Thursday, January 3, 2019

Floating petroleum: Dead fishes: the Take Over (Part 7)

Part 6 presented how beyond ancestry, racial group or nationality, interactions between human kinds nowadays is rooted deep in anthropology and depends on if we host the soul consequencing of the genes transferred of fully evolved humans, or archaic hominids genes survived and being transferred through generations.

What happened is that those interactions are not always peaceful, despite the appearances, at least in the deeply hidden intent, and most importantly we are at war with other archaic forms of life that survived millions of years, in improved looks, that is trying to Take Over and get revenge from modern humans, the result is like a plague or widespread of dirty gene taking over the planet, south to north, surviving on modern humans resources and backstabbing them at the first chance.

In this part 7, I will present how this demographic invasion is justified by all kinds of humanitarian reasons, the hidden nature and reality of such population replacement, how its pushed through different disguisements, including the extreme way of instigating wars to create waves of refugees and asylum seekers influx easily justifiable by Humanitarian reasons. What going on in the global perspective is far from a spontaneous movement of population for economic, military or political reasons, its a scheme that has been planned a long time ago, and it is put into execution, needless to say that there is an Evil spirit orchestrating all of it.

Part 8 will treat the consequences and negative effects caused by this demographic invasion. Mostly the projected radical change in Europeans demographic fabric, and the immediate consequences such as creating a state of anarchy and lawlessness in the host milieu translated into ghetto and No-Go zones, which will cause the overall destruction of national values and the progressive destruction of the locals' culture replaced by degeneration brought in by multiculturalism. As well as the US demographic composition which is predicted to switch from a white majority into a colored Take Over in a matter of few decades.

Part 9 focus will be on the importance of putting what's going on today in the context of time-related anthropological roots, necessarily, how insignificant our short recorded history in Earth compared to the relative indefinite dimension of the Universe in terms of time and space, the limited comprehension of recorded events of cosmological dimensions as they happened, speculation on matters Humans start wondering around in the latest 500 years or so, while it existed for billions of years, which will make it all Scientific Proved Speculations. 

The conclusion is: Today's conflicts between humankind is a struggle for resources, territories, and domination, just the same way Homo S, Sapiens took over earth causing the theoretical extinction of  Neanderthals and homo erectus... Or maybe not, aren't we just a DNA design of many genes? same as we are fighting mutating pathogens, at a certain extents, those theoretically extinct hominids' genes survived and being transmitted into modern Humans and evolved composing the form of life trying to take over recently as Africans, Jews and other archaic forms of life targeting modern humans societies worldwide for resources and 'modern tools'.
...and what can possibly be done to prevent this Take-Over?

Part 10 will be a translation of the recent Parts into politics, ignoring the time factor  or fast forwarding the events humanity known since the out of Africa event until today in a pace to put it in the context of how old the universe is, the UN may be resembling a meeting of different kinds of hominids, learned how to behave and discussing the global distribution of resources and peace treaties. Of course its hard to make such a scenario perceptible to today's human mind, the part will make such a comparison on focusing on the fact that some international pole has the characteristics of a wild animal or a primitive form of life with diplomatic skills and in a suit, which proves the theory of the obsolete notion of time and that we are still in conflicts for resources.

Its a premeditated silent demographic Invasion
Things are not always what they seem, the massive vague of refugees to Europe, policies in America advocating diversity, and African immigrants abandoning their homeland to "invade" white societies are not events caused by natural circumstances, politic or economic constraints, it's a modern day's Mass Exodus same as Jews were kicked from country after country or the transatlantic Slaves trade.
What's happening recently, has been planned a long time ago and pushed by wicked politics and purposely instigated wars, the Kalergi Plan and Frankfurt School Cultural Marxism are just examples of how deep what's going on today is tracing its roots back in history and it's finally concretizing.
This is an abstract about what's the Kalergi plan is about:
"Kalergi explains that the citizens of the future “United States of Europe” will not be the people of the Old Continent, but a new mixed breed, the products of thorough and widespread miscegenation. He states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and other non-White races, to create a multiracial population, with a not clear sense of tradition or identity and therefore easily controlled by the ruling elite."

