "second out of Africa"

...The 1st out of Africa event is when the Homo-Erectus or the archaic homo-Sapien left the root continent exploring new continents and worlds, and how it evolved to the “homo-sapiens” then progressively to modern humans we know today, progressing from their state of homo-Erectus or African race in its primitive stage to the iron mastering era until a revolution industrial, while the African race stagnated in Africa in its quasi-archaic homo-Sapien stage.

Sure, from the “Homo Erectus” to the modern humans at the root of an revolution industrial is a long evolutionary process, it changed all the aspects of humanity, from the physical characteristics, behavioral traits, and social life organization to the huge progress in medicine, dietetic, technology, and industry, making life easier. Sure, it was a long path since the mastering of fire and the invention of the wheel, and as a natural consequence facilitating a bigger rate of procreation, and a progressive transformation of the physiology, mentality and social organization of human kinds.

The second “out of Africa” event is a way or a chance for the black race to complete its evolution, since they didn’t evolve, made no progress same as those who left the root continent and evolved into homo S.Sapiens then to modern humans, from the “Homo-Erectus” stage they were stuck in a partial evolutionary stage represented by the African race as a link “missed?” between modern humans and the great ape, the stage called or represented by the “homo-erectus” or archaic homo Sapien, (since the evolution is not an exact science,  which explains the interchange in use of those anthropology terms, since this is not a post about anthropology or archeology), which has all the characteristic of the Black race native of Africa.

The black race upon the arrival of Europeans was in a near primitive stage, and an overall backwarded situation, in all areas where humanity reached optimal advancement, Africa seems to be a bacterial form of life compared to humanity in other continents.
The transatlantic slave trade was of substantial importance for the African race and a decisive event for the history of humanity, in the History of the Black (African) race, as seen before, put in a global context, Africans and Africa was and still behind and backwarded, either from the aspect of evolving into modern humans, with all the mental and physical change that will induce or the progress and advancement Humanity has reached until the 15 century, to cite the point when the large-scale contact with the African race was established.

The Discovery of the new world
For a very long time, it was believed that Columbus and his crew had been the first Europeans to make landfall in the Americas. However, they were not the first explorers from Europe to reach the Americas, having been preceded by the Viking expedition led by Leif Erikson in the 11th century; however, Columbus's voyages led to ongoing European contact with the Americas, inaugurating a period of exploration, conquest, and colonization that persists to the present.

Europeans, went exploring new worlds, since the old continent was saturated with regional conflicts and the race for exploring new territory, acquiring new resources and colonizing new lands, was mandatory to expand empires and satisfy kingdoms, the discovery of the new world was a great event despite the state of the maritime navigation at that period of time which will be considered primitive by today's standards, and most importantly that people at that period of time thought the earth was flat (People in America still hold such belief, but this post is not to address the stupidity of the American population). 

What was at that period of time an adventure of an maritime explorer and the satisfaction of the curiosity of a kingdom will be a cutting edge in the History of Humanity, a lot of radical changes happened in humanity demographic composition since the Discovery of the new world, balances of power shifted and civilizations been destroyed, new power emerged standing on the skeletons of native Americans and African slaves, the necessity of cheap labor, at that period of time was fulfilled by the shipping of millions of slaves from Africa, often traded by their home-continent natives, slaves were shipped from their native land, Africa where they were stuck in their partial evolutionary stage for millions of years. Upon making coontact with Europeans they discovered how the Humanity evolved and progressed since the “ 1st out of Africa event”, and their journey amongst modern humans will start at the plantations, where they were treated like merchandise, farm equipments.

From Darwin and natural selection to Frankenstein-like creatures: 
The voyage to the new world is an important happening for the black race and their last chance to catch up the humanity locomotive of development and progress or maybe even Evolution, since they missed the 1st out of Africa event that was at the root of the evolution of humanity to modern Humans as we know them today. The Black race hosting an evil spirit, since it stayed in Africa at an animal like state, didn't make the divine connection, will try to claim it's humanity and even goes further in making modern humans responsible for its backwarded situation. Somehow, they have the conviction that Humanity owes them something, blaming them for why they being left behind at the event of the 1st out of Africa.

This event of 2nd out of Africa will be their chance to catch up on a couple of millions of years of the evolutionary process, it seems that it's absurd and illogical to even think that they will reach what humanity realized in millions of years of the evolutionary process:

The evolution of human kinds like it happened after the "1st out of Africa" event was complex, progressive and a long process, long in term of about 2 million years. 
Today, the world changes sure, but not much on the anatomical level, shape of skull, adjustment of skeleton or brain size, even though changement in the Human anatomy is noticed in decades, mostly in term of overall size (same as it happened in America in recent decade: they are evolving: Getting bigger), but the evolution of Humanity is over, since the population of the planet constitutes a demographic base hard to be subject to a visible anatomical change. After the second out of Africa event, the way black people “Evolved” is by cross-breeding with other races, and with a substantial change in their diet from their prior life in the African continent.
This second out of Africa event is so important for the destiny of the black race, it is called in some kind of sarcasm as the “ free ride”, since they been shipped in boats as merchandise from the African west coast to their new destiny, which will change the situation of the African race forever, the life of the descendants of Africans who been shipped to America as slaves; while Africa is now the most fucked up place on the planet. 

“There is a grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally
breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on
according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning ENDLESS FORMS
MOST BEAUTIFUL and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.”

                                                               CHARLES DARWIN On the Origin of Species

The shortcut in Human Evolution Satan has a Concretization
Sure, the African slaves passed through a lot since their arrival, but now their descendants are gathering the fruits of their ancestors hundreds of years of slavery, with the lower IQ of all human kinds, Africans are like a plague that the U.S is stuck with, like a persistent dark stain on the humanity, while its nobody’s fault, since they being backward and primitive since forever, and given a chance in the modern world was a lost cause, it’s like Africans are the incurable disease that the humanity is stuck with, great effort worldwide are made to integrate, humanize and civilize Africans, a very few catches up the humanity progress locomotive, while it’s better to work on the amelioration of their savage nature and humanize their character, Africans as ignorant as they are, went the wrong way…
They thought that by cross-breeding, they change their typical African look and with a lighter look and different facial features, it’s progress, maybe evolution or a caricature of evolution, some kind of Frankenstein, a shortcut to Evolve, while in fact, the weird looking hybrid is as savage, as primitive as the pure-blooded Negro, and the new improved African is happy with the new “muh whitey look”.

Negros blame everybody about their situation and lack of development, in fact, they think that the whole world owes them something...While humans were evolving, they stuck in their motherland, climbing trees, hunting and gathering whatever is around, with no ambitions, in fact, this “Homo-Erectus” behavior is still present in Negroes lazy attitude. Negros today, all they do is hunting and gathering all kind of free shit the host milieu security systems provide as indirect slavery reparation.
In fact, Africans regret missing the “free ride” and they give everything to get shipped to the dreamland, to finally "Evolve", since they weren't smart enough to take the chance of the first out of Africa event.

Comparing African Americans to Africans in their pure state in Africa: It's like the second out of Africa (the transatlantic slaves trade) was a major event for the African race and they finally made up for missing the first out of Africa event (around 2 million years ago), now they look like if they evolved anyway, evolution with down syndrome, 300lbs light skinned Frankenstein with 85 IQ...and a large brain.

...Something is wrong here, God never intended or planned for this to happen. 

The Planet earth: an arena for interaction between 2 ends: 
As presented above, it seems that the demographic and political interactions are rooted deep into, not History, but anthropology, beyond races and genes it goes all the way to what hominids are we rooted from, and if our soul has made the divine connection or not.

It seems that the planet, as far as human kinds stratification goes, is the conjunction between 2 kinds: Modern humans and less evolved hominids incarnated in other kinds, from the extreme end of Africans to Jews passing by all kinds of between, of course extensive cross-breeding happened and still, since Muslims slave trade to the recent vague of refugees to Europe (modern days exodus) passing by the transatlantic slaves trade and the discovery of the new world. The result is the variety of human kinds we see on the planet. 
The consequence is like some kind of colors mixing chart, 2 ends with all varieties in between, those varieties tend to be associated more or less with one end depending on the percentage of the given end at its composition. 

Same happened with human kinds, the more you tend to be modern humans the smarter and prosperous you are, we may illustrate it by North and South. North is progress, and as far as you go South it's more primitive, we ignore South Africa and Australia because those are recent settlers, not the original population. 
Here, we may have ended up with totally different sides of the world if it weren't the Evil forces aiming at diluting the planet, of course I'm talking about Zionism effort into making the whole planet a colored population, so Hitler will be confused on who he register and who he won't, even measuring people's skull is meaningless due to the Frankenstein forms of life existing in the planet. 