The Real immigration deal

The issue is not illegal immigration. The issue is race. Yes, let us use the horrid word. The issue is whether or not these United States shall remain a white country.
Were every illegal immigrant given a green card tomorrow, the fundamental issue would remain: White America or La Raza America? There is an uncanny similarity between the language of the preservation of slavery one hundred fifty years ago and the language of immigration restriction today.

The South tried to hide the preservation of slavery behind universal language of “states rights”. Whites today try to hide the preservation of white civilization behind universal language of illegal immigration. It is time to stop hiding.
The men who wrote the Constitution were unabashed white supremacists. They enslaved blacks, they conquered Mexicans and they exterminated Indians. They were proud of it. Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and John C. Calhoun wrote unequivocally of the superiority of whites to all the aforementioned groups. Not one American of the 18th, 19th or early 20th centuries envisioned America as anything other than a free white land. The claim that America should be a “melting pot” of diverse races was, and is, a LIE. Just who is responsible for that lie we shall examine later.

Americans need have no fear of the charge of racism. Racism imply means: White America preserved for whites. That is as it should be. The Mexicans and other Third World races pouring into America are complete racists. They openly proclaim themselves the true “native Americans” and arrogantly announce that they shall drive American whites back to Europe. They openly boast of their agenda and proclaim it to the skies. The media ignore this Third World racism and denounce white racism instead.
“Thus, all their strength the Jews – basically, ALL the vocal Jews in the world – encourage non-white immigration into every country in which they are located, not only because the multicultural society is their fundamental political aim, but also because the disintegration of national identity in each nation and the massive presence of anti-white immigrants is designed to prevent the original white population from succeeding in any nationalistic outbursts against the Jewish sway over finance, politics and the media. All Jewish intellectuals, without any exception, are focused on this question of building the ‘pluralistic society’ and for this, they practice constant ‘vigilance against racism.'”
                                                                                                                         – Hervé Ryssen

“For perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish community will be in a position where it will be in a position to divide and conquer and enter into selective coalitions to support our agendas.”

               — Stephen Steinlight, “The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demography.” Center for Immigration Studies, October 2001

The subversive Jews dedicate themselves to controlling America’s head:

“There are approximately 300 national Jewish organizations in the United States with a combined budget estimated in the range of $6 billion — a sum greater than the gross national product of half the members of the UN.”
                                                           – Kevin MacDonald (The Culture of Critique, Chapter 7)

This is NOT just happening to America, but ALL White nations, like Britain, Canada and even Ireland, Sweden and Norway. It cannot be denied any longer by any Whites still left with a brain. This is all to destroy White demographics so that the Jews can feel less threatened by Whites coming together. Our countries are purposefully being turned into disgusting Third World nations and the subversive Jews could care less what you think. They’ve been behind doing all this for DECADES, now. Read this and think hard:

“The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-White or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country.
We have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about a half-century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible and makes constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever.”

                       – Earl Raab, executive director emeritus of the Perlmutter Institute of Jewish Advocacy (ADL offshoot), Jewish Bulletin, Feb. 19, 1993

“Global elites view the West as the main obstacle to a future world government. Multiculturalism is a tool used by such elites to dismantle White Western civilization.”
— Pat Buchanan, in a speech in Falls Church, Va. 2004

The Immigration Act of 1965 overthrew the white, Nordic structure of American society and told the Third World: “Come On In.” Some of you, ladies and gentlemen, may ask: Why would Jews wish to overthrow the United States as a white nation? What have they to gain?
To answer this question one must know something of Jewish history. Jews have been expelled from one European nation after another throughout the centuries.

In Germany, the population under Adolf Hitler turned against them with deadly force in retaliation for the Jewish communist revolutions post World War One. Jews in America wield tremendous political and economic power. They most definitely have not been using that power to benefit the whites.
The Jews know that if American whites ever catch on to what Jews have been doing, then a white nationalist reaction against Jewish power, as in Hitler’s Germany, could occur. It is precisely to prevent that eventuality that Jews have worked unceasingly to shatter the white racial backbone of America. If whites become fragmented and isolated in Third World America, Jewish power can rule unopposed.