Demographic colors chart
Of course Jews are not Africans, they are not modern humans neither (Europeans), their recent representation as white is the result of forced cross-breeding with Eastern Europeans, happened through different ways, including the extreme measure of kidnapping eastern European girls to improve the Semitic beast appearances, add to that the different methods of indoctrination that happened to Caucasian in search of whatever privilege being Jew offers in this twisted world. 
As an illustration of the 2 ends of human kinds existing in the planet we may consider Russia and Scandinavian nations as an end and Africa and other colored as the other kind, Europe and America are in between, which explain the nature of its populations like some mixture at the middle of colors chart. While Africa may represent the other dark end. And it seems that it's like a plague infesting South to North, trying to take over and diluting as much as it cans, so a Grey or Brown population is taking over in term of demographic weigh, same as I described in lee puniisher blog a wild form of life as wild dogs spirit taking over, or in those posts as petroleum spillage spreading South to North.

What we do know about wild dogs? they attack smaller preys, and only if they are outnumbering, that explains the situation in Sweden, Russia is a much larger and stronger prey, the animals spirit will sneak its way through other means, like asking Putin for Russian citizenship for example. The consequences of this chart of colors thing are that the more you are close to modern humans end the smarter you are, and the opposite is true,
I mean the American Negros is basically an ape walking around with hoodie and sagging pants, average IQ 85, and a great dependence on public assistance and white wives.

The relatively low mean of the distribution of African American intelligence test scores has been discussed for many years. Although studies using different tests and samples yield a range of results, the Black mean is typically about one standard deviation (about 15 points) below that of Whites (Jensen, 1980; Loehlin et at., 1975; Reynolds et at., 1987). The difference is largest on those tests (verbal or nonverbal) that best represent the general intelligence factor g (Jensen, 1985).

 I was searching education ranking by country, I find Finland always at the top nations along with Russia, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore while the States are far behind, France and Belgium are doing relatively well of course.

An eight-year-old boy is gearing up to start university after it only took him a year and a half to complete school.
 Laurent Simons, from Belgium, has an IQ of 145 and reportedly collected his high diploma with a class of 18-year-olds. 
A ‘genius’ score is considered to be around 140.

The demographic invasion: After Europe and US, projections are on Russia:
Primates aiming for racially pure Russia, there is no more transatlantic slaves trade, Scandinavian nations are already under attack a cause of their open immigration policy and Zionism infesting their political organs, this invasion from the South is like wild dogs start attacking weaker prey same a Sweden, Russia is a lot stronger and bigger prey, the animals are using different tactics, sport for example. Believe it or not, this boxer is hosting the same spirit same as the broke Negro trying to rob you In a dark alley. 
They will use every way to deceive and achieve their goal of Taking over the planet.

Prominent American sportsman Roy Jones Junior had his wish for a Russian passport come true, as Vladimir Putin granted citizenship to the champion of four weight classes, who was once called the world’s best boxer.
A decree granting citizenship to Jones, a former Olympic silver medalist and winner of multiple world championship titles, was signed by Vladimir Putin and then officially published on the Kremlin’s website on Saturday. 

Sweden is getting fucked up year after year, On dirait, it's the Israel of the Scandinavian nations in term of the making of a stronghold for the leftist and diversity crap in the area, Russia must be careful about this self-destructive mentality in proximity.

From below freezing temperatures in Russia to extreme heat in Africa:
If we reconsider the colors chart presented above as a measure of the degree of development and enlightenment Humanity will achieve, depending on its geographic location and ancestry, and is we focus our analysis on Africa as an end and Russia as another end, we can easily note the difference between the 2 geographic zones, of course we will ignore the fact that Africans are incarnation of the Homo erectus, a partially evolved hominid and Russia is inhabited by modern humans, probably the most evolved in the planet, if we measure evolution by how much harsh conditions and constraints human beings had to endure to survive and build a civilization.

Genes and anthropological ancestry defines Humanity condition

From one part, we have Russians, built a great civilization, were the first to go on the moon and are leading in different fields of technology and industry, in a below freezing environment, defying the climatic conditions that will make another humankind go extinct, and most likely they settled down in modern days Russia during modern humans history.

Below-freezing temperatures did not deter an elderly Russian woman from walking barefoot across a river in Vologda Region. The brave soul, who seemed unfazed by the bone-chilling cold, said she just had to go buy some bread.

On the other end, we take Africa, African people were in the motherland since forever, in fact, that's why they didn't evolve, and most African countries are a relatively primitive form of life that will be a lot worst without western interventions. Those African people will go extinct, if they were forced to relocate and live in Russia conditions, as in this post, fish out of the water, it is not known where is the divine wisdom out of even the existence of the African race, those people are so backwarded and just pulling humanity down with them, this is not to take the invention of the wheel as a scale to measure their intelligence, overall, they are backwarded despite all the efforts made to push them forward. Even if we ignore the comparison with Russia, or other examples as Australia or South Africa, those people even when they get out of Africa, they are like parasites feeding on humanity resources and progress, which will push us to seriously question their humanity.

Rodents: a Parasitical form of life thrives on humans infrastructures:
Let's take examples of industrialized nations, either in Europe or America, different policies of immigration being established to allow this parasite form of life to immigrate under different reasons and causes, mostly pushed through Zionist effort to dilute the local population and dumb it down...

Now, if you take any given country in Europe or State in the US, the locals are mostly of European origin, settled down in that location centuries ago, mostly that area was uninhabitable without any infrastructure, or human civilization, they worked hard to submit the nature, build infrastructure, extract resources and make the area habitable for humans and even developed a local civilization, happened worldwide, wherever modern human existed, from Europe, Russia, to America passing by Australia and South Africa, we ignore Japan and Asia. Great civilizations are built worldwide, except in Africa, if we exclude the areas improved by western discovery.

A distinction must be made between metropolitan areas and small towns, of course, there is a lot of diaporamas in between, depending on the degree of the development and prosperity of the region, natural and human resources and divers other conditions. Before any Country or State is invaded by immigrants, which are in the overall of cases of colored nature, we can make difference between metropolitan areas, large metropolitan areas, small towns and rural areas, large metropolitan areas have the most of infrastructure, followed by metropolitan areas, then town and rural areas. 

Watching the difference between rural areas and big metropolitan areas we can conclude how a given population is mentally developed, advanced and prosperous, in rural areas, the population gives an example of how human submit the landscape and natural conditions. Naturally, its hard to live in rural areas than in metropolitan and large metropolitan areas, the more infrastructure modern humans create, the more life will be easy, the consequence is that a passive form of life will thrive in metropolitan and large metropolitan areas: rodents.

Rats tend to live where humans live, since the presence of man generally creates an abundance of food and shelter. Because rats live for the most part out of the sight of people and usually emerge from their dwelling places when we’re either asleep or not around to see them, it’s easy to imagine that far more of them are lurking in those impenetrable dark spaces than really are there. 
Another statistic in this vein is the “one rat per person” rule — the claim that in any sufficiently large urban area, the rat population is as large as the human population.

As cited before, rodents are a parasitical form of life that thrives on the host milieu resources. Practically, you will find more rats in large metropolitan areas than in rural area, the infrastructure and human life create shelter, food, and condition for this parasitical form of life.

Colored, a passive form of life, a more evolved form of rodents
In parallel, we will remark the development of another parasitical form of life, that of Blacks and other colored, who are not evolved enough to create anything but consume what modern humans are creating, same as with rodents, you will find more Negros and colored in large metropolitan areas than in rural areas and small towns, same as with rodent, infrastructure and large presence of humans create an adequate milieu to thrive as a passive form of life. Humans will give up to this parasitical invasion by creating shelters, social services, and free resources and animals rights association to 'accommodate' this silent invasion of this lower form of life. 
It is amazing that if you go to rural or mountainous areas, you will see like Negros population and colored got extinct, since there is no infrastructure or free resources to thrive on, in fact, they will virtually go extinct without modern humans assistance if in harsh conditions and natural constraints, same as rodents are concentrated in metropolitan areas.