Millions of migrants mostly from Africa and the Middle East have swarmed Europe in the last three years – the result of what has been explained by world leaders as a war-driven “refugee” crisis.
Yet, a United Nations document, prepared in the year 2000 and rediscovered by WND, reveals the U.N. was already promoting the notion of “replacement migration” in Europe with the support of open-borders non-governmental organizations and “progressive” politicians.

The document – “Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations?” – details the plunging birthrates across Europe and identifies a solution: mass immigration.
The 17-year-old document contended mass immigration was necessary to replace the aging populations of developed countries. Without the migration of populations from the developing world, it reasons, economies will suffer because of labor shortages and falling tax revenues.

“Therefore, among the demographic variables, only international migration could be instrumental in addressing population decline and population aging in the short to medium term,” the report concludes.

The report specifically targets the U.S., Germany, Britain, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea and Russia as prime candidates for replacement migration. It is not an obscure study, written and then ignored, but a founding piece of the pro-migration agenda pushed by the United Nations, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and open-borders advocates.

“Following the publication of the draft of this study, the Population Division of the United Nations organized an Expert Group Meeting on ‘Policy Responses to Population Aging and Population Decline’ from 16 to 18 October 2000, at United Nations Headquarters in New York,” the report notes.

“Replacement migration was one among a number of possible policy responses that were considered.”
Is America headed down a suicidal path by following the ‘European model’? Find out in Leo Hohmann’s ‘Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad’ — available now at the WND Superstore.

According to U.N. documents, the meeting was attended by a host of government and non-governmental organizations and individuals, and it featured numerous policy proposals in support of “replacement migration.”
Attendees included the International Organization for Migration, a U.N. group that recently declared that mass migration is not only “inevitable” but “necessary”; the U.N. Population Fund, a group dedicated to “family planning” and the spread of contraceptives; and the U.S. Census Bureau.
Among the invited experts were two Americans, Judith Treas, a sociologist at the University of California at Irvine, and Michael Teitelbaum, former vice president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
Both experts concluded that a large increase in migration would not benefit the United States, though Treas noted that immigration already accounts for about one-in-five new Americans.

“Immigrants will not prevent the long-run aging of the population, except in the highly unlikely scenario of a ten-fold increase in annual immigration levels,” Treas said.

What do YOU think? Are open borders a globalist power grab? Sound off in today’s WND poll!

When writing about Europe, on the other hand, many experts supported “replacement migration.”
Veteran political commentator and former White House adviser Patrick Buchanan told WND the fact that the U.N. “signed on to a mass migration of Third World peoples to Europe and America, to replace the native populations, is consistent with its anti-Western ideology and comes as no surprise.”

“Not long after its birth, the U.N. came to be dominated by delegates, diplomats and staff among whose operative principles was that the West was guilty of historic crimes against humanity, and that justice demanded the endless transfer of the West’s illicitly acquired wealth to a Third World it had oppressed,” said Buchanan, a senior adviser to U.S. Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan and a former presidential candidate.


The fight back: Never Again

Germany is infested by "stink Jews". Since post-WWII, major keys positions being occupied by Zionist agents to prevent the eventual rise of a Hitler 2.0. Merkel's policy of mass immigration is an extension of the Zionist's agenda to dilute the population to prevent the eventuality of a massive anti-Semitic movement, since everyone is busy developing anti-Muslims and immigrants feeling. 
P.S. I use stink Jew as an expression to designate any individual from any background who's action smells Zionist ambitions.
As cited in real immigration deal above:
The Jews know that if American whites ever catch on to what Jews have been doing, then a white nationalist reaction against Jewish power, as in Hitler’s Germany, could occur. It is precisely to prevent that eventuality that Jews have worked unceasingly to shatter the white racial backbone of America. If whites become fragmented and isolated in Third World America, Jewish power can rule unopposed. 

...And one of the comments in the cited website makes this suggestion:

Hitler SHOULD HAVE wiped out 6 Million of the lesser demons, instead of merely being accused of such by the 6 Million Holohoax “survivors” and the magically spawned offspring of the 6 Million that were…uh, gassed and burned, or something. 

Which will be developed later on about the resurrection of some kind of people who 'went extinct' creating a new demographic texture in the world.