The base of the establishment of any given civilization is white settlers, then immigrants adds up, in the case of America, freed slaves who were supposed to be settled in central, South America or Africa, along with native Americans remains and every other kind in between. The interaction between the local populations and colored, either its immigration, slavery or native American descendants will decide the fate and prosperity of any given town or metropolitan area. Basically, it starts as a passive form of life surviving on what Whites built of infrastructure and provide as resources, if the 'rodents' population gets strong and numerous enough it will take over the town or even metropolitan area, which will cause a vague of emigration of the locals to more "habitable" areas. 
That's the general tendency in the urban infrastructure of the US cities with large Negros and colored population, they are usually ending up underdeveloped, progressively regressing and even getting bankrupt, and this is despite the effort made to make this passive form of life productive, contributing to the society with all forms of policies and laws made to push them forward despite their mental limitations, I guess its hard to change the nature of people who simply didn't fully evolve and are not modern humans, the result, is the local population of any given town or metropolitan area that knows a large presence of colored will end up following in the tendency forced upon them by the presence of these destructive forms of life that is Negros and colored population, this explains the destruction of decency and values and widespread of crimes, drugs, prostitution and overall anarchy as we will see in part 7.

Many US towns and metropolitan areas present the symptoms of a colored Take Over, some predominantly white towns are to be considered as the negative influence of the prior or a proximity existence of such form of life.

God's Wisdom in creating inequality in Human kinds?
It's our duty to "pet" the African race, because they are not fully evolved humans, don't resonate like a human being and as a consequence they can't be self-sufficient or have a control on their animal urges, if left to their own or given too much freedom they will destroy themselves and us as well, that's why they must be kept in a reservation because they are a failed domestication project. 

The text below presents it from another angle: God created the universe and principles of energy and matter, which then guided subsequent evolution. The balance of universe=>Guided evolution. Infusion of human/divine soul, the Cutting edge in defining Humans soul from the Beast spirit. 
While most US scientists think humans are simply smarter apes, at least 4 in 10 believe a creator "guided" evolution so that Homo sapiens are ruled by a soul or consciousness, a new survey shows. Scientists almost unanimously accept Darwinian evolution over millions of years as the source of human origins. But 40% of biologists, mathematicians, physicians, and astronomers include God in the process. Creation is a bedtime story, more of a symbolic presentation of what will happen around 70's in America and the forbidden fruit which is interracial sex, than a real Creation, there is controlled evolution, the brain and divine soul difference is God's wisdom, into making difference between Good and Evil. As the law of the universe: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction": there are 2 opposing sides: Evil side hosting Evil spirit got the Homo Erectus and other archaic hominids as its core with no divine connection, while modern humans host the Divine soul.

Politics in global perspective: From MAGA to shithole countries, the legacy of a presidency
President Donald Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries" during a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House, a Democratic aide briefed on Thursday's meeting told NBC News.
Trump's comments were first reported by The Washington Post, which said the nations referred to by Trump also included El Salvador.

The U.N. human rights office said the comments, if confirmed, were "shocking and shameful" and "racist," while Haiti's foreign minister summoned the U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Robin Diallo for clarification.

It’s not the first time reports have surfaced of Trump speaking unfavorably about immigrants, and Haitians in particular. The New York Times reported in December that Trump said Haitian immigrants "all have AIDS," during a summer 2017 meeting about immigration.
According to the Times, Trump also targeted Nigerian immigrants during that meeting, complaining that once they came to the United States they would never "go back to their huts." The White House vigorously denied the claims in the story at the time.

The American Negroes: a Form of organic waste improved by the welfare system
About Trump shithole countries remark, If we put it in a Black and White America and that people must not take it literally, but as meaning how people coming from impoverished countries can have a negative influence on the U.S growth, since he based his campaign on making America great, Trump must be, judging by the American Negros situation in America and how they are lowering standards, aiming at improving the demographic base of immigrants influx by establishing the merit base or favoring immigrants from specific nations, he cited Norway as an example (like if he went shopping for immigrants). 
Otherwise, if Trump is pretending that the American feral Negros are better than Negros in so-called shithole countries, he's wrong. American Negros will go extinct without public assistance. Plus, he's the first president different of a serial of presidents who are executing the monkey's spirit policies, literally.

You may argue that the American Negros are fat and stupid some kind of organic waste or shit, but you can't generalize for the world. 
The problem is that Africans don't want to be self-sufficient and build Africa, instead following what's broadcasted about American Negros in the media, necessarily showbiz, sports and movies of a fake black reality in America, they end up invading Europe and other countries, to realize the American dream, the result is destructive for the local population.

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