Statements get explicit

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu (Benjamin Netanyahu was in a meeting at Finks bar in Jerusalem, a well-known Mossad watering-hole. Here is what he said as taken directly from the transcript of the recording, which was witnessed and which has been 100% fully authenticated.)

“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do. America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s God’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”


Where and who is “Amalek” (the people the Jews are commanded to wipe out) today?

This Rabbi tells us, it’s Germany, or more specifically, Germanic Europeans pose a threat. And this has indeed shown to be the case throughout history.


Talking about 'humanitarian interventions' instigating Demographic wars
Ever wondered who is controlling the tsunami of so-called "Syrian refugees" that's flooding Germany and Austria and how it is being done?
The answer is Carlos Slime, the Jewish-Mexican drug-lord, supposedly the second richest man in the world (The Windsor-Rothfilth crime family not included, of course. They are a league of their own, because they have fleeced humanity for centuries.) Apart from 17% of the NYT and the Shazam app that secretly records and analyses its users conversations, he also owns several European telecom companies that hand out free smartphones to all newly arriving "Syrian refugees" (Yiddish for undercover USrael-trained ISIS fighters) so that they can receive their marching orders when it is time to finish Eisenhower's, Churchill's and Stalin's job by culling the remaining 75% of the great German nation.

No passport, no billing address, no bank account, no income statement or credit check needed. Just a free new smartphone, SIM card included, as a present handed over at the welcome briefing by the likes of the Red Cross, Amnesty International and Caritas who have obviously all sold their souls to the Berber Moor and Mongolian-Turk Khazar Hun devils pretending to be Israelites.    

Pope Francis criticized the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant families 
at the Mexican border in an exclusive interview with Reuters published today.

Full article:

When the pope is corrupted and seems like if he's dumbed down in talking about refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants as individuals, like if in old times, you must help the needy around in your neighborhood...
Those people are pouring in in millions, is he stupid or something, that's collective suicide for the locals, it's a theft of resources, and I guess he's too brainwashed to realize it or a part of the plot to destroy humanity.

This modern days exodus, mass immigration pushed by Zionist agents either its in Europe, Scandinavian nations or the US is like a war, some kind of silent invasion, disguised under humanitarian purposes, the damages are observed in long-term and irreversible, from population replacement to lowering of standards and dumbing down the locals to 'peaceful' theft of the locals resources under all kinds of government programs disguised under different ideologies.
It's indeed a war, in a state of war, the just war have some principle, to not harm kids and women, unless the opposite will happen, now those women and kids are at the roots of the silent invasion, they create a feeling of empathy and use the locals own humanity against them, they are used in front page to broadcast a victim's image into the media, while they are silent conquerors, they will grow up, reproduce, and deep inside them is stored a hatred for the locals.

Up to people in charge to decide for dumbed down masses brainwashed by Zionist media into passing the interest of foreigners before theirs.

Back to reality, from the old testament

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said Western Europe is under a migrant invasion which will soon make a minority of native Europeans. Orban was speaking Thursday at a massive rally three weeks ahead of Hungary’s parliamentary election. He said Western Europe has surrendered with “its hands up” to the mass migration of people from Africa and the Middle East. He added that “the youth of Western Europe will still live to see when they become a minority in their own country and lose the only place in the world to call home.”

‘Immigration is not a human right’: Hungary slams ‘pro-migrant’ UN officials for ‘spreading lies’
Hungary’s Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has accused the UN human rights watchdog of “spreading lies” about his country, saying that immigration was not a “fundamental human right.”

The official took aim at the “independent experts” with the UN Human Rights Council, stating they “should not be independent from the truth.”

“Recently, unfortunately, some UN officials started to spread lies against and about my country,” Szijjarto told the UN body’s meeting on Wednesday.

Such officials would like to “force on us impossible things,” namely allowing illegal migrants into the country, Szijjarto stated. “They say that migration is a fundamental human right, which is a lie,” he stressed.

A Spirit has been created for revenge and it's amongst us, undetected 

Anthropological retrospective: 

"There are many reasons why we should care. First, this represents significant new findings on our heritage as a species. The Americas were the last continents to be colonized by modern humans and understanding this process is important for understanding ourselves, our capacities as a species.”


Using species, and modern humans colonizing the Americas, Thank god there is no political correctness in archaeology. 

This represents the demographic root of the world's today population, and most importantly the conflicts and interactions between humankind, while its smoothed by politicians to look peaceful, of humanitarian nature, it presents the extension of what happened long time ago during humanity evolutionary process, the cutting edge and decisive event was the discovery of the new world. in this article the author is talking about "modern human colonizing the Americas", its to insinuate that the native inhabitant of the new continent are not modern Humans, in fact, they are Neanderthals leftover genes mixed with other archaic forms of life before the European colonization , same may be said for Africans in their pure state, they represent the incarnation of the Homo Erectus in an advanced stage, talking about the transatlantic slave trade we may call it modern Humans enslaving Africans, as this map of Neanderthal genes presents the dispersion of the said extinct genes in the world.

A substantial presence of Neanderthal genes may be noticed in the Americas, Asia and the middle east (substantial in term of that even a tiny percentage of DNA may define important trait of humankind, and totally make an all different kind despite the insignificant difference of the overall appearance).  

If we put this map dispersion of the extinct hominids genes in term of today's demographic composition's projection after the discovery of the new world, we may have this global overview:

Neanderthals are said to be extinct after getting in contact with modern humans, competing for resources, genocidal extermination and even lack of immunity to diseases that the modern humans were more evolved to survive (smallpox for example), Neanderthals are said to be a smaller population that cohabited Europe with modern humans at a certain period of time before going extinct, but not their genes, which is presented in the map above, saying a hominid is gone extinct, but not its genes, and since genealogy is not an exact science, we won't be surprised of finding a small number of people that may be defined as Neanderthal by the relatively high percentage of the extinct hominid genes they have, a small groups of people that were oppressed throughout history by modern humans, sounds like Jews. on the other side, always using this map which is made in modern times, if we put it back in term of about 500 years ago, during the discovery of the new world, and what happened, extermination of native Americans and replacement of the local population by Europeans, Mestizos and mulatto, we may easily conclude that what happened in Americas was another chapter of extermination of Neanderthals by modern humans, considering the largest genocide in the history of Humanity happened in the new world, we can conclude by the dots on this map that those are the very last surviving native Americans, while the larger part of Neanderthal genes is gone extinct during Christopher Columbus genocide, same as it happened in Europe and after extinction of the hominids their genes being transmitted to form Jewish, middle eastern and Asia races. Of course, we will ignore Asian due to their specific nature and that they were isolated from the western world until recently.
We have hominids that gone extinct or survived in few numbers through their transmitted genes, so what will be the likely scenario? if we put it in the context of these posts, petroleum spillage causing dead fishes, which represent the demographic take over by some kinds of human species using modern humans resources against them, either surviving on what they have built or mixing genes so they can passe unapercu to execute their dark agenda of the take over and punishes modern humans for what happened in the darkest times of humanity history when hominids were competing for resources and survival, same still going on today even though it is not as evident as it seems. The overall panorama or scenario is that, those almost extinct hominids are resurrecting, using modern humans resources, knowledge, infrastructure and even genes to Take Over the planet earth after they were almost wiped out in darkest humanity times. Either it's a light-skinned Negro, Green eyed Jew, White Hispanic or white looking Asian, all represent modern times conflict between hominids, round 2 if you like, the revenge or La Reconquista as they say.

Projection on today demographic conflicts and replacement 
If you observe all the craziness happening today from BLM, Antifa, refugees and asylum seekers along with mass immigration mania, its like we living in an exodus time of biblical proportions. and those events will decide the future and fate of humanity. 
The issue here is that those people are so dedicated and serious about their Take Over effort, while modern humans are taking a nap and watching MTV, made to distract them and rotten their mind by the same people who are orchestrating this to Take Over. it a big and wicked scheme, tracing its roots all the way back to darkest times of humanity existence.

Bon, ignore the time factor, in term of about 40.000 years (the time Neanderthal are supposed to have coexisted with modern humans), until today chaos, of racial dilution and demographic displacement and replacement.
Neanderthals were "wiped out" but most likely after their genes being transmitted in variable percentages, the few with larger DNA percentage will be at the root of Jewish people, as explained in previous Parts of this series of fishes and Petroleum posts. Hitler tried to exterminate Jews, same as modern human exterminated Neanderthals. On the other hand, judging by the map, which there is no reason to question its credibility, and as cited before, it is most likely that a large population of Neanderthal inhabited the new continent (in term of percentage of the extinct genes in their DNA and the physical and mental traits it will induce), genocide of native Americans happened, without literally speaking we may compare it to extermination of Neanderthal by modern Humans or Hitler try to cleanse Europe of Jews, just to present the interaction between modern humans and Neanderthals incarnation, or humankind with significant percentage of the extinct genes and their DNA. We ignore Africans until later on, since they represent the incarnation of another early hominid: Homo Erectus.
If we ignore nation and religions and present the interaction between human kinds in term of what early hominids genes you have and the consequent soul you are hosting, other than modern humans, no other kind ever made the divine connection prophecy or whatever form of enlightenment humanity has known, Mayan and Egyptians have Aztecs and pyramids, still they stayed in a primitive state. so that wasn't a divine connection, they just being visited.

Our perception of time frame recording Humanity history is obsolete: Time is a relatively infinite sphere in the cosmological context:
To make any sense of the following, must takes our perception out of the 24H 365 days, the life expectancy in your country, written modern history, prehistorical events, even archaeological findings into a greater dimension, the relatively indefinite time and space of the universe  and what is undiscovered beyond, let's just cite that Earth is 4.543 billion years old and the Universe is 13.8 billion years old to easily comprehend that events happened 40.000 years ago(existence of Neanderthals in Europe) or even 2 millions years ago(Homo Erectus leave Africa) aren't that distant as your calendar may present, in term of our existence as a part of the milky way, or even a part of a greater universe beyond the reach of our human perception and intelligence, the evolutionary process of humanity, if placed in term of the existence of earth in the universe its like some closely related events, or 'overnight' by the universe standards. which makes what follow highly plausible.

What happened is that the Neanderthal even though being literally gone extinct long time ago, or the surviving genes in whatever humankind being subject to oppression and try to extermination either its Hitler or Christopher Columbus, their spirit is dark and is seeking revenge. How to seek revenge from people who are more advanced and evolved than you are? a lot more numerous, strong and organized than you? through deception and wickedness, that's what's going on today.

Extinct hominids resurrection era: the 21st century
This kind of people went extinct in dark ages, few survived Hitler tried to finish them off, Christopher Columbus almost wiped them out of the new world, it's a desperate situation to fight back a more advanced and evolved hominid, the solution will to resurrect their kind, largely outnumbered and underdeveloped they will try to do the demographic Resurrection of their kind, by sneaking into having modern human genes, to form a demographic base solid enough to confront the masters race, this explain cross-breeding even through rape that happened in Europe post WW2 and the obsession of native remains to cross breed with Europeans, the offspring will form the Hispanic or Latino race which is simply Neanderthal genes and soul resurrecting in new improved looks.
Those people went blindly into the obsession about acquiring modern genes, adding to that that African slaves descendants will have to resurrect their kind as well in a more presentable look, the result is the Frankenstein form of life existing in the states and even in the world, remind that a large part of this cross breed which will be at the origin or this demographic event are unholy, started by rape of native Americans and African slaves, expending into prostitution, the traditional consensual intercourses are often based on a deep desire in this lower form of life to improve their genes, often different methods of temptation and deception are used, the result is an Evil corrupted Frankenstein form of life existing in America and the world, Satan was complaining to God that he didn't make him as an optimal Human, (this is symbolic citation since there is evolution no creation), its maybe because it doesn't evolve and was the incarnation of a lower hominid, wither its Neanderthal or Homo Erectus, Satan will tempt Humans into crossbreed so it will resurrect with more humanely features, that's what happened in today's demographic composition shift into a diluted human race, Satan is forming its Frankenstein army and taking over the world.
of course, must put things in today's contexts, 21st century, multi-generational cross-breeding happened at an extensive level.

Now ladies and Gentleman, you must pay great attention to the fact that the corruption of the soul isn't an exact science, which means that your appearance won't forcibly dictate if you are a Good or Evil person ( as soon as I post this I find people putting all kinds of retard looks in their eyes).
The video below sums up the above text in few minutes, which is great, talking about modern humans enslaving Neanderthals or the latter existing as second class citizens is just another way to present what is posted above.

Say Hello to Neanderthals and Homo Erectus Take Over of the Planet
This is a remark, about the formation of a certain kind of people's spirit through history which in this case is an evil spirit. Its about the African American community existence in the North American continent during the last centuries, from the transatlantic slaves trade and plantations passing by emancipation and civil rights movement until what we see today of African American community arrogance and what I called "civil rights abuse" which means after they got equal rights they start to abuse everybody else rights by the name of PC and all kinds of positive discrimination they are "suffering from". Whoever dares to complain about the Negroid race savage behavior is simply labeled racist by the Zionist brainwashed society. During the centuries of the existence of African slaves on this continent and the about 400 years of slavery a spirit for revenge being created. This is not a horror movie but for every mind of people there is a spirit, that formed off slavery is Evil.

Its a spirit of revenge not of redemption or reconciliation, even though all privileges the African American community are given their dark soul prevails, there is a hypothesis that Negros being freed because they made a deal with Devil, " freedom for eternal servitude" and that's how the evil American union is founded on the residues of slavery, remark that the emancipation proclamation ended up the civil war and saved the union, which explains their obsession about fighting wars overseas to free and liberate people, from whom? I don't know, often talking about tyrant leader, like Qaddafi for example, causing the total destruction of Libya, I guess that's devil vision of freedom. The point of this post is the formation of the slave's descendants spirit and how it exists and evolve during the last centuries.
A simple word is a subject to large debate, you may find news outlets making coverage about somebody using it, and it goes all around courts case, people losing their job, and all folklore and coverage typical to American stupidity, the said word is the N word, you can't even say it. The N-word was used In plantation to call slaves as well as the simple appellation boy, Negros spirit won't forget and as it fought everything related to its existence on this continent, it will progressively fight this so-called racial slur and flip it upside down to its advantage, not only people losing their job and sued for using that word (dozen of anti-white slur used freely). But Negros spirit throughout the years will make it an anti-white as well, rapping Ni$%& this Ni&*$ that, it lost every offensive meaning amongst Blacks, while they still ruining and punishing white people for using it, even you commonly find Negros calling a white person the N word, while its commonly used in ghetto talk and despite it looks simple innocent talk it had a deep and dark root, the spirit created for revenge of slavery, its a spirit so it knows no time frame, it still feels like the plantation era was yesterday, and now its revenge time, who's N$%% now, that what it means while calling a white person the N word and getting away with it while ruining any cracka who dare to use that word. An example in the movie "Supremacy" Danny Glover at the end when he brainwashes that white supremacist into: " Who's Ni$&# now" and openly telling him there is no N in this house but him. That's the evil power of Negros, the "word". Why you think rap music is brainwashing the youth, or why slaves were "chanting" during slavery as soon as chains put on them.

A spirit being created for revenge

I don't have to describe plantations atrocities or the Holocaust, by posting what history recorded. This spirit of revenge it doesn't want reconciliation it wants revenge, and it happened to be used by Evil power created by the union of all those historically oppressed people, it's called Zionism of course. 

Las Casas tells how the Spaniards "grew more conceited every day" and after a while refused to walk any distance. They "rode the backs of Indians if they were in a hurry" or were carried on hammocks by Indians running in relays. "In this case they also had Indians carry large leaves to shade them from the sun and others to fan them with goose wings." Total controlled to total cruelty. The Spaniards "thought nothing of knifing Indians by tens and twenties and of cutting slices off them to test the sharpness of their blades." Las Casas tells how "two of these so-called Christians met two Indian boys one day, each carrying a parrot; they took the parrots and for fun beheaded the boys." The Indians' attempts to defend themselves failed. And when they ran off into the hills they were found and killed. So, Las Casas reports, "they suffered and died in the mines and other labors in desperate silence, knowing not a soul in the world to whom they could turn for help." He describes their work in the mines.
The claim this video is about, is that the real Israelis are African Americans and Native Americans, I've seen a poster in Harlem presenting the same theory, talking about the 12 tribes of Israel like some kind of God chosen people and their promised land, all rooted from native Americans and slavery ancestry, which may be plausible as a theory if we consider Zionism as the "Doctrine of historically oppressed people"., 

What's intriguing in this video, besides the remark that these people take passages from holy books as exact scientific findings while they are disputable texts, may be interpreted depending on what version you are reading and who edited it. This guy makes interesting outlines from its 'reference':
Around 12" he reads verse 26: "I said I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of  them to cease from among men" then he went into affirming that verse like if its a scientific statement: so that's what the Lord did, he scatter us into the 4 corners of earth, for a long time we weren't being knowledge as the Israelites, ...on the worldwide scale we are not being fully knowledge for who we are, by the different nations of the earth, if that was the case, those so-called Jews wouldn't be in our land, and we be ruling the earth, we'll be back in our land and we will be controlling the earth, ...and something like God took away their identity as a punishment for breaking its laws, and commandments. and will give it back in time.

This Negro's video is interesting in the sense that it was a Negro who invented the cotton machine, ignoring how its more of a fantasy than reality, his story about Negros and native Americans been scattered into corners of earth, and they finally found their identity as the real Israelis, and that they should be ruling and controlling the earth, its interesting to bring that passage, while its not a credible source to present any theory related to this post, but if we follow in that Negro's interpretation of the said verse, if we analyze it from another angle, its like its talking about marginalized partially evolved human beings that being "discovered" by modern human in recent humanity history, either its native Americans or African slave, were in such primitive stage that they weren't accounted for in the planet demographic composition until right after the discovery of the new world and the transatlantic slaves trade, and now that Negro is driving his wheels, using a cell phone invented by modern humans, to record its video, because, they don't want to be called African American, historically meaning slaves descendants or Hispanic, historically meaning native Americans remains improved by El Conquistador genes. Anyway, it's interesting to know that the Bible invoked the presence of Neanderthals and Homo Erectus, "scattered" in corners of Earth and being discovered by modern humans and introduced to Christianity.

Believe it or not, there is a spiritual union between, Negros, Mestizos, Chinos, Hindus, Pakistanis Egyptians and all kind of Immigrants. What was called colored in the 50's are now called people of colors or second class citizens and its demographic base is larger than it was, and it's not about color, it's more about a shared past, present, and future in term of being the marginal class, since whites are not minority …Yet.

When the Beast is confused: Bro!

When the homo Erectus start disassociating themselves from the "Neanderthal genes leftover infused in modern humans", we understand that the "Beast" disintegrating or losing its homogeneity, which is good for the future of humanity if we put it in conjunction with the shy, barely noticeable awakening of some European leaders of the population replacement going on, as well as in the states, which I compared in another update of anthropology based Reconquista, in the sense that lower hominids improved by modern humans genes and pushed by Jews policy are long term planning a Take Over and a revenge of modern humans for dominating, conquering and even exterminating them as a [race] or to be more specific, from an anthropological point of view incarnation of lower hominids or partially evolved human beings. In fact, that's the essence and core of the term racism.

The term "la Reconquista" must be used in its relative context, since originally it means taking back its land from El Conquistador. Here we can put it in a global panorama both geographically and in term of considering "time" as obsolete, it may be defined as lower hominids getting la Reconquista or revenge from modern humans worldwide for being submitted and even exterminated as lower hominids in darkest ages of humanity.

Otherwise, taking in consideration how this lower form of life is wicked as a chimpanzee, as I describe it before, it's like "mercury", hard to catch, it switches appearance and melts in the host milieu as a reptile adapting and camouflaging in its environment to avoid its predator. 

Here, we won't talk about Negros or Jews demonizing each other, because they are one, deflecting the attention about the existence of the entity uniting them as the Beast, what's crucial and more important than this "controlled opposition" is to deny and blame all the chaos happening in the world on anybody or anything else but the fact the beast has risen and leading humanity into its doom, be it Jews deporting Ethiopians, or Negros in Brooklyn vandalizing Jewish sites, or American-Israeli citizen creating bombs scare all around to make Jews eternal victims and boost statistics of anti Semitic incidents, all the means are used to brainwash humans into focusing on every marginal issue but the real deal of "the greatest trick Devil ever pulled was convincing humans he didn't exist."

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